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Show Correppondence, DiOVreMce Between Home nud Foreign DebU. IItkum Ciir, Cache Co., AMEIUCAN. New York. 26. Beeclier no verdict in the i. t which hour M- jester-r.- . entered .,.,. v - t rHrrKe Morris' office Neilrt.n'0 cl.a)ber8. Beeclier a I iii 28 not was .nam e0 . . 'T MOID in the neighborhood of, he One rumor is mai mejuijr tliree for ncouital in bi PriT!l,e Neilson w but received mornioe .! ...i TBI " ..nidation from ic jury room, iLt he wi.l not semi for e ilieir pleasure ""-- it them, but will and many Iu.cks crowded, is Mart room ,he newa iu,ck,J Ire in wai'ing crry of u, the remote parts ibe o'clock At one Brooklyn. A ; Yes'erdny, about noon governor Axtell, B. Preston mayor of Lugwi, M I) Hammond, Probato Judge ami Col. J. 11 Mariiueau drove into town, aud af'er dinner they, in company with N. L'ljenquiat, mayor of Ilyrum, (.). drove lo Paradise and buck, and at 7.30 a m. a public nieetmj wai held in the ci'y ball, where a large and intelligent audience assembled to hoar what the governor had to say. He was introduced by mayor Preston, and nfier congratulating the people of Cache County ou (heir beautiful country and the ine dustry, thrift aw good older also the appearance manifested: f our little city, with her cliade treea an orchard?, together with the neat and sutiMaii ial houses that hare, and are being erected; he encouraged the people to continue improving aud ad vaucing the country so that it might' be truniered lo our children lovely and W, Wi.h.lu.lgermr and .hero defence all the counsel fur the l he plaintiff's None of ...! Till nn A i viil tl r.. h - th, eourl 1875. June21th, Ebitor Junction E-q- .. individual, whereas He dwelt ut some length if sent abroad, it becomes a dead loss to the eniire people of the country, aud thereby tends to increase the a Ivene balance of trade against us. There are seve- 1 - M. I., OGDEN BRANCH. paper wants to know it' there is any reasin wliy it is mure desirable to have a notion's bond owned at home instead of beiujr ent abro id. One jroud reason why it is botUr to have the bonds at home is because the it teres-- t being payable to our own people becomes taxable ko Foon as paid out and invested. Second, the money is always invested at home as a rule, und thereby helps to promote production. Third, by bein retained tit houie this money becomes an increase of wealth to the every-wher- beautiful. monopoly moioin C Z. OUR Wholesale Department Is Stacked with a splendid and complete selection of STAPLE MERCHANDISE FOR THE SPRING TRADE. ral minor reasons, but these three primary reasons overbalance all objections which can be urj:edup?n the opposite fide. But if we turn to the experience of other nations, we uni- ver.sallv hud that a nation with an adverse balance of trade, that is the nation that ships gold, becomes poor, ' and au abject Tassal if it at- tempts to maintain specie payments. Chicago Jour. Com. court adjourned upon our relationships to the general rumor retailed government; ibo duties we owed to it a when 3 o'clock, enlil to four for and the protection it guaranteed lo all its etood eipbt invited to call and inspect. the that jury Country Dealers had circulated which A rumor loyiland patriotic citizens, irrespective fat (be frieuds of the plaintif have of color or cree.l, and advised all io honbis iaed en'rauce t the jury room in the or aud obey tlie laws. He close de is the remarks iiwuUeor wallers, indignant1 by recommending people to that who those lo officers, continue court say the praciioe great prtnei- bo Bied by GoD;h outside person pies of sobrie y, morality and industry the is wniier only 0oe fbobabeen admitted to the loom, and that were every where visible I should bave said that in liH remnrks in bis that 08 billoiing has taken place 0- the bave driven be The stated, while advising the people to polic-presence. where had not tlie they obey the laws, etc., be metro" from the park, Now is favoaable time to renew stocks and siihtcst doubt but , that they did i.ni hm been winching the jury's FRUIT CAXS! FRUIT CASS! the A entered so. do few Neilsun would to remake continue Judge iourtatS35 and adjourned the court