Show THE smoke NUI mui U iv WN WE hav have abard eMeard many mank complaint concerning the nuisance caus edby the densa dense smoke arising fi from the stacks and eair of foundry furnaces and other places placed in thi city it sett seit leEi leel down and darkens the air penetrates into houses falls jn in black flakes upon dwellings bar gardens drying clothes and passing gf people e op le and is becoming anul amul a nuisance sance of no inconsiderable rha iha magnitude tude we need not point int lat ou t he that aro chiefly oom com complained plaine d of bf the black clouds that are poured forth from various establishments ahby shey themselves plainly enough without further tarther designation f E it uana Wr tW rac fac fracturing tuning turing interests of the city in m crease and factories multiply i unless some bome effectual remedy la Is a applied hed had our pure mountain air vi will lip kyr be laden ladan with sulphurous and murky matter matte and our buildings will 1 be blackened and spoiled in sp appearance pe arance while our citizens will have difficulty in kee keeping ping their clothing and persons presentable what are you going to do about wa someone will ask well we do not want to throw a straw in the way of manufacturing interests we desire that they shall be fostered festered and encouraged for many reasons that we shall not stop to mention but we think something may be done to prevent the smoke nuisance without injury to anyone mere are ate contri vances used in some bome large cities and manufacturing districts for the consumption of smoke which might be adopted here to advantage but an easier and perhaps more mone effectual remedy is within the reach of all those whose business has occasioned the trouble complained of it Is ia to quit burning soft coal and use either aethra cite coal or coke anthracite can now be obtained quality and other things considered about as cheap as the bott boft coal and coke so BO we are informed will soon be bein in the bal bai t lmke imke market at very low figures we ask our foundry men mill mili men electric light works men and others who contribute to the murky masses which darken the air bedr of this fair city to try to relieve the publio public of this growing nuisance and thus lender unnecessary any municipal regulations on the thel subject which 3 might prove irksome and unpleasant look into this fuel mattera matted cd see if you cannot prevent the smoke nuisance without any great expense or inconvenience |