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Show j BOYS STEAL MESSENGER CAP; SECURE mm AND CIGARETTES After stealing a cap from the Independent Independ-ent messenger office, a gang of boys lived in luxury on' of the goods they were able to obtain under false pretence from various vari-ous stores, until Joe Buchanan was taken into custody Wednesday morning. by Officer Of-ficer Simpson, and Rasmuspen and Simmons, Sim-mons, the other two boys In the gans, went Into hiding, Buchanan was out on parole from Hie Slate reform school, lie was sont hack Wednesday, Simmons, was releasod from tho county Jail TWonday, where ho had been sent from Ogdon to serve five months for stealing an automobile. Rasmussen llve.- In Salt 'Lake, and is said lo Iihvh been connected with gangs that gavo the polico trouble. At the police station Buchanan gave the J name of Humphreys, and said he was I nineteen years old. He is only sixteen yvart, of ago. and will havo to stay In the I reform school until he Is Iwenly-ono. The downfall of the gang came Wednesday Wednes-day morning, when ihoy had procured a number of boUIen of wine from tho Hol-i Hol-i dclberg saloon on the prctenco of one of I the gang, who wore the cap, that he was j " messenger, and would return soon with 1 the money After waiting some time- tho police were notified and Officer Simpson i went after them. Ho found Buchanan at : the Znng saloon trying to work the same 1 scheme. Buchanan had procured six boxes of cigarettes from Druclil t Frnnk-: Frnnk-: on's drug store, and told tho ofticc-r they ' wore wanted at room 2G in the New York i hotel. After talcing the boy to the hotel i nnd finding that no one In that room had I ordered cigarettes, he look Buchanan to I tho station. KSSiiiiiRiiiiBiiiiiiiiijimnmiKin |