from Mayor Preston brought the fro for the business of the prepare HAVJ5 ERCKNTLY IMPORTED THE indefinitely, mating that when the jury ceedings to a close. WK umclil nry for luuiiu'Mluriiir rt The Paradise brass band serenaded a (hould announce their agreement be SEAL1.NU ul BOLl)i.KKl gkLV Urg tcU, opening Season. the Governor at tue close of the meet- toe HOulJ bring ibcin in an hour afier. It is now reported that Jay Gould is ing. Our people were very much gratified FRUIT AND llONET CANS, about le obtain a controlling interest in ih.ITifth SoHibern railroad, with a view by the honor conferred upon them Ly And can turpi th mum at j Our Assortment can not be excelled of extending it ihrough lo Southern the vmt of the Qovernor, and be made givibe thus remem will an San and that California Francisco, long impression WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, "Nor It could he learned from his reng (be Union Pacific an independent bered. So to dttnutad M for the home lncrinc linifrom New York to San Francisco. marks that he had no ring to serve. 3EI.-- 33 I XT 1ST JO couiuaiptioii or iporiAtlon t prices Thii itory gains more credence than neither Mormon or Gentile, nor was he to foit the liuiei. ' the rcent oue, attributing to Gould 4tho conuected with any clique, but was here any 'other Wholesale II o use in Ihe Territory. Tlnnerj!, Gas, Water & Steam litters. purpose to build a road lrom Ogdeu to simply to see the peopie and talk with ' A full line of them, and lo diacbarge the high respon- Fortlnut, Oregon. IRON. OAI.VAN1ZKD AND RUBBER HOSE 2G. in of accordance his fbilines oHice, Chicago, riPK, IncIiiJlug FITTlXUd for hkw. A Washington special says that the iih the broad and liberal spirit of Aunecfl Addressed to D. recry. will receire prompt v i n i i uvfu wiewim ,ur a l bis before him a case ne glorious constitution oi our great.laAsn, irxni ufi at u r t i v aj iw .ia a t attention. 'ir ai iui mim iii liuu uitva f gmt interest, the decision of which couatrr. roiupi fittod op t order, is awaited with more than ordinary I think, sir, that if our Federal offi SUIT. Orders bj Mail proiuptlj atteoded lo. cials would imitate the example of Gov. . anxiety. Some years agj a German named Axtell, and travel through the Terrnory 40 A MES, Steinberg, came to this country and hey would find that the people of Utah MITCHELL Box 306, West Temple St., He had a eon born were a patriotic, ami a Milled in St. Louis. while living there. After Stieuberg bad people, and also that, the foolish and been iu this eeuutry some years, be look sensational prejudice that has to long out naturalization papers, and became a been heaped upen the people of Utah, citizen of the United States. lie only existed in imagination of tome po- in this country a few years itical or religious imbeciles. His tx j, the were and afterwards, and then returned to company guests cellency ESTRAY NOTICE. taking his soa, then six years of of James Un worth, Ejq. They left for HAVE IN MY fOSSKSSlON THE FOLLOW T renounced bis citizenship acquired WellbVille this inornu-g- . IKU dMcrit4 Diiiml, which, if not cluimd !, I la the United States, and lesumed his S. and taken away, wil t told to tba ltit(bMit rttnHia- Reepectfully, aible bma.r, at the District Stray Found, Lorau, allegiance lo the German government. Cache Co., on 11 outlay, Jnly 6th, 1876.1 m -The ton now claims that he is an Amerio clock p ru. , ca citizen until he renounces bis One pale r1 cow, eix jnri old. bo nil of tall white, crop and two alita in I' ft tar, It on Uft here, w hich be has never done. sH, brand u lolt aboutder ilt.gille. Hi U bow twenty years of age, and has One rd yearlinc eteer. crop and hole la right been drafted into William's Emperor crop and ant In left ear, B on in uae, Oue dark red two year old net er, bnia of tail army. He appeals to this government to Co -white. TJ combined on left liip. 8 on left side. im htm from service in the German Uae dark red ) earnng eteer auie la right crop Trarelsri t J and by this tray, and says be was net taken from and "lit In left ear. j We respectfully announce to the citizen of Ogden City One ied two year old cow aad calf, bosk oi tail hereby his own