Show AN offee OFFER TO YOUNG td ri oan OAK ARTISTS S lau iau linc inu in u C amt ant a lt OF THREE thousand dol DOU jAES aim for the beat original drawing to illustrate alfred Domett go ator achna mas rilas nymn hymn the drawing to te Y suitable for publication in hairis magazine magazines and to be the exclusive woric work of an ain aru american artist not one ose twenty five years of age desm harpen harper otter offer a reward rdward d THREE THOUSAND upon the honorable understanding that the successful competitor shall bho barm bamm of for lon or the prosecutions art artt study in one or more of the hest heet including also a sojourn abroad of at least six sil months month bf for or t the he 8 tudy study of the old masters the award will be paid la sach instalments installments and at such time as aa shall best suit the convenience of the recipient for the purposes specified 6 V the drawings must be received ty 4 harper brothers not lster ister than august 1 addressed 11 M V competition magazin magazine franklin square waw d each must be designated by an assumed name or motto which show also aiso be given ietto together geaber with the real name age ages and residence of th 1 artist artistine aril arti stin in a sealed envelope accompanying pan lanying ving ting the drawings and not to tot tol ba opened I 1 until the result of the oon con petition shall have been determined tha the name of the successful oom com I 1 will trill not bo be publicly sn aa I 1 bounced until tho the publication of tbt drawing mr R swain NA 4 hy F D millet AN A A and mr A X W A superintendent of the ar t department harper brothers aw es of the competition it is intended to engrave the tha suc successful drawing on one page of 0 harpers pers magazine of december 1853 and should other drawings submitted be e found suitable second seconds third thirds and fourth awards will be made as follows follow st one page harpers weekly we e ys one patellar pa gellar perlis verlis bazar 00 one page harpers M apers yoom young 9 people e if the judge s hould should decide that no one of tile tiie drawings drawing la Is suitable meagre nair Heir harper per pen fc brothers reserve the right to extend the limit of time and reopen re open the competition two christmas hymns by alfred domett have been published that published in 1837 is the une for the fil illustration of which artists are in kited to td compete as printed herewith in re response to inquiries aa ats to the art arl competition harpere brothers state blate that their offer Is open to residents in the U milled tilled idt ates aies or american art students abroad of either bea bex bex set wha had not completed their twenty fifth year on tho the lat of march 1883 1 the date of the offer that artists have u usually hua sua ily lly found twice alce or three times ho the t size bizo of the Nag mag magazine azine pa page e most satisfactory for drawings Ura wings and that they may be on ny ma erial as canvass foard board or raper paper por per and in any method oil wash ash asb s crayon ink int br penell pencil as the tie tre tte vat can bairt best express himself though bugli black alid aud white is fi for run en abing pu poses preferable to color march 1 i |