OCR Text |
Show -- a 0 it - M 1 A q .111b4"6L' A , '- qi i 0.146... Ithe 1 , , 1 I , i .' ( '. F4. ... I,. i,,,.b7 k'4 kerns, , In & JAN ' It - sortie of real ' - Thin why d I call her "poor," this reason. that In "Anna Aa. fiends" she has play st awful. and irrevocably out at gear for a metro- politan stage that it is tin thousand wonders that she was able to show hor mastery over thee limitations. She' was hedged around by a hundred ob. stades. She was tha center of a story . that was and garish. Rho posed amid mituotions that wore ithor positively ridieulous, or Intensely old To odd to the strenuous fashioneit diseronforto (4 the occasion. she was surroundod by a company that was by e: S , - --.-..) co:: iIi vie. ch .1t,111i4dPme.e.- 6,-- i itt.713INI. famous Swedish la and ; 4.7,-- walmonariorkdo, - -.iv"."..r".::f'1"..7114. I PANYAGES. ' '1 4,,, . bauball . I . , SO . ., . motion. pictures, . 1 .. ' . , 4 stutter of long runs for dra. productions the ripcord is by "Chu Chia Chow." which bee been playlet without MineinS ight (xcept Sunday) at Ilia Malooa Theatre, London. since Aug. SI. and is therefore entering upon - I . ... Tr' ..4''"...,.. al .... OW 114114. but as I have nothing to do it h that branch of art ( t) I can ear at.uut it. All I linoW is that oa ' cage. abs has done some Bee and 'het in her ,latest pity Aeterttionl eh- - de some gen , 11 1 I - . , . THREE SECTION , 1 IFIF . 2, 1920 11 N'aud'evilleMysteryHeadlines Io Bill We nesday 'Orphetiiii Opeimig Litimmoi'' - - . . MP . , - arff ' t 1101111.....) ' , - ., U - TUE DESERET NEWS SATURDAY OCTOBE,R Ow - ... ..1101.. .mmomo. N IX , ,", , bald.-chesp- , S 01 singer. &Ashdod ; MDI:.tho Da neo:Ten. e:',1) .i piano. are 1 i , oCI now running. ........."..2"-1',V le.;, t'll rillicyear.Thore , I 119 i1 .,, 1.! I; ' 'I I (i(ittr-STILT-ATTF- ir vaudeville sketch. Plaids and WHY An' i e oil changes to the cast since tho ''4, ' ' 14 ' ?doof are 1411k1:19) in ' faces I 4 1' -- 1 i medley, fpattires r ), y alto is even a Liner ' thut lirady ""IoN, proved opined. it is imported that the , , 0, 4 T) ' 1, Kay's Scotch revu.- Rubbs. Clark anda ) . i actress than e'e thought she was. Her i 4 0 remain at this house for 4.,.... p y will 10,0M1411, "' ,,,, a give purity of diction, her personal charm. 414 Pere. two menin and A7,, ' 1 ' a inothar year: ' ,. clever dancing and her dramatic oonote, and her plc. 11 4, performance -';';' (ae4s.,:-., t a loiag brbther and F t Rose Sheldon turesuu were resinging. 4 pY 4 '1)4..,,., ,1 act ' 11 d a balancing ..., have marksbly In ovideneo. bhe did what MIA time since she went to .' the t and )ror do of unique quality. rantagetocope Cl she had to ieJee ' fr; exquisitely. and it was 1 N w " : York six years ego. Marjorie orchestra add their usual pleasant no' sinecure, I can assure you. Genius I f)' Cr ' ' . oontributione to the entertainment. would have 'floundered hopelessly le mbeau le this year to go ,on the -e 1i ',, On the new bill .opening neat Wed! , ,711....... curb a niuddie Miss Wady WAS enor- - . r, td. She will be featured In "The ,,, nesday will be a genuine thriller. 1 mously vital in this fearful pudding. t c....., t Fri On the Door.," the Chancing Foi'I "Submarine p.7.g. presented by 11 first art nits not so had. The star 'The r V"''''''" at The as a waltrersi, foreign born, ,'?.'".t&) shoas a stranded people. i1 i -- play In which she was starred :appeared -(I ' a diver. liar. . submarine rescued lin a mititprestaurant where she was I I. Republic theatre bud season. Six -As the revey and Grace, two men and a woman, pustid by 1" re ago Mims Rarobctit-inide-bi i j cx 11 offer a' musical and talking number suit of an attempt plaits by one of in ti st appearance 1n New York in "So merit. ZIri ihese gentlemen. to insult her. ehe that is above the ordinary I, . ch for So Much." the play by Wit-'- I, 'stabs hilwand bellevis that she killed Tho aeroplane "Girls" stage a thril. 