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Show I A STILL HUNT I FOR BIG GAME I Man lo Blazed Trail I for Raven Co. Is Noiselessly Scouring the Field of Hydrocarbons and Utah Iron Deposits. I Sees in the State Another Opening for an Enterprise as Stupendous as Previous Ones. Irving H. Greene, who, with his unoh- truslve but deliberate method! blazed 1 tho way nd made It possible for the Raven Mining compart) to achieve Its vast acQUlaltloiia within the Uncompah-gre Uncompah-gre reservation and In other localities whore tho hydrocarbons occur, and who was for several years the vigilant reprc-ecntatlve reprc-ecntatlve In this city of I.cvl -. Letter, the Chicago millionaire. In whose behalf he acquired much valuable property, reappeared re-appeared upon tho streets again yesterday :itr an absence of several weeks, his face a study In bronze and with everything o Indicate that he has again b. ' n scouring scour-ing the resource! of this Stat-- for something some-thing equallv as valuable and In behalf of equallv powerful principals. While Mr Greene declined to be Interviewed upon tho objects that have ..gain drawn him Into this arena, he did Intimate thai he had i" hand at this time an undertaking that could not fall. When the nature of It Is divulged, to Interest "he entire State. It Is surmised that this artful prospector hU In view however, :iehie emcnts as hig as those thut have been consummated in previous years, nor is there :in Impression Impres-sion other than that these achievement! will be founded H',..n resource! similar to those upon which his former principal! have hullt. Mr. On ne was ot- of the ,'irrt to grasp the significance of the hydrocarbon d -posits in this state. ;md to appreciate the possibilities ih it were npenrd up by them to Intelligent i xploltation. in ids noiseless noise-less wav he has iirosp eul imt only the Interior Of Ihe r mtahgr anil i Int ih reservations, but has extended his researches re-searches Into the iron deposits with which the margins of those hitherto forbidden empires an- endowed, and thai these are tn receive his attention Is not at all un-ltk. un-ltk. IJ It w;ip i hroUgh his efforts inaugurated inaug-urated nearly ten years nsi. that the Flitven company now one of the mmt formidable for-midable ami one of the wealthiest of concerns, was Induced to titer the field, and It Is the success of this enterprise that has Inspired Mr. Greene, perhaps, In similar undertakings Cor thai coropanj he cm ii. Iu ted all of the preliminary work, and not until its final crystallisation was be persuaded to part with It. that ho mieht exploit the ambition! "f Mr. Lelter, which he did with equal aucceis. It was last October thai Mi Greene returned to this commonwealth, and while he has uniformly but courteously during periodical reappearances in town declined to discuss the objeet of his search, bo niwsehi a in the old field affords almost conclusive evidence mat it tartake! largely large-ly of that which originally brought him here No one has made more exhaustive Mnd of lln- hydro. )! rb-. n d. posit:, ..r tin iron thai occur In thai Stat, than has Mr Greene, and that his researches nt this time will culminate in the creation ..f another big and profitable enterprise those wiio know him and those who are conversant with his methods ire ready to believe, notwithstanding a alienee BO pro-VQkJngly pro-VQkJngly dense at this honr. It Is not Illogical Il-logical to assume that in this undi rtakJng ho has the co-operation of Investors as prominent and as resourceful as those With whom he ha surrouniled himself in previous nn s. and that when he doeu consent to speak. Il will be to release tin particulars Of an enterprise that shall appeal to every Interest III the Si ite Certainly those Who know him will wish him a auccess on this occaflpri thai h 8 characterized his efforts In prevloua 6ni s |