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Show w r- - tHE CATARACT In tb n boly well iu wbt'b swims a while trout with a red sjvt on in aide. . L'rly Wutle, mother of the poet, tells the Iftri ud of how this strange lhh : ini wells army was hrn origtr-sreug ihrmlgb Ireland, It biouaked in Iho ncipLhuihood of tin wrh, A il RUNS THE 8TREET CARS OF BUFFALO. NOW ' pit-rin- rol-die- r, coa of tlx most remarkable moehsoinal Humph of tb century, mark not tb end, bat only tb btgiiinlng of a gnat era of Industry. . Tb harnosulng of Niagara, that project wbJth f04; years baa Jyen.tjx j i ,ful)T dream of scientM baa twn XeiTMmti tb.rnwt&l Still cation of tbe tremendous energy which baa been running to watt for age. Of more only email portico of the power in load see of, and tbe besnty of that jplgbty eatarart la not In tbe !aat Im paired but while It will etlll continue to thunder on a tbe great ebet of wat m 5 S!isasj pan. Immediately it leaped floor. Heveral timet this was repeated. Finally the aoldier put tbe lid on tbe ot being leas than 0,000 years old, as aclen- tist bars fur year held, really data back 10,000 years and probably more. Tl h the shape of broken bits of prt- V pan and a great alone npon it to bold it Li'ii be thought the down. d it to a plate. The ed,jie Tork'du-tTfuww'ut, Wtver, ha M Ins it there was a great ahriek. tbe trout lrai'd to the floor, and there instead of beautiful young girl with a flab blood streaming from her side where th fork bad entered. Tbe girl reproach ed tjie soldier with bis cruelty and com manded him to put her lu the well. where site was obliged, to stay until tbe enchantment. last day under tbs spell This the soldier did, and the enchanted one ia still there, in the form of a white front, with a blood red nmik upon its Side, The legend does not tell what of the aoluier SaTbCt 1rn-fVrre- t j j y7,DWaXd j lit i tb r riftT orvr.RSToa hVa Its leap fiwvwrd on Its course toward ths ocean, a pniipo-aHvaltley rivulet will bs dlvsrtHd snd set to turning thou- sands of wbeiH When the lute Sir William Piemens returned to England 30 years sgo, after a visit to Niagara, and told an audlencsof English tuienUsM liiai is would be pood bis notonly to put s bamers on that cats teat, bat to trasunll wans of It fur a dl tanas of several milos, ba was looked upon as a dreamer, a an enthusiast, and wlM men smiled at his fancy. Just 18 year later thevNlagara Falls Power company was organised and Issgan to put into operation a project much mors extensive than Klemsua had suggested. It was an Immense undertaking, but since 1880 the week has never lagged and has been put wxl forward with all tbs dispatch possible, In making a start ths power house was looated a bo tit a mils up To this stream from ths American fall spot a canal was dug 1,760 feet long, 830 feet wide and 18 feet deop This was lined with solid masonry, for through It the water, which was rushing on to leap over ths falls, was to bs conducted to th power bouse. 1 he entrance to this Intake was fixed at a point 600 feet out In th river, and so emhankmenta had to be built out that far. Work was tic'vin on the canal In 1891 and wae finished early lu 1893. An outlet bad - to he dug also, and this required a tunnel 7,000 feel tong, with a full of 80 feet This respired tb rater to tb river below the falls. It took 1,000 men thro years to ,SUt this passage through tlx soft. rock. It. til brick masonry. Jiutb ths canal and ths outlet will hold water enough to give 100,000 horsepower, lhsw.bem of converting tliaforcaof Th hataraot Into trnww that toya b bandied rmmmtm ( W.Willll l'U(il - 0W wheel out uuder tlml Immense waterfall would, of oo'irve, b Uipraotliel. So th water I conducted slung the bank of the river to a pier where It is ellowed to drop down through shoot into big turbine wheels tbeu It is showed to slip away through th outlet end escape Into Whirlpool rapids 'This pert of th river does not enjoy th great plunge wbtoh th rest takas, but it has a very exciting time of Its own and comas out In just as turbulent a state. At tbe bottom of tbe greet wheel pit are faceted tbe turblnee. They are of speols construction, and, although each on 1s oapeble of developing 6,000 horsepower, bom of them Is mors than feet tn diameter. Upon each of these wheels, bu waver, 7 deemed a ouluma of water ISO feqt high, which ia brought down through a penstock, or pipe, 7M feet In diameter. From the center