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Show LOCAL Gbkat Expectations. ITEMS. We have not Testimony on Preliminary heard whether the different railroad Examination. companies intend reducing their fares In the case ef the People, &c, against on the 5th inst.. but we think from the Michael Bertenot and James Bues on numbers of visitors expected to attend charge of an assault with intent to Company A, Ogden Fire Brigade's full bate commit murder, held before Q. F. grown who CHicKr.N8.-- All Grand Celebration It would be a good cash the Middleton, Esq., J. P., on the 22d and for Bale can get IiT9 chickens policy. local See House. 20d days of June, 1875. Ux them at Beardsley Ukiveesitt or Desebet. -- We have Thomas Furnis, prosecuting wftness, JvertisoDcnt. received from the President, John R. was sworn and deposed as follows: On Cask. It was Park, a circular of the Academical De the afternoon of Sunday, the 13th inst., Tm Latk Assaulting I met Miss Mary Bues and went with inasmuch as a good deal partmentof the University of Deseret thought best, 1874-5- . her to meeting at the school house in the felt in this ricinity for the year 0f interest has been south We commend to the this institution part of the city. After meeting Furnis-Beutrouble, to furnish is the we went attention and of who to Alma Flinders' house and investiguardians parents with a report of the oUr readers staid have wards to be educated. there until about half past nine the exclusion of a mass of ingation, to o'clock in tha evening. We then started more general charteresting matter of a Miss Mary's home, just as we got for to make Pebsonals. Hon. A. C. Barstow went acter. We hare no comments outside of Flinders' gate we saw a man east yesterday. ca the case. Hon. B. T. Earnes, member of Con- coming toward us, who hurried and' went over the hills toward Mr. Michael from Rhode Island, is. slopping Sessatiokal Humors. Wild rumors gress, Bues' residence. I asked Mary who she to the over a day or two in Ogdeu. were circulating in town she replied that she E. M. Wilson, Esq., ef Salt Lake thought it was; effect that there was a casa of small pox didn't know, perhaps it was some one Fife was soon on City, came up yesterday, and spent the gt the depot. Marshal us. We went on until we ia Ogden, returning to his home watching track of the affair and ascertained that night came to a pine log, within a quarter of a left by the circus this morning. g youth who had been mile of Miss Bues' home, when we sat James E. Boyd, one of Omaha's busiwas found near the depot this morning down on the log end talked for an hour Dr. E.' G. Wil- ness men, with his family, went west or prostrated by sickness. two; We then went on to Mr. Bues' yesterday, visiting friends in California. liams promptly examined him and proresidence, went in, struck a light and nounced him suffering from sun stroke sat down; Mary Said, "I must go to bed made were we turns out as It immediately Gkadcateb. ArraHgements just before twelve, or father will be mad;" to have him taken care of until he reexpected, that Mr. Willard Young, who I looked at clock, it was just six minutes The only case of small pox in was a cadet at West Point, has graduated, to covers. twelve, and I started home; got to old town is the one referred to several tinus having, as we learn from the Washingfence on Bues' farm, about three quarton Star, received his diploma directly ters of a mile northwest of house, where lately in our columns. from the hands of the War Secretary. Why willoo& run around tosrn cirthere was an opening or gateway; just nonsense. sensational Mr. Young, it seems, was the fourth as I reached this point that man culating (Mike on a list of forty-thre- e graduates, which Bertenot) raised up came toward me in Tni Cibccs. Montgonery Queen'can speaks volumes in his praise as a stu- a stooping posture two or three steps and of which he has just reason to and struck me across the breast with a certainly have no cause to complain of dent, club, a pretty solid blow; the club was wont of patronage