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Show 4 Mrs. Garetrs Bo. The Free Press says: There is notakinder-heartedmor- e Wncvolcnt woman in .Detroit than Mrs. Gavett. Last year she was op tha coramittce'to 3anvass for aid for the grasshopper sufferers, and this , year 6he intends 10 send them a Urge box of her own getting ap. She had Gavett bring up a box the other day, and when it had been placed in the shanty she put on a calico dress, tied on a check apron, and rambled around, tho house to pick up enough articles to fill the box and hare it sent off next day. Her greatest anxiety Was the fear that the box was too f the things she small far wanted to send. Opening a closet door she took down an old coat, one that her husband threw away two years ago. "I'll fiend that for one thing," she mused, as she held it up. "I don't know, though that's a pretty good coat. Put a patch on that elbow and Thomas can wear it half the one-hal- Bum-taer- ." She placed it on a chair,' and took down one of her old dresses. "I'll make somo farmer's wife glad with' this," she said as she shook out the folds and held it up. "Let's sco? Why, there isn't a hole in either gleeve skirt all right waist almost can sell as good as new. 1 believe socond for dress hand that enough to ' feuy me a bracelet." , The dress was laid beside the coat, and she hauled out Gaveit's boot3. The heel of one wag run over, and there was a hole ia the toe of the .'" ' other. ; "They'll ih for some one to plow r&Vr she soliloquized, as slio, took them over to the light. "Some farmerah! Why, these are good bootat I believe I could get them fixad up for fifty cents so that Thomas could wear theui half the winter. : I don't believe in throwing anything away even if ,wo are well : The Children of tho "Schil- - THE DAILY The !English newspapers are at hand with extended accounts of the terrible shipwreck of the Schiller. Among the incidents related by Ogden Junction. ' passengers is the following: Among the passengers was a lady who had a beautiful little boy. He was. everybody's pet on board, and would be seen all day long with his mother or other ladies aad gentlemen. After the steamer had struck the rock, that lady rushed frantically on the deck and fell upon her knees a sailor: "Save me and my child, for God's sake eave us. I am rich; immensely rich. , Save me and thou shalt be wealthy and without cares forever. I will give thee enough for all thy life. Ihou Deed not be a sailor then only save me and my child." A big wave 6wept over the deek and carried away the rich mother, her beutiful child and the poor sailor. Another lady on board with a little girl about three years old, who looked like an angel. The mother being mostly seasiek, would nit allow any one to take her out of her sight. Many ladies offered to play with the child, but the mother objected on the ground that the child might fall overboard through carelessness. Her child in the water! The bare idea would already make her mad. When the catastrophe came, tho mother rushed on deck with her child in hcjr arms, and jumped into the sea. The idea of seeing her child in the water had maddened her. The narrator further says: "We had a great many Deauti ul children on, board, whose gaiety amused everybody, and though childless myself, it almost breaks my hoart ; to think , that none of them be-fa- were $S per Annum, $4: Six Months, $2 Three Months. re CIRCULATES IN L'.:.,, oft?' . . The boots wero set a'eide, and she took down a bundle of children's : f tJ. J "Ah! can send these and make little hearts gladl" she whimpered as the untied the bundle. "The children have outgrowu them, and they wijl be a prize to some Kansas Hakes alive! but these garments are almost as good as the day they were made up! I believe I can sell them to tho washerwoman for at least $2, and as soon as I get $2 more I can get me a new braid." She tied the bundle up and stuck her head into the closet and brought out anuhcr dress A hole in each elbow skirt torn half oT,"she mused, as she turned it. over, I'll send this anyhow. Some mother' can take it and get enough cloth out of the skirt to make In little girl a bran new, Here, what was. I thinking-ofWhy, this is exactly the stuff I want for the blue stripe in that new rag parpet. If I'd known this dress was in the house I'd cut it up last week. She, unlocked another closet, peer cd in, and hunted oat Gavctt's old overcoat, ' one worn', out and stained and kicked around for a year. "Tint will do' splendidly!" she Said, as she held it up. "It isn't very nice, but some farmers can wear it to chop id Ahl hold onl I waLl that lining to make a Cushion for in) lock'ng chair,' and Jennie will wani tbeso buttons for her string, and the tXi ef the "coat'll make a beautifu rug to lay Id front of ihe lounge. ,I'c like toigtnd it, but probably sonie one else will send a better one She rummjiecd around for a full hour, and when she cot through th chamber, her floors wer$ piled high with'old ."duds, '! Those she meant