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Show k.Ote JT n 11 L TvTSTtet-- SECTION THREE THE DESERET. NEWS SATURDAY OCTOBER 2 1920 Strain, of Modern Living 3j. 'I Increases Cancer. Deaths Lord Astors Wonder Office And Sumptuous Hunger Strikes Recall Tactics of Suffragettes J W W hi nM D Jl Wil-'Ua- na Ird m -- al prinr, , ! 1 , g in-11- of-th- - , fs -c- ompletely King George Soon to Long'Time Press Agent , tht poe-sesal- on ' of Individ-sufferin- g, ui tlssue-eubstan- t8ttl&v7Zat.rZ!Si , T.rMto T. cold-blood- ed "" 1 cold-bloode- d. s 1 cold-blood- ed Egypt a Diamond Mine of History . ed 1 Minsk: Incubator of Bolshevism ofth patiently-reconstructin- - L-a- be-ma- groom-tn-waltl- ng -- In-th- p irjl le-ge- Vv b ' f full-gro- A MAN IS JUSTAS YOUNG ANDSTRONGAS HIS BLOOD d. j, Cured His Rupture -- their-growln- nt iol-Jbw- i ta and that for reasons apparent In J1 ease. Tha main reason la tha Infection which la apt to hav taken place. The tends to spread from the spot malady ft; w eto ye . L.i,e where It first appear, to other tie ba cannot aueo and organs where n Strong-Bo- x sursurgically reached. The cru of gery Is to rtmovs In the first stage, Although most often that la notcom Situated on Huubm Enbtaluntol, It Id Otte of 1'lsM Architectural Declare Aeelyee Pkyalelegy el Abeteaftoa free Peed aad Declare Little Vat Cimm f la Earl? ta Itnw Uu4 Drlg Cm Be Cwced If unlit tha second haa Water Meet Attaehee Ket Dee Be Bet te liiU In Europe, Ex potato IWing Absolutely Dlavgunltd, Ik ffertag 14, Mslsdlem In the comee neceeelty Uaa men red. Here On Mala r. UlWr for special training. A, large number educated on existing of doctors wlthln him. Observe that neither the red,' blue and white with' the light .(Special Correspondence.) (Special C orraapendenca.) haa baaa brought on by a casual both lines cannot immsdlatsly recognlae a (Special Oorraapondanoa.yv cast from th painted glass roof. But nor the muscles r necessary to -- Irish fat 10. see ar one, UKLIN, sanraata Bept. about late whsn the hunger cancerous they ONDON, Bept. XZTlt th soul of th building I th stair-can- e. ONDON, Kept 11 CaflMi life, and It la for that reason that they Further than thto, everything that and so losegrowth Invaluable time In making . striking la reviving memories are Astor Th Jate heart chosen. . And so long as thera known as batter viscount zp reading al a tartUnf rata In tanda ta sustain physical health and up their mlnde about lta character, I of tho Suffragettes tn England, was In hi book. nd he probably Inany sufficient supply of fuel In th Brtttoh 11. Tha London wall being materially aids In prsvent-tn- g Time Is vital towards tha success of all were cogWaldorf Astor tended theee stair to typIT the serwhan hungsr striking first bs- - non-vitorgana Ms life la not In j tha onset of cancer. People dont operative measures hera tha least. a.DCnr.ilomiUt formulating needxtr-fctha vice of literature In enabling him to r danger. mundane of happenings, niunt '3ElJLriJlP2lUlLill8JlilCUllfiI.il tn j plana for a thorough review of escape from commerce to Ms nInmost tor. On the contrary, all they need thera la a spaclal Uma-llml- t, after cal prisoners, as distinct Trom crlrol-whlc- h iny faHTTir-rsusvi existing can oar paril and tha all too prlveteilfe7Ju otudy la tha genamt lawn -- of health laird a aurglcal eperatlon la no more naj tha present his who aan, decision have the newel of th never be this to used of, itu becomes placed to to necessary the heart go I t Insufficient knowladg with which it wMoh are largely Individual and which than harmful msddling. of characteii statuette baffling maneuver to puzzle 'their and brain for further fuel. Hera la Astor, to dispose of the wonderful staircase attack eaeea. ) la organs course la It. vary may The forma to of of different Cancer on the which Musketeer." compellsd fight from "The erected Three the he which Man cannot at live danger point. building which attach man are usually in which no quest; ton of surgical Interoffloa of he regarded an the finest pier of ae tha all when Embankment It a terrfbl rata of growth mar ha eanear and conare was the heart Thames brain Hunger thus used striking by due, In tha first Instance, to some very . ferencs ean arise. But on tha topic of scientious objectors ' Illustrated literature In any European language. and damaged. Tho fire of the Astor estate in England, during tha war to- attacked by a ft figure. la 11(4. palpable breach ofinatur laws, euch sradlratlon. It is Important to observe epme was A labor of love. Th tops pf the pillars are occupied wtU flicker fall flicker o.ice ever life there but In if ravlvextant, For tha Its mala canoer . . from death as chronic alcoholism, to say nothing that every cancerous growth, whatever thara wara l.ilf works of ir.iMnd ba extinguished In It was the creation of this beautiful by characters from th ,k,;:k7V ln more and finally and Rial. By 174. h of unsavory maladies which might eas- H kind or site, te at firn purely lomal cscUon wl most ertlstlo strong- American authors. Rip Van Winkle that darkness men call death. the structure ' la England Tha entire subject has been gone box In the world." ae It recently has- and bto daughter. Pathfinder and tha number bad Incraaaad to 11,011; la ily have bean prevented, and for tea In theee which tha patient la culpably responsi- changes In a single cell or group of c(Lg(,. It wilt suffrage! and Phoebe from be remembered, elif Into thoroughly by medical experts. been called, by tho American multi- Leatherstocking, 1IM to It.lfl; and In 110 to IMS!. ble becomes fooua Tills aolllary cello. Several Instances of very long feasts, millionaire, whose ambition It wag to The Bcnrlet Letter;" while, crowning fragettes ! for imprisoned political of million few a weeks, in population Tho ratio por Much gossip la always currant about ueuallr multiple crafts- the whole, four friezes depict scenes crlmea such as windows, conducted for experimental purposes, i embody In It some of tbe beet i wan. In 1814 only medical cancer cures. Of lata sometimes months; whan that haa oc- etc., went on hungersmashing undertook a manshlp of modem times, nd whose from Shakespeare. tit; In 1IT4, 441; reputed Immediate- - ere strike Jacquee not if difficult la Imposcure have talked From th upper gallery, one enters rather curred, ly they were In jail, and when forcible-feedin- voluntary fast of 10 days at Edln- - known wish was that the building ta 1114, 4S; In 1110, IT4; la 1101, veers, doctors of "spontaneous disappear- sible. But in the first stage a doctor became too revolting a proc- burgh In 1888. and in London one of;Should stand as thepermanent head-4- 3 th "Great Room," overlooking the 140 and la 117, th lost year for whldh largely can as But ance." confidently promise permanent ess for puhlio opinion to standr they That haa never occurred since Thames, Into which Lord Astor gathdays and. of (0 in 111. Iquarters of the family in London. ' figure have bodn I mu ad, tha rata par tha world can were released on e ered art treasures from far and near fiaccl fasted 40 days lii 1194. Besides, ; this splendid .ipecimen of modern began. Whenever a true freedom frond tha trouble Ad hawhen parole. moat With a slight and canoeroua growth appears, nothing predict tha and of a toothache I million waa 1.110. door ar silver panelled, ths the The of has flee went once convalesat perhaps a They physiology erchltectpre, into hunger striking offending tooth has been ex- cent home to regain their strength. been carefully studied In doge, 'cats beautiful In the world, no longer. It it keys are silver gilt, more characters temporary decrease In 1141. every year will eradicate it but tha mirgaona the for which from literature and history are' gilt. knife or tha cautery. In one form or tracted. and lmmed they .were, strong And others of tbe lower animate To stated, ervee the purpose hat bean a steadily prorraaalra aug- - another. the It la certain, however, that defective enough, werelately naIt was designed, hence Viscount As- - cAfvsd Into rtbv wall, notably understand doctors the once say, however, conditions, at and Occasionally, mantatton In tha death rata. Tha ture will hold It la check and will not medical eduoatlon and the consequent ;at onca befJln MCOnd women of the Arthurian legend, deit must be remembered that the an- - tors determination to sell It. strike, hunger aama aad gtory ootnaa from arary part allow It to kill. And proper treat- tnabiltty to recognize early cancer, jxheee tactics were kept up Indetlnlte- - ergy requlrsd In the body la under norLondon to mere curious to see what signed by Bir George . Frampton. roll. ly and constitute the first use on mal conditions supplied by the various It futur destiny will be than It has Btalned glaze window, representing iL of tho otrlllaod world for which atm ment by drugs will aid nature in doing contributes to the cancer death this. Proper , medical training would do wide scale of,hunger striking. which, entering been In the case of any building for a sunrise and "sunset" light the rooru-froorganic food-etufttotlca are available. east to west respectively. much to cut down deerfh from canoer. "How long can a man bunger'strike the body In the condition ol large end long while beck, and the hope Is A few canoer operations are Moreover, as every doctor knows, YORK GRILLE. are strong that It may b purchased by The buelneea office, where. In ad and liver molecules, complex chemical successful and the patient Uvea This Is a natural fee figures which tha state Issues rath for many years after In comfort and (Copyright. 