OCR Text |
Show .. f T . , , : . , , (It , , - . , - , ..,- , , , , , 4 a, 4, , , ., - Weather 4 , - Forecasts-- , ,..41, , ' , , - .. Inn - - Fair' tonight with;frost.day, fair and warmer. . . 4. ql. - dle ull. --- -- - - - JI -- , , die '44, .. -- X,,...11,007.4 ot4 -- - eN,,, . ."'-- .., OOP. V. 'I , ,104 tt i- -- --- i - , . - have to have sense' In the head to get cents' In the - - , till" - - ---- t - . , ,,A),4- , , - . min, au. ,'", N.AZ.g1',411h, t , . 4., I , , ..,,..-.- I . - , . , . , i ' 4. 1 , . , - ,,, ..- You., pocket.. 4- -- ,---, - , 4,....,,,..,... . ., , . , . , ' 40 PAGES '4 SATURDAY OCTOBER, 2 1920 - ' S SALT , P- - :111Ait 0( : EITEIIS AHE For' P ea FACSIMILE OF THREATENING LEITER BY C. BISHOP NIBLEY W. ,RECEIVED : r 77 RIR 07 TIMM A RAVI ''' For $10,000 or Life of Bishop Nib ley Are Received; Is Germane toYermont Building Threat ) ICOemitr;ds RAVI met 07 TR To am TALI Tla 10U THOUSAND DOLLARS CORM Cl 1r7ThT MORI YOH THE ASEEDJCS SUT AFD 7HAPPID IS TULVZ CUSS Of ter? RIAVY Petrograd Mobs Reported to 07 immix I7s THIS TIN MARS TO Have Wounded Several Leon Soviet Officials Trotzky in Danger. Earn; IS XAMPURLIC AID 1111 WU ?Iona YOU ROUS7 AID ALL PO IT IX Yx IZAI Iltie117Nq mrmago kart vo? I7.IT.TASIRS ignots lagrEM119121 o bIVAAP-..-AgESP-----A2- J12541271 wEAT YVF.41TIZ V170( MIONBAlt . - (Signed) C. W. NIBLEY, Cleveland Wins Threats on the life of Charles W. Nib ley. presiding bishop of th e Church WAII Torus, VIM 0 TH1 SOUTH V TH7 IALROAD TRAMS YOU GILL 7IXD A AID NZNI SIALLAMOI THIS 117IGH IOUS7 IS A3 OLD , ?LAU THS Mt 11ST 8ID2 OS THIS WILDING. WI WILL CLOSI SY AND IT.IS A "ATM 07 loa WO TEAT 12 11:327 ObT 07 SIOETMCAUKLA SUSPICIOUS. You RIMS II:UPT. ACTIOI 4111 Tula PART RIGHT CA XAST HOUR HOPE OF SAYING League Banner MENINBURMNG (By Associated Press.) Oct. COPENHAGEN, that a strike movement is rapidly spreading in Russia resulting in serious disturbances have been received by the National Tidende from its Helsingfors correspondent-H- e declares travelers from Russia confirm the recent reports of Petrograd street.conflicts in which several of the Soviet commissioners were killed by a 'mob. (Previous reports had it that six of the commissioners were drownedilin the Neva.) Persistent rumors that Leon Trotsky, war minister, had been wounded, and that Gen. Budenny, noted cavalry leader. was being ctliurtmartialed. also were in circulation. At a mass meeting in Petrograd resolution is declared to have been unanimously adopted In favor of immediate peace with the rest of the world., 113 y (By Associated Press.) Mass., Oct. I.Former W. DALTON, StateswhoSenator has been seriously ill tor several weeks. Idled suddenly at his home her. early today. While in attendance at the notification ceremonies of Gov. Calvin Coolidge as Repuklican vice presidential nominee at Northampton last summer, Mr. Crane was stricken ilL He recovered quickly, however. and It was announced that he was overcome by the heat. A few weeks ago his cowdition became so serious that he was confined to his bed. He failed rapidly last night and death occurred at 4 o'clock this morning. The former senator's wife, his eon. Winthrop Murray Crane. Jr.. and his two sisters, Mins Clara L. Crane and Mrs. Harry O. Bates, were at his bedide when the end came. At the Republican national convention last June, Mr. Crane participated in the League of Nations fight against the advice of friends who realized his health had hen seriously impaired by overwork. The immediate cause of death was given by Mr. Crane's secretary as sleeping sicknem He had been sleeping. the secretary said, for four or five days. About midnight, itwas realised that the end was near and four hours . later he passed away. , . , ,,,,,,, i s 0S1.1101E0 ,t1. 1 (Sneers.' to The News.) A 7N - Oct, 2,The large. 0 ' -- Smouldering Ruin Remains Of Flour ElevatorLoss is Estimated ..at Between $65,000 and $75,000. ' , s - - W.-Murra- OCLOCC SOUTH AID SIXTH . Grim Reaper Reads Out Final Roll Call Crane 76 11110so JECT CHAFE IIIIDER Too 13011101 CIANC1 TEDUSAXDPSOLLAIS s I will pay 0,000.00 for the arrest and conviction of the person who sent me through the mail, addressed to' my home in Logan', the following letter, which is the second of the kind I have received. TFI tO IPICELZ YOU47. INXITABURSDANSIGHT coRI: REWARD. fl nors IN T11:LITT12 GAS PROXISRD ramp cèB1GKAYSVILLE S SIBLEY ....