Show BY B Y TELEGRAPH axx ukon UMON binm A AMERICAN ME R f C A W HELENA 5 fielce vice pest otest oakes and party are in the city president villard and larty arty reached deer lodge yesterday today to day they will visit butte and reach helena tomorrow inor rows when a conference will be held washington athe commissioner of the general land office la Is dally daliy receiving a large number of inquiries regarding the status of various land jand grants this seems beems xo to be the effect of the equivocal position of the last congress delatt relative ve to the disposition of public land lands a on land arid arld anid grant railways as well as the many decisions of the secretary of the interior on these subjects there mems items to be very general expectation that many of these grants will be declared forged land laud and aud thousands are ready to enter as soon as they are thrown open to the public these inquiries come como from michigan california new mexico and from along the northern pacific road and seven clerks in the railway division of the general land office are kept constantly busy arranging them PHILA philadelphia 5 the jury ini in the caze ease of jellis eills H phipps e ex x almshouse AIms alms hoube boube su superintendent charged cha aged with forgery after atter being out all night returned a verdict of guilty this mo morning rnInO cal CAi cAGO 5 the illinois central has hea issued tariff no 1 taking effect may let in freights from chicago to california points naming san eran pran cisco bic Sic sacramento stockton Oo kland akland san jose and loa los angeles wa uia the st louis iron mountain and southern bouthern 3 texas pacific and southern pacific and new orleans and aud southern pacific rall rail ways the rates on which will also AP apply from all stations on the lili nois nola korthof north of Cen centralia and from milwaukee racine and kenosha in wisconsin in concu conjunction n action with the issuance of the new now tariff Is a new now sheet of california classification rhe the rho new now rates quoted from chicago and other illinois and wisconsin cities to the points named are first class 5 second eases oases class 4 third class fourth class class A classa class C class D the classification Is the same us as that used by thi the omaha roads thesis thie thib is the centrals Cen traPa initiatory bid for california traffic and the managers of the line an bounce their purpose seto sero to become an active rival pa 2 the philadel phia and reading boiling rolling mills milla shut down to tj day for one week on account of depression depres blon bion in trade and lack of orders the peddlers iera lers at the read heading iron works who had asked an advance in wages waged from to per ton and were refused now onner oner to return to work at the old rates it if paid semimonthly semi bomi monthly the company holds the matter under advisement BOSTON 5 the ibo abo p in score in the casino race stood ethod horses bicycles Powis bowls portsmouth mouth mauTH 6 5 an explosion in powder magaz inea on Prid dyk dys yard was caused by the accidental agni tion of some powder during the filling of a quantity of shells sheils only two persons were killed kille outright but four were so badly injured that they are ln in a dying condition four youn of the persons persona injured by the powder explosion died this morn ing making the number bumber of fatalities six washington 15 through mis mib calculation in surveying the lands for the zuni indian reservation in new mexico an error was made and the intention of the govern ment that the reservation should include the toe springs springe which ile lie direct ly northeast of the boundary line of the reservation was not carried out recently it has been staled slated that paymaster win T tucker bon eon ln in law ot of senator logan and hia hla asso asao clates clatts haye have taken up eix bix claims three desert and three homestead containing in all 2400 acres which embrace ine springs mentioned it Is further stated that should the claims of tucker and his associates be granted the water supply of the zunis zanis will be practically cut cat off in the absence of the survey of the tucker claims however they are rendered void by the issuance on may iet lot of an executive order amending the original orl crl ginal order so as to include within thell uhe the limit mit of the zuni reservation an additional tract of jand in which the above named spring ri arr anc located it was learned at the general land office today to day that win T tucker rucker jr filed his hla ap application p a t laid land for th these es e la lands n ds in the santa a n t a F fe e land 0 office fal e e N november 0 vember 22 1882 the bill to adjust the salaries of I 1 postmasters of the first firsti second and third classes clas cias seb sea and to change the commissions allowed postmasters of the fourth class rendered necessary in ill view of the reduced rate of postage on letter matter from three to two cents per half ounce provided that the thesal salaries arles of theli thell the hrat rat second and third basses classes should be readjust ed to take effect simultaneously with the reduction of the rates of postage from october let respect ing the pay of fourth class eims post mas the act merely fixes rates which should apply to