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Show STRONG RESOLUTIONS New Hampshire Federation of Labor Denounces Him as Exponent of Capitalists. CONCORD, X. II., Jan. 3. Opposition Oppo-sition to Sccrotary William H. Taft as a presidential candidate wns embodied em-bodied in a statement issued today br the executive committee of tho State branch of the American Federation of Labor. The statement says, in part: "We. the executive committee of tho Xew Hampshire branch of tho American Federation of Labor, in sentiniout and sympathy with union members of all political pnrties in this country, hereby doclnro ourselves unalterably un-alterably opposed to tho nomination of William .11. Taft, Secretary of War. for tho Presidency; that ivo rcconizo in him. through his public utterances and judicial decisions and opinions, tho arch enomy of organized labor; that ho is the instrument and exponent of capitalist io power: that tho writ of injunction which he upholds, never was intended, and never should bo permitted per-mitted to deprive honest industry of its personal rights; that, -wo object to his mothods of campaigning as any one uian'ti man, however exalted and influential in-fluential may be his master or widespread wide-spread his 0V11 support and eudeavor, and that we are determinedly and irrevocably ir-revocably opposed lo his candidac3-." |