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Show country of llontefik Arabs, inflicting an immence tJistriot, and destroying a large number of lives. In the localiti.e then, tioned in tbe dispatch, the numbers were 500, 800 and 1,000, respeciely. Thoae who were struck down with the disease Ji Y TELEGRAPH. AMERICAN. Washington, 25. generally succumbed on the second or Jmigo 'flpence, assistant 'attorney third day after the premonitory symp. lorns had set in. In some districts tbe general for the post office department, was appearing, but it wns rpidemio has furnihhed au opinion tp the in others not visited by tbe general inking (be ground (hut breaking commission. peatmnsters are liable on tneir bonds At the Plymouth church prayer meetlor tbe loces of goTernraent property Hev H W. Decher oreated while in their possession. The occasion ing to night. a sensation by referring t the trial for of the deoiion w the los f a regis since it went into the first Hint) Ibe I worth of post-maul- er ten package containing $200 atamps, in tranuit through the Dos' on post office. It is tbe first opinion that ha heen gien holding postmasters responsible on thetr bonds tor the 1h of government property paseiug through the pout office. The board of IodUn commissioners kae requested that officers of the army be detailed to inspect supplies at Kansas Oiiy, Siom City and Cbeyenne. The ijeorcUry of War has directed Lieu'en to not General Sheridan to detail oflict-make inspections at the points nome l. Tltomaston, Ms , 23. and condemned to be Gordon, Wagner hanged kept up a bold front until ibis uorniug, when Wagner appeared muoa excited. Both men ptolsst their inuooence. At 11 a.m. Gordon attempted to commit auioide by stabbing bint tlf with a shoe knife. He was found lying on the floor of his cell, when the wardeo went to prepare him for the Wagner mounted the galljws with a firm etep. Gordon, whn brought to tbe gallows,' was unconscious aud bad been since hU attempted He was placed in a Bitting euioUe position on a box on the drap and eup ported by two deputies. Wagner cut-his eyes towards him, and turned to the spectators and said: Htanding here to before tilt, I proilalm tny innooi-ncfind." Gordon nn!e no ign of life satre a faint moaning. At 1 1 45 the epring n touebed and the two bodier were A strong impres-nio- o hanging in mid-aieoera te be gain'ng ground of tbe possible innocenoe of Wagner. Doston, 23. The execution of Jas. II. easterly lok plao tnts morning The murderer bure l.iaistlf with muoh coolness. 11 made a epeech. lie was busily engaged yesterday in writing a statement, which has not been made public but it is thought to be a full confession. New York, 25. y At 12 o'olock the jury ia the Neecher oase were still out. The judge refuses to send for them. A great number of people congregated In and around (ho ceurt room from an early hour this morning. The corridor was thronged with paities anxious to gain admittance to the room, but the police stationed at the doors only admitted those having tn right to enter. At 10 o'olock, the !cur appointed for the opening of the court, the room was filled. Alri. Beech-i- f Porter and oauio in with r snou'd ber usual place in front of tbe Plymouth ohnroh throng, and Shearman bustled id and out of the room, whi Tiltou aat in tut ante room leading to Judgn's chamber, in conversation with aoiue friends. When Starts entered the rjwiu he was reoeired with demonstration of applause, which were with diff- courU. He said he would still continue lo act as paotorof l'lymoutli church, be causa he felt that no mailer what the ver tlict of the jury in the cae miglit be his congregation would still have tail It in and stand by him. Memphis Officers of the Minola report the Bel'e Sbreveport eunk at Islaml No, 10. She was bound from hi. Luis lo ISew Or leans with a valuable cargo. No panic-ular- s. r to-d- s. gal-low- t r. to-da- e iculty cheokei by the otnoialn. Judge NeiUen was in bis private room from an n e trly hour, where he awaittd a from the jury. It is the comma-uloatio- pre-vailiu- belief that g disagreement the jury is inoTltable, and bets are freely on that result. of of-ter- ed Tbe jury eent down for Mrs. Moultsn'a whioh the judge forwarded to teatimouy, ' - thrm. At 4 p.m. nothing had been heard frosu the jury, tuough rnmor stated that t'tey stood seven for Ueeoher and five for Tuton, but h cannot be traoed to an source. At 1 o'clook Judge Neilson adjourned io the oourt till aid the jury were locked up tor the night. letter from Maraoiabo, Veoeiuela, May t'Jth, gives an account of an earth-tuak- o at Cirouita, Colombia, on May 18 h. The first shock leveled every wall in the olty, burying in a single instant JJ.0JO people, cot of a population of 10, 00& Several who were not killed sub- .Seqiently died from injuries, and