Show 4 iiU VOL IV SAUNA SEVIER Social is Personal r UTAH MAY REDMOND Thif i v-- COUNTY wrj It tow f 500 inj frorBf (T kiWi iutalleg Tier ere ineiaen Lomu Tier ie roam 7 i nr 17 wtr IT Councilor T Humphrey is supertpleidU tcioeU ui for hr thenee4 femilite the digging of trenches intending TLejr tenet Ub4 between the tank and the spring lie must be a paying Las a small force of men at work and Mr and Mrs Peter Anderson 'of this busines in Salina Juat now there good headway place bad the misfortune to lose their are two shops being built and a new baby last yuuday night Lest some one should think that P man Roy Jensen is learning the trade from whooping cough The little on Ilenry Madsen Is building a shop on C Scorup is dead the Call will say a was burled Tuesday This Is tbe 4th the church lot' and will soon ba ready deserving word for him After the death from tbe cough within a short for business Albert Dastrap is also reoent fire he oame right along and time- building a chop on his lot and invites settled his account with Albert who lost so heavily And with the the patrons be had before the fire to Mrs John McKenna went to Manti amount due he put an extra five dol- Wednesday to see the dentist there come to his new place Peter’s heart" is as lars as a donation a elect rioal lamps Buy Redmond is having a struggle with Tungsten as his body for 75 ct at the and you will big whooping cough Every other home is have trouble Mr and Mrs Banard Mattsson Lave quarantined power with your light any f been down from Ephraim during the Mr Joseph Petersen is suffering Jersey heifer calf for sale Apply to week visiting relatives and friends Carl S Nielsen with a severe attack of rheuma’ism Mr Mattsson was also attending to CHICKEN’ FEED— Ground bone and some matters of business beef scraps for sale at the mill— G The Mrs Lewis Larsen sr and jr Loren1 zen have spent the week in the south end tbrivfoflittle tow This fiv mile Come and examine our new line of or the oulhwt of county visiting Sln and roon for t thouiiod nor people Clothing aud be convinced that you The Woodmen lodge party at the get better values here at lower prioes Values Redmond Lake Saturday was hardly than sending your money of SEES TBS BIO EXPOSITION the success it ought to have been heard of The and prioes The Cali basreceived a letter from to the smaif attendance hose FINE DRIVING aid Saddle Horses Wilford Stevens who has been laborwho were out however bad a splendid trotfor sale Well bred time and all went boating and buttling ing in Seattle as a mormon missionting or pacing H S Cetane t ary He is glad to receive the paper R E L Kenner manager of the and wrUes as follows: The IfOIiSALE-teaharness and wagon Mountain Rucb took a spin to Marwi See John Ewls Tine or cash Exposition that is to He be held in Sea le will be one of the Monday to celebrate bis birthday A new line of Electrical supplies returned here Wednesday events of the times The ground-ar- e great the Tungsten just arrived at tbe fixed up something grand Tbe Mrs Brown mother of Mrs John wonder gives the same lamp is a returned to Halt Lake Monday walks are all paved and the flowers ' light as six 16 oandle power lamps Lyman are something to be admired by all and takes only half the current of an after a very pleasant visit here The Utah building Is in an excellent Mrs Bailey and two of her ordinary 16 candle lamp you should location and therewill bo a good opof Salt Lake have spent the trye one only 75 ot tot show he world what portunity week in Falina the guests of their reIron they are doi4f in the Bee Hive State '‘ Wait for Workman the sad maD latives Mr and MrsT G Humphrey with its many aesourees Seattle is a Section foreman Stewart went to great city and undoubtedly Two hundred Mens Beys and Child-- the fair rens suits in the latest shades and Richfield Saturday and remained un- will be one of imposing grandeur aud It is guessed that while contain many exhibits of great educa fads arrived this week at the Salina til Sunday direct from New York Bnd at the country seat he was the guest t'oual value ' i made up to special order by Mr J 8 of one of the happiest little sweet Charles V Payne 'lh young man of Shields & Co at pricee - unheard of heart in the world our t o wv Conie and see andj be convinced Mr and Mrs J B Staker of Mt Plea- the outhern States last Monday His It will eoon be time to fish We hare sant have announced the marriage of father accompanied him to Balt Lake on his waj an entirely new line and fresh btock their daughter Grace to Mr Dan Argy le and saw him Alias of fishermen’s goods Lewis Drug Co of Salina on June 16th at Manti is a popular and accomplished Grace — wants WANTED: Hans Christensen He will young lady and will be a charming one thousand live chickens Mr Argyle id dilion to Salina society pay lb cents per pound Percy Allred a former Salma’:boy is well known In these parts as the at was united in marriage ' yesterday Perfumes 50j o $1 per ounoe at clerk in the popular Richfield to Miss Masie Clark a pretty Lewis Drug Co Leonard Thompson of Ephraim came and popular young lady Darred Plymouth Rock Thorough to Salina Sunday with the Intention of A fine weduion reception was tendbred