Show in connection with the above we vw can confidently recommend r the new indexed map of mexico bound la in cloth for the pocket andin addition to an accurate and detail detailed td map containing a complete index of tile tiie states and territories islands ia goons boons mountains rivers towns etc it ca can n hau of the hame same bookseller for 75 cents iii IrI views of utah is just h issued sued by 0 B R savage and will be sure to become popular it Is ia peculiarly suited to tourists and strangers for not only does it contain a number of most beautifully executed views of prominent points of thia this and other utah cities but a lun iun there of in neat letter press with important information to travelers nicely bound in cloth in pocket form for 75 cents at savages art bazar WOODS lowenst M 0 W E it S 1 farmers all buy the woods wooda mower the tha oldest and meat reliable in the market a 24 L B MATri MATTISON son sox A G delove gwm chyr physicians are often a by emar remarkable kable hahle discoveries tho the fact tact hsi bat dr kings now DI covey for r rum rom dion nion and all throat and lung nung diseases Is daily curing patients UA ia efu eft y have nave given up to die 1 ia 9 them to realize their sense seme f duty and examine into the mer met F of thih thia wonderful erful discovery resulting in hundreds of our best hycl ns using it in their practice arial bottles batties free at Z 0 al I 1 drug drog diore regular size bize ize loo 4 browns browna bronchial troches are excellent for the relief of hoarseness or sore bore throat they are exceedingly cee effective christian world london eng A TRIBUTE sidney of eitt Pitt pittsburg iburg pa writes K 1 I have used need dr wm win halls balsam for the lungs many year yearb with the most moat gratifying results the relieving influence of hails halls balsam is wonderful the pain and rack of the body incident al to a tight cough coughs loon db disappear appear by the use uee of a spoonful according to directions my wife wite frequently sends bends for halls balsam instead of a physician and health is restored by its use eed jred horbe horse powders are the surest cure care for disease in animals an imala dr greens oxygenated bitters Is ia the oldest and lest best remedy for dyspepsia biliousness malaria indigestion all disorders of the Stoma cb and all indicating indic aUng sung an impure condition of the blood Kid kidneys neya and liver PRICES owing to several carloads arriving about the same time will sell spring wagons for the next thirty days at greatly reduced prices now is the time to get first class spring Wagons cheaper than ever the stock is complete of great variety all are my standard work and fully warranted call on or address howand sebree seeg bain barm wagon depot salt lake city olty C ityl daw ad aden Jd en |