yesterday. The great be prcrud, and on which the Junction about 3 feet long and 2 or 2 inches in congratulates him as well as his friends. diameter. I teok hold of him by the tents were erowded at both performancarms and said, "What does this mean?" es. The menagerie was well filled with A scuffle ensued; I thought he meant to animals and birds from various parts of Death at Wanship. The S. L. Her- do me injury, and I commenced striking the globe, and they all looked well. The ald this morning furnishes us with the him in th'ace, whenas hehe halloed'Yack" halloed I hit or "Yacinio;'.' barewas the circus of the just feature at great particulars of the death by burning, him a belt in the face and knocked him back riding ef Mollis Brown and Messrs. Wanship. on Thursday, of two children, down, got on his breast with my knees Fish and Robinson. Some of their feats sons of Win. Wfieeler. Three of Mr. and was pounding him when that man Mr. Queen has W's children were playing in an out (James Bues) jumped out of the fence were loudly applauded. eaoeeeded in abolishing several nuisanhouse and accidentally set fire to the ditch to the north about twe rods, and came running as fast as he could toward ce that have heretofore been connected building, one of them, a little girl, es us, and struck me there (pointing to t with circuses in this neighborhood. caped. The parents were absent from wound on bis temple) with a club, There were no lemonade or candy pedhome at the time of the unfortunate oc knocking me senseless; the club was about three feet long. As soon as I re dlers to importune and bother visitors. currence. covered my senses 1 got up and ran toAnd on the outside of the tents no The funeral of the two children will wards home halloeing murder; ran about at Salt JLuke City. 2 rods and fell down again, when both lungs invited the great public to take place see the calf with two heads, the big Bertenot and Bues came up and struck me again with their elubs. I got up snake, or any other humbug. Perhaps Item. We have been the best I could and was running agaia Celebeation the next eircus will dispense with Belling informed that the invitation of Joshua when- Bertenot threw his club at me. concert tickets. The club passed by without hitting me, Williams, Chief of Fire Department of and I stooped down to pick it up to de this cily, te the Chief Engineer and Fire fend myself with. While in the act of Frm Saturday's Daily of June 26 Brigade of Salt Lake City, to participate picking up the club Bues came up and in the festivities on July 5th, at Jones' struck me on the head with bis club, which knocked me down again. I got Grove, has been accepted; and that a and ran toward home, Bertenot after up Eaiieoad Extension We learn from goodly number of the "boys in red" will me, I halloeing for help. the Colorado Free Press that the cars of There was a pool ef water in front of arrive by the 9 a. m. train on that day, the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe rail-Da- d us to through which the road ran. Being as enjoy themselves, fully prepared weak from the loss ef bleod and the will run into West Las Animas by very the Utah firemen can, and do, when they blows that I had received I was afraid " . tte middle of July. ..' ' congregate for pleasure and pastime.' If to go into the water for fear they would the committee would allow us, we would overtake me and drown me. I never : i f to get away alive. I took out No Dasokr of Staevino. We unders- enggest that (no intoxicating drinks be expected and opened my. pocket knife wnicn l tand that the lunch stands at the grove allowed on or about the grounds on the held in the moonlight so that they on the 5th will be furnished and occasion, as a host of people will un- would think it a pistol. I stopped, pre-ldever by that prince of hosts, M. doubtedly visit the grove on that day, turned arouad and told them to keep back. Bues stood back, Bertenot stjop-e- d H. Beardsley. This will give general and we should be sorry I o have the day's down and c&me at me again with his