1 Ander-"Iron-paw- " hint-41- nd Leonard act.. the curtain falls upon that ling laid black. Subsequently, she "tag eon In "When Caesar Sees Her" pro-1- 1 P.. owe" situation. g "IIMMIONNIEDIlr.,,,S,101.1.411 Love. i,. sett In "Sedie ommom- e "Cheating 110911,001WIPM.A.mo" one is that video a a longl travesty Later, of course. she ham "ascended" in the aortal scale. She has beLaugh. Brown an Jackson are well t lettere." "The Fortune Teller," , known mirth provokers, presenting al ' come an author. She has written a When Youth." Popplee teartri (3onceniradon NOM Its Ng Jain Band Tc;pi Special anteroom Week VanderMe at the Orphrum book called "Anna Ascends" and ham comedy musical number In which the " and "The Unknown Woman." I 13 altitude of Iturman of the team plays written it anonymously. Royalties are Beginning Wednesday Night. an important part. In the film."Bride her to the tune of $30.000-- -t.) awaiting i I none of these. rooPt for a week 11." Marguerite Clayton, who as a two of preliminary tours. did blim (The name of the publisher is mercifeaand screen in Wolfe Mr. for her socond role bill offered bor will vills tho sad company. si augment Chautauqua MarSalt Lake girl was known as ys: mhoen .et forth On tho road, there-"The Famous Mrs. Fair." in which Mr. Mr. Olsen will assist Miss Babcock fully withheld.) Then her past Interture. guerite Fitzgerald. plays a leading ,,Few have Miller and Blanche Bates have ap- In directing the produotions;- - Joseph feres with a love affair and the nlAke h totabilehing a record that is unique in Salt photoplays a of This is the first episode role. farlotts gentleman she imagined she I11 the attention as attracted much .. peared during a long run, in New Williams will be stage manager and had murdered. during . on a trt circles. to is counted serial that prove 1 professional bobs up as has York. X. It a "Madame Ware scenic Florence artist. . year orpast and The winner. Fantagesoope as possible. of Moroni as a actor "screen described Olson. young ben epic popular Selected. out the round till. Fine numbers chestra Plays But it isn't necessary to analyse do uls Mann'. new play by Samuel mother love. presenting it in all its who warn with the Varsity Players two The Social hall season opens Oct. 11 such a farrago of nonsense. It defies CLONINGER PLAYERS AT IMMO- enigmatic glory." years ago. will be in the company. with and Victor Victor will be " 1 FIIIPmou "The Witching-Hour.by Augus- analysts. Suffice it to say that the DROME. A high clam musical act will head- 'During part of last season he support, ailed "The Unwritten Chapter." Following that the Brut night audience. usually a collecline the new vaudeville bill. Martin ed Ellen V&A Volkenburg (Mrs. Maur- tus Thomas. . ,.. be will "Passers tion of polite friends, guyed the affair. le. e Oct. theatre 25. will be: and Elliott. a sportively dressed pair, ice Browne) In a Now York presenta- schedule THE 111pRodrome home of the Cioninget Play. Introduce songs and novel, eccentric tion of "Medea." More recently he By." C. Haden Chambers; Nov. Ar- by laughing at the wrong time (which randon Tynan Is to be sent to Ilng. Reforms Herself." Henry was the right time.) ars in their productions during the and descriptive dances. Gene and has filled an engagement of 22 weeks "Dolly d as leading man In "The Mandar-- I Nov. 23, "The Master In the company were ()weave Rel- thur Jones; disIn a the a tour in Katherine through long present "Kindling." King Next week balance of the season. : "The Dec. 6, under the management of Herman Ilenrick Ibsen; Builder." who played a foreign restaurant land, of "Miles northwest. and west the sketch tance entitled the