Show wew Not What He Meant The Liverpool Post tells of a Birkenhead church secretary who announced in church on Sunday that a Salt Lake now has two mining stock recital in character exchanges the Utah Stock & Mining Shakespearean would be given When he was in- exchange throwing open its doors for formed that the recital would not be business on May 17 “in character" he corrected himself Qood ore has been encountered in by saying “None of those taking part the south drift on the level of in the recital will be dressed” the Kinsley Consolidated company’s mine at Kinsley Nev How’s This? Active development of the Pioche W offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for any and Arizona Copper and Gold Mining ease of CatarrU that cannot be cured by Hall' Catarrh Cure company’s attractlvje pno position at O CO Toledo F J CHENEY have known F J Cheney We the undersigned Bouse Ariz is to be started at once tor the but years and believe him perfectly honFive defendants charged with using' In all busineu transaction orable and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm the malls to defraud in connection Waldino Kinnan A Marvin Toledo O Wholesale Drumclsts with the “Two Queens" mines in Ariis taken Hall' Catarrh Cure Internally acting zona were found guilty by a Jury in of the surface upon the blood and mucou directly Testimonial sent free Price cents pel the federal court at Kansas system City Mo bottle Sold by all DruKEists Take Hall’s Family Pill for constipation “By August 1 the Nevada Consolidated will be producing copper at the A Pertinent Inquiry rate of 60000000 pounds per annum Little Willie stumbled over a scrubat a net cost of 7 cents per pound” bing brush and fell into a pall of Bays a leading official of the company soapy water At the annual meeting of sharehold“Father" he said as he rose “where company do the angels go when the spring ers of Daly Judge Mining 18 almost in Jersey City May leld cleaning in heaven begins?" The all the stock was represented old board of directors was unanimousAutomobiliEts Read This At the end ot the trip when the eyes ly elected to serve for the ensuing are stiff and inliauied from wind and dust there is nothing quite so soothing year The first bar of bullion from the as Doetor Mitchell's Eye Salve Just a little particle rubbed along the eye Boston Sunshine company’s mill at lashes brings instant relief At all drug Mercur was brought to the United or general stores or by mail Price 25 States assay office in Salt Lake last cents Hall & Kuckel New York City week It Is vaiued at $6000 It reps of a month’s resents about The Plain Part of It run “Did the young man they caught In The mineralized section known to transactions fraudulent peculate exist in the’ Contact Nevada district much?" miles is about eighteen by twenty-fiv“I dunno about that but he stole a ' in extent The old camp originally lot" Its name from the formation gained Shake Into Your Shoe found It being a contact between Allen’s a powder for your feet It cures painful swollen smarting sweat- - granite and quartzite The net earnings of the Tonopah new Makes shoes feet Sold Ing by easy all Druggists and Shoe Stores Don’t ac- Mining company of Nevada for April cept any substitute Sample FREE AdThis Is net surplus were $150000 dress A S Olmsted LeRoy N Y March net available for dividends or was $146000 making $296000 The Short Hours earned In two 30 per cent about “How late did you sit in that poker months of the current quarter game?” It is understood that a traction en“Till about $12S0”— Cornell Widow gine and train expert has just reA Domestic Eye Remedy turned from tlhe Pioche district of by Experienced Compounded Physicians Nevada where he made an exhausConforms to Pure Food and Drugs Laws tive examination of the roads leading Wins Friends Wherever Used Ask Druggists for Murine Eye Remedy Try Mu- from the Prince Consolidated mine to rine In Your Eyes You Will Like Murine the railroad racks at the town Light heat and oil are the worst Senator Nixon of Nevada made his enemies of the rubber tire first speech in the senate May 18 The remarks were submitted In defense of cents on antimony He a duty of 1 said it was necessary to revive a languishing antimony mine In Nevada and the senate agreed with him Figures recently published Indicate that of tjile total American output of 446000000 pounds of copper since January 1 a little less than remains In stock In the hands of consumers or of dealers while producers have Increased their own stocks about the same 60000000 pounds during time The United Metals Selling company which Is the largest Individual seller Cured Lydia E of copper in the world stands in imable Compound minent danger of losing very shortly the marketing of upward of 100000000 Milwaukee Wia — “Lydia E Pink pounds of the metal annually It is ' lam’s Vegetable— Compound has made said the Utah Copper and the Bigelow v me weu woman n a j and would like to mines will quit the Metals Selling I tell the whole world company of it I suffered The new town of East Contact Nefromfemale trouble vada