of aaob turbine springs a steel shaft 140 feet fang, which support at th top the outside shell of on of th great dynamo Tb shaft and that part of tb dynamo t Which It Is attached weigh 40 tons, and tbe weight of this great mass nets entirely on th body of water which enters th bottom of th wheel pit between tb two halve of tbe turbine. Thee shafts have almost ss much work to do as those of ocean steamship They er 88 inch In diameter, but r re hollow, th walls being only of an Inch thick. At present there are only three of these turbine in position, but the wheel pit Is being enlarged so that seven mor may Iw f th added, which will utilise just water power of tb present canal. Up In tlx power house, on a level with tbe river, ar located the great generators which turn tlx force of the falling water 4utq electricity. Thee ere the largest dynamos ever eonstruoted, fur each will develop 6,000 Tb biggest generator in the hfirsrjvuwcr. intramural railway taut at th World's fair developed only 9,100 hureepovrer, so yin can readily tmugtix what monster tixes must be which buckle Niagara to tb trace After the power Is generated tt Is conducted out of tlx power bouse by lines of cable and thus distributed to tbe manufacturing cci erns which have sprung up la the imsnod'ate vlciulty aud to point as fir sway as Buff. do. lhs present tren. ir.iwlon llu I nearly 86 miles In length, but it is estimated that the lots in energy - After carrying th power thus far it fax tusn 10 per cent, lhs poles ou which the ebiles are carried am unusually substantial affair and ar thoroughly hreced and guyed. When th cable enter Buffalo, they or lowered aud luid in a eemented d of a single rod of copper omdutt. tlx eondact.tr have hern mad of 19 strand, which Tnk a cable thro.quarter of an inch thick. At present Buffalo only receive 1,003 horsepower, which I used by th street milway company. But as electrical power s is to be delivered In the eity to ell at th rate of lit) horsepower per annum many manufacturers will soon steam, sud the city will be lighted by electricity from the Tallt Tovrcr ij to U aTl Intermediate . .. distributed t print, too, a ad great ir.eeufactnrtng Ststrirt, extend ti g from Moaws to Bullous, Is predicted fu the nee faturt three-quarte- one-hal- Ir..-Uv- eppll-eaut- dis-sar- bad conducted not altogether displeased with some of the apart wt nts. "1 hope, she said, "that none of thepeothr here keep tltigs " 'borne of them do, replied the truth-fo- l j ' , , to eVgM who .7 year has been tbe real bead of the expeiil- tlon sent out by that Institution for tU purpose of niuktng archamlogioal explore-- , in Asia Minor. Professor Hdprecht Is now recognised as ths foremost Asayrlol- agist In tbe world. Tbe expedition Was organized in ths fu rumer of 1K88, with Hev. John P. Peters o( lotx.rts cull.ige, Constantinople, as 'en executive man. hi no 1893 Mr HayOcs tms Iwen director of the work, t,ut has bcmthetranslatit ProfraTrHHpm-of ell discovered. 'About 180,000 has been ssnt In the work, but employee. the results are admitted to have lieeit tin) "Are there any children?" most Importiiutever auoumplislied by su b "There ain't any use of ineistin on an expedition. folks bein born growed np. " ' When the party first stirted for Asia "The style of tun dicoraliuns doosn'l Minor, it was determined to make the sits of the ancient eity of Nippur, where t.is exactly please me. , und Im most antique evidences of civilization hid "Theyre all afraid the landlord wouldn't change been fouud, the scene of the expedition'! work, 'lhe adventures which the scleutiiio sm. i j Lral ; b 1 tbe piduo! "Not ma'am, pit is learnm." ney from Nmyrna to Alexandria the French steamship on which half the expedition had taken passage was wrecked on the i land of Ramos. The distressed travelers were rescued by Prince Alexander and --"That's too bad. I dislike noises. Its a very nice place in many respotts, lint dog) hark, and children cry, and iuno) jangle, and Itn very particular about doooration. " Well, maam, there's only one thing I oan say," "What i it?" "Yon cant expect to rent heaven for $60 month. "Washington Star. In treated with great hospitality. After many exciting and dangerous mui-- J ak lime to. bo she decided to $23 for tbe evening, and she got it without any difficulty. Her protit a daring the season were enough to enable her to go to Forope and have a number of photographs the country taken to