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Show I PERSONAL MENTION Rntph FmJk of the Fa Ik Mercantile oompmy Ifl at tho Knutnford. Kdward M. Onrntt left for Portland last nlclit for a fe-v days. Georjre K. Iyer of tho Dnvla Shoe company haa returned fr-m Boston, Mnsa. . Mra. K. A. WrlRht of this city ha gono to I)s Angel for a brief itay Mr. and lira Walter J Boa tie left gt evading for a short trip to the Pacific out C. Julian Han-ay, who recently graduated at 6t Louli, has returned to hla horn In this sttr. The Rev. H A. R. Ramsay of Virginia Cltv. Nev , la stopping with Mr and Mr. F A Druehl. W W. Lealia of Curtis Broa & Co eilnton la . Is vlaltlng in Salt I nks and will remain for fovcraJ daye. Senator and Mrs. Reed Emoot and Mlaa Fmoot cimi up from Provo lost evening and left for I-o Angeles and San FrancUeo. Mrs. E TV. Clark of Ophlr came In yea-terday yea-terday with her little daughter and left on tho I-os Angeles exprcse for a month In California Cal-ifornia Mm L. C MlHsr wm one of tha passn-KT passn-KT on Uio I Angelei express lent n-lnif. n-lnif. She will Join Mr. Miller, who left on the excursion. Mr. And Mra. H W. Child of YoUowstoiM pork paaa'.l through Salt Lake yesterday afternoon af-ternoon dlr.lnjr at tho Knutr.f.jrd. Mr Child manages the hotels In tha park. Mr. and Mrs. W, K. "Williams. Mr and Mr Ocorgo A. nilth jjr jjrs Davl.l sn:th ft W Morris Mr md Mrs. Antrua M. r0n-non, r0n-non, ailb Nancy Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Jr.hn Q Crltrhlou nr among thoia who left for the cnaat last evening Fronk C, O'Kellr of Rlversld. Cal . Is at the Kan yon, v,cln; nftcr business Interest In this city. Mr O'Kellr married Mr. Camp-ball, Camp-ball, -id w of Alan Cumptvell a".'ral m.rnthsi ago. His wife frs) Well known In Salt Lake, where aha hai lived n number of yeara and aa for a Urr.e, ongnge.1 n newspaper work. |