equth. enhilarity an these popular players will cpen or Lost Silk Hat," "Gods of the Moun- keeper very well indeed; John WarB interpreting the latest ,popu- kiss Janet Young. who also was with tain." gagement repeattng their euccess of Smiles," Arabs." of the "Tents "Fame." ner, Effingham Pinto, Rod LaRoque, Tallor-Mad- e Man." lar songs in distinctive style. Burt the 'Kindling" company on this tour, Lord Dunsany; Dec. 20. holiday pro- Jane &um LAKE THEATRE. I this week. the Carleton, Betty Alden, III. K. Adler is a singing and talking chap will be with the Varsity Players this In performances chilievery night except with of "Cinderella," duction So alsowill be Byron Foulger, Fried. new and Frank Hatch, Helen Cromwell, fund of live. a LEXANDEE. "The Man Who with stories; year. Miexttoaleb-Lq- e Monday, with matinees Wedneeday Erford's "Golden Whirl" is a epectac- who was with the company two years dren; Jan. 3, "The Man Who Married Ward DeWolf, Cliff Worman, and Know." in scheduled for his toand Saturday. Thera is little doubt tiler and France. Anatole Wife." a Dumb with been Leeward M.eker. novelty featuring three ago and since that time has Ift12.PC, idol that conference a n d fair visitors from gists aerial Leonid AndreySabine Women," "The nna' visit to Balt Lake, and will open York New .. man aerial in a in revolving the Maurice Browne', out of town will welcome the oppor- feats and a the Bait take theatro on Monday, -and on tour. Other members of the elf; Jan. 17, Irish plays. "Spreading They do nay that "Mscoa"wM be: suspended by their Alf Week,-ComlAks tunity to see this remarkable New are Chauncey the News," Lady Gregory: Land of the last of such 001088111 productions,' neatly company Players Varsity 0 4th. continuing for six days, with success. who STRAND York have Theater goers include litmday October 4. R. Houstman and Sumner C. Cobb. Heart's Desire," William Butler Yeats; as the cost is becoming prohibitive. Jan. followed the popularity of Mr. Cioninsouvenir matins for ladies who will be Miss Babcock's associatesi "Riders to the Sea.:' J. M. Synge; PRINGFEVEB.." by preeinted C 14. According to managerial figures (and and since in assockge players ger they sJ Blake and Amber's Gaiety Girls in the faculty of the university de-- I 31, "Macbeth," Shakespeare; Feb. on Friday, and a general matinee Inge In Jack Trainor and compomy you can deduct the grain of salt if you, Bridge-hencseason 103,rold month of bust. their Choice." last agree opened The "ffobson's Jack Lilt's laughing playlet of public speaking. SienadaY. Ilk.') "Chu Chin Chow" cost $350,000;, partment Tailor-Mad- e W. now NO10011 T. Musical playand "David Garrick," company, Bob that 23. Man" Comedy the is seas life. "Help." and Feb. ilt lezander is for coot $800,000, and "Iktscmanager is V. I. Shepherd, whobusi"Aphrodite" season Strand a of stock at the and the In "Arms the run best have bittors done. March 14, home Robertson; thing they Ralph several years has been with the at and all queetions, written in any Frank Cronin, ea" will coot more. (I am not reis next week the for in Ellison-WhitIn' e Shaw. "Smiles." offering has Bernard a theeter, of title the Man." role. Cloninger song " ness management of the part laitguase and sealed as the writer de- - game sponsible for these figures.) Of course.' Lovett'. Concentration is a real mYs- that fits him to perfection; Miss Flor- for the first time in Salt Lake City. the prices of stage materials, scenery fires, writtea In the privacy of the is out as and described of the It ordinary ence as music, the Stone scion, tory emtracing sophisticated society hcirno or the office and brought to the and all the make-u- p of productions, clean. Lovett. ani wonderworker. funny. refreshing, good, The mirth. woman lends brilliant of bits comedy