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Show i TRACE Of SLAYER OF MIKE GBADQVICH Story Now Is That Killing Was Result of Quarrel Over Woman. Stories coming to Ught Wednesday Indicate In-dicate that a woman may havo been behind be-hind tho fatal shooting of Mike Grado-vlch, Grado-vlch, or Grublch, as ho is called, by Sam Brothers, at Garrield. Tuesday morning. It Is told that Grublch and Brothers quarreled quar-reled ovor a woman a yenr ago and carried car-ried resentment against each other unt 1 thoy mot Tuesday morning and Orublcn was killed. BrolhcrB is Ihought by soniu to have escaped to Nevada, leaving over tho Salt Lako Routo for Callenle- Tho Nevada authorities have been furnished with Ids description, with Instructions to detain him. ... Another story is that Brothers Is being concoalod by his countrymen in Salt Lako and that several who are hostile to him know his hiding place, but are afraid to reveal It to the authorities for fear of vlolcnco from the fugitive's friends. Yet another roport is thnt the slayer of Grublch is Save Obradovlch, brolher-ln-law of Herman Obradovlch. who was shot and killed hy Stanlsa. Mcslch. now con-lined con-lined In the county Jail, awaiting irial for first-degree murder, because ho eloped with Mesich's wife to Nevada, taking about SS00 that belonged to the outraged husband. Grublch, it Is alleged, is a friend of Meslch and upheld him in the killing of Obradovlch, thus arousing the enmity of tho latter. v It was erroneously reported that Gni-bich Gni-bich and his slayer belonged to different religious factions. They wero both Greek Catholics |