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Show I Angela at Los Angeles can readily barn that all the men In the Salt Lake party are not Saints. Property-owners will feel relieved for a while now, a majorltv of the members of the Council being out of tow n. President Smith will not care to go on the witness stand until some time When he wants to feel uncomfortable. Among the concessions the Light and Railway company will not make Is one that the Newhouse proposition is a good one. Ample arrangements have undoubtedly undoubted-ly been made to prevent the excursionists excursion-ists from suffering from thirst while crossing the desei t Salt Lakes excursionists wear no striking garments, relying upon their fine appearance and a neat red badge to attract due attention. Strangers -visiting Piovo from now on will And it difficult to reverse the custom cus-tom of taking a clove with a drink by taking a drink with a Clove. In his settlement with his depositors, Banker Schettler will cheerfully waive all claim to occupancy of the big home in which W arden Pratt resides. Mr. Peltier thinks he is unfortunate he ause some other man resembles him., but he should remember how much I worse It Is for the other fellow. But has not Mr. Peltier proven worthy of the clothes given him by Senator Smoot, by not sending a report to Washington against the Senator? Councilman Wells is in the business men's excursion party, probably for the purpose of protecting some of his fel-low-Counellmen from good advice. "While no definite time is fixed for the return of the excursionists, the Coun-ellmen Coun-ellmen will come back in ample time for the Important duty of attending the circus. cir-cus. J Mayor Morris remains in town, hav- ! ing felt, perhaps, that If he went to Los Angeles advantage would be taken of his absence to revive the smoke nuisance. nui-sance. ' Those enterprising hoodlums who have been throwing fire-balls on resiliences resi-liences on the West Side are entitled to something more than a few kind words I from Judge Brown. But the hierarchy will hardly feel conscientiously bound to return the property of tba Schettler depositors, given It as tithing, there being no law to compel it to do thnt. |