free will. The attorney CELEBRATED PLACE OF RESORT. T on lu hip. aad (wilt white, general regards the subject as a complicwoe red yearlinj; bull, elit, bole, nnler bit and Weber and the surroutullng counties that we have day ated one, and possessing more than or FIND AT THE Z. C. M. I. cropinrlxtir.cropini.il. use re I On General of white nener, tall diaary iotereet from its novel' and the WILL stock most back, a full assortment yvariinv of fashionable opened the finest and under kiop id doiu ear. foiiibls results involved in it. Merchandise, including Dry Goods, No- - andOnebelly, red two year em neiier, tar in forehead b u, brnd on i.rt hip iiliriM, Memphis, 26. tions, Groceries, Canned Oooas &e., all one ' Dr. One briudle two yrar old bull, crop off left ear Brand, a young physician at St. at the LOWEST PRICES. One lisbt red yeailmc eter, crop and nodet b t Catherine, CO miles above berrf, was a left ear J V on Lit thim. E. manager. il. ROSE, hot in the buck and killed while writing ALVLN CROCKETT, in his office; there is no clue to the as- ronudkeeiter. H. B. CLAWSON, Supt. 1 arc or.bral by letter will securely forwarded. and promptly packed -- i a nioTe-ment- s. . Our it H.IC33Q I 33 m Bj a m ittorney-geuera- a lu & a v II. B. CLAWSON. l-t- . J ng law-aDiai- f. 19-- 3 w Tow Suit Lake City. ed Ono Ocr-sun- alls-fiaa- Price Dry Goods & Clothing "IT CH IRL ee EES Y One Door South of Boylc' Furniture Store. Soda SprincS Store. Operative j Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, I lusin. A telepram from Cairo says that the Earner Parker left the Belle of Shreve-forti- ll , right last night. AtJsckson, Tenn , yesterday, a fie dntroyed about half a block of build up and a Catholic church; the loss will FwaDiy amount to $S5,000. ; Washington, 26. Toe flowing despatch was received lhe Indi.vn bureau Ibis morniog: M(t i.rmi.l A?"ncy, June 24. To the . Lofran, ; Notions, ho. 24th,1875. Or -- WANTED . ! ! We bare a fonstatt bnyer in New York City who ia engaged in th Mtn 'btvitess wbo in always ready to take advantage of the fluctuation we are enabled toaotl goods cheaper ; ef the market, and therefore than any other bouae this aide of St Louis. Our Motto in: WOMAN TO ATTEND A BABT AKD DO gtaeral booae work in a email tamlly aU 1 i. V. 1j ! boesselvj -- JJain Street, ; Ogden." 49-2- w Death and Destruction to High Prices THE mil luoiaiis have signed an agree their rizat in Ne Si 1,500. in hersef ; ITI: cw ; $iMCO in harness, and 'ouj in All are well pleaded. Ml TV o. n. Daniels, U. S. Indian In t .t Jnae s relinquish f . pior.", Wary Delano, and Ind an Com gmjih Uft Washington for lork this morning, on business "neciea wuh the Indian bureau. San Francisco, 26. v cfV rifle match was shot i. V" Summer guards, at Tatter- ha'i Almeda county, fifteen it, aer j'-w- rnct - We Respectfully Solicit the OOBtW. 0 Country Etotei Supplied. Send OrJort to m 44 ' ESTEY ORGAN. cents per Yard. 7-- 3 Best unbleached Domestie 10 cents 'per. yard. Beat Fine C. Island 10 to 12 Jet 4 per yard. 4-- 4 Bleached Donc8tic9 toSOcts. per yard. 7-Bleached Domestic 7 to 12Jet ' per yard. . 4-- D IN- - . Agent for Northern Utah, FOREIGN. n. fclf t xi all.. v nflo a & " uuonn, zo. tean ln practice at UBT- - JOHN FOWLEK, niiich ans yes Tirms iTasy, been no further Orders by leans. The Lord Rata t bnUd. 11 cents per yard. Drcfs Goods 15 eta. to $1.25 per jmA Shawls, latent styles $1.75 to S3.00 . Csirncre SuiLi $15 to f tU. '; Satinett Suits $6 to $15. Fine Black Pants $3 to $12 ; 8 OGDEN. A full line cf Pieoo Gootls NoUoas, Table Linens, &, , Reasonable, Call & Sic. letter promptly attended to. IestrurtioM gitw hj tha quarter. i-- HAL & Prints 9 to Best unbleached Domestio VI THR BEST MADE AND PUREST-TOEiTRUMKNT MANCf ACTURED. I 1 H F. H. READER. 49-l- m , Patronage of the Citizens nUdtH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . respectively. STREET. - Home Made Candy jVell acted . as captain of the team C.J iwo . isigi.iing and seven -I suois, at two aad five hloudred "u Six Doors Poath of the Utah Hotel, "- ..(.,. - . And to conrince yon of the troth and Teracity of our motto we annex a price current to this ! 8 dl96 3C-l- y Trouble to Show Goods. |