Show THE SAUNA CALL By C V LUND 8AL1IU UTAH STATE Jr PTETTE E DEATH OF HOLD FIVE UP Of DESPERADOES PASSENGER TRAIN UTAH NEWS Overland Limited Held Ur Neaf Omaha Seven Registered Mall Pouches Being Secured by Highwaymen Unprecedented Rains Responsible for Lose of Life and Destruction of Property Along Waterways Two Countries Fail to Come to UnThe sugar beet crop about Willard Cowboys Overpower Sheepherders has been damaged by blight Tie Them to Trees and Kill derstanding in Dispute Over Oklahoma City Okla— Five people There will be more than 400 graduThree Thousand Sheep are dead at least ten seriously inates this year from the eighth grade Dependencies of Macao Omaha Neb — Four masked bandit! In the public schools of Utah county jured several thousand acres of crops held up and robbed Union Paciflo are Inundated and every stream In Gust Johnson a Swedish laborer passenger train No 2 known as the the northern and eastern parts of the whs killed by a passenger train at overland limited a few miles west of Frenzied Cattlemen an Almost China Holds Spent state That Portuguese Have the city Just before Lakeside his body being literally raging as a result of almost unmidnight SaturEntire Day in Slaughter of Sheep precedented rains during the last Illegally Occupied Disputed Terriground to pieces day May 22 and secured seven regAfter Which They Cut Telephone twenty-fouA hours In Oklahoma tory for Years and Insists That istered mail pouches Rudolph Kremer of Ogden Is dead number of houses have been washed Wire and Escaped as the result of injuries received when Islands be Evacuted The sacks are believed to have conaway tained a large sum The robbers evhe was thrown from a light wagon by The dead are: the shying of his horse idently got on the train at some town Mrs W W Brown and three chilwest of here The occurred Five gauging stat ous to determine Grand Junotlon Colo — As a result about five miles west of the city limthe annual flow of the streams in Em- of a battle between Bheepmen and dren of F Foraker Lisbon Friday— The dispute beMrs Mattie Jones negress ery county have been established tween Portugal and China over the its in a deep cut along the recently cowboys on a contested range near Mrs Brown and the children were f TUe work wlCl cost $4000 Chee Colo nearly 3000 head of sheep possession of the dependencies of constructed Lane drowned in Salt Creek while attemptThe robbers climbed down over the Macao has become acute George Davis found guilty of run- were killed and two sheepmen were The Portu ing to escape from high waters Mrs guese tank and forced the engineer" to stop ning a “blind pig” In Salt Lake City Injured but not seriously The sheep Jones is sending Gengovernment ' dropped dead of fright when eral Joaquin Jose Machado to Induce his train and then proceeded to ttie has been sentenced to 180 days imwhich belonged to Taylor Brothers of near China to come to The clerks were forced to Montrose were grazing on a range the waters of Boggy creek prisonment in the city jail an amrcable under mail car Enid surrounded her home near the Hamlet of Carblnero Promoters of the Utah & SouthThis notwithstanding standing the open the door and hand out a number Railroad tracks near Shawnee of pouches of registered mall western Railway company have been to fact the that received the re has reports According government Tulsa Pawnee Once they secured the bag's they Muskogee ceived word that China absolutely reguaranteed a right of way over pri- here the cowboys dashed In upon the Vlnita and Oklahoma hurried away In a southerly direc- City are In bad fuses to enter into vate property in Cedar City herders and tied them to trees and negotiations with condition and section of track are tlon'and permitted the train to pro-- Edna Hansen and Veda Scott were then went among the sheep and killed them The slaughter of the sheep reseverely Injured at Logan in an elethe Arkansas Cimmaron and Canadlested and as soon as the robbers leit vator accident the elevator eluding the ne'ghboring islands falling quired almost an entire day In order ian rivers and traffic ts generally dethe train to prevent the news leaking out the China holds that all the dependen- the scene of the they were taking a ride layed cies of the town of Macao have oeen came to this city tJoseph F Fisner a smelter worker cowboys cut the telephone wires and flood is the worst since 1872 The A big squad of police hurried to the occupied illegally by Portugal for Is dead as the result of injuries sus- made their escape In the hills Sever- and the loss of scene and quickly started In pursuit crops will reach many some years that the tained at Garfield only concession when he was al hours later the sheep herders were thousands of territory ever made to Portuga' of the bandits struck on the head by a falling gin discovered and liberated was of the town of Macao and sbl The authorities of Garfield county PLAGUE IN VENEZUELA