Show NEWS SUMMARY READY FOR ANY CONTINGENCY Don’t Poison Baby - Illinois senate hae refused to reconsider the vote by which the Chicago charter bill was lost The third federal grand Jury called to investigate the Muskogee town lot frauds Has been completed The town of Alger 0 has been almost entirely wiped out by fire George Phillips a fireman was killed In a clash between union and nonunion seamen O at toledo Frana Hoffman a fireman was shot in the The head Bank robbers secured $6000 from the cairo (Meb) state bank demolishing the pare and building by three explosions The four children of Ernest Oldfield of Toronto Ont were burned to death as the result of the explosion of a lamp in their home It Is announced that Mrs William E Annis wife of the man for whose death Captain Peter C Hains Is how serving a sentence in Sing Sing is to go on the vaudeville stage Western Texas and southern were swept by a severe wind and rain storm May 18 that did much damage to growing erope and houses Octavius Dodge of Bonham was killed by lightning The local option bill giving cities and villages the right to vote on the saloon question of the regardless township vote under the present law was passed by the Illinois house by a vote of 78 to 70 Climbing merrily to the top of a steel light tower in San Diego Cal old Earl Weston came in with an uninsulated electric light wire and was knocked to the ground dying four minutes later The censor has prohibited the production in London of George Bernard Shaw’s new pla” ‘‘The Showing Up of Blanco Fosnol” The play was on a theological subject and was in advanced rehearsal for an early production report received from St Anne Montes twenty-fivmiles east of says that while a party was crossing the river at that point the boat upset and fifteen persons were Five were thrown into the water A des Quebec drowned Adeline Hawkins a negro woman frightened to death at Poroche La by a powerful searchlight of the battleship Mississippi on its way up the river to Natchez “It’s de judgment light’’ she screamed and then fell dead There are still 100 Armenians in prison in Adana according to a recent dispatch and many of them are in chains Christians alone are being punished for the recent outrages and it is apparent that those really guilty are immune A N Armstrong of the state prison has made an Michigan affidavit that Mi'iton A Daly of Chicago paid him $1500 for helping get a lot of second hand machinery accepted In the state binder twine plant as new material Secretary Ballinger has decided to create a bureau of colonization in connection with the reclamation service to take charge of immigration to lands as they are opened to settlement on completion of various government projects of Thorp The wife of Bay Irish Clark county Wisconsin has- given birth to live babies three daughters All are alive and well and two sons There are now ten children In the Tl'ie other five were born family V are all and singly living Limitation of armament and the pericif manent establishment pvae throughout the world by arbitration of International disputes Is the purpose of the Mobonk Lake conference on International arbitration which opened at Mohonk N Y May 19 The incubator forcing process failed tragically at Los Angeles when JX Spain one of the city’s most promising young Inventors tried it on The corK old baby his blew out of the hot water bottle and the babe was fatally scalded All of he ofiiceis aU men of the United States army who served In Cuba during the period of pacification from October 6 1906 to April 1 1909 will receive from the government sendee medals with ribbons In recognition of that service Miss Helen Taft daughter of the president has accepted an invitation to unveil the monument erected at Gettysburg Pa in memory of the soldiers of the regular union army In the Gettysburg who participated The ceremony will take campaign place May 31 Nord Alexis deposed president of Haytl will come to Peru Ind for a visit as the guest of James Turner colored Turner and Nord Alexis have landed in New York from the West Indies Turner is wealthy and has to spend the Invited the summer with him was F W Lurvey a ranchman struck by lightning at Grand Junction Colo during a cloudburst of exThe physicEana ceptional violence declare that the fact that he was not Instantly killed is due to his clothing which conducted the current to the ground was 8econd Wife Ha Put on File Accurate Record of “Mother’s’’ An Atchison woman who married a widower and who is wise beyond her time has filed a most peculiar document in the courts It is to this effect: “My husband's first wife left two petticoats of cotton and one of wool all badly worn one old corset two pairs of hose two house dresses three shirt waists one dress skirt a thin gold ring a hair switch a gold breastpin one pair of house slippers and a winter coat I have had them carefully Itemized