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Show Pmbluiwl err WEDNESDAY ml SATURDAY, by tba Oodks Pibushimii Com past. Charlc E. Penrose, Editor. STlt.l TFORl), Iiutintst Manager, OGDEX. UTAH. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 187S. A POWEIft. XEW-3IOriYJ- A practical man in Philadelphia by the naino of John W. Keelj who haj spent a good deal of time perimenting for . new motive power, claims to have found it, and is at present, (in connection with others,) taking 6teps to appropriate to actual use the power upon which he relies to revolutionize the industries of the world, or if successful, which will produce such revolution whether he proposes it or not. This new power, which it is claimed will tako the place ot steam, is nothing more nor less than vapor, which Mr. Kecly produces in a "generator," invented by him. This invention is about three feet high, made of Austrian gun metal in cne Bjlid pieca and will hold about teu or twelve gallons of water. It is four or five inches thick and made to stand the very heavy pressure of L'0,000 to 30,000 a pouuds of vapor to the square inch. Tho inventor claims , in ex that this aparatus will generate cold vapor from water without the use of chemicals, and that it can be used to the best advantage at a pregsure of from 20,000 to 30,000 pounds to the it may be seen at a glance whaj might be tire result should the exper iment of Mr. Keely succeed. In this connection it may not be improper to surgest the inquiry, which has often occurred to the wn ter. Are the various inventions of the age which is really an inventive one by which the labor of human hands has been in a great many instances dispensed with, or diminished at least, ically beneficial to mankind? Are they really blessings, or may it not. turn out after all that many of them are injurious rather than bene ficial, and will not the tendency of such as this of which we have been considering if a success, be to cause the wealth of the rich man to increase, and to sink deeper into the abyss of poverty, the poor. 3IOUE A RO UT TIOX. IKKIGA As thero is scarcely any subject of more importance to the farmer or horticulturist than irrigation, and as most of our readers are more or less engaged in one or the other pursuit, we do not think wo need offer an apology ior recurring frequently to that subject, and we presume our readers will examine carefully all that we publish in reference thereto. We annex to these remarks an extract from the San Francisco Chronicle, and express the hope that no one will be in the least degree misled by the statements therein, for be it an derstood that here in Utah," there are but few, if any spots where crops can be produced without irrigation, the next five years that thorough work- for freight and passengers? Of course Municipal. ing of the soil and not irrigation is the all will understand that our remarks in The cereals of the City Council met. a. thing for a good crop Los Angeles county that he who runs are general, and confined to no par nent. June m.I 25th. 17 read.. We take a pleasure in mul- - ticular State or may as to our . r . Herrick Territory; in i the chair ti plying instances Hue mesr, ior, ai- A. Shiella and we are not aware F. of ttin Utah the :ilf ivatinn genii thnncr)) railroads, Joseph w.i.w e tropical fruits has here reached a very that there is any particular cause vi each granted a license as acr,0 advanced stage, farming proper is as yet ' A license was granted to A w t' in its infancy. complaint. to sell sewing machines at his itor. 0E A difficulty presents itself in the Fifth street. way of a proper decision of these Wm. Thompson, John Frost COtlRIXEI) CAPITAL. questions. Although we may all be Taylor were each granted The present time is profitious for of one mind as to the right of a State run a job wagoa. The licenses of Adams & Van an accurate study of the great ques or a Territory, by its legislature, to T.v. tions agitating the masses in the fix rates for the transportation of Richter & Fry.W. II, AVridit. United States, and such a study is, freight and passengers, who shall Stinger and Low Bros, were renewed to their respectiTe petitions in our opinion a duty incumbent govern the matter on long through according Tbe petitions of W. R. Reynold, upon every voter in the country, be lines, passing over different jurisdic Horrocks and Dan Alexander were laii cause it is his duty to vote under tions? Suppose you want to travel on the table. The petition cf A. L. Wanjraman A standing upon all questions; that from Pittsburg to Chicago. Ohio, we question, it is hardly necessary will suppose, has fixed a rate of so Condon, Dan Alexander and forty-tother prominent citiaens, askine 0,. to point out, is of transportation. much You per mile, in her limits. Council to extend to the Hon. Dr. Lin- In the early days of the republic, are protected while passing through derman an invitation to visit Oeden Citv when there were no railroads, no that State, but should Indiana have in the iuterest of the new U. 8. locating canals and no means of transporta neglected to fix a rate, you are at the mint, and also to extend to that eentla tion, by common carriers, excepting mercy of a combination of capitalists man the hospitalities of the city was upon the rivers, lakes and other wa- who, though they may carry you granted; and the Recorder was instructed to communicate to him the action of tha' ters, and the public highways within through Ohio for two cents per mile, Council and the natural advantage pos our limits, it seems to have been the might charge you in Icdiana five or sessed Ogden City for the establish- by