Show tunn IOiujIa nll Wnrk Dr Oniinji Doyle I n rfnntkfilitn worker Mol of lilt llmo rfwlly Mm 10 hot I Kltdiiup to tlio lienltliyciijnrinont of life II In 1011111 however 10 bu able onuoinloully In cxiuillno work whlh ply For limlanoe ono luoy IH > O him iignKul In n vlcoroun gunio of cricket Ito tlio early utiernomi I and lho cricket fl IIII ltlk limy ba follonrd bj n brlik counlry oeffii walk with n friend llcturnlni from I tile walk Dr Dojla nlll nay to tlio tlrnd Wodluo nt 8 clock Ferliip you Vould lIOn to lulto n troll round s ho Kiitdui before dtnuliiR wlilln I Io 1 Ui tnlm And bo retiree imiuniittlr to 1iijoy n rent ° Aflor dinner Ito IIIIIT ninko loma uncli quIet rfiinitlt in thlt In ill friend lljr Ilio way rut her a Imp py Men occurred to inodnrlnit oar wnlk tbl afternoon Hereupon ho Klf tlio outllno of nvcryflnu plot ° What it otipltnl Idea for u eluort dory exclaim limo friend So I thought remark ho imvollit Well will you do IU Ob Itoilono It I ole Dr Dojloi rule reply t vrrota Ibo utory while you wore walling lu lho nardcu |