be, used in her lecture. Thin winter as aoon as W ; Wanted Ton Much For Earth janitor aveots which took place more than , 000 years before tbe cmlngof Chrirt, when km had not been oonoetved and long b fun tj, pyramids bad been begun. The man who has added several thou-sand years to history and who has brought to tbe new world tbes relics of prehistoric antiquity la Professor. Henna V. H,h .,ou7lt"r Pr?jtriwf1,bd 1 of r' YerrWf'lWbrttetCtr,e'hi;tuVof o The ' 11 rower Crorntwd ut tit Tall raay!raaia ArehmologteU Tara n,k th. Page. Of HUtory .ml Find HnCalo m fable Dow Ut Hu Orl(luUil toil How It lie beating of the cphudid white bora Carried Owt - Fwtnr PruspoeU. trout in it, swore he would here it for In Buffslo (treat ears are being run by bis next meal. With a eeoop net be and when el. trio pn w or guiiiraloJ t Niagara Foil, mating! d to capture tbe fish, tbe frying proofs that the world's cl rllliatlon, instead t 4 miles away. The completion of till, be reached home laid it in out on the Cmdart4 U ' son the commenced there was another mHUdJor to de-V luy .a. PBOTESSOR Ur-Gu- r, Ur-Gu- an-ste- nt " school-house,- Wooden Apoouo. In tbe district of tSemettevsk, where wooden epoons chiefly come from, about y II penetrable . IS Charles VII of Franc was th Vio torlou Be won If battle T was brought darkm-a- jh. And still fartnerduwn tbe pit were carried until all traces uf humati lifevan- cut the v !rgl n cUy of tlja 1 11 Babylonia, which- had lain undisturbed by man since the creation of the world. .. YliuaPriifiMout ildprechteottoworir to decipher the Inscription on the broken bits of pottery. He found that those Liken from the lowest levels had been scrat hed with cuneiform characters by men who had lived 1)000 B. C. ' How long It bad taken elvlllxatiou to wx.cL tb point where thl form of writing was known snd practiced I merely a conjecture, but Professor HU pxcht I sure that eUleest 8,000 veart required f ,r this development, and he does not attempt to estimate elajiscd during which the Inhabitants of tbs Euphrates valley lived without writing at alL . . A R. Mac Dos a ux - s 1848. H. T. HILPRECHT. eatlon of a former, and so the eirarallor were begun about tbe old temple of Be wblub bod been dismissed with a basf The walls f glance by other explorer this tempi certainly gave little ev Idenc sf greet antiquity, for they teemed to bet been built by a king wbo bad lived only 1800 B. C. A very little work with the pick, however, showed that th bricks bearing his name formed only a outer veneer, er extra trail, of the real body of the tern-pl- a Tb temple proper they found bad been built by King who flourished 8800 B. C.j gnd was made as a place of worship for tb inhabitant of a younger but greater city than Nippur. Tbe Penniy Iranians dug away until they r same upon tbe foundation of tempi end they found that, he bod laid them well. Directly under this was fouud two courses of Immense baked bricks, 19 Inches square and 4 Inches thick. Each brick bad a convex top, being shaped Ilk a loaf of bread. Nothing like these had ever been found In any port of tb world and great was the mystery a to what potentate eould have censed them to be put there nntll Professor Hilpracht d ciphered tb cuneiform Inscription which appeared on each brick. This proved to be ths name of King Sargon, who is mentioned In th Bible, bnt whom scientists have fur years declared was a myth. Nothing had ever been found before to prove that there was any sueh person, but here were thousands of bricks bearlug not only his same, bnt the deliberate thumb print of the slave wbo made each brick. Heretofore history could only go (lock ns fur as Nivromsin, but here In the hard brick was proof of the existence of hla father, Nirgon, who ruled ftliout 8800 B. C, This platform of Jargon proved to lie tbe orlgiuul foundation of tbe tcuq l., hut th excavations were still kept up Cnder the bricks it Sargon they f umd hcrata abo,t Si) feet t'd. k containing frogmen of lnocTitievt vMa that hod gradual i ten deposited there I y ie,turici f thl, ,i mt On throe vase or t.il let. It seemed tl e records ol tx temple hod teen insert led. At each foot the inscriptions bounce more primitive, aid w.tb each spadeful of sarth the history of a kingdom tl.vt bud for thousands of years hceu wrapped in Im- Her Application. The atndy of definitions presents many obstacle and diffiouUiea to child-la- b rniud "Spell ferment and give it