pole EXPLOSION INJURES 8IX insists that the territory and islands Residents of Ogden have launched have been notified but owing to the a movement for the location of the fact that the district in which the Precautions Taken to Prevent Spread be evacuated by Portugal Missed Shot Causes Serious Accident The Seculo reports that 'the Britof Dread Disease 6tate capitol In that city offering 10 sheep slaughter took place is In a on the Southern Pacific ish government at the request oC donate a quarter of a million dollars desolate portion of western Colorado Caracas — As a result of the reapOgden — Six men were seriously inChina has intervened In China’s it is not regarded probable that the pearance of bubonic and a site for the building plague here favor jured Saturday at the rock quarry at will be cowboys captured President Gomez has 4p3ued a decree Despondency caused from excesPromontory Point on the line of the The range in which the crime was sive drinking is assigned as the moof diseab WIRELESS WEATHER REPORTS Southern Pacific making the declaration by the explocommitted has long been a contested tive whcu' prompted uaonel Zweis-leobligatory and providing for the sion of a “missed shot” All the Inand several murders have New an aged German carriage trimScheme to Warn People of Aptabishment of a corps of maritlme jured were within ten feet of the suited from quarrels over it mer of Ogden to take h s lite Storms sanitary police to prevent the imporproaching shot and suffered external as well as Warrants have been issued by the tation or transmission of While attempting to cross the Cot Infectious Washington— Flashing around the Internal Injuries tonwood creek on a plank Le Roy authorities of both Mesa and Garfield diseases A work train was standing world on ( wireless by warn telegraphy flor the arrest tof sixteen The report of the director of tlhe Ings of Davis the son of Mrs Fred dounties approaching storms and other sidetrack near the quarry waiting fc Davis of Murray lost his balance fell raiders several of whom are said to sanitary commission announces one disturbances of the elements is one the blasting to be completed befon to be known the sheepmen case of bubonic plague and extensive Into 'the stream and was drowned of the latest international projects loading The tra'n was In charge sanitation measures already have beResolutions were passed with the Brakemi by TRAIN according to an announcement made Conductor Jenkins WRECKER GOES FREE gun The authorities have set apart here house last week authorizing the secreTribe and Earhart Engineer Waf Still another of perhaps little less egh and Fireman Carlson The bias tary of war to loan cots and tents for Italian Who Caused Three Deaths Will a building to be used as a special of all importance is the proposition to hospital and the sanitation the annual ng was being done under tjie direc national enNot be Punished equip houses has been ordered All perthe vessels of all nations with uni- tion of Blasting Foreman Erick campment of the G A R at Salt Lake Butte Mont — Louis Ferris a sons leaving Caracas are being ex- - form signals The first blast had been 'fired City Italian ranch hand after un-- amined These are the leading problems to t 7:30 and the second was to A large plant will be erected in dergolng a trial for murder and secur- have been be threshed out at a conference of dls-Sanitary commissions follow As it had seemed Salt Lake City in die near future for an Ing acquittal has been declared appointed at La Gulra and Puerto Qre tlie men were looking for the manufacturing of coal briquettes tinguished meterologists of the prin- to expert andfwill be allowed beilo to preyentIf possible the cipal nations to be held In London on lie wIre to the second hole and It is said this plant will cost $50000 to go by an This closes one of tHe most j spread of the disease to these ports A were about tep feet from the hols June 21 next and will have a daily capacity of sensational cases in The proposed conference Is the out- when the explosion ov virred about COO tons Senate Against Free Lumber Montana history Jenkins was the moit seriously im growth of a meeting of the leading The son of G W Phillips — The lumber schedule On the night of May 1 1908 a BurWashington the although away meterologists of the world held In lured of Sprlngville while wading in Hobtrain using the Northern Pa- of the tariff was under consideration Europe several years ago The United from the scene of the explosion ble creek got beyond his depth and lington cific tracks was wrecked within the almost the entire day on Monday States will be represented by ProW'as drowned the body being found limits Three men were killed with Senators Root Heyburn Borah fessor Willis L Moore chief of the Thaw Denies Use of "Hush Money' city the next day a mile below where the Two theories were advanced The and Dolliver contending on the one weather bureau N Y— Harry