eggs 50 ots par setting of 15 remaining at least during the summer ered the couple last evening at tbe Mrs Geoteven3 to work at the carpenter business home of the bride The relatives from Ladies’ watch fobs at Lewis Drug Co Floyd Ivie came home from the Snow Salina the mother Mrs Allred tbe lie sisters Mrs Pace and the Misses Clay is doing a wonder Aoademy to remain for vaoaf ion The Salina business thi9 season has completed his second year there and Katie were in attendance ful clothing and aud has made splendid progress in the the over from valley all people he has been taking P C Scorup had his buggy someWayne Co is taking advantage of the studies fine up to date line the 6tore now Alma Magleby of Monroe peeped what broken up Tuesday by tbe carries into the Call offi e one day this week team getting loose and dashing against ’ to tbe a telephone pqK and renewed his subscription Has be showed you the sad irons? paper We judge that he is one of the Dr 0 E West is laying the fonnda-tioBetter than electrioity Monroe in very for a splendid office building James A Lund the Call’s job man on the premises near his residence Everything In fishing tackle at Lew went to Mt Pleasant Tuesday to see When finished it w'ill be ahead of anyis Drug Co bis sister Amanda who is very sick thing of its kind in southern Utah See Workman about it He will call with bright’s disease- - Fora time her From away up In Canada comes an Fee those new hat pins at lewis life was about gone but at this writing orderfor the Gall from Charles Jensen sne is somewhat improved That makes six Canadian subscribers Drug Co Mrs Alice Nelson returned to her for the Call The First State Bank of Salina will after a Town resident HF Jorgensen aud home in Salt Lake yesterday pay its second semi annual dividend of pleasant visit here 8be was ac- his wife will entertain all Qf the towu very 1st This speaks four percent on June Miss Libbie by Westdaugt-e- r officers and tbeir wives and Mr and companied very well for the inniitutlon of Dr C E West went along and Mrs John Lyman at tbeir home tonight boilor so visiting month a remain will The Salina cramary company’s Nielson and Murphy Salina’s proer bursted last Friday and the plan! Keslers and others fessional masons and plasterers are could not run ontll ano’her engine Forshee received yesterday about Carl ready to hegin work ou their conld ba had Manager Hansen soon for the big contraot on the echoo building fine and costly monument got one of the threshing machine tcrave of bis- father It was made in They have the contract for the brick into service and thing are Salt Lake and will add greatly to the laying and plastering smoothly beautv of the cemetery James McClellahan of Mt Pleasent chains A tew line of Gant’s watch xbe candidates for graduation from was in Salina the other day looking at Lewis Drug Co the puhlio schools have been strugthe loss by fire on hie mother’s build this gling through tbe examination lug He gav out that it 'would ba fixed Workman has the best In sad Iron week Principals Freece of Salina and op again soon If you want something good in jew workman of Aurora have been conLaura Crane is telephone opducting the examination Prof Freece erator during Missnight tlry goto Lewis Drug Co Allred’s absence will go to Richfield to assist m passing Wait for Workman !o call with the upon the papers for the county The tad ifbn commencement exercises will be held at Monroe early in June and Salina You say display advertising have her ahare will undoubtedly doesn’t pay Bead this: of the program Collier’s Weekly gets $35 per H J Gotlfredson was in Richfield Postmaster Bex desires the public Inoh for one Insertion of an ad o know that bostal cards containing part of the week on a matter of boel It gets $400 per quarter page Sand ttnRel or mica cannot be mailed uees per week It gets from $1600 to 0 tables they are in eealed envelopes $2500 per page per week accorreturned to Hansen MisSDortbela mail Don’t cent stamp bearing a to colors used And they laat Provo after ding from Thursday Salina Ihscdrdi shy other way for they won’t hare to reject some Just Think and pleasant atay there long eacb their destination Percy Takes Bride 7 The Truth Of It Correct Mailing to J NO 1909 2 Richfield News MONEY WILL NOW BE EASY MPe nver i 28 t a both arms Wednesday R)bert Christensen boy broke an accident in Tbe little daughter of JonathanFloyd dislocated her wrist the other day in pulling away from her mother Another boy out by the Black Kuoils creamery fell and broke his arm And it wasn’t a good week for arm breaking either DECORATION DAr PROGRAM Decoration Day will be celebrated in royal style Captain C M Ileppler of the National gaurd will have charge A parade will be formed of affaire headed by tbe band aud militia and will march to the cemetary and play a grand selection and a quartett will sing a song the G A R officers are Bending out “God Save Our President” ABornfy John G Jorgensen will be the Orator of the Day The graves of soldiers will be decorated aud a salute fired Decoration Day At almost press time the Gall has no defluit idea of just how Decoration in Salina celebrated Day - will be because no arrangements