Show LOCAL LOGAL ab ind OTHER MATTERS 0 MONDAYS dally DAILY MAY MAT 7 A narrow harrow escape the other day at bulie bulle city olty a seven year old daughter of james JK IL hyde named 1 may had a narrow escape an animal from a passing herd of cat tle tie rushed at the little one knocked her over and would have gored and pinned her to tue toe ground fortunately iia lla tely the animals horns were long and as it made a thrust at her f the little girls body was wa between them abne was rescued froni from this dangerous situation neath meath of father lathen A afew few t dayi dayt abo ugo ve vie that father ali an old member ot the chuich chulch t in the twenty first ward was quite ino in yesterday he breathed his last jast he was baptized at in june 1839 by heber 0 01 and had consequently been connected with the of the lord nearly forty four years he died a poor man so eo fan tan tarna tarns as this worlds gouda goods aie con ctr corned e but rich in unblemished in terl teri terley ty the be funeral will be con uett uele at a to morrow afternoon at the twenty first ward meetinghouse meeting house under consideration it is pretty generally generady understood that in the j event of certain railroad con tinge n cles oles it la Is intended to unite the utah central and salt dalt lake and western iines lines and build through to califor inia lnla I 1 his would have the deflect effect ol of cutting cut ing onn off entirely irom the C j P the tho traffic that comes westward over the taeup U P this project has haa been under consideration by the officials of the jasi lasi named road but as al ready intimated will be dependent on future developments in the pro greb gres sive march bf western railroad ing which la Is making gigantic strides and will continue to move move with unimpeded speed for bonse bome 4 time yet is i A swindler some people lover over jordan were lately taken in by a gul bul swindler a young dutchman giving the name of petr hogsden Ho geden it ap pears blat the name would be more t appropriate with the last fast four let j katruck from frim it he has been j roaming about on the other othen i side of if jordan rePTs representing enting that h be e was waa supplying the bliver horn eating j boutes with beef and whatever cati tle tie he pot he was to pay ay for on the t fth giving his noto note as security brother abram todd informs us that he holds the fellow note tor for f 0 r y 38 all the pay he ever expects to get for a cow there are others in the same locality whom he has swindled in various sums it Is understood the fellow has i gone northward angwill and will probably be up to some borne als dishonest honest dodge douge he be is in height about 5 feet 8 inches 1 heavy set het light complexion and 1 blous bious fache lache no whisker and la is a aged about 30 years look out for him 1 A Dap depraved raved practitioner the T utah jammal exposes tiie thu criminals ty of ota u woman who jaunted located in logan ii ashert short time since and gaye give itlo itie inacio namo name of cf mrs hirs ir dr al J salan der dier the female friend is a td aa one cf nom mom protea who carry on the damning I 1 practice of dispensing among wo 1 men means of limiting tte the bamily increase it appears she has been attempting to play her internal vocation in the beautiful capital of f cache and we are plea piea pleaded ed to note the vigor with which the journal k pounces upon the diabolism which perverts the uses and object objects ot of nature that paper has in its ita 1 pos possession Bession affidavits of different p persons which nail the guilt upon this woman placing jt it be yond a reason neason reasonable adle adie doubt such do lugs ings and devices as those of which ij she is evidently a practical expound drs der are almost too degrading filthy and detestable for detailed ex explanation plana piana tion we need not eay cay that we hope bope the wretched and debased creature creatures unworthy the name of woman will receive no encouragement from any source she will not from any person probes sing to be a latter day saint and a in any degree worthy of the name fire today to day this forenoon J great commotion lon ion was created in the ct part of town by the ringing i of the fire alarm the fire ore brigade with full apparatus turned out and I 1 proceeded to the spot a block and a halt west 0 of walker brothers store tle fire was in the barn of mr jas jab W cummings and we are inform 4 ed that it originated arom a little i i grandson of his being in the build J ing with matches when the lit ht atlo atio atle fellow rsm rim what he had hal done he became frightened and hid in the bam barn a few feet from the mimes flames fortunately the tire fire was observed in ts to early stage and the boy reh rei rescued from worn his ills perilous position A quantity of hay was consumed cona umed and the roof cf the building destroyed the barn bam contained a quantity bf belonging to jemmings cummings madsen madeen but they were not brij injured ared the loss will probably not exceed or walker brothers fire company being located in close proximity to the scene of the fire had a stream on the flames before the brigade boys reached there the situation at montpelier this afternoon after alter noon we had the pleasure of of f a call from bishop robert dilce pi ice of paris bear near lake valley we learn from him that six bix new cases of smallpox emall pox had developed in the family of lir mr jos joa phelps maring nine in fur all A largo large number of people besides have been exposed end and apprehensions are felt regarding the probable spread of the malady the cause of the outbreak la Is said baid to have been a ii woman who arrived in montpelier sick and was taken to the tho house of mr phelps to be taken care of bhe died but it WAS supposed to have been a case cabe of measles subsequent ly the comans womans husband had the body exhumed and pud placed n another coffin and the old casket jay about for som some time afterwards wards it is now certain that the disease of which ehe she died diel die dle was smallpox business at montpelier i in consequence of tha the visitations visitation almost su suspended pe ded the conference of the stake appointed for next saturday and nd sunday has been postponed for the bame balne reason bishop price will return northward on wednesday or thursday the eagle rock shooting the shooting of W B green agent of bf the utah and won non northern thein R IS ita at eagle bock rock on the ad instant was wis a most cruel and deliberate delibera td murder further details are to the effect that W D whittley the ex brakeman entered the agent agents office and addressing dres dree aing mr green greens salil sald he wished to speak to him mr green preen stepped stopped up to the counter where whatley whittley 0 tood lood and asked asket him wha whai t h his Is busl ness was whittley commenced talking ina in a violent manner about some report which he claimed had been made to the superintendent of the road by the agent mr green interrupted him and commenced to reply to him but had not uttered more than thau half a dozen words when whittley drew his revolver and commenced brins brids deshot he shot three timey times each shot taking effect inflicting a flesh wound in the neck a slight wound in the small of the bauk back and a probably fatal wound in the left breast the rho rhe revolver was wasa a 41 bre bra colt and made a fearful wound whittley Is a very bad man and claims to have como come from texas where bo be says bays his reside and are wealthy it is ia stated of him that he killed a man there he resided jn in logan for bome some time and while there last winter he made an aa casault ault sult on an officer named everill Eve till with a pistol for which he was bound over to answer to the gran gnan grandeury grand gnand jury djury |