definition, requested the schoolteacher. , ferment, to work," "F responded a diminutive maiden. "Now place It in a sentence, so that I may be sure yon understand Its me.ui-iuR,said the teacher. "In summer 1 would rather play oat " of tloort than ferment In the returned the small scholar with goch doleful franknues aud unconscious humor that the teacher found it bard to oppress a smile,- - Youth's Companion. The first submarine telegraph wlro in Wouldn't Let Them Be United. When McKissieks cavalry were In winter quarters in front of Richmond in 1864, the following amnsing incident took place: Lieutenant Jack Palmer was lecturing Torn Rodger for hurting his hoi se s back. As was bis on such occasions he used lan- two-third- s cu-to- J Selma ; always according to the weather. Yon may go shopping in your ruin costume, but after a few hours it clears, the streets are dry and clean, and then, of course, it doesn't look well, to walk about In short skirt In Europe ladies have their street costumes arranged so that with one pull or with two buttons they san change tbeir ordinary skirts to the desired length. It look neat, sice even. And should ths rain stop they drop their skirts to tbe usual leugtb by simply undoing one button or one string. Dressmakers put this arrangement into all street dresses and even tbe ready mads ones generally have it Wonld yon not suggest ths ides and let tbe ladies see how they like it? Letter in New York Herald. -- Cwful Member wf Fatally. Th Portugueae say that no man eaa be a good husband wbo does qot eat a good breakfast, which leads the Watermean bary American to eay this ts way of throwing upon the wife 11 th husband's goodresponsibility for-th- e ness, for without good wife there oan be no good breakfast for him to eat That may be right In theory, hot it U man wrong in practice. We know Wbo baa cooked breakfast tbe greater part of the time for the past 15 years for hi family And we violate no con Aden oe when w eay it Is a good breakfast to& He la n man who love good living, and he knowe how to prepare a meal with the beat of women. Yet be la a workingman who pats in from 10 to 15 boars a day of bard work and the kind of work that la exhaniting.--An-aon- ia (Conn. ) Sentinel. thl country was from Governors island to tb Battorrjn New York, laid In irrttif: bT and i re- sumed the practice of law. The political career of General Pettus began back In 1841, when he was elected eolio-w. PETTU ltor of Sumter county. In ' 853 he was elected solicitor of The Rota Skirt, In reference to the rain skirt I wonld Piokens county, and throe year later, at age of 84, he was elected judge of the like to suggest an idea. I have just re- th Seveuth judicial district. Nmoe then he an turned from extensive trip abroad ba held no public office, although be ba and have very much admired the way been a leader and counselor of his party In ladies manage over there. Of course it many an exciting and bard foogbt cam- Is very nnpteasant to drag a long dress ' paign. He has frequently been asked to through the streets iu rainy weather, eooepta nomination for various place but bnt at the same time it is hard to dress'! untl recently has refused, England quocr superstitious are current boot eating blackberries after Michael- - j Das day. The country people say that on Michaelmas eve tbe old gentleman "plants, Jsls cloven foot" on all tbe blackberries as yet ungatbered. After this date. Sept. 89, it is nnlucky to pick or eat tbe fruit Tbe date upon which the devil "pats bis foot down" against blackberry eat In big varies in different district il u a. late as Oct 10, by which ? .time one would naturally suppose there worn fio blackberries left to stamp out. But the story of hit prohibition is told iu many place Great misfortune, tick-w4mm ii oeth will sonsiy fuilinr disobedience to bis order But why bit satanio majesty should concern blmsclf so particularly about blackberries, when so many greater matters might be said to claim his attenIt may tion, none of tbe etoriea state be that he considers blackberries too healthy and wishes to limit the consumption. pet-trot- - bny h? worked a farm and obtained an education through bis own effort He studied law and was engaemensssheeonld admitted to tbe bar. Lets In the seventies pretty girl, wVfh an engaging be made bis appearance In politics, when of nothing more th'an a eerie of aneo- - be was elected to the state legislature. two terms he