110, by the Edward Marperson who will dltlon to the owner, only six men occurring broken down and by their disintegra- some pubtle-splrlte- d to any one who hasquestion present it to the nation. A suggestion worked, to reached through doors or watched the re- tion yield bodily energy. shall Pyndlcate. Inc.) ar understate tha case than otherwise. health. Too many unfortunately fall cent employment In Ireland on a wide During hunger striking It Is by the already has been made that It might solid bronze. The panelled oak walls ) A good many lntamal canoeroua scale of this most embarrassing of re- disintegration of the tissues of tbe be acquired by the City of London as here are exquisitely carved, the floor la old pooplo pass unaoUeed; energy la a home for tbe curiosities of Its mu- to of polished teak, and there to a body that the necessary plies to political Imprisonment. j growths thoir deaths are assigned to' ether n man caft- - yielded. .This energy la required not seum, now hidden away in the cellars bronze grill behind which the clerk. Experiments show Lose-Hi- s feet for several weeks without risking (only for the production bf median!-- i of the Guildhall; but the strong likeli- n6w departed, worked. Here was ths oensee. 'Also thara Is a deal re to death. Three provisos are necessary C1 work done by the body, but alo hood to that It will past Into the strong box" of Lord Astor. a wondpara tha faaUnga of royal and Ala before this etatement can be made 7r the productiojLd heat so that the of some other plutocrat, who derful . ife whose door and locks ' tlnguishad persona a class j without qualification: the man must temperature o the body may be main-- i will utilise It for the purely commer- were Joeularly described by my guldfs which fur "beet Chubb." be healthy, he must be given water Italned. cial purpose for which It was originSshsd its quota to tho death rata, to drink; he must be kept warm. Lack The late Viscount Astor had a regWhenever, therefore, muacnlar ex-- nally designed. ahrinka from tho unpleasant no, 1 water very quickly caueve extreme ' In building, decorating and furnish- ular town house In fashionable Carlton severe, or when the I exposed to cold and has to he consulted a friend. "It all do toriety attaching to tha phrase "can-- , and the tales of agony and ' this truly regal estate office, the House Terrace, but for years he nev(Special Correspondence.) ing candid She of derelict sailors are in no dues large amouhts of heat then more late Viscount Astor completely disre- er spent a night there, sleeping aloar la the family." I oould mention ONDON, Bept 31. King George pends." ae baron quete his have advisor remarking. "It you exaggerated. Ae the fluids In the energy must be forthcoming, and garded cost. As his architect he com- ways at th estate office. Ills bed, rather numerous report eaya is soon to be de- tbe aenee I credit you with, you will way royalties, from - the body become less and less, thirst be- hence Alssue waste to enormously In- missioned John Loughborough Pear- room there Is perhape the most hta of of services the great Napoleon 'down ta tha Kaiser's otter It you the thankfully. of all the apartments. This comes more and more Intolerable, un- creased. Whereas, If complete rest Is son, R.A.. the designer of Trure Cathprived acoept fool you will stay In the army. one - tober And mother, whs have sue--1 til the body becomes but one cry for maintained, and the hunger striker is edral; and for the embellishment of wonderful room, however, ha private secretary and right hand are a Btamfordham bad be Lord that ' of some pleads serious fault it Is not quite large water,- A genuine thirst strike eould kept gurrounded by air at a tempera- the interior the assistance of Mbd to this cures In tha last ean man, 'Baron Stamford ham. This fam- to take the appointment to vindicate not last a week. ture approaching that of the body, the greatest artists of. the day. was enough for the Francois Premier bed , ; tury. along with one ous servitor of royalty, whs has been his Intelligence. Is re- requisitioned, ' among The absence of food 1s quite another the waste ofi others 81 which the American millionaire used. nlUuatrioag.Brlt From the outset of his connection so greatly in the publla eye of late as !h premier.'