Show pr f THE — SAUNA CALL $150 Per Subscription Price Co Don't Let It - Attorneys at Law FARM LOANS Richfield J Go to Ogden In regard to a capitol building heie Is something to think abou': An a recent meetiug of the Board of Directors of the Weber Club the following resolution was unanimously passed “To The Voter of the State of Utah if the site of the State Capitol be definitely fixed in Ogden the Weber Club hereby pledges this City to subscribe a half a million dollars towards the erection of a cepitol building’’ That rounds good but who wants the btate Capitol in Ogden? It must notgo there and Balt Lake w:ll have to make some offer to offset this It will never do to let this most import Never ant proposition go to Ogden rofessional Court House Richfield UtalR SAUNA MEAT & SUPPLY s Ericksen August CO We will have Fish every Thursday and Friday Fresh Fruity Tuesdays and Fridays over the Oo-r- j store and ask tfie man Re repairs cleans and makes suits to or d e r G Jorgenson Att’y aod Counselor at Law People— TAIL0KING Step up stait Utah We have dressed chickens Tuesdays and Fridays VIVIAN - BURNS We handle cattle by the car load hogs calves aud poultry ytiolesaJe aud retail Meat aud Groceries Professional ffarness - Maker I line of complete saddles whips robes horse medicines etc Come in Store Just South of iThe A names Probate- - Gaurdianship t Notices Cousitlc County Clerk or Respective signers For Further Them All Information “There will be a convention of old 29 at which folks in Salt L ike all over the hc of 70 who dwell in Utah from Brigham City on’ the uorlh to Payeonand Prcro entte south will to be eligible to free transportation Fait lake city ns guests of the railroad companies and the Old Folks' central commit’ee Ip ad3it ion to train rides automobile rjdts and a big re union on temple square will be in or der Refreshments will be served aud thereVHll be a lig gathemg in the tabernacle at which addresses will be made by Fref idei t Joseph F Smith Governor Wm Spry Mayor Bransfoid and other leading citizens The tabernacle choir and some of the best soloists in the city will ng the featuoes of the huge gathoriui?’’ The following i3 from the Deseret News The idea is a very beautiful and appropriate one but it dots notgo far enough Why not iuvte them all? Why not take in the whole army ot aged heroes from Cache to Kauab? The vetirans of Utah who are over seventr constitute a noble band whose history and experience has uo counterpart ou earh They are the state’s noblest Take them all in and give citizens them a real happy holiday -P- HAYES and BATES Year Facts About Salina On the D R G Ry In center of aw thief town in the great Sevier Valley W titer lOOIJ Population Lijlit ytfciu FxtraGood I’ublio schools system High School Missiou School Mormon and Presbyterian Churches Beautiful Town Hall Fine Public Faik Good Dance and Newspaper Beautiful Homes Amusement Hall Fields Like unto Tne Best Neighbors the Garden of Fden Cattle and sheep upon a hundred hills Good Hotels Commercial club A Bank Bell I ocal and Gov’e Telephones Forest offise Climate like unto Southern CalLrnia About Twenty First ('lass Business Houses Boom aud opportunity for G000 families with a little meaus to establish themselves here as the state has just built a 130000 canaf to bring 110000 acres under cultivation - WhyNotTake end Professional Directory A Weekly Newspaper Pabluked Every Friday At Salina Utah By The Call Publishing Business Richfield Emmit Robins Barber Step iu aud get acquainted when you need it let roe ' give you the best tonsorial work in town Agent for the Richfield Steam Laundry And In Tli° Seventh Judichl Distilct Court Sau pete County Utah j ' ' In The Matter Of The Estate Of Deceased Mary Knighton NO I ICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Si AND PERSONALTY The undersigned will sell at private sale t ha following de3 :rihed real estate aud personal property belonging tc the said estate Persona 1 Property: Five sharia of the capital stock of tie Guuuisou Creamery Company a corporation four shares of the capital etock of tin s Gunuisou Irrigation Company corporal ion one buggy and one harness “Sal Real Eitatei The S V of the N W k of Sec 2'Twp2aS R 1 E L M containing 40 acres in Sanpete County U ah ALo: Lot 4 Block 10 Plat A Gunnison Townsile Eutry Sanpete County fcta- ?ihU4 ' - IWhite House Building 2C Davidsen Professional A1 fPainter and Pap er Hanger Red rnONE NO Utah Also: Lot 5 Block 3 Plat A Guards-oTowusite Entry Sanpete County Utah Also: Commencing at the N W corner of Lot 2 Block 21 Flat A Salina Townsite Entry Sevier County Utah thence easterly along the north lint f said Lot 2 a distance of 203 feet thence southerly parallel with the east liue of said Lot 2 a distance of 50 feet thence west at right angles with the liue last run 208 )i feet to the east line of sajd Lot 2 theuco north to the place of beginning and containing — square feet of laud in Sevie? County Utah Said sale will be made on or afer Saturday the 12th day of June 1909 tud written biJs will be received by the undersigned at Juab Juab County U'ab terms of sal- cash ten per cent at tim j of sale and balance upon con firmation by the corn t JohnM- - Kuightor Administrator Dated May 26 Hf9 Dilworth Woolley Attorney Manti Utah It jll aim 80 All attractions furnished by The - Nat - Reiss Carnival Co Krabenshires Airship Graduate 0FFI3S I£2Ki2&5S33 MARKET Piano Tuning Professional BLACKSMITH That’s what all know of Carl Nielsen Just across the street from Salina Opera House Eggs and Breeding Stock For Sale By Geo F Crane (ou cant Meat Market dh© bill'd© Lite :f W earth with your Nuf Sed LOUIS JACOBS Yours Truly LUMBER CO 1 Johnson-Arneso- n - As i Is now pre pried tc furnish all kinds Imported Lumber Shingles Lath Doors Windows aud all sorts of House Furnishings at Prices as low as any firm iu the state B: HUMPHREY-Stal- BIUS er IkUMBBB la PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Office at Resideuce Salina Ltah Meat: Anderson-FisheOreeeriee ALWAYS IN George do better on QjF©sa$ Caeice be Im money than at my STORE W Empire ©a© ©©in I have been very particular and careful in selecting my complete liue of sp ing and summer goods both as to quality and prices Therefore I am able to do better by you than others I buy right aud consequently can sell right at prices that are money savers to the buyers My friends knew this and keep coming And Repairing- - Organs Cleared and Repaired lei Flap Reduced My I i© France Tfieo Teacher of Vocal Violin and Cornet Music — - Fie Grand Military Band Rates on Railroads MEAT Q72a Prof will make daily ascensions - P)£g5Sk£i EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE Hardware Stoves and Ranges Dental Surgeon White Leghorns White jVyandotles One Week Starting June 7 P F Dr P F Spicer THOROUGH BRED CHICKENS Grand Spring The F A Whitney Go Cart and Baby carriages for 1909 THE READER FOR 50 YEAR- S- W Long Lumber Co r Everything In Lumber Phone 29 blk Doors Windows paints Glass and hardware Ageuts for Jumbo Hardwall Plaster $8 per ton South of Coop All kinds Mill Work MiBMI - fiord felt Bros |