wae, on being After dotes agreeably told. Her engagements Sleeted serving for the third term, chosen speaker are usually to lecture before women's of ths house. This was In 1889. At tbe eJubi of societies of some kind, and the conclusion of his third term he was elected occupation Is free from all tbe unplea- - state senator end was made president of u Pbae' oTlJirofea- - -tbeMr.senate. life KK began th work Clay has been an active figure In ,lontt. State for several year having been politics her and how shows succtaiA experiment, made chairman of the Democratic state anexpectedly a woman may had employ-tlon- s executive oommlttye In 1894, a position meut of an agreeable and profitable previously held by Governor Atkinson. kind. New York bum Mr. Clay Is a vigorous campaigner and an tloquent speaker. Of course ba la an ara Twe thlnU Tot Ia Idaho, dent advocate of the free coinage of sliver. His home Is at Marietta, about 80 miles from Atlanta. General Edmund Winston Pottus, the A Unexampled victory for woman successor of Senator Pugh, is suffrage has been achieved in the state prospective one of the beet known iuen In Alabama. Idaho. of Hitherto suffragists haveonly He was born about 75 years ago in Limesought to attain for woman suffrage stone county, but is remarkably Well pro constitutional amendments the served and vigorous for a man of bis years. majority of votes for the question, He was graduated from Clinton college, Virginia, and began- - tlx study of law In whereby amendments of state constitutions are usually adopted. Bet in Idaho, Tuseumbla, Go., in 1840. He was admiton Nov. 8, more than of the i ted to the bar a year later and settled in votes cast on the question were recorded Gainesville, Sumter county, where he practiced nntll 1818, whon he caught the for woman suffrage. gold fever aud went to California He reAnd yet it is claimed by the oppo- turned to A1 ilnma two yours later, howsents of woman suffrage that by a pe- ever, and practiced law until the breaking culiar wording of the clause of ont of the civil war. s; 's.tVnoa-rhT.He was living at Cahnba when be enter tbe votes cast at a general election ed the Confederate service as major of the and that those not havmg Twentieth Alabama. As a leader he was 6 brave end fearless boon given for suffrage tbe amendment end was several U lost. times promoted, Such a provision was never intended reaching the grade by the men who voted for tbe new con- j of brigadier gentitution. It would be uujunt, unusual, eral in 1808 At the close of tbe undemocratic and nnrepublioan. We do war be located at not believe that the supreme court of ktnf AlGI).fca- - .tbw U' AtAbatrat she got as V fllh bhe adventures, they finally arrived at t Babylonian mound which marked the sue at ancient Nippur. ITofeMior Hilprerht Idaho will so interpret the state coDsti- had a theory that the ancients were oocu tomed to build one tern tile on the exaot lo-- tution. Any sucl provision, if it exist, was fraudulently framed for the express purpose of perpetuating tbe disfranchise-men- ! of women and was never underA Old Coeotry Suprstltioa stood or intended by the voters of Idaba some of tbe sonthern counties of Boston Womans Journal. 7,000 men make a living at the trade. The spoon are generally made from birch wood, aud a skillful workman can turn ont rovers! hundred a day. No fewer than 1?. 000,000 spoons are course of the year, which are sold at 6 to 8 ruble (13 shillings to 1$ shillings) per thousand. They find a ready market and ss far as Penis, Khiva, Bokhara and Kbokaod. Plaiac Ahead ml Tima. v Tbs Marquise de'Foi;troy tolls this story of Sir W.Iliuio HarmuiU It seems that on a Monday night during a very busy Lcndi u M a- -J m, after consulting bis list of itigagt in nts, be wBt ont tol dinner. He fancied he observed on making his entrance to the drawings room that his host aud HoSsA looked at him with surprise, and e'vue embarrassment. But he did not think anything more about the matter and enjoyed himstlf very mnepr Tuesday be kept another dinner engagement, which was entered in lm book. Again he noticed an almost frightened look passing between his host and hostess when his name was announced. Again the embarrassment proved transitory, and Sir tbtwougirff enjoy- able evening. The same thing took place ou Wednesday snd Thursday night But on Friday, while keeping the last oflhejjngagenieuts of the week, which were marked down in his