Show 1 1 TRUTHS me the blood is the foundation of ude ule it circulates through every part of the body and kurfess it is pure and rich good health is impossible if disease 11 has entered the system the only sure a and d quick way to drive it 0 out ut is to purify and enric endich h the blood these simple facts atre are well kno eno known wn and th the highest medical authorities agree that nf forhing thing but iron will resto rethe blood to its natural condition and also aiso that all the iron preparations hitherto made hiack black blacken en the teeth cause hea bea head I 1 ache and are otherwise injurious BROWNS IRON BIRS BITTERS will thoroughly and quickly assimilate with the bloed purifying and strengthen ing it and thus drive disease from any part of the system and it will wiil not blacken the teeth cause head ache or constipation and is pou poa lively not injurious ftc saved hi bis s child 17 27 IT eutaw st bartimore baht Baft imore lid F feb eb 12 i is ge gents is upon the them recommendation of a friend I 1 tried BROWNS bromes irom BITTERS as a tonic and restorative stora tive for my daughter w whom hom bom I 1 was thoroughly thorough 17 convinced was was wasting away with consumption blavin having lost three daughters by the terri terrible bli bil disease under the care of euil evil eminent nent r physicians I 1 was loth loch to believe thau that at anything could arrest j the progress of the disease but to my great surprise before ray my daughter had kaven taken one bottle bottie of browns iran butters BITTERS she began to hend bend and und now is is quite restored to former health afifah A fifth daughter began to shon show signs of consumption and when physician tha the was consulted he be qui addy said tonics were re rc 1 cured red andu and when kni informed that thit yi tired t the eeor elder eider sister llster was taking browes iron responded that is SL a good tonic take taice it ADORAM purla pheo S L BROWNS IRON BITTER effectual ly cures dyspepsia indigestion and vve lVe weakness akness and renders render the grea greatest teste i tellef relief frell te lief ilef a and ana benefit to persons spiT suffering ering fiani stich wasting diseases as CO consumption n kidney complaints etc tc c 1 n li i i i i ju ft A av X sym OP OF A A i 4 TORPID LIVER loss of A appetite urte bowels costive pain in the e hemd head adl with a awil dull sen atlon aaion in chaback thelba th abeck ebeck cW part feln felm under the shoulder blade gillness full tuli ness nesa after eating with a disinclination to exertion of body or aind mind irritability of tem temper low apts opts with a feel inc ing of having I 1 fair neglected bome sobe daty duty weariness 3 dizziness af ai the lle ile heart dots nota be bedore before b dze the eyes yellow f elk eik 6 lowa lowe skin beada headache ch a generally over the right eye ne sti ersness ess ness wit with fitful and dreams dreads e hi 7 col coi colored urinal constipation a mutts a are egid egin faily adm ada adapted to such eases cases one yoe dose domo effects e dated sled i auen such a e 1 danae ol 01 or as 10 to astonish t trie llie h 5 1 sus aus u n lerer they increase lne the Appetite and earu earm the body to take on fleshe I yieh ieh leh thus thu the gys y t term temm am li Is nouri nourished shedo and by their toula wonia action on the ghe ular stools are ire produced frice price ft cents conla aa 83 murray st ftp IV WY V dyl dye 0 I 1 nua nun OB change to a glosse OLDEST BUCK by a se a application orca tion af this it imparts a na natural c color au ets acts eta instantaneous ly sold sola by dru arts or sent bent by express OB oil 91 0 OFFICE as 35 ST w N r Y f dr ud ul b oj the laa bad baa lad and av worthless 0 ruthless are this is especially true of a family nied medicine wine kine an ana and a it Is positive proof that the remedy imitated la Is of the highest taine As soon as it had bad been tested and preyed by the thet whole world that HOP hor BIT cleus was the purest best beet endmost and mosi most valuable family medicine on many imitations sprang up and began to teal teai the notices lo in which the press ana and the people of the country had expressed the merits of H B and ati iti every way trying to induce sufferina ln invalids to use their instead expecting 0 la o make money on the credit and good name cf JI B many others i started t arted i no strums put up in himdan tyle style to 11 B D with variously devised names in which the word wora hop ar or cerii were used in a way ta ir duce pegi fedilo ae to believe they were the same bame as hop bitters all such pretended rem Tem edles cr cures curea no matter what theIr thele style or kamii name IA ina and especially those thosa with the word rop hop or hops in their name or in any way connected with them or their thein name named are imitations or counterfeits beware of them touch none efthem of them use uee nothing but hop llop bitters w 1 ab a bunch or cluster of green hops on tho tha white label trust pothier eim elm druggists and dealers are warded against dealings in imitations or counterfeits ante felts feits 3 A 1 N FLORENC IV S 0 sa s1 at PAUL eu V A aw 14 A 1 1 1 mft ift 1 L 61 1 i om 11 L lr a ids idt nori norf RT F X 9 THE ia aln AX xi w az AY Is tha that olda oldean am irim nest BE BEST WA sad