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Show WHAT IT COSTS. Dbyiso Vt The Enterprise says of the Bearer River, that it is becoming Fron Monday ' Daily of Juue 28 beautifully less erery day, but that paits failure at this late fire per does not think Wanted lMHEDiAmT--Tent- y will season of the year injuriously affc a delinquent list alone costs 6ixty teams, to haul lumber from tbe Cache thousand dollars, what must the the crops. We hope net. Valley Dmde. Apply at my office. taxes amount to? and is it strange B. White. i hat "times are hard." Masonic Tic Nic Our readers will on Wednesday next Oold Discovibed We learn from bear in mind, that, nnd other hna been re the Masons of Sa t Lake City HlMlonary Appointments. he Corinne Mail tint goldRound in Utah are expected to meet in full Vallfj, towns cenily discoTereJ in Weber Missionarias Heme of at Farr'a The Southern Idaho, and also near Malad force for pic nic in? purposes from what we where, County are requested to fill the appointOrore, Oglen, City. to an intend who ments herein named, on Sunday, July earn, all participate a time rood iih, 1875. ticinate generally. Co Fabmebs call and see the Ellwnrd Plain City Joseph Stanford and F. IlnrTester." The best of the kind in tbe mote it be. LOCAL ITEMS. that, had the same been let to the lowest bidder, it could have been In our wabderingg the other day lone for haK that sum. If this be true.ohd the printing of we obtained sonic Ueius, interesting i ' i td 'o8, and vtlmb. taay equally interest our rcadors. Our informant may correct io his figures, cr be way Vot; as to the accuracy of tbe state roaats we cannot, of course, Touch, WW c but presume they ars correct. adminall know that the expenses of istering the government are great. 6rmc of the departments, no doubt, but we are aware are that the Post Office department is hot, but that provision has to be made from time to time to make up deficiencies in that behalf. It has seemed to tbe writer, that there did not rtally exist an absolute necessity fur such action, and we yet think there need be none, provided the business wis transacted on such a plan as to economy, as individuals usually do business. To' illustrate this matter we proceed to give some particulars m to thftetpeuse of transporting the TJ. S. maiU from Omaha to Ogden, ft distance of 1,020 miles, fur one t 1 sclf-iustaiaing, year. Our informant says that it costs the government for 830 miles of the distance, $375 per mile per year; and for the remaining 140 miles $400 miler making the compensation jt a, daily ftr f 3SG.O0O. mail for twelve months In addition to this sum the department employs 31 clerks at an aggregate expense of 840.300, Disking transportatian and clerk hire the 6nug little sum of $420,300. We ire not informed the C. the expense on P. railroad, but presume it as to tnay not fall far short ef this sum. Jobt think of it, nearly a milHorJ of dollars fqr transporting the mails a distance of less than two thousand wiles. . ' ' Oo mail car we inspecting the fouud that the bnsiiess is quite extrusive, and requires large amount of labor and considerable skill on the part of the clerks empldyed. The postal car is fifty feet in length, in one end is a room devoted to way ti3iiib), and iu the other; one devoted to the through mails.' The intermediate portion is divided into, first, a p06tcfiice, in the letter department there arc 3C0 boxes, which are all uned on the eaxtbound trip, and about s on the west. Into these boxes the letters are placed and dis- -- two-third- tributed during the trip. al&o side There are 03 paper boxes and 23 extra out ack. Icged , , , 7if S. Richards. market. Binders ride on the machine, Lorin Farr and L. F. Monch. Yestebbat. 8. P. Ttasdel, E?q , and work in the shade. Light draft. Hold Iiarrisfille Window Farr. J. Needharo, Esq., of Salt Lake Ci!y by M. D. IIamuoxd, Main street, Ogden. W. tf. and West A. EJn Joseph were in town yesterday. They were eur Fife. priced at tbe amount of building and West Wtber BobU McQuarrie and Another Drunk John Thomas was other substantial improvement manifest C. C. Drown. During their arraigned before Alderman Thomson in every part of the city. HuntBTille Moroni Brown and Thos. this morning en a charge of drunken- Ftny they were the geesls of Councillor Wallace. ness and disturbing tbe peace, he was Stunford. Edmund Ells fined $7 50, to which were J led costs Ogdta Tabernacle Drunk and Vagrant. It is pitiful te worth. of suit, which, we presume, has been to what a depth of degradation know F D. RICHARDS. liquidated, and the