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Show I SPARKS FROM THE WIRE .KLMIRA, N T Tho ttrlklng mlnr r,r Morris Run Pn.. nnrt mpnthlzen. f,r.m BlOSSDtirs ajtaln n. nib lei In plOSSbUrg 1000 troii(r. and marched to th other mining towns. A hond ncc.mpnnled th marcher, snd another nrg numb'-r of the lmporti men agreed to lay down their plckl and 8hovel It Ik r-pnrter1 fr.,m Merrlji Run that Mother Jc.n Is on her way to that place to help tho strlk'rs NEW AI.PANV. Ind -Rev Ulvsses G Suth-erlln. Suth-erlln. former pnMnr of the park Christian church In this city. Is under arrant on a Srand Jury Indictment charRlng him wlih th-murder th-murder of his wife. Mrs Qvaevltve Suthr-lln, Suthr-lln, whos death resulted October 12. 1W4 from bangfnc nt her homo In BllVSrflTVS, ti suburb of this city. Ths Coroner at that Urn returned a verdict of suicide. POItTSMOI'TH. England - It Is officially announced that this year a naval maneuver will bo postponed. The rcatien Is not given but It In presumed hr.. ihnt ti . . . M. ment Is anxious to havo a large fleet In Soma waters during the coming visits of tho French squadron to EtiKland NEW YORK. On account of a strlko b: seventy small boys n.arly SOO omrdoyees of tho !-tandnrd Oil company In Ivjn& Island City aro out of work, and 11 has been r-und n essar- to ahut down the Devoo oil-work, t tn- porarily. BAN FRANCISCO -J D Pprcckels and brothers have obtained an order from United Stat Circuit Judge Morrow restraining th. Riggers and Stevedores' union from picketing their wharves, intimidating their tion-ijnl..ii nmplovoes or In nny way Interfering with tho loading or unloading of eacis consigned to thfl sugar firm. Tho complaint tiled In the Circuit court alleges that the action of the stevedores and rigger In going on strike Is In violation of the Interstate commerce law. BELLINGHAM, Wash Frank W Thrall jid wlfo aro under arrest, charged with Intercepting In-tercepting t'nlted Slates mulls. Thrall Is currier and his wife aubstltuto on rural route No 1. from lilaltie. Complaint was recently made by patrols of delay and non-delivery of mall Inspectors mado Jn estimation, using decoy de-coy letters, which, the, allege, woro not delivered, de-livered, and making tho arrest on evidence nr.-1 by tills means Hearing will be glvon In tho Federal court at Scattlx Monday. MV8COGEE. I T A special from Nevv-oka, the Seminole capital, eays the Si-mlnolo council coun-cil hus Impeached Acting 3ov. Harrison and elected ox-Oov. John M. Ilrown unanimously to succeed him Brown will uervo until 1908, when tho tribal form of government terminates. termi-nates. MADRID Barrion do Herrera formr knlghl-at-arms of the Spanish court, has )( en arrested at tho Instance of the Brozlllnn Minister here on tho charge of conspiring with others against tho Government of Brasll. A search of tho rcsldcnco of Senor dc Herrera It raited In tho discovery of a number of commissions com-missions from officers who wero to organlzo an army In tho State of Kunaul. Tho commissions com-missions boro tho stump of that State. WASHINGTON Rear-Admiral Yatos Stirling Stirl-ing has been placed on tin. retired list of tho Navy, having reached tho ago of 62. nis retirement promotes Capt. W. H. Brownsun to tho grado of Ri nr-A.Jinlrnl, Commander W H. Turner to that of Captain and Lieut. -Com. GOVS to that of Commander CEDAR RAPIDS lu Emll I efebaro. 8r a noted Importer of Belgian horses, 1s da1 aged 70 year. BERLIN. Telegrams from Karlsruhe, where Emperor W llllam has arrived, describe him mu-h benefited by his Mediterranean trip. His naturally pale face has become really browned by exposure to the southern sun TQKIO.TbS complete tabulation shows that th- llflh Internal loan of EM, 000,009 ovor-I ovor-I sul.i-.er1h.-il more than four tfrnsa Th rni I of Issue was smaller then the early Indlca-' Indlca-' Hons promised. SPRIN';n Et.D. Ill The Senate has pass" ! a bill previously adopted by the Mouse giving the cltv of 'lilcag. the right to fix maximum rates for gas and electric lighting. CHICAGO. The resignation of John C Fitzer from tho receivership of the L'nL.n Traction and North hlcago and Wes' Chicago Chi-cago street railway companies has been r- . calved by Judge Grosscup. The resignation Is bollovad to be the beginning of a move to I consolidate the Union Traction and underlying underly-ing Interests wdth those 0f the r'hlcogo t'lly railway. In dealing v Ith Mayer Imnne and the city of "hkago Judge Hrofrup said h would accept Mr. Fety.er'a resignation. 1 iNSTANTINOPI.E -The Sultan has conferred con-ferred on J. rierpont Morgan the grand cordon cor-don of the rsmanll order and prcsn'-1 him with a vuse from the Imperial porcelain fnc-tory. fnc-tory. JACKSONVILLE Fla. The condition of Henrv Cabot arleton. tho playwright, continues con-tinues unimproved. SEATTLE Successive powder explosions In a fireworks factory at Columbia, a suburb of this 1 ny kindles a fire whkh destroyed tho factory Adjoining ehops and a powder magazine were saved by strenuous exertions, ijeorge Aver, an emplovee. was badly burned and hurled thirty feet 'into the street. |