wholesome entertainment. The authsuch as these have risen sky-higand 1 "Pitt. :Ill this denumstralln b... lets members of his audience whisper to the and production. Evelyn Hamby or took for his theme the craze oven the dieciainle any connection with the au- figure would MIMIC , in se of many of the any plena of the old ;limo the Tanya. daughter pernatural, and claims no other sten- - his ear and without a word a big jabs East Side probably bs extraordinary. However, to summer at "the tailor, does some of the fin. people have as long as there is a pubUo wililing to lifetime o f stud y an d a close band upon tho stage plays the 'oleo- eat and recuperate during the Springs" career. of All her the 0than main acting gaze at such pictures. and the taste ,to his particular line Of tion. its an act replets with fun and Lot months. Among those at "the parts are played In a genuinely pro- Springs" for speolacular Written For me Saturday News by Alan Dale. episodes has not enpleavor. Whatever his added facul- - frolics. moving so fastly that audiences fessional are "Snooky" and Rogan," and a with manner, play Ifunny characters who Immediately waned, there will always be such extypner be. he Iscosthe Possossor of ens- - fairly gasp for breath. Jack Trainor. of such distinct merit, they provide set the ball rolling end shake things a wizard of, mental ' ag everyone knows. is one of our fors-mo- st an reinneed skill high cost or low cost. and approve hibitions, V amid EW 'YORK whilst I mc understand evening's entertainment well worth up arcund the "One of the most noticeable defects physical phenomena. ',.'. ' character somedians. who In his while' place. They are ably to conceal his authors 01 25.1 CITY. !His program this season Sept. French stage," says an authorIs at. playlet staged by Nat Phillips. Slits assisted in making merriment by Bob e wining of common aense and good of the 'ts i.A. ity. "is the apParent utter inability of la threo ,Partik - the ' Simla than his 'share of laughs per Sandberg. Helen ,Travers, Mae McMEW'S CASLNO. beautiful a rigeG 1 the by play giving I, Is 1 French actors to wear their wigs. It or crystal gazing. being Jim performance. ,., The Lait playlet Crea. Inee Rodrigues, Bob, Talbert t?ncC, Hodge. who of etting. the ection of the piece under is extraordinary in a nation that J4e1 cl pro. portion as upon former occa.' crammed full of witty lines and side- SALT LAKERS who were unable tti and Grover Frankle. who, aside from so consideration entirely upon duces the beat depends late has deLted himadmittance to the first exhi- playing an Important part, has stagCronin .perruquiers in the Mina The first part consists of new splitting situations. Nelson & vaudeville decision of Christ and the will of world the' escluso be most homewhat the should some self ed to musical X. excellent that numbers. the Goldwyn bition of "Madame fests of mime, and the second act in. give cards and spades stage wigs 11 the Almighty, that the provocation to li y The at Lose?' Casino teams and then beat them to the extravagantly "Spring Fever" is prescribed as an unsatisfactory. attractive is z. treduoes ;Mr.', Alexander's decision Divine ,"road." the nothing question worn for old men 'always look are king bee sOngsterti, theatre more than a week ago will effective concoction for people wh6 te pale assistants in a series of Orion. laughs. 1.1 'I"i' tsrivieed hr. fta the less than grossly and stupidly lyre- wigs like wigs, and never resemble natural have the opportunity of seeing Pauline Ilk. to laugh. And for those that 1, to dances. among therm- - being the g there ever were such. verent.'