Show w w jrjraw Jui Try This You can always get good clothes from Louis Jacobs Self-Heatin- Iron Use the Ideal Sadjr n — irdu two big washings with it— use it every day ou the flne( things you do up yourself— n the sewing room for from the pressing— lrorl everything heaviest bedspread to the baby’s lace oap IRON IN COMFORT —away from the hot kitchen in the ou the porch— out under the parlor— trees— without an extra step No more back and forth for hot irons walking Then If you think you can do with out it return it at our expense The Ideal Sad Iron burns four hdurs ou one Ailing of gasoline It costs less than one cent a day Ycu can regulate Us heat Instant not posslcle with an ly— someth jn electrio flat Iron The Ideal Sad Iron is Absolutely safe— we guarantee It It is simple— nothing to get out of built to last a lifetime The Ideal SelfHeating Sad Iron is invaluable In travel It packs easily does not spill— carry it filled for use It is ready in an instant— and by taking off the top you can beat water boil eggs eo May destroy your home your corralf or stacks anytime I will insure them in the best company on earth for mucn less than you thiuk it will cost just A J Crosier ask the price and see Bank Your'Mdney ' Have you a little idle money? riace it where it is safe We allow When the little one conies along get you one of these from ' your friend P F: Peterson 'trimsticm Sait&tiiM i G low run liTghj-r- Shines The Co-oand on Ladies Men’s Shoes p yon your i' r ! The Salina I SHOW PIPER IN THE WORLD $400 Per Year ISSUED Single WEEKLt Copy 10 Cts Sample CopyPUBFree FRANK hilMUl CO (Ltd) riTLISIIERS W88TU ST NawYOKX- QUEEN prepared to snpply the finest kind 7lh St E SnzlL President N CAPITAL ON REAL ESI AM LONG TIME R'EPllESENT RELIABLE him Those lm EAGLE I’d Denver Fort Worth Texas k on Mir’si hippi ILLINOIS Sold by Salina bCb-o- ? St Louis TOURIST and Chicago Vhert Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper The - p ly Cough Syrup Nthat rids the system of a cold acting as a cathartic oa the bowels is - - ti Years' lrt&ou EXPERIENCE' at Spalding Ivestrii&nt Cot Gunnison Ut' and SLEEPERS Trains leave Salina Ncithbeund to:5 a m Southbound 2 :ai p m( Ei M Pey ton Local Agent CO MACHINE ' d F THE GDS MANITOU SPRINGS-THE ROYAL GOROE PULLMAN - is the lest or all com8 hined in one if OF TIIK GRANDE RIVER CANYON GARDEN perfect stitch than any o the n SEWING Wcrli WAGON WHEEL GAP GLEN WOOD SPRINGS THE GUNNISON - tsFRES Inahes a more CHICAGO lb f CANYON-O- v operate vto List A panorama of natural beauty the way A beauty spot in every mile CANYON FREE ($! work AXTELLUTAH Cashier llui-- u putNylu TSrnfl lasts longer than any other FREt wanting-permanen- t V BID GIUNDC Sewing Machine runs Kghter than any other - - A cent interest’ paid on time daposits Slogans FSIEB WANTED f rust Co The Jadksou Loa © I ij25 000-0- STOCK C“Four per LAXATIVE- one e at YMENT WANTEb V'liS 0 1 s 'xFUEEr had less vibration should apply E I Drafts drawn on all the principal cities ot the United States and Europe tha public Lime at £ee J Lewis A is more beautiful than tiny other HEW YORK MONEY LO NED Store p — o of very reasonable prices MEN 2nd TEAMS 238 to 248 W a in Town” than any other a 2 OFFICERS' &nXEE easier THE McCALL CO o o FIRST STATE DANK OF SAUNA Salina Utah than any other THEATRICAL :o © Co-o- “Brownes (13 IB THE BREATE8T 0 z a McCALL PATTERNS Celebrated for style perfect fit simplicity nd Sold nearly 40 years i reliability and town in the United States and city f every Canada of by mail direct More sold than any other make Send for free catalogue McCALL’S MAGAZINE More subscribers than any other fashiort magazine— htllliori a month Invaluable Lat i est styles patterns (Ircssnukinc pulllnery needlewoik hairdressing f plain sewing fancy I etiquette good stories fcte Only 50 cents a a free pattern year (worth double) including Subscribe today or send for Sample copy INDUCEMENTS WONDERFUL to Agents Postal brings premium catalogue - and new cash prize ofleis Address :0 jjt 1 all n a NEW YORK © m © Come iti the store and share The sights and wonders there Once in the chance is fair That you’re'a' patron there LIME Oluf Jeppson with lading idle or drawing very I can put it out for you at with security that will satisyoui fiiends or — s k about it A J Cromer 0 0 0 0 Dame Fashion lives and lingers here All through our spring and summer wear the Very best for ladies’ fair ? e © & VIZ ta fy o our way on merit n Our ladies’ Underand buter wear always Sure to bear The very worst of wear and teaf Register Salt Lake City Utah