policy of the federal covcrnment not six. It is in order to provide a gen rnent of said mint. to interfere in any manner with the eral The Council condemned the making of system of protection of the of the subjeet prices, leaving ques people from extortion, that we look sects to convey water across the princition of rates to be governed by the to the Constitution of the United pal streets without putting in a suitable and demand. the supply States for a power conferred upon culvert; and instructed the Road Super-visto see that all such sects are made It has been a favorite theory with Congress to act in the premises, and in conformity with the city ordinanoe certain statesmen that the United the - ....i Trn' -- ali.. V il J w or inquiry arises, is such power relating thereto. States government ought not to en- - there? The Celebration, committee appointed gaga in the construction of public On this question we take no ground at a special session of the Council, to get works, such as railroads and canals. at present; of course we have our own np a programme for the Celebration of It i3 also held by a great many per views the National Anniversary, reported the upon these points, but do not sons that the federal government has desire so much to impress them on following, which was adopted: That Ogden City hold a celebration on no right, and ought not to attempt to our readers as to direct their atten Monday, the 6th of July, and that all regulate the rates of transportation tion to these subjects, in order that all business houses bo closed during the in any of the states, and at the pres wh are not posted may take the nec day. ent time tho question as to this right That W. N. Fife be Marshal of the essary steps to be informed thereon. we believe is unsettled. There is also As one who construes the Constitu Day; and that he and the Chief of the a doubt in the minds of some states-me- n tion Fire Brigade select from the fire com strictly, wo do not ask for the men to act as special police daring as to the right of a state to regu exercise of doubtful powers, nor of pany the day. late this matter within its limits. As to such as are clearly beyond the prov That the services ef the Ogden Brass these questions, we do not at present ince of congressional legislation, but Band be engaged by the city for the propose to express an opinion, for if it should transpire that neither this article is, intended rather as a nor the That at sunrise the National flag be Congress legislatures possess note of warning than an argument the power necessary to regulate' these unfurled, and serenading in the early on the subjects spoken of. matters, steps must (or rather it would morning by tke Ogdea Brass Band. That at 10 o'clock am, the citizens We have seen, within the last perhaps be better to say outfit) be repair to Jones' Grove, where the furtwenty years such a vast increase in taken to engraft sueh power by ther proceedings of the day will be carthe number of railroad corporations, amendments, either upon the State ried on under the auspice of Company and in the miles of roads constructed or the United States Constitutions; A, Ogden. Fire Battalion, as per their in the interior, thereby stimulating and while "upon amendments it may programme. the settlement of large tracts of be in order to provide, either by con Walter Thomsoji, V V F. A. Brows, Special Com. country so remote from the sea stitutional amendment or legislation, David Moors, boards, from lakes and rivers, that the against such combinations as are fre The cwomittee on revision, the com- inhabitants are, so far as transporta quently formed between railroad cor niittee o public lands and the commit- tion of importations and exports are porations by which the rights and tee on water supply, were granted furcuncerned, left completely at the interest of the ther time to make their respective people are ignored. mercy of the managers of these coras some If, people hold, capital has reports. The special committee to whom at s porations- in their dealings with the combined against labor, the latter in previous meetinr was referred the ai- people, we have seen that these self protection must combine by le sessment reported that they had rrigers have, as a general rule, gitimate and legal means, to extricate raised theroll,assessment of a number of adopted such tariffs for freight and itself from the effects of combinations persons, and presented a list containing passengers, as operate oppresively formed by cliques and rings of men the changes made, which was read and upon the inhabitants, greatly injnr- - who may meet at Saratoga or New approved, and the Assessor and Collector was instructed to ing and impoverishing thein. They lork or duly notify the Philadelphia for that pur have" so far of square inch. And yet at this im mense pressure, he asserts his ability it is truo that there are some plaoes to control an engine and run it with requiring less than others, but all the samo ease as engines arc now require some. propelled by steam' power." WhatIn "reading the account of the ever may be the merits of this power mode of farming on Mr. Siauson's claimed by Mr. Keely, or what may farm and the results, it will be ob ba the success of experiments about served that it refers to corn alone, as to bo made, one thing seems to be the land referred to is naturally clear, if wo may believe acoouoti damp," we may reasonably conclude in the and that is published that by good, careful and thorough papers, Mr. K. has succeeded in disarming cultivation, a good crop of corn tho suspicions of ever cautious be produced might without capital to