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Show IS oy ul To Women. Ex ie uses. A A London correspondent of the just come nice new wkhe8a,u Cincinnati Gazette says: "Surely the high ralue visit of the Prince of Wales to India which you fixed Lceuntof its fineness efeiure, Its U not necessary. Besides, we hold would I and ibe purity of color; ,tt7 that hii presence in our eastern do it whs new ari'l unsoileJ, yet while 7il it in (be dust ou a hot, dry day in with it Tulmer; would you lounge and railroad .round the streets, depots Itfors, soiling it by the dust and oil wilh wi,ioU U iuis,,t' unJer come in contact! or eircu nno'h!r ,or 8Uch H !LiJ y ,0n u if you Mllowed ? oyoii would noi. out V L .,.me in contact wito. ioor usige. you would wear it carefully J keeping aloof from dut an wJ ,Bd roui jouruelf; J w,,t,R- - hnTing mide your trip jth iiti' nd remrntd to your home. r it and put it bnish nd more no be 10 expoed refuUj ttw:iy immediate cre. eeptng under your 1 that is what ni.poee you At cU-aus- jld a careful Bing do uld woamn, joursdf" you naturally p" retain your purity and all eUe tonfided to your cure nd intended as clean and a- far reHessinp yu from coriupiioH as porsible. moved Evil comuianiealions corrupt pcod morals.1' or words to that effect, was a topyset for me many long ye tr ago by at tliat early day j pJagogue, 1 thiliren were tauglH the mealing of later in Jiff, years lh lenience, and, hire si'eo illustrations of (be truth of rood an drtire I 10 - 1 theaxii'in. 'ou tell me, madam, by your filence that, in the case referred to, you wou'd your new tot eipoce of being soiled fuund on i lie by dretsto the danger "eil foinuiuntcations" That is iiglii;lui in your charge precious, more valuable than a xtreets. it-- kiTeyoti ftr mure 1 which will soon wear can be by another! Ih&l der little child of youiH, a daughter, innocent and pure, whatisyourduty to atr, yourself, society, and your God? tibecame to you, let tne presume, not of ter o o volition; was eutrustel to you fori purpose; your duty to her is plain and cannot be inielak n; it is to lore, eberisb and protect her in her infancy, her youth, and so long as within your power to chield her from a rude contact with "evil communications.'' But, madam, do you always discharge Let that duly! You answer yes, I do. in ite about that. I will suppose that it is Sunday; you ha?e taken your little daughter to church, to Sundiiy school, lad have returned home; tho child U arrived in ter holiday attire; dinner is nr; you perhaps have .company, or ;oa want to read the Bible, the Book of Maroon, or the Ledger, or what not; your child is restless; she wants to walk rrun or ride; you do not feel like her. Finally she say, "Ma, may I g to Ihe depot to see the train tmt in ! Mary Jones is going, and Anna Smith; let me go, please." To get rid of atr teasing, you let that ianocent, sweet ihild, more valuable than a million sa'in dresses, start out with two or three other tatldreo, perhaps, also innoeeut, pure and unprotected, to meet and "commun. icate" with the medley of good, bad and Indifferent throng always to be found at Mch places on such occasions. You let Utpore child go out alone to wrestle jih temptation and crime, and yet you Wlme that to her you have discharged jwrduty. It is not true, madam. Iiany illustration required, go down dres, gMgaiuer tut ind 5 ' alone on some yourself wa the pleasant Sunday, trains are about to arrive, or . it is no fit place for you. Perhaps 7ur husband might go and come away Pe, and with useful knowledge obtain W by the trip. But ho w is it with W Will she, after a few visits toyour the rWorms where sin and vice do most oipegate, come home to you pure in and deed? ywrtikougtat, y advice (which, perhaps, I have no M o ofTer), to parenta is. do not per jour children to go about unprotected . If it is desirable fortbera JMT out on Sunday, go with them. P jour motherly eye