April 15th 1909 To Whom It May Concern i— Notice is hereby given that the State of Utah has filed in this office lists of lands selected by said Ktate under section 6 of the Act of Congress approved July 16 1894 as Indemnity School lands ifinXcl IS During the period of publication of and this notice or any time thereafter before final approval and certification under departmental regulations of April 25 1907 protests or contests against the Claim of the tate to any of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore described on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes will be received and noted for report to the General Land Office at Washington D C Failure to protestor contest Within the time specified will be considered sufficient evidence of the character of the tracts and the selections thereof being otherwise free from objection will be approved totheiStabe E D R Thompson vn r niwirsTioN roTiw Office United States-Lan-d pe Hats that are nobby and suits that compare With the best that are madeanywherd A guaranteed fit and best kind of wear y- Burgess MONEY? W e Jiaver’aiUhp - 1909 To Whom It Majr Concern:-Not- ice is hereby given that the State of Utah has filed in this office lists of lands selected by the said State under section 6 of the Act of Congress approved July 16 1894 as Indemnity School lands viz: t Sec 12 T 22 S R 3 Hi B'i NE Serial 03198-- Copies of said list so fay as they relate to said tracts by descriptive subdibeen visions have conspicuously posted in this office for inspection by any person interested and by the public generall- Dated May 10 1909 John (1 Joigensen Attorney for Administrator YOU leads oft thd run' ‘others follow drt the walk The April 12 I s -- United States vL‘d Office Salt Lake CityiUtah- Administrator HAVE You Are at Home Here Have a party trauts to borrow $600— long time high interest— security four times value of loan Here is a c nance to put some of your money to work— see me abo'nt it A J Crosier — SEJf NWif Sec 29 NE1J Eli xwV you FOUR PER CENT on time deSec 80 T 22 S R 3 E posits That's better than a larger E X swli W EJ NW SEKE)$ oer cent unless you are sure of youi serial 1 03226 8 3 4 Sec 31 Lots J 2 3 4 Lots investment sec 30 T 22 S R 3 E Serial 03227 First State BAnk Of Sauna Copies of said lists so far as they relate to said tractsby descriptive subdivisions have been conspicuously posted in this office-foinspection by any perReal Estate—Investments—Ifisurance son interested and by the public generally Good farm ot 69 acres for sale at verj During the period of publication of and nw price tor cwrh this notice orany time thereafter List yitir pr petty for sale with me-- I before final approval and certification under departmental regulations of April can soon find you a buyer 25 contests 1907 or protests A J Crosier against the claim of the Blaise to any of the tracts rO or subdivisions hereinbefore described NoTICE OF SALE that the sanie is more on the ground valuable for mineral than for agricultESTATE OF SARAH F PHILLIPS ural purposes will be received and noted — itECEASKJJ the undersigned will sell for report to the General Land Office at it privatesale 345 acres of land with a Washington D C Failure so to prodwelling house thereon j inSalina Sevier testor contest within the time specified 'ounty Utyh situated in the Northwest will be considered sufficient evidence of character of the tracts quartern! Section 25 Township 21 -- outh the tlanp-One West s L Mf three shares and the Selections thereof being other-f the Oapital Stockof the falina Creek ise free from objection will be apIrrlg 'tion f'ompany 28 shares of the proved to the State apital tock of the Salina Co op on or E D R Thompson fter he U8th day of May 1909 and Register written bids will be received at theresi-leno- " of the undersignid administrator 'n Salina Utah terms cash at tima of ale I) igATHER Money g rK A- - Trade Markr Dssigns CORYRIGHTS 4C mat description Anydn saudlhg sketch and free wbetlief an Opinion aaertanreur Jinlekly Is Probably biaent able f omniiinlcii tinnsstrtotlrboiitdonllrf) teoBrlna tout fro rudest ancy l4jrMunn A Patent token tlifourh fptclai notice without ebere ttt the Scientific JlincrkMii k handomoly Illustrated weekly sreeetel(l rnonLmflora"b7i!ir"nCiVr Sri MiCoBNewYgrk OaM ttt f IU Wahlnton lOb COUGH - SYRUP Bees I tha original laxative cough 'tjrnp the’ contains tnct opiates gently moyes Dowels carrying the cold cfl through the Guaranteed to give natural channels latisfaetion or nftoney refunded ” ' FOR SALE BY LEWIS DRUG CC |