benca abe tb bendina RAILWAY or tax hvest IVEST ARD AND NORTHWEST I 1 it Is the tho short bural mid lid san sane boote between COUNCIL BLUFFS AM all K E K and all an points point EAST such sueh as kas niagara falls bas bag ton too of washington naly daly rt pitts pitta 14 montreal Montre wm toronto detroit to at council druza the of the casaw cak northwestern north western and the U P d omm part taht tart from and arrive at M tho the unema deml depol at chicag elce eloe connections are with tha the lake shore bhore central bal lra ohio port rort wayno and wa and chicago grand trunk rail PAil railways ways B and pan handle ro ut FORM fa ME HE lii iii my illg EM are run on all ali train of this thia roxa road it 16 la Is the gue only road upon mm meo nun the northwestern north western dining aning cara WEST OR NORTHWEST OF CHICAGO insist upon ticket A renta tenta sellI nir you tek i eta ets via this road emine emino thenn them and ref fe ee to buy if they do not read oyer cyer tho tto chicago bt northwestern Il allway ailway it inoa yoa you the DW doat traveling datina batkins dati aa you yoa will buy by jhb mute auw rne lne 9 SST alm aim WILL TAKU nass nans NO 41 OTHER ocher ali labsa J id laysel truyn a f 77 ar dij elt ell pamm ace aar KENDALLS V NN X nym till mast ED ebi i ever eyer red ned as it la is certain in its effects brid find does doeg not lliter blister also algo or luman flesh ah nead head delow below mond mend al iss spavin cure Is sure bure in its e effect mild in its actions as it t does doeg not bit bli bister bisier ster yet iet et it te is penetrating and powerful to reach overy deep seated sewed pain rr lo 10 remora r any bony growt growth b or other pt otare plane ane are mient I 1 sich such as slaving 1 splints erbs bones TI I 1 al caious calous cai cal ous and any la and all enlar eniar enlargement remen gemen of A ha pints finta or cr limbs or for thuman rhum af wad gan man mad or gor for 0 ant any for V 1 d ent Is med wed for ron man or beast it li now known to be the he be bet t liniment Ilal ment for man ev ever i r lis ils used dx acting mildly sud tind 3 let lct et certainly la in is hrop crof send aldress address for which we abik ivea alvea positive Y froot root of its virtues or mely abely has haa eror evor met with such fled oled success to wt our knowledge sor for beadet as aa itt lyt wl 11 lagman laiman as man price I 1 tl L rr riz bottle or six bo bottig atles for 3 5 all ali r have bave it or can get it for you or olt it alf fir ba sent to any addre on n receipt of price prica by tee the arm rie tors DR n u J KENDALL k ca Enos Ebur burah burgh gli all falls falla vt SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 0 U ga FILL N e ibi 0 0 o d liver S rm U P a peerless remedy for scrofula white swellings cancer erysipelas gout chronic sores tumors carbuncles carbuncled Carb uncles salt rh rheum m malaria ia aria arla pi bilious allous complaints and all diseases Indi indicate indicating cath iz an impure con of the blood liter liten stomach kid bowels skin etc this giand remedy la Is a compound ot of vegetable extracts the chief of which are RILLA and STILLING IA the cures effected by BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP are absolute and their record Is by fa failure ilare for eale by y all Drug glate M ivr r M nil nin 1 OF ALL L I 1 N I 1 ml E N r OR am AM bease baase baa BEA moro than a of a century tho the mexican mustang eidlin ent cut has heen been doen boen known to millions til all over tho the world as tho only safo rei rel bellanca ianco lanea for tho relief of accidents and pain it lg Is a a medi medicine elno eino above price drice ana nna praise tiie uhe best of its kind roc ron rona fona ore pain tho ll 11 liniment ni mentis ia wit without houtart an equal it pe strates nna ana mt muscle salu to tho the til ve wery very bone making tho continuance of pain ina ind rna inflammation impossible its tt S C effect ta 9 upon numan linman elesh flesh and tho Creat creation lon ion aro aco equally wonderful tho the Me mexican n n M AM lull A liniment Is needed by somebody in every eveny house bouse everyday every day brings news of lile gile agony osan of an awful scald orburn or burn subdued of rheumatic martyrs restored br a valuable norse horse or ox savea saved by tho the healing power eri ehi which speedily sree stee dlly dily cures eures eccli I 1 of the numan HUMAN elesli as itus stiff joints contracted muscles burns and scalds cuts 15 ml a c a and sprains Sprain sp Polso poisonous bites rna ana senas sum SUf fliess old sores meers Frost frostbites bites ChUb lalus sore nipples ripples caked breast nna end indeed every form of external disease it aicala scars for the it curea cures sprains joints moun moue derp 17 harness arness ymores bores 9 dis eases cages F doot root oot ool rot not screw worm worra scab 9 hollow horn scratches wina wind allish mlis mils allx spavin spavins thrush Th rush rugh old sores cresp poll evils evil film uon pon upon tle tho 61 sight lit and every other ailment to which which the occupants ta of tho stable and stoel stock yara yard are liable the tho mexican mustang kinli Minli nent always cures and neven never Us disappoints appoints and ana anait audit it Is positively OF ALL ns OB ean hmyt OS OP BEAST |