upon, and yeur them. Could you but lMVitJ to fall into evil associa- re n,et wilh. .?1 BureJ tbl 5 ber' o'Ogden,. would restrain nixing with the g to be found around the Z dvised iti.9aJSundllTeniDChildre" ttl f 11 "r Z I J iar7' 'Th,er' thr-n- - Sutf.tay1;70" Lo oxek Ox. J"d.Se Noab Davig, who presided trial of Wm. M.Tweed, has laM PPortonity to reflect hdou witabilitv of hnM.n:.ff.;M wadmonal. , ingratitude of repub-tkeiUsh aJudS mayrctaiD coerS ?aprS of a criminal, jet the tv I vricb fict3 whicli rc!ate iQvoWe8 the rbhts odn m ,;';on fV dirt,oa di.;,"1,1 U,V 0r;j c "maupiorthe courL nf ultimate thft position of a D4 reproach, re juris nreiu 8a xuute Slarri-ng- c or (iencnil Sherman. had you Woi1Mtoi madam, .ionofa Sad Sequel to the ' ' , Captain a 11? 1 OUGHT to KNOW GENERAL AGENT IN (SrEED Utah, Idaho, Montana and gtNNISG Jj1GIIT tbrt combines which ing Maahioe great essentials. Observation auipnaj ice have demonstrated the fat, taM good sewing citn be doo on all firW cUss machines. Then Ihe enquiry arise; Which Machine runs the lightest? PETER SOHUTTLER'S CELEBRATED THE WEED. Wkich Machine sews ihe last eat? WiLGOEJS! THE WEED. Which Machine hag the handiest ap pliances? BUCKEYE AND AND Onpled with immense power and dura sew bility. The nlj straiht-neadl- a JSevada or IlEArERS . YOU WW H. Brown, of the Fifth United States cavalry, cut his tl:nat with a razor last Friday afternoon at 21 West Twenty-sevent- h si i niiuions would produce Jar more street, New York. His age was harm than cood. If our leading thirty. He told his friend, Colonel statesmen want to show the great W. G. Baukin, the evening previous Mohammedan sovereigns what a poor that tie' was "out of sorts," but would anu paltry thin: lsnin royalty is soon 1)3 'Vl right" again, and invited then by all means let tl:eut send i s the Colonel to call on him'the followrepresentative- on this tour. Albert ing day. The Col. did so iu company Kdvard is the very worst' person that with Mr. Costa, a friend, and on . . T I. I, .... J knocking at. the door an indistinct Biiuuiu represent ttiitaiia in xnui.i und feeble voice said cotns in." On He is jei fectly destitute of every entering and they found Capt. Brown moral physical, intellectual undressed upon the floor, (Uilifica(iiin fur so seilius a mission. partially with in a his throat. Be deep gash Still, if he persists in his intentions, sides two razors lying beside him, he and it' he chooses to make an as ol h msclf, we d not wi.h to prevent held in his hand a broken gold chain. hitn. But let him d j so out of his He recognized Col. llankin at once, own pocket; or let his opulent uiotlu r and said: "It is no use sending for a doctor. He can to me .10 goi d. It help her chasti ned sun. We is all over. I have no one to live fur against the country beoow." He then "added: I have ing sadJUd with his expenses." swallowed winch wish I a 'I liis is the style of theGreville uieui-- o ring jou rs with u vengeatjee! Tho re- to get." A doctor was sent for, who marks I have quoted are not instiira sewed up .the wound, an j paid him ted in their ellect by the publication other necessary attention, but on his of a few figures which cmtiot but departure the. sufferer experienced a sudden convulsion, and in li is agony, impress tne mtnu of the burst open the wjund, and died seon worinj; classes. alter of hemorrhage. Deputv Cero- The Queeu's settled income a year exauii-natiouer Lee made a is 383.000. of the of bojy Cpt. Brown, She lleceives from the who committed suicide on Friday. 