wtiifaction, and we think Company A iojoyment marred by riotous conduot. clab; as he struck at me 1 threw up my ' '"' fortunate ia their choice. left arm to ward off the blow. I then him by the bair of the head and Utah Pomolooist. No. 8, volume 3, eaught in the top of the head twice", him struck 'Niw FiEM.Mr. B. Wj E. Jeuneusof of the Utah Pomologist for June, has with my knife. .This did'nt seem to Salt Lake The principal fault hurt him much, so I struok him in the City, announces that he is just been received aeok and was going to strike him a secprepared to attend to any business that we find with this paper is, tbat it is too ond time in the neck, when Beus came ouf readers may have with ihe house of small and is not printed often enough, up and hit me again on the head with a Franklin' Mao Veagh & Co., 'wholesale and we have often wondered why the club, knocking me down. When I got had started away toward ffocers, Chicago. See his card in, people ef St. George and Southern Utah up Bertenot Beus' and Beus was standMichael Mr. issue.. do net afiord friend Johnson, the pro ing by the road side, club in hand. I prietor, a sufficient amount of pecuniary oursed Beus, who motioned me to go Colorado Fees Pekss. The Colo- - aid and comfort to justify him in en- away. lie did not speak a word. I Mr. f4o Printing Compact, at Colorado larging bis paper and converting it into then went to my to him the facts I and Flinders repeated 8P"ngs, has merged the Free Press into a weekly or have just related, requesting him to go hily. the first number of which has We thank the Pomologist for its at once and see if Mr. James Beus whs beta received. This is a was weak and much sprightly,' well friendly notice of the Junction, which at home. I thevery loss of blood. It was from Printed eheBt, whieh we exhausted hope will re- is only justice to this paper up to the a clear moonlight and I ceuld see night fute a support commensurate with its date of tke temporary absence of its ediI see him now. as as the defendants plain i thank We "snis. Mr. Beus W. C. also Penrose. was Mr. Bertenot tor, tied over his head handkerchief noa had for E. his friend J. complimentary WtBsa Cacxtt Schools. We his coat or jacket and whiskers and pre tice of the ad interim, which, if too highturned wrong side out. Was well acnmithat thecitixens ef Weber County colored, may be owing to a partiality quainted with Beus and knew Bertenot ly already knew, an therefore need not be (reciprocated) by one member of the well by sight but had never spoken to that the schools the him before this occurrence. of jold, county are Johnson family, for another. int flourishing Alma Flinders was sworn, and corrobe condition, and we the statement of the prosecuting orated the Territorial n as to his condition at the time he witness How would you like to hare your Riggs, Esq., is aware of the fact, or his house. ."'At Tom's request I to came whitened by the bones of men went to his father, Isaao WouId have furnished Forms, and the press of the sugar asks an told him what had occurred. Mr. Fur"ty with, at least, a synopsis of what who died for their country? be learned exebanga. They are apparently nis and I then went to the house of Jas. whil that way in France. They Bues; we inquired fer Mr. Bues, and fongh the county, a renort of wnUfc having it by his wife that he was not at have formed a factory for the manu- were told had but gon down lown. We then home facture of animal charcoal at Metz, went to the house ef offioar Jas. Bureb, aanot which is supplied with bones from fjw. being now out of dat and after informing him af what had Place intheJcHcwos This fields there. over battle sihichprothe occurred, went with him back to James filet a give nic. used is Sues', where, Mr. Vur& Inquired if refining sugar. f rodact . a to-da- y -- sten-tori- an - el to-k- yi ; bro.