Poughkeepsie accident occurred Thaw end his mother Mary C Thaw railways claimed that the engine had hand for protection and Senators Tired of Life at The brick work on Springvllle’s been of Clapp Burkett and McCumber argu- some Others have issued statements attacking the dynamited new 2000 opera house is progressDearborn Mich— “Uncle whom later sued the Northern Pacific Ing as strenuously against the policy Billy” affidavit made and statement Issued ing nicely with a good force of ma- for damages claimed that the boiler The day closed with more than a Gray 99 years old and the patriarch In New York Hart by Clifford W sons It is expected to have the of the locomotive which was wrecked decided vote against Senator Mcr of this section Saturday ridge formerly counsel for Thaw in that there was building completed and ready for had exploded to left live for which the lawyer said that he had Cumber’s free lumber nothing amendment shows in November of pari3 spent approximately Louis Ferris was the police suspect the ballot showing 25 for and EQ and so drank a quantity $40000 "hush While walking around the Southern He green from the effects of which he money” to conciliate maintained his innocence against persons ' who Pacific railroad shops in Ogden at an and steadily The surprise of the day was the at- died at a subsequent trial succeeded would otherwise have Injured his cliAfter mixing the poison in a tin dip- ent Air titude of Senator Dolliver who hereearly hour in the morning Harry in convincing the jury is suing for counIlartridge tofore had stood with the “progress per at his well and drinking it the sel fees and issued h!s statement fell into a Armstrong a transient vat of boiling water and was severely Appropriations Reach Appalling Sum sives” throughout the fight He took aged man calmly laid down to die a motion had been made by Mrs however Thaw calling for a I ill of particulars pos’tive position against the radical His wife discovered him burned about hie legs and body reWashington — The publication and called a physician who vainly n his suits While driving along Washington quired by law giving the total of ap- demand for free lumber endeavored to save- “‘Uncle Billy’s” avenue in Ogden B B Wilkinson was propriations made by congress each life Stricken With Leprosy Senate Says So run down by an automobile in which session was issued on Thursday Washington — John Early the leper Citizens Searching for Brutal Mur- three yioung mjen) were riding Ms showing that the last regular session Washington — Again on Saturday whose case has provoked widespread senate fhe demonstrated Its ability derer ofChild rig being demolished while he was appointed a grand total of $1044401-85Interest on Monday submitted to an to say no and stand by it by reiterLos — Iundreds badly cut and bruised about the body Cal In addition to the specific apAngeles are by Dr El Eplers of Coits determination to do no busiIhe University of Utah debaters propriation contracts were authorized examination one’ continuing the search throughout the ating of the world’s forepenhagen Griffith park vicinity and in this ness in the way of legislation while of most contending that the free trade sys- requiring future appropriations Dr Eplers asleprosy experts the tariff bill is pending The retem is preferable to the present sys- $26080875 cities for neighboring These include fortificasome trace of serted that in his opinion there Is no fusal came in response to request tem of protective tariff wron their de- tions in the Philippines the brutal battleships possible doubt that Early is afflicted Poltera the murderer of little Annie from Senator Burton to adopt a bate with Colorado college orators school girl colliers torpedo boat destroyers sub- with the disease does not Early the’ expendiwho was killed on May 17 but as resolution authorizing who argued for the negative of the marine torpedo boats and improveknow the result of the examination yet only slender clews have been ob- ture of unexpended balances of apments of rivers and harbors Question Dr for river and harbor Eplers communicated it tained Feeling Is still running high propriations There were 10120 new offices and though While riding oa a tra’n of ballast In to Mrs a work He The disease is in an Sheriff brought HammiJI has offered a personal Early report of the employments specifically authorized cars in Salt Lake City James Pappos Incipient stage he said and mlg!