are perfect ed It is settled however that all will goto the cemelaries and decorate A service will likely be tomorrow held there also If it is not one should behld Sunday afternoon Mutual Meeting Another good Sunday evenirg meeting will be held at the Relief Hall on Sunday night to which the publio is invited Following is the prograip Singing by the oholr Prayer Rlopiag- - '"Lecture UyAugu st 'Erickson Song by h ur boys Yiolia Solo by Four boys Current Events by O M Albrecht Violin Solo by Prof Theo France o— — — Forest Notes Assistant Chief of Grazing in the U S tA F Totter and Chief of grazing in Utah Q E Fenn were in Salina from Saturday until Tuesday on business connected with Lake forest Mr Potter wae sent out from Washington through the Influence of Senator Smoot to investigate the proposlt-oof adding the watersheds of Salina Creek to tbe forest The gentlemen met with tbe commercial club Saturand secured muoh informday evening ation They went over the ground and will go back with full knowledge of conditions iu relation to the matter It is to be hoped they will recommend the addition Forest Ranger Wilford Pace of Loa was In town during the wsek on business While be--e he visited the Call offle and made a noise like three half dollars finding their way into tbe toe of a stocking Town Will Assess Property To Get MeansFor Water System The town authorities have formulated a plan whereby they cau raise all the funds that will be needed besides the bond money to build the water system with The plan has been agreed upon and arrangements are perfected for carr lug it cut The plan is as follows: A straight assessment of $23 dollars will be levied ou each piece of property within the town limits due and payable to the town treasurer after due notice It is expected that this tax will come close to raising the money needed In case of refusal to priy a person’s property may be levied against for the amount This is what is termed a frontage or benefit tax and is not a new idea at all as it has been worked out in a uumb3r of U ah towns Amass meeting was held Monday evening at tbe R S Hall and the details of the plan were made public ( here was but little opposition raised at the meeting and so the plan is bound to go through The board looks upon tbe matter in this way: The water system has been begun and it must be completed aud whatever way is taken the people will have to pay for it eo it really makes little difference when they pay it Such we lake it is the view of the board From fhe knowledge at hand there is little room to doubt that the board hae power to dd aj they have planned The same thing has been done elsewhere but tbe legality of it has never been tested Ou this matter the board has consulted eminent attorneys aid the boards and cify councils of many oth er places where the same has been done and they feel safe in their work o Ephraim’s Big Carnival The City cf Ephraim is going to have a big carnival for a whole week and a&ks people to come and have a good time There will be plenty of amusements sports of all kinds big shows an airship and many thiDgs of interest All Ephraim invites people to come Jane 7 See the ad on page eight B Card of Thanks the good people of Saline Loth women and meD we feel from the depths of oar hearts to thank one and all for the brave and noble service rendered in rescuing us aud saving onr effects from the midnight flames of May 19 Friends in time of need are friends indeed Better work oould not be done than was done for ue Our losses were very small and would not We feel very fortunate exceed $100 When a dairy farmer in Utah payea and were surprised that our losses $1000 for a Jersey cow it is evidence We have been in bneines are so small of the fact that Utah is forging to tbe front and will ultimately lead in tbe here two years and intend remaining same in here the buslneess dairy industry all other western states We thank you for your past friendWhen in addition to this the fact is and and kindly solpatronage ship kuown that for twelve other Jerseys icit the same in the future $4000 was pail it will further conVery Respectfully vince people that Utahns are endeavor Mr aud Mrs W O Wright iDg In every way to improve their live stock The dairyman who has purchased He these animals is W D Livingston for fishing tackle owns one of the finest dairy farms in Headquarters as Split bamboo rods from $159 the Cbrystal Utah It is known each to $5 each Steel rods $3 50 to While a dairy farm It is dairy farm $550 each Also Colorado spinners also a breeding farm and this shipment Hendrix spoon hooks Reels Wood and cork floaters sinkers Leader of $5000 worth of blooded stock is the boxes Fly books Cuttybunk Oil of cattle lersey largest importation Braided oil silk Irish linen finish Dixon & ever brought into the state Llsls thread Raw silk Enamel and Deeneu of Illinois experts in livestock common fish lines from 5 cents to Snelled hooks doable and $1 each pronounce tbe cow imported into Utah animal single and a full assortment of files finest Mr by Livingston the Come in early and get your piok ever brought Into the state as also Tribune the remainder cf the stock To Blooded Stock Lewis Drug Co r i ! |