Show THE C S InRG IN iTaREniLiiiiIi I j HAS OPENED THE DOORS OF ITS f Grocery DepartllTeli t The iimnnRcniciit liaviuven ireful attention to the details 01 selecting n stock which lor c ce lcil cf hnc mri anil sumlnnl nient will compare flaxorabh with the stocks ot the 1IHST OROC1JRY STOUliS 01 THIS STATE We shall 1 1 1 of o nf P air AS 1IIK 1RICK ON OVIJR ON IS HUXDRHD STAlIK GROCERY 1iIli cIVity e Ollddl bUdL U ICtiH HlIOW ATTEST clenrlv hovNiiig Ill plainly he who tuns may rend OUR POUCY ONE PRICE TO ALL AT A FAIR PROFIT Our Fair Profit mean tlmt AS Mire AI the nun lwie l in clotnllens space OUR PRICES Ulll PRO Vii that any tctiden uf Snnitiiit County who orders n bill of groceries frum Chicago St Louis Suit Lflkc City Oj len Park City or Evanstoti buy < ud bill Al A LOSS for the comb so bought laid down ns COMPARED WITH OUR PRICES IOR AN EQUAL AMOUNT EXPENDED Mill Provisions Etc I lour tilth Patent pvr lOti IhvO < 1 fetmlf tirade IW lion 235 L4rUII will find our prices right on Hourns bought fines the rice limn aiuI Shorteh er cw l 1111 araham riiiur 10 Ib lack till I Corn Metil 10 Ib rack hate Flake 01 13 Ihl for III JunkirCutt per Ioklllo 1llr llrenkfait foal I IVItlJhn > pkg III lllro bust Jorhn r lies for f Mire best native 0 lb for 111 i < jJlolllh for 25 Taploia A 1 jioniidii for 3 Stir lleanillMfnr 15 Mncvamnl Inimrtwl ber pkir 171 IVail IUrlyTHIn for J1 herd ralrlmnkf 3 Ib linn for illl II H 1 Ih tins for 15 II III blithe for 0S Cheese heat erwin G MM for SS Iliitou dry Nit ate lfts6ihs for III IIraklatt II per Ib HI lliitn owlftslerlb 1Jtr IMrkle 3 Kallon knit for 70 be ij AjnlrksiiiinUwlpK i II Chowchow UiTtxAmf rlcan p ntJUj V r e rCJMH Ileo5l I well pts 87J fickle Cross A II inued pints 8710 IeplKr fcnnci fine ilomcitlr bll III Uorceitershlro fiance latt I < Per rill 1 bottles fur 53 Catsnp Snyder pint bottle i 5 8 rip Fie Coinage a gal keg 1S5 Syrup Paragon pvr 1 gal I keg 135 Free Coinage 1 Ml un 111 to lialfiinl i an J5 TKi Etc Continued Njrai II larajon luilfval ran A I all I to hId I can 15 Slralf JIiil I gal eau far I11 SOU Kirk twvuii In Mr 1UO t 1i ctilc 21 bar for 1011 S14r Kln fonl Silver JIM 1Q 1iirc her Jlkll till torn let pbg Is l husker Corn per pkg OH mUIt lIAh grim Kr I stuck aOU I r II is Ib IoU ioo C l > rilll rhmkles Mb pkg JO Ilnn Mb I Mcka < t > JO Ii kchllllngt Modi and Ja ya blend Iwr < Ib 10 lISAi irleok flue Jolongi r Ib 117y j J Japan Schilling p rlb 10 ii ImlMU 25 ff > ujlwrlilMli 15 furrnuli law eleanet l M lln IOO W cptekaree to 3 MM for 05 ltillfm8CroKii13lbsfnr C 100 4 ldloes lr lb 1Ji 0 IViirlifi napwlwl per Itf 11 I 5 ptimIoel Ir I Ih 111 I I prMU Ini per Hi I I1ty All 1 4 I I oflOj I 10 qh tut i mncpniTirTrijr rr tepee ulltwl nrb oti 1rinn choice per Ib lily IllT choir per I Ib li I TOBACCOS HunMboe per Ih f 1151 llst V Axu per Ih 2S bulbs Mlttaiv prme I 1 paikaxe 111 1 I Ilnrtiin 2tK pkll thin > e pkg < for f 2 CANNED FRUITS MEATS AND FISH AND VEGETABLES rnilli nmrlMl8 a Ml can for I IB Jellies eortwl a Mb cans for 110 