49 000 At Duchy of Lmcasttr the time he was dying the Cap- Anr.ual ctiares on the consolidated of a ring ho had swallowed. fund fur members of the royal family: aiupoke This ring was found. It was of plain Tho Ddchess of Cambridge 0,000 gold, with raised, chased edges. On Princess Augusta ii,O00. the inside of the riug was engraved: 12.000 ' Be satisfied " The Dakeol'Cumbridga story of the ring Princess Mary 5.000. whs not ascertained, Uut if rumors bi Priucess Imperial Victorii 3,000 true he was engaged to tne young Princi-sAlice Maud 6,000 ady in New Orleans who has since Prince of Wales 40 000. ra ouie the wife of Phil Sheridan. Same from the Duchy of Washington Star, June 8th. CO Cornwall I SOMETHING GEO. A. LOWE THE WEED. with Can you rtw, successfully, No. o cotton? lea! Query MOWKKS, THE WEED. OX Saturday being the day which calls rainy from the outlying towna lo Ogden City, I shall make it a point t ba found in my office always on Paturdayt. N. B. SWEEPSTAKES TURESQERS eurn-ehtly.piot- Furst tt Bradley Hay Hakes, OFFICE AMD 8IIO W ROOM ON MAIN 8 T 11 K K T. Tithlnf TrJ. tp J. A. P. PERKINS, the OU Opp. Agent Full Stock cf A S. Weed M. j Compvjft 00 PEN CI TV. lam hard-toilin- pott-mnrten- i s Priuci ss of Wales Prince Alfred Prince Arthur Princess Helena Princess Louise Prince Leopold 000. 10,000. 25.000. 15,000. G,000. Wagon Woods, i Gem yA Reading! AND ti ! PHVM1ULOUY AND ANATOMY of tho KVEMIUUT. TclU how to ltcatore Impair ed Vlatort amlOvtrworkrd av.va t beW to tare Weak, Watery Inttamed,aiMl Eyea, and all other IMa I Iron, Steel, and Kear-Slght- e4 DMludiulllM Always ou British Arctic Expedition. WAXTK JVO HOSM MONKT BTXDJUSTJKtQ J1HQK OLASRS O.V YOUR fiOSX AND Z i TOUR PACE. FIGURI Pamphlet af 106 aKca Mailed free. Send ywur avddraM t iu also. Agents.WantecL ta (10 iit r hand. S Salt Lake City & Corinne, LOGAN D. HAMMOND, Jul City, B, I. BRANCH 1 I. , STAPLE & FANCY Agent for tbe above U MERCHANDISE I OQDEN and LOGAN. d204-.Si- ConixtiRg of a 8TOVE8. DRY COOPS, TLNWAUK, KOT10N8, HATS , & CAr?, ' O LASS W ARB, CROCKERYf BOOTS & SHOES, MEDICINK3 PATENT OKOCERIES, HAPPY RELIEF ?0R TOTOIO MEN FROM HARDWARE. KTC, ETC. flia at Krrnra n4 Abuwt i aorlv IJc. Also a full line Imnil!i(uuta to MarrUca r u.nluuJ movad. Nw method ut treatmost Kw nJ rt-niaraale rmdifl. Vuuk and urtnian mrm K' : OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. affau-t- a K..t-M-- .t tr--- in. mMA . ulnnM. Ad.lrru HOWARD ia(UVUTinv Na 419 North Ninth Ht.. PLladaU a high loatitution having pliia, . Pa.. aa . reputation . . . t .1 ) lor noooraiMa cuuuuui mw aoc.ui. k. . pruuMwuiHu CIothin; Gents' ft Boy . Great reduolion In Prlec of WOOD'a CHAMPIOX & EXCEE8IOB Reapers & 3lotvers, NOTICE, And other Farming Implements mo FYLVAND3 X WHOM If COMSTT, Alt ALL OTUKHS MAI iwacitllfll That we, the ncWuip", claim ONE-UAINTEREST in th GOAL MINES at Twin CrMB, BMf River Valler, Wyomtaj Ttrrltery, ly virtue of ditcovery rlgbt aod labor perfuruad therMB, will he malDtalaad la the proper which rl-co art. ' All Pnrtooe are hereby notlftad not to porch taid aulnlDK property, ai m Ural title eaa be givaa wltboat tb cotent and aljiaatarwe Whitewater i AT COST THE HILLS ' Id thia city commenced work 8 gala on Moat ay, Jane 14. Cloth Exchanged for Woo From fortiito forty-fiv- e For tht convenience of resident e Cache County Joel Kicks will exchange 0lia for wool u Logan. 42ltfri$--t .' AXD I TBIMMBGS, LEATHER ASD HOE ; , ... ,. : FINDINGS! All Kinds of Froduce forward al to any point at, the Shortest J otic. cent per pound paid for ttood clean ivaahwl hhh1,. Frotn twenty seven to thirty for unwashed Vemoci:i$ Light Spring Wagon, OARXESS WOOLEN t Aha Winchester JOBS CX)ZZEX9. DUD LET J. MKR&1LL. EXCELSIOR and StudcbaltT WAGONS. U t Iatcr-Os'-a- fA. rp. O. Boat UU to tht public full and oomfiet aaa.rtnifut of t Offer ilT. a ay rnaraareeeT.' Write l.afU lately. C. Z! UTAH. 'I , TITL J. ATT. A: So. 81 Liberty Bt, Kaw ovfices: ice-boun- 'Jlubtf, of he Eyr eaaeR - TOOLS t : ".''"'vn 1 Ilv rradlinr ewr IllnH- - WAGON MATERIAL, Ladlea. , I Bind SAVE YOUR EYES! Kestore vour fiislitl iaUMurtkalaraaeatfrea. 