. duced ty a minimum. George Frampton. perhaps the most It was. In fact,' saying among VisThe causes of canoer are the medium through whom Hie Maj- SiS sculptors. The count .Astors friends, that he was From this it will be seen that the distinguished of British which was completed In compelled to sleep with hla feet In to ba unknown, but nothlnr supposed building, maintn ot various to amount the energy appeals employed replies esty's oould ba of Portland stone and of the the fireplace. ls4, tostyle more remote from the actual truth. urging him to exercise the royal pro George's marr lag's, CaptateBlgg taining the tbmperature of the body Tudor of architecture and gives Commenting on the projected sale warmIn must much be very greater The Immediate , causes of canoeroua rogotlv In the cash of the lord mayor ar Lonfuture wveregnAter I blooded than In animate the Impression of a combination of of the Astor estate office, affalrerthe In miniature. don newspaper saye: "It to a.whlm- ,0 . growths have long been reoogntxed of Cork have been coqveyeff, was 71 Edward not recur Indeed In the latter class, where tbe church and feudal castle VUIs death, Bir Arthur Blgge we have th fMt In temperature Is at the most only a few It foundations go 30 feet deep, on a lscal thought thattowhereas 'and more or leas precisely stated by la, June lost After forty years of was created Lord Btamfordham AndllhLr ,hT be Londons finsite (one of the finest in Europe), that lined what ought of S hunger ere short- - degrees above that of the surround- was monsA-osi-tlevery doctor of eminence who haa continuous service at cobrt in the went to Buckingham Palace to share originally washed by the Thames. est boulevard with vast panr ot, h PRt re ing atmosphere, waste of tissue for the 2 Vh ' of private secretary to King of buildings, hotels, offices and for years a .written on tha subject. But In order oourse of which he has acted In a the dutlee vLand beceme Absolutely un production of heat to practically In Tbe bronxi weathercock, Lord Knotlya. The lat- with George to discus scientifically the causes of secretarial I to It should have been an a so forth. familiar Londoners, Jtndmark to three monarch, ter relinquished his be said same The also capacity may abeyance. on the banks of In which Colum- American who-buil- t caravel of RVdel Aear. It is necessary to place each he' Is stated to be anxtpus te relin- In the be abanimals which nf ondur cn been may he has hibernating since which time 113, euneoce from food a much lonrer time regarded TAriety of the scourge under a eep bus crossed the sea on hie voyage of the Thames a house which would a -winter their kiM-ln Alexandra. to during sleep Queen waiting arate heading, and got to lump them quish the responsible and exaetlng duIf he be kept warm. hardly hav been out of place there Cold air. For this reason, and Ij dlncovery. It to astd that Lord Btamfordham draughts all together as simply "cancer." Every ties which by . general agreement, a of any time in the last four hundred hall dream entrance or Inefficient their because certain Influence will periods eoAslderable clothing during haa personal i AAPf cancer haa its own distinct The floor le Inlaid years. more Influence In- necessarily shorten the period of safe movements are by no means active. I architecture. Cancer Is not one malady; it Is he haa dlecharged Ably, and to retire over the king, far Edward , starvation. Just as we require a bigger al(Copyright, T 920, by the Edward can endure very vrltti marble, prophyry, Jasper, onyx, ever animals than deed into life King private host of maladies. Thera are 10 priMarshall Syndicate, Inc.) fire In a room in cold weather than In long periods of Inanition. In ths caselall other rare stones, which gleam him. over exercise to lowed anybody 11 mary kinds of canoer and at least If Lord Btamfordham persists In the He haa frequently been described as warm to maintain a constant tempera- of some, months and even apparently 10 secondary kinds.' Intention attributed to him, a very hie majesty's "reporter" and at times ture, so the fire of the body. which years may pass without a cessation of The reasons for tha continued In Datable " re the vithl processes. When we come wMm mulrt bur ' eraaaa of canofe turn personality will be ' lost to as Xing George "preee agent," The brightly In eold on tha out of. the fact A fire to consider the physiology of hunger arises flret surroundings. designation to tact baron The ifart that woman are mainly court, personified, tha find that the that Lord Btamfordham to one of tbe eannot burn more brightly unless it striking more closely, enfferers from It, and tha principal apectal (there would be many a "regrettable most regular attendants In the Peere1 Is