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Show PLake Audit ostofi&ce Place IVE8TIGATIONS, EXAM -IATIONS, ETC. oned, closed, written up lonthly. System adapted ness Cost systems da-inMalled. da-inMalled. All tiervlce6 lidentlal. ...OUR BIG ANNUAL... $7.75 CLOTHING SALE For Three Days Only, Will Commence I MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY IS AT 8 O'CLOCK ' ' ' . . . ; ' ,' j This sale will be bigger and better than ever. Every suit and overcoat in the men's and youths' 1 department will be in this sale. I ' NOTHING RESERVED. SPOT CASH ONLY. 1 SEE SHOW WINDOWS. Mulletfs Clothing Department Store ! $1 to 45 W. Second South St. I 11 Every Woman BlvHa M ABV E L Vv'hl H? n gS pre VtSi MW j"1' AaM Tom draiflatrortl SarMAEffiM5 J. Ja H v k L SmM ae 'Hr Untrve'l book elea. It grn Pg.F.. m SSEIra2a8STO ymafif BSal MOaaasti NKW Touit. For u br F. J. HUM Drug Co.. F. a gfcfcrtaiin, Charl Vu lxm SUD4 BaajjaH FtUa Jjrug jtrteoj I Utah Dental Co. RELIABLE DENTISTS. 234 Main. Salt Lake City. Branch offices. Ogden. Logan, E ham, Provo, Park City Guarantees nood at either office. I I 1 I 1 ! SAVING j THRIFT j These three good qualities are BO closely iel.l-. h:t,t VOU seldom sel-dom Snd one without tho Oth-. Oth-. 1 1 The habit of saving establishes thrift, and thrift Improves tb; quality of the character. You will find an account with il', fiimmerclnl Notional Hank a great. incenti o ' lo save moro : money ; a per cenl paid on savings accounts ac-counts Of ?1 and up. IA jy&j Sal t lTkWi Capital $200,000.00. A few things necessary nec-essary to start the year right. A small can of Household Paint. A brush. A little time. This paint is especially prepared for those small odd jobs. It is put up in pints and half-pints, half-pints, ready for use. Morrison, Merrill & Co. 28 MAIN STREET. Bell Exchange 9. Ind. 60L BjjjjjHHBaBanmaanenanBHBBBBBBBBBBnBBWBBf LEYSON TIME. Phone 65 for the correct time. Jby4cn& Xalt lahc crnt , , I nn IHE SALT LAKE city It I , rf ..BREWING COMPANY.. II wBHaV The Leading Brewers of M M AMERICAN j I BEAUTY i I ' HjP J. MORITZ, Gen lMgT. p pReAD J Bread BgBjflj h&M BjBggA& SS)-'" There may bo some people in the sfe&''' V.r (mrroujiding Statos who do not know ; DrtrA& that we ship tho famous EOYAL KPPAU URgRtl j BRE A.D fresh daily to Idithc, Nevada, UttEttV ' 1 Wyoming and Utah points. Those peo- r bOVAr Bta can always get the best bread by BCtfAls tSjrlW asking for that with tho Royal label. VliW r ROYAL BAKING COMPANY. pRgAgj Bread keADBl jgBAD 1 1 BrsaDI 1 teteAD 1 BrbaD j FOR SALE! 11 Salt Lake City coupon panng warrants (in $500.00 and $1000.00 denominations) bearing bear-ing 6 per cent interest. Redeemable in ten annual payments. A safe, conservative and paying investment, especially desirable for small investors. P. J. MORAN, board of trade building, city. STEPTOE HOTEL, Ely City, Nevada 1 The Only Strictly First-Olase Hotel In Eaatera Nevada. Tho Cafe la the handsomest and the best-conducted in the Statd FRANCIS KLKIN. Formerly of The Palace and St. Francis Hotels. San Francisco, Mgr. Your Thoughts Turn 1 New to your 190S reading matter. Any offer duplicated. See me before subscribing- Shephard, "Tho Magazine Man," 272 South 8tate. Phonea 1631. |