Show IIISV70V llTIKIt I f YeaM 1111 IINru cailIIIAIrTJ Ut lll < onN HIT J 18 IMXI Uhetherlt It Iwauw loiiirmt had I got hrlttnoe us lie boor I > IIr list the fmlllilual f < v lio bats tsn nlftilng the motllka ri > olutloni and making thewe art rvailytu lliilil Cuban rpveakv In both lloiiiu ami Htmut do Hot reprveent the milting Mtntlinenl I that tntlynf a wlioo ton ran gorse lor yourself but III i very ifrlnln thai none nl the M cPt mint ri rlp < l by teleerHih rom Vul iiiimiiliiini ofllw eiiuntry aure ruitla 1111 i n M IIIITOIW volunteer to light lur I nba Lad Ion I eihlblled In Coo g1 II St nator Morgan made a regular 040 rtai ch ots hi trry pcaeeablaruolu II nli 1 n h wan ailupteil by the Senate rulhsg mi the 1oti11eImt tut all the Culiiin Inlornialluii In hie yiiMeieou that In lil > Julf meiil may properly JU Uliii Inn II lee male toentuljr teat ad itruiiMHl nutiilng men appnWblug enihn ta > in liiiteatl ol predating for mtr the neralien r IDd Ittlw J u t tlwtl11retlflhhn I 1 1tpt11kiilti lens Uhalvter luay be done when UoiiKreM rtMuawiublee etwyuMly milk mil-k 0 bused with their ChrUlmai ls1 ° ra lions lllh the tertnlnty That thulr 111 t I Jovineitl will not he broken I In iifion by llielmrth tocilntif war lull no incli Kttarantee ran be shell ttgalnil liiillueti Ion The n executive rommlltee 01 the III teiallle Unlnn li In Hnuliin ut Vmh ngloii illMuitlni the 1 n slush meaiii sit I oiiiUmilnu llio light for ulUvr tmmw Ime ago It wai utalwl 1 that It hell Uili couiinlltromrllhi would ben penurul conference of the vllver leader Inoluil lust Mr Dvali hut 1 up I tu lit limo no aiirh Kentmi niiifvrvnro lint Imin sell stud nuim rHinii to Iw I uoutviuitliUwl Jell Warntr prmMent ul the union MVII work ttlll to kept up by that or Knl atltui In quirt ttny He h i too IIhlll polllltlnn t In I iipHt that veiiiml imbllo Inteitwl Iwo ill kept tvnteretl 1111111 any glielil11 nlh II allllllclI ice clone il I ii II V > r AlltMti ifiolullun I fur the In MmtUitlou olllni ui ul I uiuiityi In HIM late rrutltleiital OHnipalin linn rauml more commotion tlmu npjWHrit tin the tirdtce Tluro sire u crettt inunj pro Ilu whu nonlil illillVi ten > truth to w > u iiichun lnetlnitllun mntle fur tine or anutlurrtwMn but It In I uv4J11ei to ty Hint they aru not uniunt lull up ioruriot the recent VruiMcntnl sirs irntloni 01 Mr 1 llrynn Mil Allini KVV lie Intend to purl Ida resolution niul nuarly sill vl Ihu loi Hrallc Stimtom unto Iuihllvtltrl 1 their 11I1t1I01l < iir iurt It 31 1 r Allvn any I framctl Ihe uiolullon no at In Inatmlo I all partkx bud 1 tlo mil Ho bow the Senate iu reduo to pan It The matter Is I Ht tritrllng attvnllon nil stir the rotintry and ortaliilj hero li n blot on tku florllon It ihouM be rjHwwami wiiuM l alt ur ut l < Mit n nholtume uarnlni I I Klmn th it thu oirelaw U I not to bt > re ateil Senatorwill not admit that any attempt at-tempt 1 In I being tuaUo in defeat the nomination nomi-nation ol Storttary Pranoli but the fact that the tout In PlmtiiMroumilttte I tl Molt Ia now In tlinrwol the nomination nomina-tion at the angyotUoii 01 Senator Vet ilitMiil not to take the nuttier III until lliUMIi 1 Hirl IcvUlnluro htti rtHlecteil hint to HID Senate Iroinlnent llepuUlmni Inclinlliii I I ClialrmniilliiiU > promptly tlcnkHl Ibo I 1 rumor that they w111 lllepllriUg In at tenpt to rnb lilt tariff Mil upon a 55 I h I HIM inirllr of the Mima War rnI l I Mrat ttiiiirilltee ills now working I th alL hula CofI0J00 rtornif tm h I 1111dayoftiie liin to h atuiil m rslrii wmlonnf Cnlwrr Dim II i > Hr are prominent It Ilerionllnin who woni I itlmlly itvohl an fiira 01100 It I uttim Inn thai they MH > mH llrcljr In still nli a 00110 wHhftt erf trying n n II i at hit rninnr Imllntlml tl nlo ca lain Neither will fury try to pear 0 i IHn try bill at this robtn In I prmlillu for It holiday rn > Ongm took lIp Hmlt tan tot from lvr inlrr 3tn4 to Jnnnary 3 li Some tnvinWri may have I vela 10 I r in I lout holhlay jnit fnmi A lyt ti fnlit i I I llmt bolhlale rin iirver tv Ira 1IIV I Let othrre 111 w beratlM I il W11r1 I rr I dory the probabllliy of tmjSliIni Uli u I ilnit at thl < e lnn except t 0 M II t prnprlallonblll The Uihl hill to fxelmlt x11 Minp k eopleeof newlrlpele nndnll rtrkll 1 sb I MtittlotK not ne r fMpef Irots thr al l vAnlnjwiol the ntiinl 91911Ye role Ce illH > ii ieed In the boat toflit MIIM < I h lovilop that It be + eu nppiMllien aunt month in mkf lt paam < M NNr I rlona iiiatlnr of itotihi IIltlHlfltlhoa tilt l vole dmwnl a mi til tnAfortty In H > fetor Much iintmwiinl wai crealM ° In the tenat when Henntor AUrteh l intrr 1 pi1 l Senator Vwt who WOo making e tarlfranil flnamilal tpeecli In eM 11 II i alientlon In hit ttalcuiemt not brlur In aoronl with hli grand leaiUr I ills Olrve band Jnlck a a flaeh Mr 1 Vett Itirnnl 1 iipjn 160 IDimul island StMtoraml aid Jlv Inriucr leader with nurkil I awiin nn former Ull mrnninr win errotrd with Moats of laugh rt I |