them without specifying the time when the readjust ment should begin the clerk elerk a of the sixth auditors office where the readjustment of salaries is to be made have been iv working under the impression that hat the change in fourth class offices should take place at the bamo bame time as the other classes late yesterday afternoon a question arose as to the proper of the jaw law and it was argued by some of tile tiie officers of the Dep department art ant that the fact that no epe rifled time is fixed in the act for beginning tb the work in the fourth class it imperative upon the department to readjust the pay of fourth class postmasters beginning with the date upon which tiie tile bill wu vas up ap proved by the president today to day the sixth auditor submitted the question to first comptroller Comp lawrence and also conferred with secretary folger on the subject both of these gentlemen are of opinion that thai the readjustment of fourth class offices should have begun march ad this thia decision will compel the sixth auditor to take up and adjust accounts heretofore settled on the basis of the old law numbering in all about and commissions for each of them so go as to make tb them em conform to the new law after the readjustment of the pay of fourth class postmaster postmasters sj beginning with march ad the government wili wiil owe each of them an increase of 8 to 40 per cent according to the amount of stamps cancelled and this in crease will have to be paid quarterly until october iet let when the act regulating postage goes anto effect the payment of this increase will necessarily involve a large deficiency for pay of postmasters for the current fiscal year the treasury statement shows gold E ilver liver and united states notes in the treasury to oday today ojay o day dat gold coin and bullion silver allver coin ooin united states notes total outstanding gold silver currency prince to mr rahime Fe japanese minister captain kurada kuroda and mr takahashi japanese consul at new york were presented to the president Pre eident by sen thia this morning at a special meeting of the cab inet jnet this afternoon all ali the members were wera present the revised civil service regulations were finally considered and will probably be bei promulgated thib this afternoon the president has appointed the following posit masters wm win 0 matzger dayton washington territory chas ohna hapgood maryannie Mary agnie avnie cal J ji N louder silver neets neet utah the following now attached toabe to the signal corps will be relieved from duty in this city july I 1 at and ordered to join their regiments major jameli jameil W captain sixth in infantry lan tan try tny col wm H clapa ciapa captain sixteenth infantry capt B S M mills fifth artillery and B R P F strong fourth artillery the latter officer has been in command at fort chippe bince since its establishment as a signal station in 1866 CHICAGO 6 johnana john and martin heney honeys brothers conduct a shoot ing gallery this afternoon martin slipped from behind the screen just as john fired at long range and received a bullet in his heart dying instantly edwad edward donnelly the driver of a laundry wagon was found in bed this morning unconscious his face and head were beaten into an unrecognizable mass with a heavy iron hinge and his hia pockets packets rifled there were evidences everywhere or oj a protracted and desperate straggled straggle gieg glei donnelly cannot live no clue to the murde murderer reri ST br louta LOUT 61 git ia is stated here that have been beon received from new york conveying the in formation that jo mir myr pulitzer proprietor pro e of the of thib this Is olty city it has practically acquired PD possession a salon of the N Y world negotiations were not entire entirely lv closed but it was expected that a transfer of the property would be made in a day or two when it is alleged mr pulitzer Pull tzer will transport part vart of his editorial and business force torce hence bence to new now york and make mike some rad tad radical lesil changey changes in id the character and conduct of the world NEW yorm york 6 about a score of men and women made up the annual convention of the amer Amex american amerlean ican lean labor reform beform league in this city today to day R RB H hume rume prebi preal ded and fi EL heywood offered resolutions chica were adopted they declare that as labor is the source of all wealth accumulation by interest or otherwise is robbery that to pay no nd rent lent is the banner of duty not only in ireland but annew in new york and all over the world that azars czars queens presidents and land jand railway and bank monopolists are special exponents of vast ciesok cies cles of organized robbers who may expect to be taken oss off by dynamite daggers or whatever other means of retribution justice demands to establish the common right the action of the philadelphia convention was denounced as an fruitless NEW yo 6 odonovan 60 Donovan roosa hossa today to day established eatable hed another brauch branch of the irish brotherhood in this city about loo members were initiated captain john herwin was waa elected president I 1 md rudar dr M A rat var fandi eandi secretary dynamite was deo dee declared lared isred to legitimate weapon of war ils aja decided that a