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Show ' LIKES THE LOOKS OF THE LEAMINGTON MINE. Engineer J. J. Broecher t Nevada, has returned from Leamington, whero he spent somo time inncpcllng tho properties proper-ties of tho Leamington Mining company. He not only made a careful study of tho surfaco Indications, but drew up a detail map of tho underground workings on tho Yellowstone claim, showing tho lay of tho limestone blanket that overlies most of thoso Tlntlc mountain properties, and noted the position of tho great quamlte voln, and tho contact of tho two fissure veins near tho foot of tho twenty-uvo-foot wlnzo. He traced the rich lead-silvor-gold llssuro voln encountered on the fifty, Fevonty-flvo and 100-foot levels, which should be struck prosontly on the 200-foot level. On the 200-foot level Mr. Broecher discovered a amall voln carrying coppor. the first of this metal that has been found on this property slnco its discovery some twenty-live years ago by C. Overson of , Leamington. This was 'good news for the Leamington owners, who will follow tho copper vein and hopo that dopth on It will revoal quantity. Mr. Broocher's report on tho whole, showing the quality and quantity of oro in sight and the probably proba-bly rich results from a llttlo moro developmont de-velopmont work rightly applied, was very gratifying. Superintendent Pugsloy Is now looking after tho work on the 200-foot level, whoro ho Is malting for tho main fissure, which, on tho upper levels, averages aver-ages 45.4 lead, $1 gold and several ounces of sliver. Recently he had a proposition from ono of tho big smelter concerns that wanted to enter into a three-year contract con-tract to tako tho entire output of tho mlno at current prices. The desire to get hold of this ore is on account .of its great fluxing values. Mr. Broodier also reports re-ports iirogress being mndo by the Overtoils Over-toils on tho Woodsldo property, two miles to tho north. Horo a fifty-foot Incline shaft is being dug, tho quartz encountered encoun-tered from tho grass roots down being "all shot through" with lead. |