! AF with his metropolis A moat pleasing feature of the new Frederick in this famous rote, as the enjoy good photoplays, the manag,, beautiful 4ance of "The Spirit of In- Yes. is does sound as though it were hair. The joins of the wigs Invariably ) z In his original picture will be given a special return ment will present a feature film, thus !ri , own play, "The Guest show. and frequently the flesh color of due for New York. eepee. ! which is given a wonderful bill is Charles Kenna Immediately ''.. character monologue. "'Me Street Fa- engagement for the first three days offering, "a double bill for the price the top part of the wig is entirely difof at Lillian Marion e the l Interpretation and ,,Honor" by can kir." Be'. a born comedian and of next week. An entire new vaude of one." ferent from the complexion of the Twtne. : ,1 th Nerteit . , - r Broadhurst theatre. He' Poor Alice Brady! be depended upon to furnish a variety -- ' '' - face, and unsuitable to IL No won- - . " 1 wrote the play. and be 1.1411r4,11 She is certainly a clever girl. She der that Sarah Bernhardt always goes ' giggles and hearty laughs. . ' - of smiles. Misses Shaw and Campbell are' staged it. If he didn't hu youth, she has charm, and she to London for her wigs.' afters a new bill for The Orpheum alone who maids has sing divinely ability. ,She has dainty THE play allths parts, I suppose it was forgedextraordinary week. beginning 'Wed and together in their snappy "Moto the front dramatically. and Although there has been such an a been have would because the feat and Keks ments Musical." Mallen own hold will worth her that its rteltday night. tuts proved frequently. In I : trifle dardangerous. in different In ofwith established herself the has she something !every present way films. the exceptional (Continued on page six) 4 However, the parts didn't matter In e letinu closing with teday's and to. Ing dancing acts. They are as nifty 7, Mr.matter. He did ts least. the Hodge mlrrotris performances and' including a pair of stepper as ever trod the He matsaw to it that he mattered. n Orpheum b 11TheTJoant;1141)onuyselsRoavns" tbhil higraegatthReinfrmerosusMBidagetaituTthe because he. was tered tremendOttelY, home Bert Chadwick. the utterly beloved and perfect "hero."' X- - --rult king, as an added attraction in do a mighty clever turn which includes : x--Such a hero! The entire cant adored 1,,,,',-I mltion pictures. pinging, dancing end a bit of laugh- 1 him, and the entire cast "fed" him. new bill .designed to give eon- - able chatter tone only as colored ' folks rh, :1: ., , He was halo'd glorified. pinnacled, ilfeienea visitant a alimpRe of real big could do it ',,s He was luminated. and decorated. .S.,1, KIIIIMMIIIII and Topics of the Day, tire vaudeville at .lts best indudeiui t Lovetre i,,a .4,'(1, everything that was gorgeous, exquisConeentration, one of thtil complete the regular bill. which boasts ,'. F ..,, A ., V ite. pious, righteous and heroic. How an extra added attraetton the great , greatest of vaudeville acts, as head-it- s- -, the star actor does love to see himself And two sterling feature offer- and only Babe Ruth, idol of the .1A thus equipped. He has no modesty, 11,rr. 1 .,, no qualms. no scruples of any sort. He ) 0 ,, Just embeds himself :n a cozy couch 1,,,,t, .., ; , ' of cheap glory, and is satisfied, Mr .s Hodge had even provided himMen--. ,.., , self with a stage child to chat with. ., . The popularity of the stage child with , the average star is due to the fact that "Tailor-Mad- e It always looks pleasant to see a man 1 , , 441...- - ,, i .. , a, tot. It is amusing and cheering-u- p women! Our to relied ettteh the 4 'upon 14 ; own Chauncey sings to the child. with , 4,01, -' all his lung power. Mr. Hodge la ,t , '', 1, ''714k,N., .J) must kinder. lie,doesn't sing (which .:. T',.'y, '."4 .4''' ligps; be a great relief to the child's relit- - -- -101 i prattlest.He is In 1 ... 