Show of all thib the evil spirits abroad F U this hour in the world the most dan dangerous geroue faithful bervice service to royalty fani sani always impoverishing queen tb torja torta s john brown left a fortune d the echo of an exploding muoc cork makes a ot 01 parliament jump nearly out 01 IT boots lust luat now the favor of the and power powerful ruis fuls la Is no proof thau thail le in twe the light tight nor not theu their fred fro that we are in the wrong g he H who does not respect co ool dence dennewill den cewill will never find happiness hap pineal pines I 1 his bis path the belief in virtue is ashes from frona his heart tho nobler actions becomes extinct 1 him A good many people lii ill to call judge of old oid natia natla a highly upright judge 1 has lust fusi decided that pigeon gil gif sh ing in testa tests of skill comes anderl under purview of the law against aa arm to animals nn imala canada is going ahead of 0 0 united states in the woman P frage movement the governa govern goverd 0 has introduced a bill giving elective franchise to widows 11 spinsters spin with a property balat va lut iut of too 1 i A petition erom efrom inmates d allegheny allighen v county pennsyl workhouse requesting the tho saile sion blon of the liquor traffic c had been the cause of the rouge pouge era eme downfall and prave p their reformation if they w were erg ere it j leased from confinement la Is 00 y v the latest oddities of the antl anti liw movement I 1 hiie hile the united uril ted states increases i pui pu pul lation atlon at the rate late of about 80 30 enten ent in ten years the of the british australasian alasia it ales alea has increased more than 85 ent tent in the last decade order to gua gla guird and ard against holland has passed a law not more mone than lbs ibs of dyna i shall be carried in one pack on any of its railroads when understood that tb at about half that ont ant would be sufficient cent to blow amsterdam into the zuyder it I 1 twill will be seen been how effiec tuai is i legislation i i addition to the instructive dis se 88 ou on the constitutional powers government overn ment tha the rights of man the authority of 0 god delivered Erastus Snow at the late derence re rence we publish today to day some interesting remarks by preal joseph P F smith at the funeral rother rothen james urie urfe ie of the latest crank 9 3 is to limit private fior fortunes tunes to outside of the editorial sion slon such a law would work no it ft hardship as but few people id be subjected to punishment to make the law complete it lid fid ild iid be amended so eo that none yd kid be worth less than ihan a poor rule that work 1 ways iree thousand applications for ats upon electrical inventions nade in washington every year 1500 patents paten teare are issued such sties as these thebe arb are more eloquent tye tie ie restless keti koti activity vity of in this department of ec fence lence the rapid strides that electrical cledge is making than thau a whole r me rne ne of rhetorical writing would andon in a state of dynamite ap easlon certainly greater than of any capital in europe un st lit petersburg be excepted am even the workmen workman going into eavers are watched by the id ot ol works lest they take ex bm ivas tras with them so as aa to blow up f it may be fancied what it and prevail as aa to the at kor of the dynamite plot sud mid all ail om it Is possible to trub tius t kording cording to the denver mal mel big burlington road Is quietly rig g for possession of available B in the mountains for an exon 0 oll oil of its line from denver to the colorado ballway railway com which has filed articles ot of in nation ration i at boulder boulden Is believed to wing n of the burlington and hild developments evelo eveld v a in thib this booked 0 k e for all right dome voine T themore the more roads tah h e eril ersi grave of abraham lincoln gul guarded so BO far as any one can reg ret et t it is protected so secretary 7 coln coin says bays in such a manner that emmins n ns of his lather can never len ien len the secret of this ko known to only three people d a I 1 the guard over Gar gan garfielda fields Is finally withdrawn the cry by which Lincol ns remains secure Is to be imparted I 1 inocel one rockwell bockwell for the krotec of Gar aar garfielda fields tomb against 1 I 1 3 I 1 magistrate has hit up original mode of dealing adulteration A french paper s proclamation the of a certain de whom himself t envy ali ail all articles runs lo cament menh ment in the shape of i groceries and provisions i 3 upon kupon examination and abaly oe e proved to be injurious to ha will be confiscated con flEca ted forth forthwith with to the different char vf cr houses are coming into us gland where for some pur they are found greatly super tents shooing shooting boxes twelve cuare aare were vere found convenient 0 use and transport and the ial lal al being impervious to mois mols he e little cottages are om corn a sanitary point of view ald aid id that they will be need at aside during the coming sea kotonly oton for bathing houses but fon for quiet bachelors tempia tive habits contractors who gre ire are cutting mal mai through 9 h the latam ij of ah h we ure confident that the work i completed within forty years unal unni will be just jast four miles und und of the tho bame baune dimensions one as f suez baez namely devent seventy Y two wide vide and twenty bix six deep phout hout at low water vater vessels he jae adriatic ports will vill save bave andred andred and beigh eighty ty five nive amiles iose nose from the med mod five miles by passin ng 7 through the canal besides avoiding the dangerous coast cosat around cape the black hand as aa the anarchists ts confederation in spain calls itself counts in andalusia alone different centres bentres and na embers members of whom more than 1000 belong to the town of xeres the destitution in the whole province is descar described albed as very great the work ing population of xeres numbers about the rate of wages averages only two illings shillings eb a day dayl and work is not to be had for more than five or six months of the year some portion of the distress is attributed to the falling failing off in the demand for the wine of the pro province in consequence of the numerous imitations pf af sherry now manufactured in germany and inthe in the south of trance |