Show 4 PRESIDENT IS SUPREME I Hcerctnry Olncy M kcs an Important Im-portant Statement A 010lengres Con Nat Ileeagatee the Independence ar C baba1nwer lies with slip loInlCn l > > laln tstherwle Wa hlngtnn Dc 2OMltCh Interest po and Imporlince wit Hitched to the meeting 01 Secretary Olney with the Senile tnmmtltee on foreign relation last l week when the cnmmlllre hid under nrloeritbHi Chandler resota c I lion recognlilng the Independence til Cuba The altitude nl Secretary Olntjr I while detfrlbed M Wing opposed to the i ennimltlee i plan MM not If > pronoun I eedlv igilnsi It ai a yar ignnd no opposition op-position wit et1eted l Hence yetter 1 day when the secretary announced that the power ul recognising the lniltp nil Price ol tuba wn tutu a perroifallve ol the president much surprise ins caused On some hind his potllbm It I bully tuslilned while im olhtrt It U I admit lei lhtt perhaps front a purely technical statement nI law the ncrHarv position It I correct hut Hut It certalnlv smitten the principle of the contllltnlon Those who mike thl contention reverie Hit clrcurnilancri Supposing they My Hut Ind president drelirrd Hill he intended In-tended rrcnnlM I a republic unit Hill eongrett thouM ps a resolution de fitting In their Judgment tint no such action would tie taken would It be pot tlbte Inr the prldent In I the dee nl list Kli1un nl both the senate und hissse Ui I use the eireullve prerogative and recognise the republic This eon tlliulloutl point hat far the tins bring I supplanted In Interest Ihe resolution lltell and fits kiKiwn Hut when the lit elation It rough t forward a debate 1 ol ontldnrable interest and length will en se on hit I allele I I he position ol Mr Olne setting forth lint ol the Ml ministration will undoubtedly have Its effett In settle quarter ill the senate and U It I said tonight that mfflcfn I op poilllon tin be muttered In detect the resolution aHATOIAL 11I1 Sill YVathlnuton Dec > o there It I no luimJtllwi for the lUleiuetil that con grew may not flit will rccognlie the lndcnndtiire nl > new nation nor slit I think Mr Olney content It but he thlnkt the mailer ought to conic mm R Ihe president II however congrest should pas 1 are a-re rahtlns and the pretldent should vein It I It cm lie posed by a two thirds rat vote ol each house and would become a Uwtwhlch Ihe > retli1ent mutt respect imlobe JOHN MKMMAV Washington Dec st1 I think Hut Mr Olneyi poilllon U untenable Inn In-n opinion congress hit the power by I statute or h joint resolution lo recog flee the Independence ol Cuba II the prcildent apprnvei the mature there tin 01 course be no controversy II he disapproves II and It It I pined our his lo1t become a law ol the Und > t el fcclually at II he had approved II and hit duly ID execute hits equally Imperative Impera-tive In either case C K DAVIS Washington Dec sol concur In the opinion eipreticd by Judge Cooley at itt forth In your telegram JOliN W DASIKL |