many wetw uturdered by rubbers, who plun- ttrrei in bauds. Ibe suecas oootiuued anl'tirM burned rauoh property Those country ufdjfid to the- neighboring and encamped. hen ike nes reached Maracaibo two steamers were sent with luud aud clothing to the sufferers by the" American ojdsuI and the people: af a sorps of physicians and a commit i to disburse aid. The governor eent WJiera to protect the people. Reports from San Cayrtooa, Santiago, Graraalate, Arbaledfc, Cuoutella and San Cristiabel, ad aggregating a population of 10,000, confirm the prerieu.i account of the de-fruction ef 4if and property in those The ekook was felt at Bogota, ploe the capital of Colun-ble- , and other places, and in Maraoiibo there have been light quakes eiery day since. Tai Levant Herald, of the 221 Inst., eays a telegram has jnat been received fruui tht sanitary counatastenw sent to ine utstnot of Mesopotamia atrtcsen wtt thft buboplo plague. A telegram, was rent ou tba Visk of Mayjrom liagdad. whither it' L i be'rn ent bra'specta' from Kul Kl Haumara, where the totitjuiseiooer then was. It says this f.'iui tuaUJy Lm beyond the - ct crir ertai St-Pa- Minn ul, , 2. tornado passed over Mendota, til miles above this city, this afternoon, a doaeo building, aeveral of A ng which were entirely demolished. Omaha, 25. Indians bsve stolen a large number of horses near Lookout, Wy. Private ad vices from Red Cloud agency say tbe In- .t mans winta unuouotetity sigu away inetr hunting rijthts in Wyoming, and proba, bly in Nebrabka. Indianapolis, Zo. will The Indianapolis Sou, W. from a letter long publish Phillip to James Uuchinan, of this city, in which he says the first cUuxe of the Cleveland platform adopted latt Match, liaB bis Cardial apprOAal. He eays no words can describe .lie importance of Ibe tiuanoml plan it recommends, and he is sure it will be adopted by the nation. Chicago, 25. A special lo the Ti nes from Washington says the Interior Department lias received from the War Depart mem notice that the treaty has been signed between the Yanktonaai, Uocpapas, Dlackfeet, Gros Venires, Mandans, and Aiickarees. The treaty was agreed to at Fort Linooln en Ibe HOlh of May, and is signed by Lt. Carlin, John Burke, and L D. Sperry, agents on the part of the Indians. Parties to ibe treaty agree lo ceaee depredations upon one another. and to confine themselves to tbe limits of Standing Kock agency. These In dians bave never entered into any kind of treaty wiih the government before. Dispatches from Wisconsin and northern Iowa, atato that those sections were visited by a violent storm, yesterday, blowing down houses and fences, wash- iagaway railroad bridges and damaging the growing crops. A Springfivld, Ills., special, says the railroad commissioners of Missouri have sent letter to the railroad com- m stioners of this State, in whoh they notify the latter that they have reoeived acceptance of railroad commissioners of six States to meet in Springfield on the 20ih of July next, to propose plan for uniform action as far as maybe in railroads, against the enforcement of railroad laws of the respective States. A lengthy report of the Cbiosgo custom house commission just published, shows that fraud and incompetency have flourished in the construction of the budding. They find that the foundation in many plaees is soft and treacherous; that the layer of concrete was not of sufficient width to equal se the pressure of the weight above; that the stenea in the walls are of all shades and colors, and that the most outrageous system of patching had been resorted to in order to ooucel the defeets. 8an Franoisco 21. United States steamship Beneoia sailed last night for Victoria to bring dawn the officers and crew of the Saraaae. A dispatch from San Diego reports a ru i or of serious revolution in Souora. General Devaloi, in command ou the frontier, is eaid to be a prisoner in the hands of the revolutionist. Judge McFadden, delegate to Congress from Washington Territory, died y at Olyeapia. 1 t.tl , . to-da- Tarn, is under water. At Tren oulet. in the department of Arrieg.' fi" bouses four hunonly remain standing out of dred. In the district of Foi, Sou dere completely partment, two villages dead bodies are submerged, aud many ' throughout found. Crops of all the inundated district have beeii dePresident MoMhon and stroyed. Minister Buffet have K'ft Paris for the sceue of destruction. Gen. De CUxy, minister of war, c:o panled theiu Tae municipal council of Pari ha- - voted $20 000 for the relief of i lie uffenrs Higuy persons were drowned in Ver dun. E glit hundred hoii'es have fallen in Toulouse. At U'rdeux lie Carmine No serious catastrois much swoll-- n phe is reported. Ii iseaid ihat iltogetber over 1,000 lives have been lost. The damage to property nnd loss of life by the flood In the rtver 0 r .nne is greater ihau previously lepof'el. At Toulome the bodies of lOOferona who were drowned were found i the housis which were flooded, but left htamitng Many other people perished and their ho lies were cariied off in the houses that were swept away. Versailles, 25 to A banquet was riven celebrate the anniversary of the death of General Iloche Ginh. tta made the said the replibli He principal specli Cans, forgetting hostilities. IH'W j ined hanls with their foitner oppi nents us friends w!.om they previously misunderstood They desired a d esolution f the in the inn rf.