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Show DEN CHURCHES. I May Worship in Junction he Tribune. May 1. Church unnmin-A. vices In Ogden t--da - nr- hi sHodlst church. Twenty-fourth Kl Washington avenue and K Prof w I, I n 1 rwood, eu-Bl eu-Bl a. preaching by the Bestir 2 fl 1 devo- subject, 'The M.lklrip Kxerclsi ' Mrs s .T Crlffln. j m , preaching hj tbe pastor; I every Wedncday evening at in, Invited of Christ. PHentl? Ac. surth uti 1 nt 11 .1 m suh-k suh-k mi'! 1 i ' Hilng A SUn: ml - pro glvin of I.'., ) In sii.i h 1 ;i 11 r. 1 ..i - to 1 1 1 ' 11, g The "Tirl?- tt re e 1 n .1 ft 2)2. 1 B in ' . : 111 an 1 frin i Jt r.re welcome rvlcv it II 1 r, t- j,i 1 1 nil 9 evening m It chin. I M . It rtloo I. pa- Bin ic-' 01 11 t Christ " In U,., . nlri- n Mpt1, progran r.,e v. I 1.. Menu.,!r- I . ; 1 c n f 'i I p Mltihll will rlr.u- Mr-. I I Will r-:. I :.: M , .. 1 1 han,.-. will tlx, a Fhr.rt riaprr. Tho ! the pr r. Bxercl l; ili children. Sun-K Sun-K p. m . f Junior 'ounr p"pl s tinr. ? lWfk p.-.i- . ' in.-, tlnic, Thui.di- Indus!:! 1 1 lpoon ni - i ,,. r'r , . n at : r. , 1 ji,., m , puct-ir gheran church, , hit T ijKersoti 1.' 1 1 1:m1m looming 11 gham. w-iiish rvf-nlnir s-r- jBlJtlon -I thi- A v . .().. Vt, r odle.- Aid p...,i;, ..in prdlnl wdcomo t., ii'.n-n ..mbor Bnllcal bL PauTx churrh I. v Fleer, r.a.-t.,i-The n. - 1 , ,r WU fll-gt fj-rr,i..n Siind.n-. M.iv 7, jMtthe Smdl'.li l.j'l fmn church' corner Twenty-third street and Jefferson avenue ave-nue Tou. reader, and especially all the friends of tli atec-named church, are herewith here-with cordially Invited. (Jontral Park Pimby letlan church. Sn-Ic morning and evening, it and " 10; Punday-chool, Punday-chool, 12: Y. Y. 6. C. E., 6. 30, pramer-mect-lng Thursday, 7:3. Pregbyterlan church, J-.hn Edwnrd Carver, pastcr. Morning worship. 11, even-Ins; even-Ins; worship, 7 30: Sunday-ech,-ifil, 10 o'clock. Endeavor. 6:30 o'clA:k. Thsro will be no further prcnrhlnc; Mrvlcea In thl church until Junn U. Bunday-gChool, hrUllan Endeavor and Wcdnej la midweek praj er-meetlng will contlnuo as ojual, |