supplied with more fuel. Thus the amount of waste of the various tiscauses which prevail in their case are Inoldent" were be not considering raatlng man who Is exposed tocold sues of .the body to by no means Gallery of the House of Commons and must accelerated by trouble, anxiety, worry Bulletin National Geographic Society. use hie stock of fuel to thue able to give the king. a first and equal. The following figures, Indlcat and general wear and tear. Men are what a mas of communications his supply win b rapidly, thereby of the loss of various prothe sooner the Ing percentage Impression hand, personal not exempt from canoer, but suffer to the sovereign he to called exhausted. Two extra blankets tissues in an animal of starvaof parliament. - - In a far minor degree. annually supplies th carved in the shape ef bulls legs, ves double .a .man's power of fasting. may tion, are illustrated. dying to end no court offl ceedingsHis Ow answer,) upon Break." "Bad to translucent Increasing civilisation haa for tha olal J a preclou product, le cqt cand ground with the fuel that he burnsT lost, 87 per cent EGYPT Fatty tissue enjoys greater popularity. He to last 70 years or more denoted enor thinness,, not only out of soft alabasBtamfordham was credited, in pre- 11 u,rh4t his own 31 of th which cent. body Muscle, knowledge bums. per i one out Increased of an oldest and of Iron the of but' hard stone like ter, measly worry and sorrow certainly the war daya with botng the author fast begins, he Is burning . Blood, 27 per cent. early life story of the human dlorlte,. finely wrought copper ewers, and augmented mental and physical , most lnttmats and trusted personal an elaborate scheme for "booming" hie fat hf The 3 fat becomes and cent. Brain heart (each) exhausted per Motion of all kinds, felt most hsavtly' friend of the sovereign, who to cr-,b- y King George, and If the Idea of doing race. In.the wonderful record of all tell u that tbe Egyptian of ths ' to another source of MAYNARD EVANS. ' exploration which has restored to us earliest dynastlo period S lurni waa no rude the poor and tolling classes, but' tain to feel hie lose acutely and to so actually was hla It was the only supply. The muscles of the limbs are (Copyright, 1920, by The Edward the civilization of tbe great use in a heavy degree by the ranks experience considerable difficulty in bad break that h has been knoww-t- o next thrown Into the a highly civilized barbarian, but, fire that bums Marshall Syndicate; Inc.) Above. The upper ranks, being more replacing him is no more re- craftsman. nations, there Perhaps the daintiest and make In the court of hta long period satisfactorily. i sensitive and more apt to give wmy to a markable chapter than that Which most convincing evidence of hi skill soldier by profession. Lord Stem of service. About six months after often create unnec-- fordham saw considerable active sertells of the resurrection qf ancient given by the bracelets which were king came to the throne. Lord oeesary troubles for themselves and so vice before forsaking the army in the found encircling the skeleton arm of Egypt. Btamfordham, o the story goes, began Increase their liability to cancer. The science of Egyptology, which the queen of King Zer, of th first favor of personal attendance upon to map out a definite policy for bringThis yearly increase In cancer to to slowly and He was In the thick dynasty. ing hie majesty as much .as possible no mors than a measure of tho an- royalty. But these tomb have not for ti the ordered history of the 3,000 only fighting during the Zulu campaign, Into the public- - eye. Royal.. tours wear tear and that augmented nually and later became A. D. C. to Bir years before- Christ enabling us to see yielded evidence of the skill of the Bulletin National GeograplUo Society. the great Industrial districts, civilization involves and which nearly Evelyn Wood. Thar fourth son of the throughto the manner of life, Egyptian workman; they have taught the types of men, the East End of London and all of ue, under modern conditions, Rev. J. F. Blgge, vicar of Stamford visits the forms of government. - the re- us that evfen at this incredibly early attendance of the monarch at a NE of the- - least Interesting March, furnished have to undergo.. It will not entirely ham, he began as Arthur tho his career had custom a complete and beliefs of the chief event In ligious period date the nation . cease until the conditions of Ufa be- John Biggs, Knighted in IKS, he great number of public ceremonies among Russian cities In It the town's life. Its trade, mainly In after period from the very dawn ot method of expressing its thought and