Show LOCAL ind AND OTHER MATTERS brom beom FRIDAYS DAILY DAMY MAY 4 the oregon short line the regon short jaine ine lne B R ar K was com corm toted to hailey ralley idaho on an monday estand kat and the balance was expected 3 bo be completed by the end of the resent week the track layers had aught night up with the graders and had i lay over in am consequence sequence the whipping cure yesterday a published publia heu hea a dispatch dla dib patch which told ow a mr montgomery ot of corinne arved a fellow who m abed ted lewdly to rard bard his stepdaughter step daughter to day we ve ive further det details alis alls everybody rill jil III bay say that mr montgomery served ie e fellow just juad right night ana and as in ances of impure conduct toward ris ria mo aro becoming rather frequent might be a good goad idea to consider he e advisability of enacting a law jaw a to minister a sound castigation in ases abba in which parties make attempts outrage females tema fema les ies buch euch punish lent is dreaded by criminals and rould have an effect to deter them A pleasant party yesterday lere ere was a very pleasant party at ie e residence of sister bathsheba elmith the occa occasion sidn being the dat tat at anniversary of the birt blit birthday hclay hilay of aaa estimable lady About seventy U ests eats at kembley kem bled bied mostly ladies al ouge there were also a number of ea tiemen the latter being ie e first presidency of the church D H wells weila and others he ale ladles ladies presented to bister sistr smith t zit zie n legant elegant china bets sets set and she was vas alto iuso tho recipient reci of several other tokens of esteem the atar mina informal and very sociable ad plea piea pleasant sanu banu called eomme home bishop E P beets heets arrived from the north pil on vean having been up idaho looking after live stock in r he reports cattle doing wells well weil ith good teed feed fe ed on the range while white at clarkston Ciar clar koston toston cache coun ron on tuesday he received a dis atch teh from this city informing him the xeny very severe illness of hta hia gon son he be started for legari te aa the bame same night but it was SO BO ayk lyk and stormy was com blied led to puta ack he succeeded in L injecting with a freight train at lamp elmp tons on wednesday I 1 and me direct home his bon eon on had bad ell eil troubled with an affection in i e face and has been threatened ith lockjaw lock jock jaw law but bat we are pleased t to d am thal thai ho he is Js slightly slight Jy improving A close call last night it a man med kaynon and eb flowers labeled in the theatre saloon bowers lowers stepped tep ged ped out to 0 the bide side sidewalk i d was followed loll owed by the other party ifo applied egme ome uncomplimentary otheta to him hinr in lix a moment lowers towers drew a pistol and fired a abt at faynona Ka ynona heads head the bullet acing his ear and powder burning at ac appendage and the side of his ad a As boon soon as the bajt was waa alred fled but buteas wms wab caught by the lice ilce ahe lue cate case was sed beu lor for forbear bear hear ag before justice bejera this his after on sanon attributes his escape im am death to his hia being close up op to B e party who fired he hie is a short arvous peculiar looking fellow th h red hair cropped close to the kip lip p and is a discharged boadley eol rol dlee dier wera is a resident of the eleventh ard t auty of murder murden last evening a jury fathe lathe in the tho trial of joseph bid come for the murder of charles lsen isen brought in a verdict of ity of murder in the first flat degree 0 with a strong becom 13 of the prisoner to the ney ncy r of the court based led ly on the extreme youth of bid come at the time the crime was omitted he being then but little xe re than seventeen years yeara old te re murder was commatti committed the winter winten of 1879 in zele zoie county and the remains jensen wern not discovered until re than a subsequently 1 0 prisoner had confessed to hav committed tho the crime to one of witnesses for the probe prosecution cution i being the strongest point int lu iu t the he dence ence against him gi he la little re e than twenty years vonra of age arenow now i this thia was the second trial of the case each having the same result ills his attorneys asked for and obtained a a tny tay pending decIa decision lonon on a motion for anew a new now trial he will probably be sentenced to life ilfe imprison imprisonment men keeping trees alive A gentle man who planted bome some ornamental trees around a lot in the city cemetery a year or two since has managed to keep them alive in a novel manner the great difficulty in sustain staining ing vegetation there and all su over the deneh dench land is of course the abEe abse absence nice fice of water to carry water under ordinary circumstances to keep treas trees alive Js out of the question as a few bucketsful buckets ful fui dries out in warm weather before the roots are rea reached shed to obviate this drying out process the gentleman referred to inserted in the ground