vaasa rna ins be held in two weeks to rc f 0 views on the philadel philadelphia q n tion the majoria majority on ejov d course coarse of the convention i ta trai labor union today to day wl bounced the opening of bridge on the queens the mass meeting to pro protest teet 0 held in the cooper institute tr ire tre the williams qulon quion shir thip alaska arrived tod to today d Y ras nas made the trip from queed queen at 3 hours and 48 knocking out ont her former gloc c time on record of 7 days lh aa 50 minutes moody and g ethe ithe were passengers the that on sunday night banked in the cooper union tenita tem tea meeting the iry that they have come home homb iott toll sn and will return to their labo labors lan ian tober next hii hir turners tur TUK ners nera N Y C 1 cars burned between betwee ii middletown 4 rr 1311 6 J T coi cot sherman me gist glat of I 1 for has bas just con elded here a 2 ceide experiments upon a new metia bently by him nig dig fig view to ascertaining its ita fitness iT pared with other metals toribo graph wire the pr are said to show that wire v MW co this metal has great tenacity benad i hi not rust and la Is superior in pt pt pe conductivity to any wire rea nea nta ic for electric purposes al which has haa nearly the tiie spec lk or 0 ty bind and somewhat the appear t tt sliver silver can be produced produce d it la is jjr tiki e ct cost of five cents per pound bontog BOSTON 7 juh jub john n CaIl ahaD 3 tren went t to on saturday night nigh t bought a pie fie pee pe E of liquor and wen went wenton t on a spree brought a three year eat old ail cil child lid ild I 1 ta ti him and forced him bina to orink drink i 9 alx lx could and then threw liquor jh in fb face the child went into corm comm slona alone and died this morning PC pa ST louis louit labbat lAb 7 abacut yat a doil doii business housea houses and imatt B n east esst bt louis were burnel burned e morning 1 I CHICAGO 7 f about one ul ts t the cigar manufacturers of tiu thu having refused to pay the khi ehi d demanded the enli union on men oai oas q 1 IF the shops this morning it J W mated that in all are out dut of vl i t u ploy mont ment other sho shops rs him ceded the adv advance ancee ft I 1 tt OR B I 1 0 JIT b D dublin 4 the tc nal says saya the dynamite plow ic fc ed in america wa wab was a betrayed vi ul r british consulate in new kew I 1 city olty and the name came of evelda everi bl spi bpi raton who came to englana England Engla nl ii of the ship on blitch which he Bail sall edil p cabled to england directly amt amm vessel left new york the 1 t c watched the conspirators frda moment they landed in t the freemanb freemans fre emans emana journal roumal I 1 members of the governing hosni co 11 conspirators could alone have ha ve a buch such information Inform atlon t parma pails 4 reports prevail 1 I 0 that count von moltke latera Is wrid 11 fil 1 01 0 LONDON 4 in the chor this afternoon af the s ir he ae had received a letter atom ditl laugh in which he hit annot tf he would at the beginning of olt W t ness nebb to day dayi hsk isk to be r take taka the lie oath the speaker i P for the guidance of the TA it there thure vere were loud ariela tor for vt t but as the prime minister elt eit a rise northcote Nort hoote stated asted he 0 afe that bradlaugh be pro from going through buch bluch it ii b gladstone bald he could raibe raise it 8 9 ejection action to the motion which mi a the circumstance circumstances North cell celi L the proper person to make W tion of labouchere it was vas w dj 11 to hear bear bradlaugh Brail laugh langh in hla hib owns VF at eit the bar of the house bro bri tl pointed out that as the tc thought gt ft last jast evening to tog vi the affirmation bill the pla pah phul phui pall 1 tl which would have enabled 0 CL take his hla beat seat it ft was now his dd OT lt take the oath his hia exclusion an act of flagrant iniquity no nia nha 0 his had hadju justified stifled action ra declare his hla seat buat vacant or a bill disqualifying him as aa idd bi he was not disqualified he be jaw ia claim his right to the sest heit lly liy ig chere opposed the motion of yip SIP cote Glad giad gladstone stones on molfar moving I 1 previous question announced announce ivl idl he would vote with iamo lato against again atthe the motion the was then carried by a voto vote ori ora t 6 bradlaugh again addressed house arguing in favor of oth hig big 11 I 1 to a beat seat after speak bag fag for pr ar he returned to his usual tow faw low the bar and the subject d s andress andres cotton merchant of ool manchester alexandris alexandria har er cities has haa failed ll abill law journal Fo bays if the I 1 states government holds walsh wash and sheridan cannot under the existing and if those gentlemen do voluntarily surrender they after fter various formal writs write of have bave been returned oneatia uns atts b adjudged outlaws out Jaws and their ty forfeited to the crown has been received by rd ad a d lieutenant of ireland an jag g the arrest in new york of and sheridan it also gives account of the doings of who it says baya Is in america the movements of his hia family tates lates where they will meet irs its 4 united states minister il i at a private interview with ant grevy gravy presented with a speech and album ded by the citizens of provi R |