were methods were Other anarranged. now come far easier than oay in was raised to the peerage elz years and leather, gained per- Egyptian nationality, la specifically a had reached a thoroughness of or- -' phyakal aspect Minsk bes corn, lumber for bringing and keeping tho other (09 years. If all goes well. But later, and the many Initials which he planned when It became the Intersec- growth of our time. We owe the ganlxatlon which we should not have an ecoiibmlo history that helps ceptibly even as matters stand now, much can la entitled to place after bto name In- monarch as much as possible in the tion point of the railway from Mos- - framework Into which we try to fit Imagined possible. The inscriptions be done te lesson end to prevent It. clude the distinguished onee cf P. C., limelight. how Bolshevism cow to Warsaw and that trom Llbaujtho facte of Egyptian history to the tell ue of a court fully organized, with understanding Neither King George nor Lord spread so readily among the Russian to Kharkov. For instance, cancer among women O. C. B., O. C. V. O.. K. C., Formerly it maintained ancient historian, Manetho, scattered a complete bureaucracy. Mefia has, ( mar bo prevented by greater equant- - O. C. I. BmK. C. 8. K. C Knollye altogether aproved of jheee people. The industrial history of the a municipal' pawnshop. His successor, Zer, The city haa fragments of whose history of Egypt, hte chamberlain. Commonly It M. O. He Is a lieutenant colonel in plane- - King George because he some- citj to especially significant in view passed mity and cheerfulness. the hands of many dating from the reign of Ptolemy tells u of a compnander of the Into easier to-- preach this doctrine than the army and a grand officer of the what naturally disliked the Idea of go- of present condition In Russia. It masters through In the time of William the Philadelphus, in the third century B undation," a proof of the early date t to practice It. But for oil that, tho Legion of Honor. ing out of his way to extend the scope was one of the centers where ideas Conqueror It was a dependency of the C.. have come down to ue in thrworke at which the Nile flood was utilized with comHe waa II when. In 1IS0 he was and extent of those special duties of long germinated which effort could often blossomed Princes of Podolsk. By tho close of of various ancient authors. He recog- and regulated for th benefit of the Doctors here at the Invited to join the royal entourage as the eoverelgn whioh he particularly forth so suddenly into Bolshevism tin- the twelfth century It had fallen Into nized thirty plete succeec dynasties of Egyptian land In subsequent reigns of the same to Queen. Victoria. disliked. Lord Knoliys because he did der the hothouse Influences of war the hands of Lithuania. "Three hun- monarch and ho London Cancer hospital have told me has left lists of the dynasty we meet with a "commander thlnk-thasuccessdistress. There, In the early nineties dred years later it belonged to Po- names of the kings in each of these of the elders. a "kerper of thp wine of rasee In which a cancerous seizure Somewhat diffident about accepting. not t they would be into waa of the last century, a group of dilet- land. and at the time of the French dynasties, together ful In their object, which with occasional (the earliest ancestor of th Pharoah's Ah tantes formed a Working Man's un- revolution crease th general popularity-o- f Ruste acquired it, Kapo-leo- n note upon matter of historical In- "chief butler," .with whom we have efreverse more later ion, have and the might king, so long been familiar): a "leader of accurately termed the terest In particular relgpe.. occupied it in 1813 fect. The plana were carried out Union for Struggle. , Promulgation of The kings of th earlier dynasties. the peers, head of the most ancient did with Into and literature, if the country originate smuggled they however, Menee and t rest of them, were of earthly aristocracies, and a masLord Btamfordham, no one probably or printed In secret, was a major acper- ter of ceremonies," while the title of shadowy, unreal figures, who inof In for this Minsk. theih more, tivity group they Fqw regretted "scribe . of ae haps never existed save In the Imag- "royal seal bearer," volved him in no end Of trouble and workingmen belonged to it? Vf creaination mere count of provisions," "keeper of th the historian e failed-tresult course., five the about these nf. bring year tures as we of euch utterly findlit kings vineyards, and legend; archi- groups, working in Moscow, Bt. Pethe beginning of all national histor- tect, khow Os with whatroyal they were intended to achieve. minuteness and