4, .... the center of the stage with tho child, , , persietent.. posIng. magnitteentiv, one( child-scen, of the ly. Flashlights '4 , Q., itt , would be a w fully pretty. Probably t :f -- ., tt '''' there are many; I don't know. ,,, , , if',k, Hodes in the plav had befriended .i k,:, 7 , l" ; ' '..' , ''''''. the child's mother when ehe was down 1410,A ' Or ' ' I , and out. So he took upoh himself 11;''::,r I , . ,, A ,fs ,' 4tt Swik iii the upkeep of the ehild. He else, fed " rfd , .. didi journotilfit, ntperamantted ' 4t , ., MCiflONI oLsry. ,fr 4,AtI MICA J.tNITT YOCNG. th.rottahout. They kilt Jr , ,.... ,I le-- , 'wondrous things 1 unno left stone and Hodge 't Not a "highbrow'', organization. nor tainmnt. the phase that appeals. to turned to capture all the heroism on 1 i A.,. 1 Of course ne rec.- - t',..."' , , t an- exclusive movement intended for allthe theatre. 4 ... Lo itthe "nire ithat "'ICI"' "VI"' mmtle a primitive little 1)1 "the alit.'" hut an earnest and high- - and are Justt as Important pi lt.,svas aseurediv 'art Intl. metropolitan very minded aertipt to proNide clean. Lranen,,g t . wholeseme an' high class dramatic sI "P'or 'the VarsIty rayerQ' sell .TI ied"' But Aim. PlaY"-er""q"n1 '''', ' .. , .- '' ' s, i ; . .1v popularize themselves hereas at sant dawt im,eortall.. t all for , ,do,,- .. tho of people i'ith Port of contraet to the sophiaticated IC:, ' .. I ' ' 4.II the mission tthohbetagprie)1,t,..1,1;hT:tel.d.y.ahloirlin the communitr,--th- li and - '4 ' , nt !stuff we get most of the time. But Vorottythe purpooks-of PisYsrs, .,iltetd ' 2 '''''Ng' 1 N. must be some rhartrv tO them. 1 . , eeason who will at Social their open, loVe ., of the' !there ., ' money 'pay hut for the,. I i; ,: , There Is little charm to "The Guest of i . .'fi Hall. "The Little Tboatre," tit:an:4Z Al Or ,!gr,:Ps, hottuvtelootS7 ththers A stand lines thonegiveretchaeultesott few Honor." .4 amusing I ' evening', Oct. 11.tecording ;' : :',. ,,,,' .,',:, '" k ' tola . In oasis out the 471,:, Maud Hoy Babcock. founder and di- and attitude. We tnust 'have good pro- i irt ,,,,,.',i' ' himeelt - li an Interesting end ,',.., rector, of the orttantration. ductions.. and we have carefully PO.. a Hodge ' Pimr actor.-HP ease. ....., has it pollshed "totertoinment." said Moo ,all- - lected a fine repertoirenot highi '';, I N... , V.Srr ',11, i Cock. "is the moot Important buitinoea brow.' Mit interesting to everybody, I' r icity and other excellent Qualities'. ,'''' .1 ' .,,k ; ;'1,),g; '( , i All of these would have emerged more ?; , ' "of &alto edu!Ito, because,it . with tho iPf--0 ,,, ,,,.. not say, 'not hightlt"v' hPc1". r ',.,,,........, allowed if "somevther he bad Rout. saliently 4h0 cotion of 4 end : ' education we are of ' :. 'wish to think the that ' t publ,i " to drmnatlais him. An actor .,..k , 4 ,.. , A,,o,.. , , , 1 the Routof la more Important ,;,.,,dimo, thot.edu- - catering to thiE few. Quite the con- - a.:.....7.. ...6 .......a.ra. f a.... .a. .a..a....a..,, ,C1t, the mind. 'What Ire n,1 trary.- - 1Ve ars Sorry our thenre' I. '"I ,eation - Ylr Itoown h; 41'011(14bnwhat -nor greater P113- - !MAIL tve shott'al Viso to li'ave I, t ,;,3tt re hi. ', 1 in about all.1 eational feeilitiei but more letr.ntion.th it Wr111131 take in the) svhole olt, .;;-- ) It'tql1f1 1!1(to do but that : , , in- , . wpro hi!, The, I.Intare to tho tratnine 43t idoCa. taatost and tent! little thontre is not exclithe, 013" , Frederic de Volleville. and Wiltianil t 41.1'; , soul , These in delta:ore! power. 410,. both tiro ectnrs- - with t, our I tire. Tbo i 1 ill Thempson, !rei , ., 1-, 4 4,,, of any concequenco tre det (Ita: big things of lifo ,lotonrtt ,, , dovo:on only he-- I flestsbin:earitlarlatorrall"fortleh:loPe:PoIen'.:n.4 t ' sm child. Mies Will. h Draped ,ucati CWIIPO l we love to tin them albo , ! i1 sr' 5 c i around. the; "WI' were also Janie ' . prit '"s.'