-'- I0 illikt .'Clailid.r Ritt-......iiiTWO ITISTE111 ,:' r IEV AIL-BISHOILE- P . - . ,OM,IP.ain ffit'--L,m-OILHACI- - YEAR SEVENTY-FIRS- T UTAII LAKE CITY , , 0 ow eim ,MIE10.,, , .-- four st;ry flour mill of the ICaysvitl Milling company, the largest Industrial plant here. is a smoking ruin. today, estimate. Officials of the'corberation the fire loss at $65.000 to $75,000 with insurance amounting to about half ' that amount. ' Breaking out shortly after 2 &clock yesterday afternoon In a room at the top of the structure. presumably from dust explosion, the blaze. fanned brisk wind from the northwest. was soon shooting 50 feet into the air. The Kayaville volunteer fire depart- ment responded premptly but the fire gained headway so rapidly that It was impossible to prevent the spread of the flames. Within PO minutes after the blaze was discovered practically the entire population of Itaysvills and ttiousands from the eurrounding coun- all try. were at the scene, rendering . : the assistance possible.. , 0,i' - 4 - - - ' - . ' ; Saints of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y and general manager of the Utahdo- be unless Idaho Sugar company. (By Associated Press.) posited 910,000 in a lonely spot, were W. lirRRAY CIULN t' Made public this morning. DETROIT, Oct., 2.Tris Speaktwo I' in contained The threats were Cleveland er's SorviciZi Indians to qualified i (By Intornationst ,Nows letters, the timt of which was reAn outstanding characteristic of the American league in represent COPPERPOLIS, Cat, Oct, 30. ? on Outside D4arttnenta Aid. 1 lay ceived by Bishop Nibley Winthrop Murray Crane, former Ifov ' all abantioned 'that hopes, hands Reginald to his came the 1020 worlds series letter of Polish Peace by two The second and ernor of Massachusetts for .. Delegates ...Shortly after the fire broktejout.7,) and i last Saturday, Sept. 26..tho day fol-- Kingsbury, miners terms a trnfted States Dellitter.trern the Detroit Lampson In the Jack decisively trouncing up Commissioner Arthur P. Barnes Answer set for.,"blowillg City time comMo. the California Copper Prepare'Their V; lowhaq missing that state. was the fact that he g Salt. Lake, vice vresident of the eN ioTt tionirotbuurh t Bolt to the club in a 11171MIDCO in public life without of' contest to: pany'e mine mince Thursday,. are alit tallied - (BY Associated Brest) w , being an orator.- Although he served milling company, wait notified and he day. The final, score was 'Mt. 1;- - rescue workers today turned their atbishop's Logan home, and demanded to it was said in BMA, the years delegatei eight pnate sent a chemical wagon ,to aid. A quick under detention to mine from hat the 910,000 be depositedrailroad the realneve saving the conference made what him of Tribe The peace is the first Cleveland that hs prepared today run was made and in tin meantime a old building near the struction and to a search for the missto submit the Polish answer to the ly could- - bs called a "speech" in that 'team towin a league 'Chttripion- -' racks on First South and Sixth West men's bodies-- , sent had a terms. was Russian successor underof Bountiful ing' Senator Hoar, the It peace The body. department In addition 4o rolcue apparatus sent stood this answer had been received whose Wit and eloquence rang through , streets. .i . hose wagon and chemical engine to ship IIn the majors. Speaker's men (By AssOciated Press.) here by truck, the United States mine front Prince Sapieba, Polish foreign the balls of Congress, Cranes chiql ; Otters $1,000 Reward. ' : the Hamill. department. LOUISVILLE, Ky,, Oct. ,1.Over.. enlist claim to distinction was that, of silent' garnered an early lead off ,"Ited". bureau. reecho car ' has arrived at minister. A reward of 81,000 for the arrest ' done. could Stockton. be. ,however, Nothing Joffe, chief of the Soviet leadership and of a party mediator. Oldham today. and Tvere never Adolph board and conviction of the person