and sworn to before a notary and they now lie sealed in the attic of our home This document goes on record to forestall any further litigation from my for the possession of ‘mother’s If at any time they want things ‘mother’s things' I will be glad to turn the sealed box over to them"— Lincoln State Journal THE HEIR’S YEARS AGO almost every mother thought her child must havs 1 PAREGORIC or laudanum to make it sleep - These drugs will produce sleep and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP PROM WHICH THERE IS NO WAKING Many are the children who have leen killed or whose health has been ruined for life by paregoric laudanum and morphine each of which is a narcotio product of opium Druggists are prohibited from selling either of the narcotics named to children at all or to anybody without labelling them “poison” The definition of “narcotic” is uJl medicine which relieves pain and produces sleep but which in poisonous dosesproduces stupor comat convulsions and death9 The taste and smell ofmedicines containing opium are disguised and sold under the names of “Drops” “Cordials” “Soothing Syrups” etc Yon should not permit any medicine to bo given to your children without you or your physician know of what it is composed GAST0RIA DOES NOT CONTAIN NARCOTICS if it bears the signature of Chas H Eetcher FORTY Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas H Fletcher Dr J W Dlnsdale of Castorla “I use and Chicago 111 says: your advise its use In all families where there are children" Dr Alexander E Mintie of Cleveland Ohio says: “I have frequently prescribed your Castorla and have found It a reliable and pleasant re for children” Dr J S Alexander of Omaha Neb says: ”A medicine so valuable and beneficial for children as your Castorla is deserves the highest praise I ' finditlnuso everywhere” Dr J A McClellan of Buffalo N V says: ”1 have frequently prescribed your Castorla for children and always jjot good results In fact I use Castorla for my own children” Dr J W Allen of St Louis Mo says: ”1 heartily endorse your ia I have frequently prescribed it in my medical practice and have always found it to do all that is claimed for It” Dr C H Glidden of St Taul Minn says: "My experience as a practitioner with your Castorla has been highly satisfactory and I consider It an excellent remedy for the young” Dr IL D Benner of Philadelphia Pa says: "I have used your Castorla as a purgative in the cases of children for years past with the most happy effect and fully endorse it as a safe remedy” Dr J A Boarman of Kansas City Mo says: "Your Castorla is a splendid remedy for children known the world over I use it in my practice and have no hesitancy la recommending It for the complaints of Infants and children” Dr J J Mackey of Brooklyn N Y says: "I consider your Castorla an excellent preparation for children being composed of reliable medicines and pleasant to the taste A good remedy for all disturbances of the digestive organs" Bhall have to have my whiskers oft baby is pulling ’em out by the roots Mrs White — How unfeeling of you It’s the only thing that keeps baby quiet Now you threaten to take the dear’s enjoyment away! Fighting Tuberculosis Three large fraternal orders are at present conducting sanatoria for their The Royal tuberculous members League the first order to lake up this form of work in the United States has a sanatorium at Black Mountain North Carolina The Modern Woodmen have recently opened a sanatorand the ium at Colorado Springs Knights of Pythias one at the East The Royal Las Vegas New Mexico of Arcanum and the Brotherhood American Yeomen will consider propositions at their coming grand councils for the erection of similar institutions Our Wonderful Language "Out of sight in that gown Isn’t she?” observed a gentleman in the balcony pointing to Mrsv de Koltay who occupied a front seat in one of the lower tier of boxes! “Out of sight? Well hardly It strikes me it is the other way about” responded his companion dryly Which goes to show the elasticity of the American language which says one thing and means another It also shows — but upon second thought we must respectfully but firmly decline going into any further details — Bohemian GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Facsimile Signature Guaranteed under the Exact Copy of Food ai Tie Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over si-- of Wrapper THC CENTAUR OOMMNV — W Her Doubts “Mamma does God watch over and take care of me when I am asleep?” little Marjory one asked suddenly evening after 6he had said her prayers and was ready to be tucked into her crib “Why yes dear of course He does” replied her mother “Well” said Marjory doubtfully “He didn’t keep very good watch last night I woke up twice and found the blankets all off” 30 STREET Years NEW VORR :M3BrBas-issyN U Salt Lake City No Had ' Family Medicine Chest Every mother