-in-law'- semi-weekl- y. bare-foole- sup-Pos- Snnil.nBt J- ' IJ b d, s, Bues was at home." Mrs. Bues replied as before and wanted to know what was the matter. When! informed that Thomas Furnis had been hurt by some one while coming home, she exclaimed, "Jim didn't do it i" We three theu went to my house, when Tom repeated his story to Mr. Burch. We next started down town for a warrant. When we got opposite Bues' residence, Bues came put and asked us what was up. We told him Tom Furnis bad been hurt, when he laid he didn't know anything about it. Soon after this Bues took officer Burch around the house, where they remained about nfteeu minutes. When they came back Bues said, "You don't need to be in a hurry, boys; I know all about this thing. Tom Furnis has bees going with Mary, and they have been coming home at all hours of the night, sometimes as late as ' daylight in the morning. I have been out watching them, and as I was coming home I beard a ecuQle, and running in that direction saw Furnis on top of a man jabbing him with a knife. I ran up to them, pulled Tom off, and motioned him to go home, but did not speak." Mr. Furnis and I then went to Justiee Middleton's and got a warrant for Michael Berdenot and James Bues. We went home, and after breakfast went up to the place where the fight occurred. We came to a pond of water, on the east side of which we saw pools of blood and hair, and in the road from there to the gateway we saw fresh tracks in the duBt, some of them being barefoot prints. We also saw several places where it appeared as though scuffling had taken plaoe. On the south side of the gateway there were three posts, sitting side by side; and on the west side of the posts the grass had been matted down as though a man bad been sitting there. There were three large rooks lying there, and barefoot tracks in the dut. About twe rods north of the gite there was another place in the ditch where it appeared as though another roan had been sitting. We saw tracks leading from there to the Between the pond to the gateway. we gateway picked up Thomas Furnis' hat, and near by piolted up wheat and grass covered with blood, which looked like some one had been wiping themselves with it. There, was also some blood among the wheat, and plaoes where scuffling had taken place. I went te inNo one vestigate the affair for myself. Mr. Isaao Furnis was asked me to go with me all this time. to-nig- . Kansas does all of our grain product go to?" Boy "It poes ino the hopper." Teacher "Hopper ! TVhat' hopteacher-!4-"Wher- e t -- - per?" - 1 : Boy "Grasshopper i" antlv shouted tho lad. triumph- -' ; . Rocky Mountain Pills. A YALUABLE MEPICIXE. FROM NEW AND BARK II KD I CI SAL PLANTS RECENTLY BISCOVKRKD IN TUB ' ' ROCKY MOUNTAINS. Turely Vegetable! FtfUen yean of Mrneit beUuira! mokA among tlime mountain Mid valleyi bare reultt lu th rtlKoorery, ixit only of many new variatira of iiluuti, tut of nw joiw; aouia af wUich dav woniWrfullj madioituil ami uratira propmiaa. liy aontinual axiieriment tUcir vtrtuea have tw oouia known and thin from axtiactf of thwa newly uUaofsred pUuUara tha pill coupoau-det- t. II pronarly uivd, ttiay will enra vary naay diatKt9, paina am) achat, ami ara mora ialallr valuablain DYSJ'Kl'Sl A, LIVKH C0MTLA13T, INDIGESTION, JATNDICK, ant all caaaa of and KlbNKT FKVKUS, COI.riS, URINARY DISB48K3, RllKL'M AT1HM, COST1VKNK85, II KAKTuUKN, HI AUlillUt, JIU.MI'3, MICAS-LKfor Priylng tha blood, and for many othar of DlLLiOL'SNK&g dNeiwa, and all ca Disordered atonuich. On vrdara coorapniad 1'T tUa cash or iHwfatl order, I will tnd aafcly by wail poatpald, I box ceuu. 1 box hoxe i,5U, 1 croat mx Pilli fur ftU.0O. ii J. (5 X v CiQ A Otl hO1) luud, Me, K. , JOHNKON. Ibt.liaorjo, EMi., Por day, at .homa. AddreMl. Term &UMOS Proa Co, TotM i46-- l . PRODUCE 7 STORE., G. W. TUItKEK. liii old itand on FIFTH STREET, for the purohaaa aala of Haa ad ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Garden and Grass Seeds, "" ..,.