such an extent that, on a artificial irrigation, but would the private test of , the workings of the same result to likely to occur with new motor some time ago in tho other crops not susceptible of culti presence of a number of New En"- - vation. laud capitalists, the latter were so We think not, and our object in well satisfied with tho results that writing this article at "present, is to formed stocka thjy company, call' particular attention to a fact wo believe (eilled Keely . Motor laaraed by a long course of expert Company) purchased tho patent for eaca and pbscrvafian, it is that in tho six New England, States,' and times' of drouth wbero the farmer paid $30,000 lor their share in the can 6tir the soil he is always richly invention and aro ready to pay paid by a thorough cultivation of all . $200,000 more when called upon. : crops in which a cultivator or hoc These gentlemen, we understand, can be used, keep turning up the propose to organizo a company with, soil, whether aro troubled with you u vufuwu ui manmo lor weeds or not. , Thif we 4are say, is j,vw(uuu ufacture of engines and other appa- is the reason why some of Mr. Slau as to set np the said changes. parties .finally gone, pose. ratus,' so soon as tho patents are se- son tenants raise better The "with Council claim a and crops appointed Friday. Joly arbitrarr unjust. We cured. About $4,000,000 are already Oth, out irrigation than others do with jt, think that 1875s at 10 o'doek a.m., in the City f they are entitled to a cer Incorrect. involved ' in tho success of this Ww Hall, the time and place to hear appeals the latter depend on the water, tho tain fixed rata of interest on the cap from all persons who consider the assess Ogden, June 1875. Utah, invention, and whether it shall prove former 2G, ital stock (actual or watered as the Emtob Jfkctjo.i : upon the labor, ment of their property too high, and ina success or a failure, much speculaWe see by the last issua nf tfc In a word we are satisfied from ease may be) invested, and hence, structed the Recorder to give notice of tion wUlbo indulged in until such Freeman that "A personal experience that well culti clam; a privilege of charging such paid the eick manbevy of school girl the same in the Ogden Junction. success or failure is demonstrated, i (Clement) visit fated land reqaires less irrigation rates as will iasure the coveted irue jemmine curiosity." Also Several fo public labor were al bills inrougn per an impuea neetect of nnranin Being as wo are, quite ignorant of ban land that is lowed. As well might the farmer veillance. poorly cultivated, ;e. In iustiea to mechanical matters, we catnot "speak and The Council adionrnftd till July Oth. the man who expends laber in claim a to his dividend of ten the welfare of the business community of right We have uo data npon by uie book. vgaen, wnose interests mast Buffer by 1875, to meet in the City Hall at 10 thoroughly working his land is usual or twenty per cent, on his capital, such ' rumors, we are compelled tn dunlt. o'clock a.m. which to base an opinion,' and therethe whole ly repaid by tho increase of crops. but we all know that he must, if he paragraph inoorreet ia every fore express none, but should the exexcept me ract tbat Mr. CleThe Los Aneeles Express of Jun in sells at particular, his products at ment is of all, dispose from small pox. The suffering b periment prove successful, a great bat following paragraph regarding strictest watch is kept over the premises what the be. market rate just in tlnu may locality: "There is change must necessarily take place irrigation of Mr. Clement to see that no one has ATTENTION. n circumstance mat who are It occurs to from our people stand access thereto. In this we are us, in the industrial and mechanical coalinually haroiD? unon irriovtinn i heartily point, that the time has nearly ar world, and whether such change will Los Angeles couuiy would do well to Drs. Wauoamak & Cosnox. eeana uuna. Air. siaus:n owns a farm rived when the people ought, and WHO WOULD WALK I a benefit to world the prove is, to of three hundred aores between Comp-to- a wnvtt and Florence, which is bo aktiited probably will, take this matter into I our mind, rather doubtful. Should V - J1 . fiA T.adtr wit .1 between the two rivers that irrigtioa is their own hands and setth it, of a motive power be derived from cold Terr ieasiDie. "Now, Mary, if I should want to Z. C. 31. 1, will famish a light lie Has sub-le- t h i farm. course in a able and legal way peae Some of his tenants irrigate their com light my candle, are tho matches water, and at a cost comparatively nomSpring Wagon and ethers de not. Those whe hare been by legislation. There aro but few mere r TOVL inal,' coal as a generator of steam will en the land longest do not put a drop men who question tho right of a legis "Yes, there is Mary; ma'ara, not be required, and dispensing with oi water on me sou, taking merely the ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS rainfall. They find the ciopis lative body to fix the rate of interest wan. its use, it seems to us would cause a natural Old "One! oeucr wimout any artincial assistance on Lady: if AVhy, it money. Why not as well set a miFses nre, or won t Jigbt C great diminution in the demand, not lie usual crop is from seventy-fiv- e to limit beyond which the railroad cor oae tiuadred Wushels of corn to th nr for Mary : "Oh, divil a fear of it. SAXT L CITT, labor, but for transportation. The fact will be made so only patent during morant may not go, by fixing the rates ma am; suro n T1 inried iti... i2S4 U.T5. CLAWSQX, Sap4, s - - . . ' .n. . i ff ft . tKE rxAn. . |