of sons ought to keep an “accident box” containing a spool of adhesive plaster a package of car- bolated cotton a bottle of boraclc acid and some soft old linen A fresh cut should be carefully bathed immediately and bandaged to keep out the dirt which so often contains germs of lockjaw If there Is much bleeding first close the wound with the plaster then THINK HARD cover It with the cotton An applicaThink to About Food It Pays tion of alcohol will easily remove the ' The unthinking life some people lead plaster If You Have Common Sore Eyes often causes trouble and sickness illustrated In the experience of a lady if lines blur or run together you need EYE SALVE PETTIT’S 2oc All drugIn Fond Du Lac Wis “About four years ago I suffered gists or Howard Bros Buffalo N Y dreadfully from indigestion always Pigments of more than 400 different having eaten whatever I liked not colors are secured from coal thinking of the digestible qualities Mrs Winslow’s Soothing Syrup This indigestion caused palpitation of For children teething softens the gums reduces the heart so badly I could not walk up flammation allays 25c s bottle pain cures wind collu a flight of stairs without sitting down Bathing in the snow Is a common once or twice to regain breath and custom 'in Russia strength “I became alarmed and tried dieting wore my clothes very loose and many other remedies but found no relief “Hearing of the virtues of and Postum I commenced using them in place of my usual breakfast of coffee cakes or hot biscuit and In one week’s time I was relieved of sour stomach and other ills attending indiIn a month’s time my heart gestion was performing its functions naturally and I could climb 6talrs and hills and walk long distances “I gained ten pounds in this short time and my skin became clear and I completely regained my health and s I continue to use strength and Postum for I feel that I owe my good health entirely to their use “There’s a Reason” s “I like the delicious flavour of A Quick Clean Shave and making Postum accord- SICK HEADACHE They regulate They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia Indigestion and Too Hearty A perfect remEaling edy for Dizziness Nausea Drowsiness Bad Taste In the Mouth Coated Tongue Pain In tha Side TORPID LIVER the Bowels Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE Genuine Must Bear Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES Suicide Slow death and awful suffering follows neglect of bowels Constipation kills more people than It needs a cure consumption and there is one medicine in all the world that cures it — CASCARETS Cascarets— 10c box — week’s treatment All druggists Biggest seller In the world— million boxes a month DAISY FLY KILLER h NO STROPPING The Success Sulky Plow You can make two mistake in brryfng One Is to buy an fnferlor Riding Plows oflered cheap and the plow because It other is to buy a high priced riding plow when the SUCCESS a medium priced plow will do better work Successful Plowing file eat ornamental clean co n veil en t ch eap eo liRtatill spill or tip over will not eofl ori n jureany thin Guaranteed elective Ofalldralem or sent prfpn d for 20c HaroldHoaiera 150 P Kalb AffBM Brooklyn be lerk by ing to directions it tastes similar to mild high grade coffee” Read “The Road to Wellville”-ipkgs the above letter? A new Eth read from time to time They are seautne true and full of human Interest Canton Plows Positively cured by these Little Pills NO HONING Can always be accomplished under all cirwith the Success Plow cumstanced It Is a frametess plow that will last a lifetime It had the best hitch the best land ing device the best rolling cutter and the best bottoms ever put on Riding Plowa It had only two leverd but they give the name range of adjnstmentd ad plows with three or four levers It Is heavier— ha more material— but fewer parts and la less complicated than others Finished with wide share for Alfalfa Plowing when ordered That’s why It is strong simple and durable That’s why we call It the ’’Success ” Ask the farmer who owns one — he knows 67 Years of "Knowing How" Hammered Into Every One of Them Write for Beautifully Illustrated Pamphlet No 37 of interest to every farmer and a P & O Catalog which will be mailed free PARLIN & ORENDORFF CO Canton Illinois Utah Balt Lake City Utah Burton Co Implement jrrifn Utah Richfield Implement Co Bit htteld Utah Snake Klver implement Co Burley Idaho E BURTON HOWARD ascshY5?s$no Hpecimen prices: Uold Sliver Lead ‘I (voldLSilver 75c Gold 60c: Zinc or Copper Mailing list sent on applicatioi envelopesand-and full price work Control solicited IcadviUo- -i umpire Buuk CoL Reference Ocrbnati I’ ll ASSAYS KNOWN THE WORLD OVER Thompson’s Eye Water RELIAIUK PROMPT Gold 76c Gold and Silver 1160 fiokl Silver and Copper 1160 Gold and Blivet safloed and bought Write for free mailing sacks OGDEN ASSAY CO IMS Unit Nam SnwfMH I |