Jams attuned 3 MbeaiK for Ml Tofimtwt Utah n tlllt for V fetes Little Nell ter I can 10 Due suirar per I tan I 11 Bean slrltii I < vt mil 11 Posh and llwtiif Wagnt ra 9 mim in VanCitiiip txlla in Cent choice par ran 10 Blue Ulwl l can for 12 Corn lhrertnninr2 iHjoiiii 15 two 1lhcnin I tt lnnrh T iiu trill rotnn for M lUni devil al wr can to rndarmiod an 20 Siiriilnes Trench two cnn for 3T oil doinettlc H > rJran in I muilanl ilomvs 3 cam in 0itrrf lx > iil Mb cnn for 10 I lIb uaim 3 for 50 Mlmou CnltlngV I IbinnsStur 3ft Cocktull hunt liner 2 for 16 112 Ihil jxrian 20 BUTS CANDIES AND CRACKERS I V anilnl cilrna lip 11 l Ir tr t ip o I o a 9tm m t Brail Null fler II I IB niheris lien crop Ir Ib 16 innilj home made nilxni n Ib 111 i hlale tromp per Ib IJ1 rarameli pvr Ib 12j jolly heano I lee lli 1110 mint loaviiK peril 11 i i I giiinitrjp pir Ib r0 rnrerrtlhun 1 hiirtall 12 Home Made Crackers f 1i Uh II1j A II SoJa fxrlli t 09 VII piiokage per Ib 10 Pearl Oyster per lb If 1 linger Hiinpi per ll > 1JJi Cixxn Tarry liar per Ib 18 SplcaiBatingPowf rtElricttEtc Union Kit Utah home nude tut hurtles f 1 < 10 uiillhl il Ulnli home made Sat bottles 10 Union oxl Utah 4 oa bottles 220 Vanilla oxt Utahl u < tallies 22 > Cldrr UiifKJr UUKralnipurgal 1G i MunUrd ground per Ib 11 IVppci ground her Hi 15 III Ira iMr Hi I L lIlDSfr It I 2u Crt > uiii ot Tartar floe I Ib 21 Siilnioc 4 iiiiu es for 20 ClnnaniDii JUT Hi 15 411Ipicenholeher Ib IS Cloim whole lee Ih 25 IKMOV IICU Ir Ib lit It CniKIN IlHI per Ib 176 HI > II CiiunliV It I ackngee for 1111 rablvKaltKt I I I m IC m a k h 16 1 turn i r > lit sacks her Jt rocoil Ynnll iin imni for 48 I CliiKolutc llakeis iwr raktilU HIt t llH 10G > 1 iti JI 4 rs ttMf80IJSOH9IJiHYISIfIt Nliiic 1111 Itoliu I Sun Jfyr V3 < ni 1C old iijl < > 3 for a byte VHI lee 01 Into Uthl Frezr ter Ix t13 r Meli hn relmraph 12 boxes for JH Iarlir tl lame for 11 lllarkliiK MaMni Urge ITU unnll 01 i Rhiuinit Casters Imlll I for U i > Rich Hmd t per pst ksn 11 I J i 1 We ask you to carefully examine the above extended price list of Family Groceries Wo wore prompted to make it in order to escape the imputation of selling a FEW LEADERS at or near cot as I many merchants do and making the loss of a fat peroentage good by increasing the cost to the cousumur I on articles they do not advertise I TOYS n ilOHilhl GOODS Now ready for sale Usjful W8st Molt Attractive our selecloBS JINO rids PosltlYGlg s He lowest a t alto the stock li I7We like mono and vnhte success but Wit DONT WANT THE UARTII Summit County will do Auy merchant mer-chant may FOIJOW and not incite our innlicc but it WILI be u FOLLOW for they hAve lett the beta down and we nre nibblinr the clover with full freedom of Cite pasture assured We wish to sny in conclmion that thti riccs named on goods Hated herein will insure us n FAIR PROFIT that should satisfy any murcliaut in business who buys his goods right and cmiiloys correct business principles Respectfully submitted by the Cash Bargain Store Coal vi lIe |