by the side of each tree at the time it was planted an ordinary five gallon coal oil can open at the top and perforated at the bottom the water careld to the trees la in poured into these cans can sand and reaches the roots there being no surface evaporation possible of course the tops of the cans have to be covered with a piece of board or something of that character the trees thus treated are not only alive but healthy and nourishing flourishing froe FROM SATURDAYS DAILY MAY 5 damaged damage d by a ditch on tuesday night at ogden a ditch which passes along the bench above main street gave way immediately above mr joseph cook cooka a steam mill the basement of the building including the engine room was deluged with mud sand band and water the herald of that town states that mr mark clark estimates his loss approximately at 1000 A journalist relio relie we have had an opportunity of examining a copy of a paper of advanced age being an issue the ulster co gazette gazelle it gives an ne ae count of the death of washington and contains the resolutions and addresses of congress Cone ress rees and the president of the united states john adamson on the event which was q i A ula uia 1 tj irver f J t r made an occasion of national mou mourning rn the paper la Is the property of mr john H freeman Fi eeman A new sew brand erand if people will drink teg tes te and an immense quantity of the herb is sold in this territory it Is better betten that they drink it pure than to swallow decoctions decoct ions of col ored poisonous stun such huch na aa to is palmed oft onn upon the people in the big cities of this country mr ehll ehli margetts has obtained thel the agency for genuine lne uncolored japan tea which connoisseurs pronounce the very best and all that la Is claimed for it by the importers his advertisement will be the found in another column the cup and saucer tea 7 he will travel through the territory troublesome tramps A correspondent of the ogden herald states that the railroad men on the utah northern are greatly troubled by tramps he says they are daring even to deviltry and appear determined to secure free rides imagine a on the truck of a narrow guage car yet sueh buch is the case numerously about six bix or beven seven of these fellows broke for the passenger train between market lako Laire and eagle rock rook in broad day light and walked into the cars some of them thein shut the door in the brak emans face twice and one of them even brandishes brandished bran dished a soldering iron in the faces of the train boys the green eiver elver murder case A few days ago we gave an account of the arrest of john thompson and thomas meadow meadows charge with athe murder of george hecks at green river emery county their examination amin atlon stion wils was wag commenced day at provo before U B S commissioner lioner at A 0 smoot jr the en guir er gives the following as the sul bul stance of the testimony adduced so eo far as the investigation had bad pro to the time yesterdays issue of that journal went to press on the evening of the let of march last at green river biver lEmery county geo hecks john thompson 2 thos whoa meadows and others were in a saloon drinking geo hecks asked toney tones hart the bar tender it if he had any cartridges to fit his hie hickam kab kae pistol at the same time handing it to him with the handle foremost hart took it and after examination handed it back to Heek rech fore most moat saying that he bad none that would nt allt it bu t while the revolver was being passed from one to the other it ic was discharged when hart fell to the floor exclaiming uin pm qin shot im hecks hacks sald baid 1 toney L I 1 did not mean to shoot you yon some bome one then told hecks recta he ha had better get out coutaa a athey they would kill him he went out and was shortly followed by others among whom were thompson and meadows cries were heard boon soon after of lets shoot the son bon konof of a b 11 about 15 or 20 shots were fired tired heeks hecks rot not behind a clump of brush about yards from the saloon thompson was heard to bay say to him stand up you conof bon eon of a b so BO I 1 can shoot you down 31 hecks heas replied 1 I cant vm im shot I 1 xea yeb yeb yes yea you can said bald thompson seu sea yea aro ara only I 1 11 hecks was waa if atter ateer wards warda ids brought into a store and waa was bleeding from a wound in the thigh he died two days afterwards one witness on the part of the defense defence examined this forenoon in substance substances he testified as follows fol foi lowb lowe he was a and was waz at thompson thompsons Thomp sons a saloon at the time of the shooting after hart was shot hecks left the saloon but came back again shortly after af ter he heard pistol shote shots baw saw a man named murphy and a man named burke shooting toward where hecks was did not eee bee thompson and meadows shooting the four merr meir were about two rods aparto apart saw hecks after he was picked up there were about thirty men at the saloon flashes of 0 several phi pbs pistoia tois there was no moonlight |