.' '', ' ; . - , '. . 1 Training of 13ea1e. '' ,,b,.... , .r'').,,k; 1.1'. Edward wOrk. Lamoill, Howard , ,, ' iMorgan. ; ;t '' , t , '',.., .a . ., L ,:', li, tki ' -- , ' ,- ,. ., .4: - 'This I of training It Tr t who, O'Corirebr. Harold Heaton. 14cien , twin R. Wolf.. 747: 4 ham had cutt. Miriam McAuley, Alice Bricker., 4f. and he soul ok to Mitt,' , states Babcock, Inuet power , tt"' ,, according i ' ' t , , .1111,'' , - .: , . ,..A . k , 1 the provieht of othere tharkthose who Pplenet14 experience with some of the snit Ann Weerington. ..f,,,,,,, . 1, . , . 7...1 ore ,worittrt primatilrfor 1 money, foremrtet producer,. ancluding Diet- ,4 t ' r .11h''".:-- - '' "' k ' , . , Tears ago f, took the erhoole out tt rithstein. tha F.elwvis and relaano "the Jew." by T. Tempt.' . ,1,i.., Wantlertat ' ,,kohma,tdoza.,1, . . . , t ' ".., la -:i'' - ,-(.,'-'-I ' ' private hands: we Phan hate- to 'do He le a graduate of the Amerir!an thilretnn has just been produce,' int , , , : sr:60,..,t T, , ,,, - Ti..,..,--I a. 7 the same with smueemente. Teu can't, Acatiemv of.. Arts Ind of Co'umbil tendon, an4 it pound eis thouah It v,.'- ze el rzforart-cr- , WTONT1 , , -' . k 0; r t lo tilie for..thitt city. Mere la t fot ,,,, tratri the rAll Than In III, otrlIonl. The university. With Mr. Wolfe le Thrtb,ivere . ' ;!',,,,,,1 it kl.,S r"' I the letithst embattle rnies..' tlyst est Mr. thIPtIT a owrphio.-- !yr,plyttant 4 o'.11''' , , thit;tr is what he noes while I 4:1,I10-; Mr. 'W.olfet., a charming einei what ono wtiter bet to ear. ' 'I am 1 ..,lIk'''t,, ..r)",-t' i, at,Nr.;,'-t.' its ! f iwomioi. ' 4c : P.., the Ralph ClorshIster proshettoll-Owet of opho.o..whAt he is 41oJog iiccomplishod trivenuet She it a eol!surprised that so Worthy and intelti-- 1 'f,e7,..4A, 11 7 .144 rho Tarkyri,, ...tip tohis a manager as Mr. Mttheson Loos 4 t 3t, :Vast" shkil lcul be ifeemessted duelist: Sloe ('conterenetts snit rerroation and amntsmer.. legs 11 omen and a. rradutto. of the'sent . . week f'Ir thistA-merfrafah I shot-ilMoeA tet short We aro help hint slth gorh girt idintir, Arattrtry of Art l et ph-- ' Iltrteelemee l night essept 'Monday, with matinees Wednetsday mimportorrttrylog Jackaolt, of Broom and Jackson. Prepent a.. silo Pa:t husinesa of 1.te hy rnaana ' tlitrp af'er Ono toil sytti intolprent Iij Belle -tr,,,,,,..,to, I 4 1I , n 111t;lei ke tentsirles Lori et Comeilr Act at thcrantag4: Cottunenctnit Wedtax:lay,. lot the rnyst dramVie: drima, orratemept. lierry pl , . . . flit,' 4 ' . . . , , f i 1 ,1 it ittavoi-lieeprio- , 410t.0414., .. nty ' cS il 6 -1- 1 1, i. r11 band-and-han- 4 l. ..' , , - I 666 at -- - er -- 42ithetplukt . cl,----eli- t . br wh!te-slaver- .. --- 116111M, OMMEED .MMEEm . - i ., ..., !1 - r 4 7.4 . e; 4irorers !lls . . "' -- ALAN DALE SAYS: - ; il - -- h, ........ william 1 . master-photopla- 4triligt ,, -- . , ' Varsity Players Announce Schedule Of Play for Social Hall bigagement , A i"'"" AiNv . t .. ' . I Clever Comedienne Coming to Pantages Next Wednesday "Mk ! , . r , i - ,' , ,. , She' Understands - i ft speciatirtue , c, , ' ' . ... 0 r ? p rr ' . , tIvet0T-be-t-rmer- .. - , - '' ' ..: - , ,o' ' .- '' , ' . - . ,. t.,-- ., . i'l , 4' , , : , ;,' - ,. ...14..-,s- 1 -0 ., ' ., N. ', .: , . :t.htiolinrmgtp.ilatitinilld-m- ' -- - ' - . - "".- , 4,. i '. ,aa , , --- 7 , ', . , ' . - - 1 4,tet-- trt a ,,.-.- I , 1 - As ? , - , , ?, , -- -- ' r I - , -- 1 . .7- ,..:--,:- Mn t'''"',f 11 1: . I -- -- , - rt..,,,. - . . . . - II-Ir- mirtn-tempelin- '1i4b-faittt,i- .. , ? t , . '''" . . r11.1.T-4'1-a- , f Well-ideal- s. st-on- , , " 41 I - 1 el-ee- :' ;....-..- , . . -- , , , -- IR- , ,1,., - ge ' '' " ,,, -1,., ' ,-- , . i - , . , , . L , . - - - :; , . - , - - . , , , , - ' - 11 II& li . - , - " t , , - - I |