is but two months old but it Is and fearful pains in a typical mining camp and reminds hack Inadthe one of the my early days There are n"ow best doctors and tents and between forty and fifty they all decided made being that I had a tumor houses with additions in addition to my every day The population is a cosfemale trouble ana mopolitan one nearly every race and advised an opera-tio- nationality having a representation Lydia E The following Utah citizens have Jinkham’a Vegetable Compound made to the position of pracme a well woman and I have no more been appointed backache- I hope I can help others by tical miner In the general land office C D Avery H W service: Pinkham’s McBury E what them Lydia telling Vegetable Compound has done for and Dan R Thompson of Salt Lake me”— Mrs EmmaIhse 833 First St The position entails the examination Milwaukee Wis of lands supposed to be coal In charThe above is only one of the thouacter and pays a salary of $1320 per sands of grateful letters which are year and $3 per diem for subsistence the received by being constantly The last of the series of the famous of Lynn Pinkham Medicine Company Mass which prove beyond a doubtthat cases arising out of a battle for posLydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- session of the Minnie Healy mine In which at one time both the Amalgapound made from roots and herbs F A actually does cure these obstinate dis- mated Copper company and eases of women after all other means Heinze were involved came to an end sufsuch and that every have failed 18 in Bean when May sitting Judge at to herself to fering woman owes it grantleast give Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegeta- the United States district court W A in the case of ble Compound a trial before submit- ed a or giving up O’Brien against Miles Finlen for comting tc an operation mission for sale of the mine hope of recovery A $50000 deposit on a deal involvMrs Pinkham of Lynn Mass invites all sick women to write ing the payment by a group of retired her for advice She has guided capitalists in Wilmington Del of thousands to health and her $250000 to Messrs Boyer Gunnel and advice is free of Lovelock Nev Uniacke for claims at Boyer Churchill county Nevada assures the tffNER’S launching of a copper mining milling and transportation project on a scale never before attempted in Nevada Six great bars of shining metal some 60 pounds and having were a valuation of about $18000 wear well proudly sent out as the partial proand they Keep you duct of half a month’s run of the mill last at the dry while you are week according to the Rhyolite Herwearing them ald Metals Pioche The Mining company EVERYWHERE has encountered ore in its northwest level That drift drift on the GUARANTEED known FREE as the Prince is in what is faulted fissure and for that reason the AJTbWER CO BOSTON UsX" is probably made strike just tower Canadian Ca umitco Toronto Can Important event in the company’s history MINES AND MINING t v AFTER SUFFERING ONE YEAR by K SLICKERS $300 FRENCH TO POSTMEN GET BACK TRIG POSITIONS Strike Has Collapsed and Leaders Are Throwing Responsibility for Failure Upon Each Other NORTHWEST NOTES In a freight train wreck near Reno Nevada a tramp was killed and a The acccompanion badly injured ident was due to spreading rails attended More than 1000 visitor the opening at Trinidad Oolo of the thirteenth annual encampment of the G A R department of Colorado James Sullivan Frank Sulno and George Sasso were killed and Mike Soletto was fatally hurt by a premar ture blast in the High Ore mine at Butte J M Slatten and J S Mclnnia have been arrested at Spokane on suspicion of being two of the robbers who held up the Great Northern mall train near Colbert The brewery workers at Kallspell Mont who have been on strike reported for work last week but were informed there were no vacancies and probably there would not be any The Great Northern railway has issued a circular offering a reward of $60000 for the arrest and conviction of the six bandits who held up the Great Northern fast mall at Morlse Wash Lumber company’s The Somers lumber plant and auxiliary factories at Kallspell Mont are closed down indefinitely as the result of a general strike order Issued by the I W W About 400 men are affected The Colorado state board of child and animal protection has authorized Secretary Whitehead to offer a reward of $500 for the arrest and conviction of the parties responsible for the slaughter of sheep near Atchee Paris — The curtain was rung down upon the general strike on Friday amid recriminations by the leaders who tried to throw the responsibility for the failure upon each other and the defeated postal employes T?he end t?ame when a few hundred laborers voted to resume work The general federation of labor then threw up the sponge and issued a manifesto trying to cover up their retreat explaining that the postal employes of the success of were “which everytheir second strike thing shows was prepared and instigated by the government which was desirous of an opportunity for avenging itself