who sent the ruling railway adjustment The mine will,be entered again td- delegation, and M. Dombski, head of by Senator Crane on more than one octhe second letter haabeen offeredthat beaded. Jim Bagby, though, hit act, except to confine the fire to the mill. day by an esplorineparty. The party the Polish mission, conferred for two casion in the interval from 1904 to created by ,the Bishop Nibley. . He 'declared but this was all Important. as the Clark, court ' to descended found Erneet late dethe bits that 191C-wheJudge hard, namaged hours last night relative to the Kentucky .keep yesterday Republican differences every effort possible will be made' lovel. water to The nthe Kayaville Canning factory and sew.. foot 1,2eo to up of appeals, late yesterday, granted an well distributed. Detroit made 11 to bring the writer of the letter veloped and party measures wars black-- 1 missing men are believed below that demonstrated his abilfty as Injunction to W. W. 'Gregg, Louis- bowie are only a shert dietance eorth. dangered, justice and asperted that no intimhits and 4 errors. Cleveland collevel. mailer would ever succeed in a harmoniser and by using his per- ville & sNanhville passenger conduo- Had the wind been blowing ln the op. lected 14 hits and made no errors. The fire Is believed under control, Poles Report Capture ' suasive powers in personal interviews idating him. Private detectives,' fedi4 direction the belief is expressed of local and peace eral Of Red authorities Prisoners with other senators. with whom he tor, to prevent his befit supplanted on posits 20,000 ; ficers are working on the case. was popular, restored pence. On one his run by Wiiiiam Pennybaker, that even the excellent work of the jf' 1 On Sept. 33. Chief of Police Joseph , occasion the fate of an important bill freight conductor. departments could not have preNews International Service.) E. Burbidge recelved a letter signed,1 of vote the to depend upon of 20,- - appeared LONDON, Oct. The case was appealed by Gregg vented the flame' from reaching the "Red," in which it was stated that ) 000 prisoners by the Poles, is an- one senator. His colleagues had tried structurei. , from the circuit Court at Louisville, rectory the Vermont building was to be blown learn to methods. in vain. many by nounced in today's official Polish war The which was destroyed building man. , up or destroyed by fire between the et was this attitude refused a the be when or. , probable oMce from received here restraining the' communique on a.m. hours of 9:30 was four stories In height and about-Crane. who had been talking the mat- der. Warsaw. t the following day, and ter over with a group et Republican The Poles the statement adds It was con- - 50 by 80 feet In else., that letout 1 The suit of fact the that tame . grew persons mina "Wait senators. remarked: are approaching Nortogrudok. , 4 the ter were implicated ute." Hs crossed the floor of the sen- rennybaker asked for Gregg's job structed In 1905. but titer machinery Niband i. blackmailing letters time to time added from had been to desk . the ate irecalcitrant's chamber contract 78 under the of rule is southeast miles of seniority the Novogrodok ley. Another theory Vila. the main object of the Poles on and conversed with him in low tones the railroad and the conductors' the mill was up to date In every way. blackmailers failed anda4 p.m. Binto moments. his few a for Returning , 3 Associated drive. (By' their In addition to the machinery about Press.)' present h.. they , op Nibley with the friends, he announced with a smile: brotherhood and was upheld by rail- 150 bushels of . the (By .14,ssoclated Press.) decided to threaten wag Oct. WASHINGTON; ',destroyed., grain "He'll vote tot the bill." "How did way adjustment board No. 1, Wakhing. ' to Oct. 2. --- Consul 'WASHINGTON, 1, building containing you find out?" was the astonished in- ton. Pennybaker I. a brotherhood ! , Elevators Not Damaged. to for a Japanese desire- for complete General Skinner make him more London was it asked "lt Clane's .reported him," domination of Chinese the quill'e Eastern letter. Member. second as the but i Gregg Is not. be Lon-deSix large grain elevator, are pent. reply. ''--; railway. now administered byan Inter- officially today,thae the .recent sought the injunkion on the ground ed in connection with the mill, bat - cominisCabinet a Declined between conference rosition.; , allisd eammission, was reportetl-te-t- he On Thtirsday night, theditts--tet-atattha aaatoriti.sautvaat-dazata- P those- - ere -- et snip-pinStates stoner of Uneted - ' the of the Masa.. second for in Dalton. Born the Chinese letter delivery ft mem-in recent a government i t affect them.