6,000. The British Arctic expedition was 15,000. at last accouuts in readiness to sail ' Total ' ' voyage, The ves 057,000. on its sels hud arrived at Liverpool, and .Now, when we remember that besides this annual outlay for maintain- presents of books and other articles ing a royal family, which, in con- were fast pouring in for the men stitutional theory is kept for doing Despite repeated failures, and the nothing, England is huddled with an wearying return of disappointed men, enormous national debt, and that the the government has determined to soil' of the couutry is almost exclu- make a fresh attempt to peretrate l I !! .1.1tnree muiious sively in the hands of aristocratic tne oi square nines oi families so much so that there are unknown area which surround the altogether only about 40.000 landed pole. No paius have been spared to proprietors, and half Scotland, ac place at the disposal of Captaiu Nares, cording to John Bright's faying, is the commander of the expedition, owned by twelve families we cannot every apphauce which past expert wonder that any new call upon tie ence may have suggested, or present publio purse, made for the take of needs demand. The failures of former uavigators gratifying a royal tute for luxury and pleasure, evokes a deep growl have proved that nothing is to be lrou the suffering masses. gained by entering the drift pack, and that the success of the expedition de pends upon their hugging the shore ana giving tne noaiing ice as wiae a berth as possible. Captain Nares will A CUrasalioppcr Story. f proceed by Baffin's Bay and Smith's One of the most creditable stories Sound. Beyond the inner circle of is to the effect that a few weeks ago a 90 degrees everything is very mucli matter of conjecture. At the point womau dug up a pan full of dirt in Mali was brought to a stand where which to plant some flower seed. She ice it is put the pan under the stove and went still by floating masses of that the Alert may be able, out to see a neighbor. On her return hoped , l found she hour's after an absence, tnrougn ner superior engine power, , , . , seven thousand bushels of grasshop- to push her way. at sea an the The existence of epen pers, generated by the heat, literally Dr. Kane and asserted is home. house and by of her out pole eating discovered They first attacked the green shadt s other explorers., Kane the far as as sea tidal a eye could on the windows, and then a green said its waves painted dust pan. A green Irish ser- r?ach. Capt, Murray beach with the vant girl, asleep in one of the rooms, were dashiug on the was the next victim, and not a ves swell of a boundless ocean. Ihe ebbed and fliwed in it, and he tige of her was left. The stove and tides was of the oriuion that the tidal stove pipe followed, and then the house was torn down so they could wave from the Atlantic could no the icy barrier than get at the chimney, Boards, joices, more pass under musical a of vibrations the string can tin beams, plastering, clothing, rails, which tho musician fret a upon ware, dors, hinges, knobs, plates, pass his finger. everything in fact the house contain- has placed this Whether mysterious sea is she when and ared, was eaten up, rived withiB a mile of the place,' she isolated or conjoined with the North saw two of the largest hoppers sitting Atlaatic ooan is one of the prob lems which Captain Nares will at up on end playing muinblepeg for the is anticipated cellar. The way the matter leaked tempt to solve. It out was a lawsuit brought against the that whether the expedition reach valuable disinsurance company, which refused to the Pole or n at, many in botany, made be coveries may pay the policy on the ground that the buiidinsr was not destroyed by geology, geography, ctbnoiogy, and kindred sciences. The application of fire; but the eoart rendered a verdict to the phenomenon in favor of the plaintiff, as she had Fpectrum analysis will probably Borcalis Anrora the of proved that the grasshoppers had b some interesting discoveries. ad to by the fire in tho stove.-S- i. Ljub A AH arJern tent to M. Thalcher wiH receive prompt aiuouon.; H B. Clawson. SUPT, |