against the leaders of the first strike” The statement adds that the strike of the excavators and other workmen having sufliciently demonstrated the solidarity of the proletariat and the postmen there is no reason to call out other unions notably the electheir who had expressed tricians willingness to enter the fight With the surrender of the federation the strike of the postmen collapsed entirely and the few still on strike decided to try to secure thetr The postmen and a old positions few of the other unions are now raisColo ing a fund from which to give the L II Worley living on a farm near dismissed postal employes $30 a Redmond Ore killed his bride of month until they can obtain other emfour (jays and after burning her body ployment He left letters in committed suicide ” COALITION BROKEN which he said his wife had decided to reason he had Senators Bailey and Cummins Corns leave hint and for this killed her to Parting of Ways on Income Tax 30 Bunker Orian years old a resiannounced dent of Loyalton Cal died in a Reno Washington — It was Friday that the coalition of DemoNevada hospital one hour after he cratic senators and “progressive Re- had been brought to that city sufpublicans” lhad been broken so far fering from injuries sustained when as the Income tax Is concerned and he fell from the veranda of his home that amendments on that subject in Loyalton would be presented by both Senators of Reno Fifty wealthy residents Bailey and Cummins Nevada have formed wh'at will be Both amendments will provide for known as the Nevada Jockey club and flat rates of tax but tlhey d’ffer on formulated plans for the holding of seme other imporant features par- a big race meet Immediately hfter the ticularly the proposed tax on corporracing season is ended at ations Salt Lake City' It was stated also upon the highentered a saloon at Two est authority thatwan agreement has been reached between the finance Belt Mont in which were congremen a dozen grabbed all of committee and the of gated supporters free lumber by which the duty on the money they could find and esdrelssed lumber shall not be more caped after one of the men had fired than 50 cents a thousand above the a shot at the proprietor the bullet rate fixed on rough lumber whatever grazing the top of his head that may be Fire destroyed the biggest lumberLord Beresford Says Col6nies Should ing plant In Skagit county when tlhe sawmill dry sheds planing mill and Help Build Cruisers of lumber London — Addressing a gathering of dry kilns and 2000000 feet the Australasians here on the naval of the Skagit Mill company at Lyman 0 with a Iqss of question Admiral Lord Charles Ber- Wash burned with $20000 insurance' esford urged that the colonies InC B Smith better known as "Shangstead of contributing toward the should hai'' Smith a saloonkeeper notorious building of a Dreadnaught world as a build cruisers to protect their com- all over the merce and to form a nucleus of na- crimp committed suicide in a hotel Smith in his vies of their own after the example in Seattle last week of Japan He considered that “our time had given no end of trouble to Insane advertising of Dreadnaugfcits” vessel masters and the police e offended other nations and involved Suspension of work on the' Europe in ternoly expensive naval irrigation canal at Grand Junccompetition tion Cal was ordered to permit an investigation of the project by the inWork to Begin on Lost River Irrigaterior department and not at the intion Project stigation of outside parties according Boise Ida — The contract for the to reports received last week construction of big Lost river IrrigaForty miles west of Pioche Nev tion project which will reclaim in Cole valley a big Irrigation project acres of land In Blaine Fremont ha been carried out which It is exand Bingham counties has been pected will bring a great many setawarded to Corey Brothers’ tlers into the state This project covcompany a Utah concern ers a quarter million acres of land with offices In Ogden It is estimated now under irrigation that the total cost of reservoir di- and it is Raymond Geisler aged 24 years of' verting dams canals and laterals will One provision Chchalis Wash shot his fiancee Miss aggregate $3000000 of the contract is that water must Lillie Casada and after helping her be delivered to all land not later than to her home six blocks distant from April 1 1910 In time for the next ir- the scene of the shooting went to his season rigation own home where he later shot himself It is believed both will die MRS TAFT’S ILLNESS Tho Odessa property situated on lake and Wife of President Will Give up Social Pelican bay upper Klamath miles from Pelican home has four Dates for Some Time been sold to Col W H Holabird As Mrs Taft Washington— Although Colonel Holabird holds the title of recIs making satisfactory progress In' ord to Pelican lodge it is surmised her recovery from the slight nervous that Harriman is the actual purchaser breakdown which she suffered sew Boastfully declaring that he eseral days ago she probably will be caped witu ease from the Oakland