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Show I SCRAPS BETWEEN PROMOTERS BAD Nay Result in Killing Game on Coast. In That Case Salt Lake Might Prove Boxing Mecca. Hugo Kelly's Victory Over Philadelphia Philadel-phia Jack O'Brien a Surprise to the Public. The Pacific coast fight promoters are framing up a grand blow-off, judging from their actions during the past week Morris Levy of the Hayes Valley Val-ley Athletic club beat Jimmy Coffroth to the board of supervisors and got the permit for the Whlte-Brltt engagement! engage-ment! Then Co ff roth comes back with threats of grand Jury and court proceedings. pro-ceedings. If the game can stand that kind of racket long It Is stronger there than it has ever been In other localities. I Scraps between promoters make up an old story In pugilism. I doubt, however, how-ever, if a worse bit of work can be found than that which has rome off in San Francisco. At this distance I wouldn t try to pass Judgment upon the two sides to the Question. The whole-affair Is bad, however, and should have been avoided. Coffroth seems to have been the victim vic-tim of a pretty raw deal. All the bad luck has been his, but that Is true, of' the under dog In every ilcht. His worst offense seems to have been a desire to cut In and get some of the money) and he has found out that "butting In" doesn't pay in California. Levy and his associates might have taken a better method of showing him the place to get off. Wh.it reports have reached me show that I hey used their political pull to shut Coffroth out They waited until the last minute before be-fore springing their trap, too. Of course "all'B fair in war" and there la i no doubt that this is' a case of war. If It Isn't It's a good enough Imitation to pass for the genuine, anyway The worst feature of the whole performance per-formance Is tfvt Jabez White is an Innocent In-nocent victim. White Is a visitor to America, He came hero as the champion cham-pion llght-weiifht of England to meet one of our too-notchers. Fair sports manship demands that he he given a fair show Instead of that, however, lie finds jj himself mixed up In one of the strong est "hammorfests " that has taken place In the world of sport for many moons. It Is equaled only by the clash between the rival turf bodies In this pec-tlon. Like that. It Is a struggle for control of a big game. Let us hope It Will not have the same result. I Meanwhile Battling Nelson has given ' up trying to drag Jimmy Rrltt back i' into the ring and has taken to the woods after easy gam. He has signed to meet either Louis Long or Jack Cor-dell Cor-dell May 'J, the light to tak. pine In Marysvllle, which Is somewhere in Cal-V Cal-V lfornla. Owen Moran, the English bantamweight bantam-weight who came over here to get a j match with Fraakle Neil, is keeping j rather quiet for a championship asplr- I nnt. The little foreigner Is supposed to I be matched with some two or thn-e Eastern boxers for limited I bouts In Philadelphia. Thus far. however, his , only appearance has b.-.-n is second to "Kid" Taylor, a Chicago boxer, when the latter recently fought Monte At tell i in New York - The surprise; of the week was the victory over Jack O'Brien that Hugo Kelly cot in Indianapolis Many a fight follower knew that Kelly was tough game, hut few thought that he was clever enough to cope with the Quaker City middle-weight. The fight went the full ten rounds, as most affairs do In the honsler capital, where knockouts are frowned upon. It is not generally known, hut In the Indiana In-diana Ity the boxers must wear eight or ten-ounce gloves, regular pillows. Then too li. . i .- :ir-- .nit lom .1 hef i ingoing in-going Into the ring that only "boxing exhibitions' are allowed In the State It is even reported that some men, who seemed to outclass their opponents oppo-nents have been threatened with arrest ar-rest If they persisted In knocking out their man. Reports of the Kelly-O'Brien fight agree that the Chicago man was entitled en-titled to the decision. But some accounts ac-counts said that the fight was fast and . lean, and others had Just the opposite oppo-site to say about it. It must have been fast, for O'Brien usually makes plenty of musk when he gets into a ring, and Kelly has always been willing to mix it lip Kelly's strength helped him a lot. At the end of six rounds he was behind, but in the last four sessions he kept up a desperate rally and wore O'Brien out. The Italian, his real name is Mlchell. had some new blows up his sleeve and used his left with good effect O'Brien had to use a lot of generalship in the last rounds. Jack was cautioned by the referee several times for rourb work. Back-heeling, Back-heeling, and use of elbows, head and shoulders In the clinches were charged against O Brien. No protest came from Kelly's corner, his handlers being satisfied sat-isfied with the way their man was performing. per-forming. The men are liable to meet again. They have already crossed arms four times, Kelly, getting a draw In a ten- round go In Kansas city. I mher 2a, lft03, losing a six-round decision In Chicago Chi-cago March 18, 1904, and getting the worst of another six-round go in Philadelphia Phil-adelphia September 14, 1004. From this record It looks as though he stands a better show with O'Brb n in a long fight, and will probably Insist on at least ten rounds for their next meeting. Not many matches were made this Week. The inost Important of the few that were signed is the engagement he-tic he-tic een John Wille and Marvin Hart. The articles were brief. The men are to meet at catch weights and go six rounds In Philadelphia May S. The it'll weights clause will let both of thejn in as heavy-weights Next best comes the promised return re-turn match between Martin Duffy and 'Billy'" Mellody. The welter-weights art to to twenty loiinds at Spokane May 12, weighing in at 142 pounds at 3 i clock Duffy has been .liter a chance to get on again with the man who knocked him out In four rounds and took his title Of white welterweight welter-weight champion away. That Buddy Ryan has since grabbed the title from Mellody doesn't harm this coming engagement en-gagement much, it will probably bo fast and interesting, with the winner hard to pick. " |