Show urloun ubnt C asss There It a series ot small and large ol the Cuban caverns In the marble rock n ban nountalni which are being gradually filled up and that too In a moit remarkable remark-able manner The common land mills ol which there arc many ipeclei and varletlei In Cuba make time caves a retort during the dry season They congregate con-gregate on the floors ol Ihe cavern In Immense numbcri and million ol them never leave The ton U I thli The water which drops from the root or ceiling ot the different caverns con talni large per cent ol carbonate ol lime When the water evaporates the lime U left behind and acting at a cent ent It glues great layer ot the mall hell together every year This pro ecu going on season alter con U gradually filling up the Cuban cave and It Ii I only a question of time when hero will not be a tingle cavern led on the island |