book, he fouud that the butler wbo was to announce him was an old acquaintance and had formerly been in his service. Tbe man started back and gazed at him open mouthed. "Whats tbe matter, Didnt John?" asked tbe statesman. Yes, Sir yon expect me to dinuer? William, explained the butler, "but it wasn't tonight. It was for Friday of next week. Investigation of the engagement book explained the mystery. Each page noted a weeks engagements. Sir William, in hi baste, had turned over two pages and had thus bt en keeping engagement) which fell due week later. nrt j (( BW ' VmriormmBmZmm. ' A young p rl w ho happened to know J Cmrmra of Clay and Prtto, aerators great deal abect a certain country in From Alabama an Georgia. Europe di Cl d.d last winter that che ; Atcxa mbr s. i who will succeed would try at en entertainment given ffir Senator John B. Uunioti of Georgia, and W. 1 flu ritable pt;rp.e to t her fnen ls E. Pertus, w ho th oal t3 what she trow aid we liow they enjor- - . -- it. The experiment was a SUCCa by j Pireh of l.ut after awhile the was pi, ii a rot-- to ref eat it ofteney than she had T Ult county Tipperary, Inland, The Wbtt Truat NIAGARA IX IIABXESS j , thecen-turloawhi- Comb Doyle Rapid Work. Dr. Conan Doyler is a remarkable worker. Most of his time really seems to be given up to the healthy enjoyment of life. lie seems, however, to be able WILLIAM S. FORMAN. economically to combine work with play. For instance, one may see him engaged in a vigorous game of cricket in the early afternoon, aud the cricket may be followed by a brisk country walk with a friend. Returning from the walk. Dr. Doyle will say to the friend: "We dine at 8 oclock., Perhaps yon would like to take a stroll ronnd the garden before dressing while I go, And he retires, presumably up stair to enjoy a rest 'After dinner he may make some such quiet remark aa this to his friend, By the way, rather a happy idea occurred to me during our walk this afternoon." Hereupon be gives tbe outline of a very fine plot. What a capital idea for a short story," exclaims the friend. "So I thought," remarks the novelist Well, will you do it? "Ob, Ive done it, comes Dr, Doyle calm reply. "I wrote tbe story while you were walking in the garden. " Career or the New Commissioner of Internet Kevenee. William A Forman, she newly appointed commissioner of Internal revenue, ha for a number of year been prominent In Illinois end national politic and was the candidate for governor In that state of tbe In the reoent gold standard Demoarat oampalgu. Mr. Forman was born In Natchez, Miss , Jan. 80, 1847, but was reared In Naohville, 111, where bis father moved when William was very young. He was given a good education and became a lawyer, settling down to practice In Nash villa In tbe legal profession he mode rapid progreee and holds an honored place at the bar. Early In his career as a lawyer he entered politics and was twice elected a member ef the state senate. He wm next nomi. nated for ood gross and was elected as a A Womoa ef Good Work congress from Mr Temple, wife of tbe prelate who tnemher of he Fifty-firhas Just been appointed by Queen Vic- th Eighteenth district of Illinois. It whse Retoria to the primacy of the Churoh of dose and exciting race, tbe opposing st England, i an ideal helpmate for an arohbishop and ever since her marriage has identified herself with many good work associated with the name of her husband. In tbe sees of Exeter and London Mr Temple has been a great favorite with all classes of society and is vice president of the Ladies' Homs Mission association and of tbs Ladies Diocesan association. Shs ia the daughter of tbe Bight Hon. W. & Lasoelles, M. P.. third son of tbs aeoond Earl of Hare-wooand she, as well aa two of her sister the Hon. Mary and the Hon. Emma Laseejles (now Lady Edward Cavendish), has held the pcs of honor to her as ajust y. Among her other accomplish-asent- a Mr Temple ia a clever stenographer, and her sympathetic manner and the kindly tact she has displayed in her relations with the clergy and their families make her a popular 'boat ess. Kansas City Time Collnr. t Among minor movies we see that, in place of the huge white sailor collars worn last summer, fashion now affects the preadTDgetHarvtta that ts ent in one, with a flaring medic! that stands oat picturesquely around the faep. The storm collar, which is straighter, is also still in fashion, snd thl etui he brought np snugly