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Show Fill GULTURiSTS TO HAVE 0000 PROGRAMME Plans for Annual Meeting Jan. 20 of State Horticultural' .Society. Tho executive committee of the Stato Horticultural eoclety has announced lis programme for the annual mcotlng to he held in Salt L,ako City January 20 and 21. It contains questions of vital importance to the fruit growers of Utah, and thoy will "bo discussed from the practical as well as tho technical standpoint. .John F. lUooro, manager of the Fruit Growers' association of Grand .1 unction, Colo,, will bo asked to deliver an address on fruit growers' associations. Bach paper pa-per will bo discussed, nnd two men havo been assigned to prepare flvc-mlnuo spcechos to follow the regular papers. There is every indication of a record-breaking record-breaking attendance.. Addresses will bo mado bv James G. DnfCIn, manager of tho Utah County Fruit and Produce company; Thomas Judd, president of the Slato Board of Horticulture; Prof. E. G. Tllus of Logan, Lo-gan, entomologist of tho Utah Stato Agricultural Ag-ricultural college; William Craig of tho Salt Lako Valley Canning company; Professor Pro-fessor R. S. Northrup of tho Agricultural college; Moroni Ilortonsen of Bear River: J. Edward Taylor, secretary" of the Stato Board of Horticulture; Charles Smith of Centerville; W. O. Knudson of Bingham; Professor William Homer of Brlgham Young university, Provo; W, M. Rash of Rash-Roylaneo company; John F. Mooro, manager of Grand Junction Fruit Growers' Grow-ers' association; Dr. E. D. Ball, dlroctor experiment station at Logan; Lo Roy Marsh, county inspoctor Davis county, and Dr. James Wldtsoe, president of tho Stato Agricultural collego at Logan. |