to keep were placed a the right those she meant to sesdawaj on th left. Ou the 1 eft was a Wall bask ct wire. She hadn made of hoop-skiseat the box yL bat she meant to She knows that all should contribute to the relief of the suffering and distressed. , . t clothing t ; ; 1 ; f rt . , aod us body. n three-lburth- s man carries a pound of phosphorus in rhilauelphia .North Ame- - U IN ALL KINDS OF Staple Merchandi se! Required by the Trade in the NORTHERN UTAH! Purchasing direct from Manufacturers or the most extensive dealers,' and having special from buying in large advantages Mail. a Reached by DaUy quantities we Can offer to MERCHANTS AND THE JOBBING KETAIL TRADE & AT TUB Inducements Unequalled by any other House in U tah. Junction Office, SHIPMENTS MADE TO ALL POINTS. iJOB WORK ncan. flerc is an item worth the consid eration of match-makinmammas. New York Commercial Advertiser. The mammas know it hence the OF ALL KINDS, fuss-fo- r us. Cincinnati Times. idea, and don't they us scratch. St. Louis the to bring Republican. Is Executed in the Best Never nund, you old brimstones. Style, at Matches are made in 'heaven, and your raw material is to be used m another factory. Chicago Iottr- ORDERS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO jj II. B. CLAWSON, Supt. 4-- tt. ul SIMMONS h s ' Ocean. REASONABLE PRICES CLOUGH ORGAN CO.'S IMPROVED CABINET AND ORGANS WILD OATS, PROSPECTUS FOR 1875. TITE CIIAMHON O AMERICAN M I C I A. I 13 Cards, R. Bills, ht IurstAATr.n hy corps of tti American artists, Rivt Contributed to by the most popular ntimormra ana snurisis oi tub imt. WILD OATS ttow enters snccesxfurir noon the sixth year of Us existence, an 1dm become the ntuhliiOieJ humorous and satirical mper of the country. It ww srarfos anl continued the first monthly, thun, to satisfy the (lcniandiiof yri ita good work of hitting folly an it ana auowtuK up the political aod aocial ahama ly It maxterly cartoons and pungent ejiuria!R, 11 acnietoa eren greater tmccess than as recofiiiied as tbe ablest' aud before, and brightaRt of Its class. Mnce thi n we hare yielded still further to the public demand, and now publish WILD OATS weekly I it ha literally grown into its present shape on Its intrinsic nicri tn, being the flrst successful weekly huniotous paper erer published in this country. Among the artint ejwially engaged to fnrnloh iiiustratir.as lor wilu uatx arerrank llew Thomas Worth, Hopkins. Wales, Shelton, Woir, Jump, Keettles, Stuckhardt, Day, Poland, And several etttera wuo are yet unknown to thine. In Its literary departments WILD OKU will as it always has, stand alone and nnanntoachable. At least one first class serial story wilt always be fmnd In it by the best humorous, satirical and character writers iu the United States, while its sketch and squibs will be sparkling, original and pointed. ' ' t WILD OATS will be first class in every particular, and oa this account may be taken into the bast families without fear or suspicion, as no word or illustration will appear that can offend the contluiliif2 nioa, Posters, , , Uioit fastidious. 8sn Vok A Eanpls Af Con Akd Bill Heads, Letter Heads, - Theatre Checks, Grand Note Forms b ' wm Mil s t 5 ! Organs, SCR1BNEITS PATENT QUAIIFYING TUBES, Receipts, Shipping Tags, Ac . Combination FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED Deeds, Cojrmci Aa indention having & most important bearing on the fufur reputation of BtrumenUi, bj means of whish the quantity or Volume of tone i Tery Urgely created, and quality of tone rendered " EQlJAIi TO THAT OF THE BEST PIP' OBGAXS OF THE SAMU CAPACITY. Ot celebrated Vox Celeste," "Louis ratent," "Vox Humana," "Wilcox Patent,". "OcUye Coupler," the charming "Cello" or "Clarionet" Stops, and All the Late Improvements Can be Obtained Only in thes AM LIVERY - Ball Invitatloiis, Bucscriptioi Price: . .. J4.00 . Sis Months 2,00 Three Montiui, 1,00 Sincle Cotues . 0.10 One person sending as club of five subscribers Rr one yar will receive a copy gratis, AiMreM COLLIN A SMALL, Publishers, ltS, Pulton Street. V.Y. " ' P a Statements, Order Books i One Year 0 Programmes, !, ORDERS PROMPTLY Organs. FILLED TJtlrty-fiv- c AND FEED STABLES Different Styles, Tor the rarlor and the Church, The Beat Material and Workmanship r , Quality and Volume of tone UneqiMnte I A man in Iowa obtained a divorce FRANKLIN, ONEIDA Ce,IDAn0. from his wife last fall and then hire EDW. NELSON & Co. Address, E. STRATFORD, Basi her for a cook. Since that time she New the U. N. R. R. Depot oas nau more new dresses ana pii ness Manager, WAG0X3 AND OTHER VEniCLKS BrGHER, tnan she as erer and UoTNis, money Hauiiiif possessed Trotting Teams, uu an other uvor fnr the Mrs i . Xj-DSLI- ROCKY MOUNTAI2TS, Of saved." full-grow- city, Wholesale Dealers THE TOWNS ALL -- A JSXjT BOX 32, OGDEN CITY. PRICES, GOto COO 3Dollnreu AND WAREROOMS. C0R6th & CONGRESS STS.. DETROIT, MICniGAN AGENTS WANTED IN EVEXY COUNTY. s93-Estab wiik ib 1850. FACTOR! lj . o Addriss, Simmons h Clouoh Oroan Gxr Dunwnst Michioas. . |