--t of coiitiiine l progress. Tl-- leruhliciDs had abnu dotted uone of iluir priiicple. They must advance st p by step ami aim for the realization of the principles of the revolution Supplying EurthquuU4 U'altr. The Sinta Barbara Hcpubliean June 4th haa ih'w paragraph amonjr the rverjtliiiif; portant Carlist fortress of Misaret, on the river Ebra after a seige of several days, was surrendered unconditionally to General Campeta. Paris, 25. The loss of life at Ton'onse is appalling. At St Cyprian quarter 215 corpses nave already been round. 1 he violence of the torrent frustrated the efforts t rescue the unfortunate inmates of houses and several nun were drowned in the attempt. Twenty 4luxmnd persona are deprived or incu.ua of subsistence ia Toulcnse alone Disasters elsewhere are aunert of equal roagmtuJe. The lower purl of the oiiy f Uoruas a tie s WE HAVE ADDED A FIXE ASSOTMENT OP E. N. DAVIS & CO'S ALUMINOUS AND ORNAMENATL Build ing Paper tf ! OJL CLOTH AND CARPETING, : we include ouraclvtg nuthber but in this, us in we find tome we lo in this part of the TeAgency North of Salt Lake t'itv. rritory For which we have the differ with us. .Thu gentleman is J. P. Walker, who has a ram he near llincon. lie fur o our earthquakes he had a fine wheat field which, up lo that time, had never had flowing water or spring of auj kind; all the water i received came frum fains After the earthquake. Mr. Walter was both surprised and pleased to find a. large spring flowing a good Our Customers are finding. out that we fell, as Cheap and ever volume of watei; in field where water Had never existed bef ire, and, Cheaper than Salt Lake, because freight to the City is saved in the cost of our goods. being on high ground, he thinks of conveying it in pipes to his residence. slSlj Col. llollis'cr tells us of a similar occurrence on a ranch beloti"ius to him, several yeard ago, where volume of water was snouted to a heig'tt of nearly forty feet for several dvys alter tbe earthquake, and there has been a flowing stream thorn ever siuco." S." F. Chronicle. The Success tve have already met with m selling this Payer is a Guarantee of its being appreciated. " WALKER BROTHERS. 1875. Spring Conference, A. W. BROWN & Co. S-AX.- LAKE T . CIT1T, FIFTH STliEET, QGDEX. Have received the most complete assortment of fcpring tioods ever brought into the Tcrritoty, DeaUrs ia and will open tliem for inspection and sale during April Conference. BOOK & SHEET Country Traders Should see them without FatL U S I C EH ! SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS AND ' TO Musical Merchandise, Keep y--t- OPEKATIVE ST OEES. CO cistaat.ljron'iband a full "assort ,, ibent. of ?''' ..X ;' B AND UEIMIKS . LOWEST . frices With ! ' . v' " ' ' Of all klnda and ttU ? IMPLEMENTS ! -- r tn gr Muchluc, for Maobine. before purchasing elsewhore. WILL GUARANTEE ALL I SELL U gift satisfactioa, and will sell at tbe moat reasonable price. ' it VICTOR gaoJ aupplj of Extra CALL AN D8EE STOCK of c4. . ' ' Mowers and Reapers, Paddock adjustable Sulky h,ake, Kichol, Sheard & Vo?s unrivalled grain saving Threshing Machines, and general ! Agent for the Celefcrftt4 v ' WootV I Wo ' . . . , 8TMKG8 ttt ifadipott paid .- AGRICULTURAL t. VTWt, aa4 are la continual rceetpt ef the vary rUiMtiaM Bi tt4 Sheet Maio.M on rtoeipt Dealarla . PRICES New Xotk. ' '. Guitars Off '' 1 ef all KINDS eieeptioa tk beat STOCK alt , at tb x y Uaujos,, BLANK PAPER, BLANK HOOKS. U 1X1) BOOKS, Wllht ' Violins, Flutes, WHITE; B-aRHT-aR- Violoncellos, Organs, Accwdeona, Viola,, ! vu Divss Goods, Notions, Gents' FurnisIiMig Goods, Etc., Etc., rjuiktf, aud FOREIGN. to-da- In addition to our Immense Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Crockeryware, Ladies' Fancy "Many people are opposed to cartl Ficcolos, London, 25. Dispatches from India annouaoe that the seal o( the king ot Burmah has been affixed to the treaty with Great Britain. The British mission it the kiog with, Sir Douglass Forsyth at its head, to set out from Maodalay y for Bur mah. Many deaths from famine art reported ia Karen country. Madrid, 25. It is officially announod that the im- 9 STREET, OGDEX, UTAH. . Fittn, ..-- UMfllllifli AlIX -- A4t I?lllod Qraoro Promptly Addrcs AUD WHITE, Fourth street, Ogd en, Vtnb |