party discharged. men and women will descend, when once on the down grade. Here now in Ogden, Xoraml Schcttlee Wagoxs ! Just arrived, a a few days ago. appears upon tbe streets Arrangements are being made BBd are now nearly completed, for holding a nor- full stock of Farm and Spring Wagons, a man of good dress and add re??, claim- mal or teucbers's institute in this city, at M. D. Hammond's, Main Street, ing tohe a limb of the law. John Doe, or l s46-3Commence the second day of August Ogden. James McDonald, who had got upon so . next. low a plane, that, on complaint, he The design ef the institute is to giro to Momioa It is stated that a was Sasta arrested by officer James B. Welch. the teacher of the Territory h series of land at Panama the wharf will steamer the lessons, imparting a knowledge of taken befo-- e Alderman Thomson, and best method of instruction. The course at Santa Monica on the first of Ju'y and fined, first, for drunkenness, tecond, for w.ll include the entire curriculum of dUcharge 500 tons of railway iron fur vagrancy, nnd in default of. stamps to cotiimou school studies, with such collat- the Los rail. and Angeles Independence eral branches as may properly come unliquidate the bills, we believe was transway. This looks like business, and if ferred frem the two bars at which he der the head of oral instruction. Nothing, perhaps, connected with our this kind of thing continue! it is not at all hat heretofore practiced, to the tender common schools so much defeats the pur. unlikely that we shall ere long have two mercies Road of the Supervisor, Gbarles pose for which they havebeen establish- outlets to the Paoifio as we believe Welch who ceast, will probably "place" the ed, as the inability of teachers, in general, to impart knowledge pleasantly the programme is to continue the L. A. fallen man "where he will do the mott This inability, in and I. railway or it connections until a and impressively. good" at work on the atreets. Alas some degree do doubt, arises from natujunction is formed with the Utah South- - poor fallen humanity! ral incapacity; but not altogether, nor, i . indeed, for the most part,, for in the era, Personals J. teicher, at in members ef other profesEsq., Special Salt Lakb Cut. We g'.ean from the Agent of the P.O. Strong, sions and trades, skill and efficiency dewent East department, pend, io the greatest degree, upoa pre- Herald that the cornerstone of the new this morning. paratory training, and aabsequent study Z. C. M. I. store was laid on Friday Mr. Daniel Cram, whe hat been up and practice. What the institute proposes to do ii evening last, by Hob. Wilford Woodruff. north at far as Ross Fork, returned to not to supersede such preliminary train-la- g Appropriate ceremonies were had. this city yesterday, and went down to in any way that it nay seem to be Mr. York, a carpenter, living in the Salt Lake City this morning. neeessary, nor to impart essential knowl 8th Ward, being at work in the MethoJ. N. II. Patrick, Eoq., of Omaha, but to f but rather edge objects; supplement dist had hi head crushed by a who is in Church, and knowledge training tome important capacity en by rirevious favarite and, it may be, aew falling plank; death ensued soon after gaged at Salt Lake ia the affairs of tbe methods of instiuction. the nccident. Flagstaff mine, eame up this morning SapC Riggs, under whose auspices the Hon. Martin McGinniss was at the eninstitute will be held, has given the from that city on a flying trip. tire work of organizing and conducting Walker House on Sundiy. At the depot this morning we met eur the school, a. principal, into the hands I Dr. G. L. Miller, editor of the friend r Dr. John R. Park, ef the Deseret One Hundred Thousasd Pounds ef Omaha Daily Herald, who, witk bis Universi'j. Tbe experience of Dr. Fark at a teach, Wool wanted at the New York Store. hat been on a visit to the Pacific wife, Rosenthal & Bro , er, and tbe success of a similar institute They toek a trip along tbe coast at far held la this city two years ago under bis s45-t- f Main Street. Ozden. as Mexico, and are returning to Omaha, supervision, warrant us in the belief that the occasion will be one of great benefit looking pretty well. Fiom Cache By letter from the to all who may attend. We could not prevail on the Doctor to Every teaoher ia the Territory ehoult" editor, dated Logan, June 26th, we remain over a day, but be insisted on be present, and, te give such teachers learn that governor Axtell has been vis- going East thU morning, which he did, every facility possible, no tuition will be