as a protection against wind or cold and allowed to foil when not on doty. A collar of this- sort, if well stiffened and of course well shaped, gives a very smart appearance to the garment it finishe and tbe quantity of handsome fur required for It is less than eight hs suppoeeA - Hero ngaia is an opportunity for utilizing remnant of for end turning them to excellent sc oouuk Table Deeeretlooe, No longer are tall flowering plant Instead used for deoraratiug tbe tabl there are lew dishes tsstefuljy arranged with choice flowers and delicate trailing plant mingled with appropriate leave and mosgets. Another pretty way to arrange flowero for the table is to fill a low dish with small blocks of ice and weet emeliine bud and hlooenma guage that was more forcible than elegant. While the lieutenant was pouring the vials of wrath ou poor Tom, Frank Milhtood interrupted him by saying, "Lieutenant, what do you think of Dr. I think he is a first rate felDrfgau? low a perfect gentleman," answered the lieutenant I dont know so well about that, replied Frank. Why so?" Well," says inquired the lieutenant Frank, 1 got a letter from home, and it is a certain fact that the; took two soldiers to Union the other day on the train, and Dr. Dogan wouldn't lot them be buried iu the village churchyard." At this tbe lieutenant redoubled his anathemas und swore he had a notion to send a detail of men home to kill the What object did he have? condoctor. tinued the lieutenant Why, says because they werent dead." Frank, Just then Frank beat a haety retreat uuder a shower of epithets that were more noted for their force than elegance, and poor Tom eaught it worse. Gaffney (S: ' C. ) Lidger. Matter of Courtesy. An irascible man entered the substation exactly at 4 o'clock, and, approaching the money order desk, politely re- quested lhe presiding genius to issue him an order for $50. Too late, " said the damsel curtly, pointing with an ink stained finger to the clock. The indignant man stormed, raved and finally challenged the correctness of the timepiece. Tbe imperturbable lady smiled. The following afternoon, two minutes before the closing hour, he again presented himself snd calmly asked, "Am I too late? "Only just in time," reThank yon. plied the damsel crossly. Now, mis I must trouble you to issue me 50 orders for $1 each. gasped the horror stricken woman. Her tea had jnst arrived and was standing on table blund the screen. Surely said the Madam, you are joking? man, raising is hat politely, courteNew York Adsy begets co . I y vertiser. d, ? -- An A miming Toast,- - well kmiv--. :i ytung ia,vver is credited with iqqkrg a haroile1bull at a banquet gven by a local organization not m.piy agd. Tqusts were called for, and to the young lawyer fell the honor of suitably remembering tbe absent friends. This s tbe way he announced it "Our absent friends bow soon we would show them the depth of our regret at tbeir absence if they were only here with, us tonight. " And. the funniest thing about it' wae that nobody caught on to the ball until soma time afterward. Cleveland Plain A publican WIUJSM en ml Ida to TOP. MAX. - securing 46,16) rotes, while Mr. Firman received 16,177. He wareelete! ns a member of the and Fifty-thircongresses. Hli Republican opponent of four years ago was W. A. Nortlgtitf, who wa recently elected lieutenant governor of Illinois. Although Mr. Forman had no hope of being sleeted governor of Illinois at the election, be mode vigorous campaign IU the Interest of the party which he represented, being particularly active in pressing charges against Governor Altgeld. Mr. Forman still resides tn Nashville, where he bos extensive business Interest He fills the place made vacant by the resignation of Commissioner Miller, wbo resigned lu order to swept the vloe presidency of tlx Americas Bonding end Trust company of Baltimore. Fifty-xoon- d re-o4- Ho Leak la Odd Krfmbers, The Finnic! have such superstitious dl tike of odd numbers that they studiously strive to have in tbeir houses so even number of window end so on. doors, room cupboard d ni-.- n Dealer, Rone's Triumphal Crowe. The triumphal crown of Rome was made of laurel leaves and was given to the general wbo achieved a great victory over an enemy. He entered Lhe city, not by a gate, but over a portion of th6 wall which was thrown down to afford a passage. At his funeral bis laurel crowa was placed in his bier and buried with tbe body. -- |