( 1 i , At his BOOK STORE adjoining be keeps atl the Periodicals and Newspapers of the day, aio a fuH stock of Staitoaerj, Wall Taper, Tictuies, Frames, etc. 28-C- 0. m W. TURNER. r , Isaac Furnis, the father of the proseG. cuting witness, was sworn, and corroboin Mr. Flinders rated the testimony of . Ogden, every particular relating to what occurred after be (Flinders) came to his Aoiars Poa heuse, including their visit to James 1 Birch's, the conversation with Bues and Ames' Portable and .Stationary Engines, the visit to the. scene of the affray. Empire Saw Mills, single or double, James Birch was next sworn. His tes withParkbursl'sPateotllead Bloek; ' the evidence to went corroborate liiuony Evarts and Lowe's Shingle Ma- , of the last witnesses. He said the wound Power with or either chines, on Furnis' head was two and a half ' ' Hand Feed; Shingle Jointers, inohes long. Drag-Saw, Edgers, Circu ' Henry Garner was sworn, and testified Iar Saw and all Saws, that James Bues had related to him the '! Mill supplies, ' " occurrence. His (Bui) story to Garner was substantially the same as that given COM AND COB CltUSltERS to Birch, Flinders and Furnis. Thos Doxey was sworn, 'and testified Sugar iCane Mills, f'c. i a that on Tuesday, the 8th inst., he, Jas. II. Wood and James Bues were at work Also, the 8t. Louis Invin cible Vibrator together on the water sect.- When in Threshing Maobincs, with Carey j con versai ion together about men taking Power, either mounted or down, t, advantage of girls, James Bues said that which is fast' superseding the old style there was a young man wha took a young J Praia Bolt JJaohinss. girl out on the benoh last Sunday night, and kept her out till one o'clock, and if We reapeatfitlly tolleit ordere for tha afore he went the next Sunday night he would f amed Uitelilnea, acd'will guarantee te fell on was with nothing bet be after him, if it ter than a good revolver. Witness said: BETTER TIBMS THAN BVJUt RCFORK Of-- 1 Witness PEREO to tba People of Utah. Peecrlptlre Cir"Ob, you wouldn't kill him did not bear Bues reply, but added, "Oh, cular aeut an application. All iuqairlea PUT fur. you won't hurt him," when Bues Iber Information will be promptly anawared. ; s answered, "No, I won't let kkn feel the t Ogden, May lit, 1673. dl02 (35tf , .; hurt.!' James II. Woods was sworn, sad corf roborated verbatim the testimony CHILD & CO.,: W. '' - ' Utah, I f t - ; . Thomas Doxey., Prosecution rested. , , The Utah i James Birch was sworn for the defence, but nothing new was elicited., Mary Bues sworn, for the defonse. She corroborated the testimony of the prosecuting witness in relation 'to their being together, and arriving at her t borne at about eleven o'clock. Furnis left the house at five minutes to twelve. Witness blew out the light and Vent upstairs to bed. About ten minutes Office - Logan, Cache County after Furnis left, as near as she c6uld judge, witness heard defendant, Bertenot, call the does in the direction of the barn, and beard some one walk past the Having three 8teara Paw MUU beaidaa svtknl house. Witness was in bed; did not get Water Pwwar nlllt, we ara prepared UfurnUk ' up to see who it was. She went to sleep, and did not learn of the difficult until PILLS Of , . t r , morning, when defendant, Bertenot, toid r her that after pasiog around the farm last night to see if everything was right, r, be stopped at the gateway to elean the J mud out of his shoes, when a fellow on to with and his neck cut him, jumped a knife. la any quantity at rate which i Michael Bues was sworn for the des f fence, and testified that defendaht, BerDEFY COMPETITION. tenot, was working for his son Louis; that en the night of the ocsarrence they both slept in the same room in witness' barn. They both went te bed at nine o'clock. Some time in the night defendOliDIvRS BY MAII, 1 ant heard a noise, which he supposed wai made by Bertenot, who was in the will recede ijnniadjaie aitenita. uhabit of getting up in the night to drive the (took out of the farm. In the morn- Ll'MEtfi Shifted te an point on ti Raitreaj ing Bertenot was lying in bed. When r witness asked him what wss the matter, Dertenot answered that he was sick, and said he pome one lit the street, who D. HAMMOND- ,, truck him nine times wkh- - Unife. 'Defence rested. MPT. . LUMBER Co., half-pss- j Is 17 rtfT B 23 K - i f : nt M : - |