made. Arrangements have also been iting the principal settlements in Cache on the U. P. train made by the management that will Dr. W. II. Stennett, General Passen addressing tbe people who turned oat cure to teachers in attendance from when they knew ef his ger Agent Chicago and Iforthwesten abroad roooit and board at redueed spontaneously in arrival The gov Railway, was in Ogden this morning. settlements. their prices, and a'so special railroad fare at remarkt were with sound ernor't F. C. Von Franquemont, Consul-Ge- n half the usual rates. replete Tbe following programme presents a tense and good practical advice and eral of Holland, at the Island of Java, synopsis of the werk to be done, and an were much appreciated.' Ia was in the city this morning. Learning company array ef instructive talent for tbe occa. sion made up from the best in tbe Ter- with a few of the citiieaa he visited that tbia gentleman was a genuine live Legan canyon on Saturday and greatly Count, wt had some curiosity to look at ritory. admired the fine seeuery there. ' A PROOBAMMK OF kim whion we did, and found him to be KOMl. 1N8TITCTE, To be held in Salt Lake City, from Aug. a small, elderly looking gentleman, very 2d to Aug. 14th. 1875. fcui WitEBK TOli 0AX Bl'T TUB CnBAP much ' resembling other men who are not John R. Park, Principal. Prints lOo pef yard; yard-wid- e est. i A pleasant journey to him, any counts. and of Theory practice teaching. domestic, 12J; 7 lbs best white sugar $1; how. W' don't go mach on titles in this rror. Karl it. Maeter. 16 bart TEXT BOOK INSTireTlOS. WITH METHODS. toap, $1; lye, 20c, at Foulger'e, country, but are not prejudiced against Arithmetic Prof. J. M. Coyner. s49-8Main street, Ogden. a man because he ba3 a title. Reading Prof. W. II . Rager. Hon. A A. Sargent, Senator in Con Geography Miss Josephine Cole. Accident. Tbe O. P. passenger train Grammar Dr. John R. Park. gresa from California, is stopping at "the was about five hours late yesterday mor centre of the mineral belt of the world," Spelling Miss Delia Snow. ning, the delay being caused by a freight Ogden, for a Writing Prof. F. M. Bishop. day or two. We interviewed ! train at tome point west Laving attempt this ORAL IXSTftUCTlON. gentleman slightly, and ascertained Oral Grammar M vt Dflia Snow. ed to twitch off, but leading some ef the him irom he that it here on a brief trip Object Lestona Mist Mary A. Stol ears en the main and not furnish. track, faagb. tt meet his wife, who it on the U. P. Civil Government and Physiolog- y- iog thenecessry warning in time te pre train due Ibis evening, and when the vent Ihe passenger from telescoping with rroi 4. n. arrives hs expects to return te Cali Elocution Prof. J. L Rawliot. the freight cars, by which considerable fornia. Natural History and Science Prof. damage was done to a portion of the Karl O, Maeser. The people ef California, we tee from Industrial Drawing Mies Jennie Den. cars.: One woman, a pnssenger, was the papers, are warming 'up a litth somewhat injured, but to what extent we BUou. about have been unable to learn. political matters, and we tee Mr bargenta name occurs once in a while St. George Iteina. California Crops. In an article en in the papers. Indeed, we tee the Re We have a Fuchsia in bloom, the first the grain crops of California, the Chron publioaa organ in Utah has devoted some one in Pixie. , iclc estimates that the amount of wheat Kpace to the Senator in no very compli Early Harvest apples, and Chickasaw which that State will be able to spare for are mentary terms, but to these that gentle plums getting ripe. .Gardens and crop are looking un exportation, will probably aggregate man did not refer, and from hit appear UNually well. Jfol a drop f rain since 350,000 tons against 500,000 last year ance we should judge that thee attacks last winter. a falling off, it is true, but tti Quite do not him much annoyance. eaase Water iu the Santa Clara ia neurit a amount of Kaviag quite large export dried up and ttui farmers are fseliof Mr. Sargent and Mtijor Erh went out lerahly interenUd ia regard to the It will be borne in mind that the largely en a fishing excursion this morning ' , incrraaed population will require a large which was wise on the farety of their crops. part of the Sena hst harvested his mount ror home consumption, moretha Nsignhor He tor. all T7 should, realite al means, win at amp. wan required last year Ou the whole Thti grape rop it look' a g np'fnJid. Ihe nhrnniel dnee not eonaijr Califor the aid he Can derive from Utah trout; LUl PeatwltfgLjt. ,.. i aia Oik(t," bet