Minsk, had accumulated ies. ' But if there has been one thing the business affairs of the court were One of th biggest mistakes was the tersburg a number of follower which modern has regulated. investigation publication in volume form of King agreed. They gave widefew of whom t publicity to us clearly. It J that the In a sense these revelation of taught public apeeahen. Lord Knol-ly- e The doctfinea of Georg v 1 Marx, mixed Ind Special Correspondence l which describe the beginning waa strongly opposed to their pub civilization Egyptian dynastic with radiof every variety ONDON. Sept. 21. Behind the of national history are never mere fig- hav done much to Ucatlon.e The only thing that could calism. native and simplify the enigWith of the oldest eon of ments ef the Imagination So It has ma presented by' Egyptian engagement possibly justify such a proceeding was such a diversity of imported. history. was little to be with these rKadowy kings The civilization of the Nile valley no that the volume should be a tremen accomplished, And It aims the exiled king of Greece and proved was with th of the earliest . us Egyptian dou success, and Lord Knollye knew with dynasties. longer the ehafenges grant Princess of a 'Elizabeth definite of hope proformulating Rumania, Manetho fables about one of them pyramid as the first It wo a hundred to one against such a gram that the Union for of its deV-Struggle and there to a Romeo and Juliet romance. being plain by a hippopotamus, while velopment or seems essay exA volume having .anything but to spring a committee of the Jewish Bund held The In flowof mother of the reign th another the Nile royal like Athene from the head of engaged tremely email sale. But the volume their notable convention at Minsk In couple have been at dagger drawn ed with mohey, may be mere fables; Zeua. In another waa published. It bad. of course, the 1398. sense, however. From that arose the It about men meeting seem were this th but the and roytheir th wonder lias only been increased there, widest publicity, but it was an absolute Social Democratic right phrase Mens for Balkan was Working feud a real any and but so ha very alty tangible by th disclosure of th fact that th , cupld failure, and of the (00 copies printed party. The professed alms of various far triumphed'. The princess to thought thing. rise and development of thto race are by way pt a first edition certainty no group at that conference have a fa- to be most beautiful rovalty fn the The kings Of th earliest dynasties so much more ancient than w believ- more than 100 were sold. No wonder, miliar One Labor ring. urged that Europe and she was at on tfm man reared no pyramids Their tombe d a few years ago to be the were great structures matnly under-groun- The emergence from the mist of th ha to be more guarded In bto public yoke of capital;" another broadly de- ths son of Thee King George of England huge homes of th past of thto, ancient world, with Its utterances than King George, and the clared for "immediate improvement Ths queen Of Rumania, a siaunch dead were filled with all sort of ob- kings, it ordered courts and it highvolume was simply a collection of ob- of th condition of every of working supporter th allies does not jects thought necessary or, useful for ly orgsnlzed government, to euretv vious platitude. Ko min can fight tin battles of life and bold hi own if his man;" a frankly provided that with pleasure an alliance with thregard son the deceased king In the underworld. on of th most dramatic surprise The royal visits to the East End of the mass third of their adherents should of King blood is net pore, for rich red blood is what strength is based upon. Around a monarch were burled hts which th prorres of scientific InConstantin and the London and th Industrial north which not have a Voice in the direction of totr, who played Germany slaves, who were doubtless slain at vestigation haa presented to ' the modsee a strong, rigorous man who nerer know when he When were other parte of th "publicity" the group, but rather should he "disyou ' game during the war. Diplomatically his grave that they might accom- ern mind. scheme were not' conspicuously suc- ciplined by continuous agitation." is lifked, you may wager that such a man bag ooumng through the marriage would be a. bad stroke pany hnd serve him tn the after life. mors than marked, by cessful, being Inmore Once Minsk an flghTed In m Rumania. The young couple hav The chamber of his tomb were, his reins rich,, red blood. Many people hare thin, pals blood. on contretemps One-- of these was teresting chapter Of Rusate'k economic for known on another , from childhood stored