$ reward of $250 for the capture of the committee on commerce in support of ina Greek laborer employed by the and 6243 abolished making a net salbe arrested if proper measures were It is expected that the state his resolution and made an earneat slayer Utah Light & Railway company was crease of 3877 ’calling for annual followed and county will add to the reward plea for action at this time aries aggregating $5672009 thrown from the car falling under Mrs Morse Declares There Was ture upward toward the north star” ta the wheels of the train and meeting Plot Emma Gol drrzn Not Permitted Boys Wreck Train to Ruin Her Husband instant death Mayor Shot by Burglar Talk to Harlemites Des Moines la — Willie Beggs aged — A series of sen-New - York— Mrs Cedar — Charles A Standrod for the past 12 and Alvin Nichols la Ydrk Rapids New to Clementine Although proposing aged 14 were sational fifteen years employed as an engineer burglaries came to a climax Morse wife of Charles W Morse discuss nothing more revolutionary la catering gophers at Knoxville the former on the Oregon Short Line was run but banker Monday when an unknown thief In than the "Modern Drama as a Disasserted the game became too tame so early In Car-- ! an shot and down by an engine in the Salt Lake they wounded T John interview that seminator Mayor of Radical Thought” Emlong ago placed a tie across the railroad Previous to entering persons h’gh in power vowed tha' ma Goldman was prevented by the yards while goinj on duty one nigkt tracks just before a passenger traimi mody last week and so badly injured that on the Rock Island that runs south ‘house the burglar robbed fhey ’would ruin her husband and police on Sunday from addressing a death resulted a few hours later from Des Moines came along They Father J J Toomey’s home covering that they have kept their vow against crowd of several hundred persons c® and truth Mrs Morse de ivhen assembled the priest with his revolver A H Nash formerly postmaster of wanted to watch the Whiles fly splinters in a hall In Harlem the clared that government officials had to bear her The Salt Lake City has disappeared and they said when arrested by a rail- the police were Investigating police had difficulty The engine and two Toomey affair the bandit entered the boasted also that they would cause In bis friends are worrying because he road detective Morse’s downfall but Mrs dispersing those who had paid for Morse cars were derailed but no one was Carmody home two blocks distant has failed to report his whereabouts admission and in one instance at said that she It was thought at the time The mayor was aroused Injured grappled the courts coulddidbe not then believe least had to resort to blows Nash left for a trip to Rochester N that Two used as a party a train robbery had been with the intruder and was shot in the to the were Y arrested of in January and since that time planned her plans enehusband’s abdomen mies nothing has been heard from him Fatal Ending of Pleasure Trip Rhinoceros Charges Roosevelt Killed as He Knelt In Prayer The heavy frosts have injured the United States to Have Two Manhattan Kan — Miss Gladys Irish Nairobi British East Africa — TheoKennett Mo — While kneeling in beet crop of Sevier valley to an alarmDreadnaughts of Manhattan and Walter Goddard of dore Roosevelt and his son Kermlt prayer at church services at Europe ing extent In the vicinity of Monroe Washington— The building plan of Minneapolis Kan were drown-eIn over 250 acres of beets were nipped are having good hunting luck on the school house fifteen miles southwest the United States navy for the fiscal he Blue river here early Sunday by the frost and all of these have Juja ranch of George McMillan Their of here Henry Culp was shot and year of 1911 will call for two battlewhich morning when the boat in been replanted The loss was proporbag includes a water buck an Impalla killed by his brother-in-laCharles ships of the most advanced t they were riding struck a sang and and other varieties of antelope All Champ 18 years old tionately large all over the valley Champ fired detype also five torpedo apsdaed Both were students at the John H Att on trial at Logan for the skins are being saved entire and three - bullets into Culp’s body and stroyers and one modern- repair shfp Kansas Agricultural college In tbe expedition has now a total of sixty fled A posse of citizens headed for the murder for the killing of Junius fleet by the notwithstanding with another couple they ware specimens representing twenty dif- the sheriff is him $1(0000000 for decrease on December 8 1908 was ac- ferent which to is Culp searching be ' species The female rhinoceros returning from a picnic in the counquitted by the Jury Att had mis- that Mr Roosevelt shot last Sunday killed Harry Champ brother of the made in the naval estimates by order try When the of the boat rPse Secretary Meyer from the water prow taken Junius Nelson for Ike Elwell charged him viciously of her own ac- slayer last August after having been ©f President Taft as It struck the snag driven from home by the Champ In announcing this program said the with whom he had been quarreling cord before be had fired tbe first brothers He was acquitted feat the Jury battleship appropriation will not be they sank into water twenty fired through the door and killed shot deep and were not seen again affected by the reduced estimates deciding his act was justifiable Nelson I |