farueis destitute as food for the brilutLey are unrivalled Easion i b1(-3- vt ii Institute. , e. Paovo Items , We see frequent allusions triads to the eaormous burden of taxation im potted upon the people io various iHutes aud Territories, all of which tin! serve 1 5 illustrate the folly and extravagance into which the people have been indulging. One of the most Rotable features of this we find in a lain Washington )eial to Tat At Gospel. Should there hp. to be a man, woman or child in pen Ogden who has any thing to sell or U wants to buy any thing; or who miy wish to obtain labor or to employ lab(r. ers; or in a word if there are any her. who have wants to be supplied, to mca we commend the following floating item which is at true aa gopel prciching. Try it young man and see what it will do for you, and remember the Jukctioi it the a Ivertising medium you ought te patron'ie. 'My succee is ewing to my liberality in advertising." Bonner. 'The road to fortune is through pria ter's ink." P. T Baruuia. "Frequent and constant advertisiot A. T. Stewart. brought mo all I own.' ' Sucefcs depends upon a liberal paU ronage of printing offices." J. J. Astor. "How can ihe world know a man Lai good thing unless be advertises his possession ol it?" Vanderbilt. "My son, deal with men who adrer- lise, you will never lose by u. ' Bea. Franklin. STRAYED OGDKX BENCH, FROM mare, whit spot the Philadelphia Times, which states that the "Kitchen Organ," (Republican) had received to ba printed the delinquent tax list, (the order fur printing the same in that paper eaine direct fivra Preaideut Grant) that it was printed as a supplement of fifty-tw- o pages, and that the job would ,Vt the Territory C0 000,' It u aU OgiHn City, June 20th, U75. ESTRAYNOTICE. IS MY POSSESSION THE FOLLOW. TnAVK1ecrilM)il auimal.a which if notclaiMet and taken away within ten day from date, wiH be told to the hiphoet reefioniitble bidder at to Diatrict Strav Pwuml. Often City. Weber County, Tburndity, July 8th, 1875, at 2 o'clock p.m. One 1 lack burae, four years old, biod leet ute, T put in forehead, traaded W nn left nhonlder. One black mare, eight vr aineyeara old, braid ed II on left ahoulder, haa strap around ueck witk Oae torrelt hoe e. fonr - years old.' bind ttet white, whi'o stripe in face branded 8 X U com- bined and roTersed ou hit nhoulder. One bay mare, three years old, little white la forehead, white om left fire fimt, white alxoea right kind foot, Lrauded un left hiu 0- -, has a yiwng colt. , t W w. H. UrE, District Pound Ogden, June th 187i. Keeper. d2U-lts61-- SODA SPBINGS. AT THE Stcrrctt House THE SPRINGS Cl! OBIAX1 , Day er Week Mail Coaches from Kvannton arrire and d'part twice a week, and to and from Franklin Buee sretk. VIS1T0X8TO . Guides and Conyeyanccs To all points of Interest In the ic:uity. W. W. STERRETT, ' Proprietor bII-V- m FIRErjIRE!! 4TH OF JULY GELEBRATIOS ! 0. F. CO. A., Jim thty B. INFORM TUB PUBLIC TI will give a Ce ebration Party at TO JONES' GROVE. . 8iire A TH11EK TEAR OLB on furobadt ttiod all ruiiari, with Spanish bratxl on r jc t hip. Any .nrmation couceruiag her whnrtaboatl will be tha. kfut J receir t b, the owner, or ny cue bringing tor op will be liberally rewarded. HhNKY KGQLKSTOX. t. uynr' ZV' a; , TAXATION. . Wday ( There is also a deeping apartment with three berths. To us tho cost of transportation is heavy, and w think that perhaps tho amount paid to the railroads is too great, but perhaps ' not. ; Tbe amount of business done on this line is VtTy great, and it may be pownble that it pays the expense of transporting the mails. Th. Mr. George Elliott, Sen., r.a the driver ws, tbrow twecn the horses and badl, bru;8t(J bones were broken, hewevtr. A lim boy was on the wagon at the flae k escaped unhurt. A little boy, son of Wm Furgnrson was thrown or fell from a briJg, had an arm broken. ThuPsd,y i;lst Thee items we glean from tbe Prov, Times. Honda), - - - - July 5ih, 1S75; ' ' Cuder (ha direct patronage of the Mayor . V and City Couueil. 4. To raiae fa.ids for thsp e chute of a Hook, and Ladd" outfit. . flllTPPTe JliO ldjl Exerclsics to Cotuuienco 10 a. in. CARRIAGES will be at the depot to meet SM. ii train. BEST BANDS IN THE TERRITORY .. Have been engaged for this occaeioa. IX ADDITION TO TUB Hall Largo Dancing , J AN IMMENSE PLATFORM e Mas been erected en the ontide, well baded beantifnl trees, l.anch Ptands will t of 8upplied l.v Mr. M. 11. BP.lRDiLKV, All kiude of refreeh-eut- o Beardtley wL'l be found on tbe grouad. r U ll-n- ee. Admission to the TO HALL AHD d238-- OroTO Frcft. rtATFCRM '..':., i |