wttb steckr of great vase jot They are weak, tire ei.nl become discouraged quick rr, and 8ome- - the Irefusol of William Thorne, the history when Zubstov set two women and are said to be very much In win and corn, with pottery .dishes. labor leader and parliamentary repre- to organize labor party. among the lore. Yet there 1 E nhance times feel like Firing up the struggle. Such folis need Dr. that th splendid copper howls, carved ivory Bow. to meet the king of sentative under police protection. Jew, Grig for Pierces Golden Medical Discovery, which Is sold by druggists in button, palette when hi majesty visited this grimy ilnally an agent provocateur. Zubetov, alliance may be stopped by th queen beset, golden and grinding face paint. chairs political reasons and couches Theme allseed werS log ele TSTSTromPA among PlJJumaplajtor liquid or tablet form.- wos badly, ruptured while lifting a of and decalso dtolik her for to th elaborwledaelgn princes hla reason for declining the Invita- th political police, undertook to or mother. .As th princess to her moth- - oration, Ivory and pottery figurines. trunk several years ago. Doctors esld It adds rigor to tbs heart beats end tones up the iterres in a as tion that no tepe were being taken ganlz laboring men eo g er e devoted companion, she may still n2 plaques beering' records of th my only hep ef euro waa an opera-- , wonderful way. This Medical Discovery cl Dr. Pierces is by the kings government t mitigate discontent would b directed against consent rmJor la wir or hia piety fn lien. Trusses did me ae to give up happiness for th district good. Finally; ef th the terrible govern-mepoverty than made from Blood root, Oregon Gripe root, Stone root, eon tains against employers rather H.r and t good of the etato. If eh does not the founding of tempjen ' In Minsk h8a f Mni.tbl,r thu ,allkly which he represented in parliament. or- 'her a officials. rival 1 In thto wreckage of bn mem or tel will there be strained tones the very relations tloobol stomach, stimulates bo the liver end pets There ha seldom been a worse piece ganization, the Universal Jewish La- between tfr two and yet cp cured me. Tsar hare splendors, a little touch help u to peeaedcompletely royal house and th rupture haa merer re- -, the blood making glands in the ban of condition. Many people of bungling at oonrt than thto affair. bor union. Immediately wa formed realise dim theee ARTHUR that historic 'fig1 am DRYBDALE. turned, although doing hard werk Th fact to that there has never been which quickly eliminated the "police ure were real men! who loved and writs Dr. Pierre at the Inralids Hotel in Buffalo, 2f. Y as t: Thera wa n epera-- o carpenter. reason for the king to go popular- union. any n tton. , loet men ne dd trowed ntbl Cine to ' time, trouble. I have ta . , fcaerieC .Mena's second Minsk to bwi't upon th Btilo,ti( ity-hunt Though he never icg. !at r,l " fail n- tomb at Abydoe Ilea Dai1 "f to j'ftlNE could-sn- d 4 I will gladly tell of the mhef and cum n.n will Los Asoujs, r.AUr. be never Retmhtof Beebtf that of hte eouihee-- t Rener-a- b si popular river, yiourlr Sweet Mmfieii far without ,ou "V if Leflee-- M aria foe Red- heart, ae daughter voj hn father, he alwats ha bad the af; Moecew hr roll, and hie a population.i,J bd caled her to suggest, write Dr. Pierce-- GolJea JledicaJ Discovery gave me. I was sick with troubte me -M Pulltii Car-ho- w f see. end 1S of his ha fectlon of whom em h's people ,fU!v bearlrg pf uce, Serene, Grasolore and death went eida by ride penter 7 Mareaiiu Avenue Manee-the- n les of the rtcmach, fiver, etc., and La Grippe with all Its attending wa l war ca;-tthe of It Jew the the deepod Immensely tJTreughhut do now. Itching and jeuao, N. J. Better cut out' a.' meets. When all else failed Dr. Pierce's Gold Medical Diacory F.beetoh govern roenlif .Mnak, which. TULA ened this regard of t he, teethe reveal - "d rhow it le oay et bare w are rup-a- n Burning of the Lye or some HATDiN CHURCH. of Iife Included lesot and th fertile er W After at least the we te hbaeiliiq In the arte 1!?!. did the rood work. I also took Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets for tehous-wlt- h amazing proficiency ef rupture and the a cmiAitoiics. As and-by tbs Edward Mar- least develeped region .of the fallen er Uwf OH wis (Copyright. craft' r oots y eoesu lrlald f. worrJ the mtoery Cow. grand saneas. Samcxl KAUSIT, 978 Euclid Avcfiua. eperatles dager ef shall Syndicate, Inc.) Is annual fair, hid in get tor MHRyewham ram gavebeNb4Uitaf emplr etoel with Ivory, with Ivory feet Advertisement. 1 Eur oe-tfc- ey tlLJ i nf t-- 12. jferta . v Bwe4y The-furnitu- mine ttoto-netw- -e |