obliged to give up soc'al duties for jail and that he would' not be a prissome time It is announced If it is oner in the Reno lockup r found that congress will be in session alias Sullivan Ward until after July 1 Mrs Tart will hours Frank Moore a negro In custody pend lig probably leave Washington for word from Oakland officers is being t Mass early In June the guarded carefully by the Reno police to Join her later department The state board of railroad comColored Comedian Called New York — Ernest Hogan one of missioners of Montana announced last week that it had secured an importthe best known negro comedians and the Northern Pasong writers is dead at tols home of ant concession from He wrote the hook: and cific Railroad company this being In tuberculosis of switchmusic of "Rufus Rastus” lq which he the nature of the allabolition commercial spur for starred for two seasons then of the ing charges work "Oyster Man” which he was producIn the finding of the body of W II ing at the time of his illness Hogan wrote several hundred of Tucker a veteran Indian fighter and songs which “All Coons Look Alike to Me” mining man hidden away in a feed was the most successful It is said he trough of a corral on the outskirts cleared $40000 from this song alone of Rhyolite Nevada it is believed a He was one of the originators of the murder mystery has been brought to popular songs light and that the old man waa pois- oned at tie Community Silver is found Home of Fine Silverware brand in knives fork spoons and fancy e imrenteed to weu piece year and we back this gnuantee Comparable only with the belt Sterling and price about tho lame the cheaper kinds TMt u 170 ST SALT I LAKE CITY UTAH Cooper’s Fluid Dip Is especially prepared to meet the 1 most exacting Government requirements and its use is permitted in ALL official dippings Pure concentrated A perfect Sheep Dip A guaranteed remedy for Scab Ticks and Lice Mixes with hard or brackish water Never injures the animal 1 to 120 is the official strength COOPER & NEPHEWS IWiLLIAN Manufacture ra Street Chicago Illinois N HARRY J ATTORNEY Judgn ROBINSON AT LAW Salt Building Latin City New Fruit "New and strange fruit from equatorial Africa and the Amazon valley In a figured sumptuous dinner that was given to Lady Arthur Paget In New York” said a fruiterer “Many of these fruits I saw and tasted "There was the Btar apple It is like our apple only In Its center Is a thick white cream that tastes like whipped cream beaten up with stewed pear Juice “The iamrosaj looked like a peach it smelt like a rose and it tasted like a very sweet and luscious apricot Iamrosaj is my alias ''The Is the finest equatorial fruit It Is actually like a lemon but its taste Is a kind of comof grape fruit powdered mingling sugar and iced champagne “Then there were the mannah the and the mangosteen all too delightful for words and all worth on account of the cost of shipment from 20 cents to $4 a bite” TO UTAH EDUCATORS Salt Lake Route Utah’s most road announces many rates popular exand dates for east and cursions These excursions include attractive water and rail trips ocean voyages and side trips to the Exposition and other notable The places For the N E A convention at Denver July 5th to’ 9th all stations In Utah will sell round trip tickets also on many other dates low' round trips to Denver Cheyenne Pueblo and Colorado Springs On May 29th all stations in Utah will sell low round trip tickets to Missouri river Chicago St Louis etc also on many other dates during the summer The round trip to Los Angeles on days especially suited for teachers goTicking on their vacation Is $3000 ets also sold returning via San Francisco and Portland and good Ore for ocean trip to Portland Every teacher in Utah should call on the nearest Salt Lake Route agent for full particulars or write to Kenneth C Kerr D P A Salt Lake City who will cheerfully give full information ' There Are Others is afraid that he may bs “Bings prosecuted for polygamy” he Is married to only one "Why person ain’t he?” "Th8t is what he thought for a while but now it appears that he married her whole family and there are seven of them” A new novel by Lucia Chamberlain author of “The Coast of Chance" has Just been issued from the press of the company Indianapolis It is a romance of the early days of San Francisco and the title of the story is “The Other Side of the Door” a title in itsejf which leads one to exand thrilling events' pect stirring And the reader is not disappointed While it is a love store of strength there are enough exciting Incidents to keep the reader’s Interest at fever heat and waiting earnestly and eagerly to discover Just what is on the other side of the door and will unf the auadd to the fame doubtedly thor Corrected His Wife Hubby (modestly)— “I was taken by me” surprise when you accepted that so? Wifey (sarcastically) — “Is You were taken by mistake if any — thing” Kansas City Journal Helpful Church Members Lady members of the congregation of WIckford parish church Essex England painted the church gates in order to save expense a |