Show i Story tor n 1IlI Alioiilthrn + months ago WI I 111mm found mmll little on Itts front lards early In lino irHirnltiff I It UM nleml two thlnln dill ol liquid nml the Iwttlv ten InUleil pam olo air Drantli thought Mlllo ol It lit the lien ant knew 1 It I ml been left Ilsvro hy HMnniim inlmlimer nwl thU nwlldnrn Idi horse Tine matter 01 the Mile hnd lawn Hntllely lnieottinlHlt It UI ery lordbl I lirnufht tn mind chit Res k I Mr I llmmli bat put the belli liluh slam n ulioll aunt sue Iwfuro elates had 1 I IdrRottcn All Almiil It Un TneKUy answerer Mr I Illlli H ntsr usd lliUir Lnhngellghtly III thouiilitn gol 1 dose imrngorlc uoull relieve her 8AI tc coidliiitly asked l tine 1 llrnndi If 1 else lind m 1 oath ti drug i III tJlnhollltOo Jive I Brunch than Ihonulit ol the Ultl tint had IHIII 11111 I null relnlwl time rireiim slants to Mm I IIIIU Sit tho plums time lirliiKlni oith the nnlele Mr Illlli pomed out n tHlil HODlnl fir CIo moll cine and woe juit stout In nrUoit It when n drop that had Allen on her flnguru he llebwt It 1 of IIIWUM lima I mare mid nvrvoniiwM when U mi ills ixieied thill the rontenls were tIIllIl I li I laudanum lliin Ii surely n OHM nhiru n iijtl ie drop Med Iou life far the 11111111II1100111111 had she taken It would llkly have wvn filch l And nn the QUWtlflll If I who led that doelly driuthiti Oahnuslnl 1 to the cigtoelty anal wlilitn reach ol 111 t lIlll11 1 rwi 7 fl NrinsAtY111iMIlliits rN I neuter did It |