- - They conta ned al,- - - 1163.- the son of Zenas M. Crane, a the $10,009 Bishop Nibley informed orandum by a commission of irnquicY' board and representatives of foreign In making his decision:Judge Clarkn" i ; Crane wits Arnett-cadetectives, who took up positions near sent h n : young eld manufacturer, board the to had paper lines Oroxlmately 20,000 bun ois of wheat. that the far east,concerned adjustment to Manchuria and Siberia.. A Foot indicated while an agent of the schools the. in and educated at only-tpass Om : upon of ..1 warehouse authority disputes flour The In between trade ' 'participation ctr-the bishop elipped a package, wrapped copy received today In diplomatic , Williston Seminary. lie never attend- before federal administravators also escaped darling& In brown paper, under the building as cles is dated Europe and the orient. The London ed college but, aftor leaving the sem. Gan ceased and therefore had no Jut...! The Kaysvilie Milling company Is July 28, 1920, and shows 'Times directed. No one appeared to get the had said the queetion of Jilt Mary. entered the paper mills founded isdiction in this case which was filed capitalized at 8150,000. It It. Blood It was prepared t)y a commission of i by his- Igrandfather at Dalton and in after that time. As to the seniority' of Kaysville is president and Arthur ipoiDopackage. Both letters were written on a type three counsellors to the Chinese gov- participation of America in regular them- he maintained . an Interest rule, the court held that It could not F. Barnes of Salt Lake Is vice presiwriter in capital letters, no pen Markt& ernment. consisting of an American. trade between tile, United. Kingdom r ,... Om u bout hie life years be 'invoked by & freight conditetor to gent. The remaining directirs are were visible. and the European countries was die these mills, produced the paper used displace a, passenger conductor. , W. J. Layton, John flint, Baler J. The first letter was received at French. and British representative. 'State& said Is this the first case of Its sheffield, Oscar C. Barton. and John . It government In by the United ' The commisaion declared that from cussed. Bishop Nibley's Logan home on May ever contested In civil court. 'G. M. Barnes. all of Davis elunty. engraving its currency., bonds and kind the Consul General Skinner ' ' 20. end said: evideneecollectedsathbantlitraids his r. of In Because notes interest of 1)4 bar- this The mill had a capacity -----. it Tett of Letter. his to desire and , ' In the vicinity of the railroad which shipping board 'held that since-Artiocontinue ..., industry orexioes toletntflotuurrina giwdandtnsetaann ' ditystna.nd-R., Mr. Crane, at the beginning ot We want ten thousand floilars from spans. the Chinese province of: Man- Ica and the allies fought togbtber I ,.,,,,T. !Thule. , v, et- - 2.Firs with It, , it in one form President Rooseveit's adminIstration. In which broke out work you and intend to have ?tumid war together they in was it churia, bandi . early today ,.1 The company annou-nce-d pier declined an In ' "plain that certain to antesths thlt his Nor another. No. 41 had not been .brought under as secretary Of the treasury. "Next Tuesday evening, May 26, be. were armed with JaDaneae 'tune and peace, and that the foreign represenmil' will b. rezxmetructed at the ear- at noons but was not spreading cabinet tween the hours of 11 and 1: that "a .foreign. influence is exercised tatives expressed approval- of sharing control President Roosevelt held the 11 li est possible date. and & meethig will-- HOLD-U- P -4 A section from of where It' the : pier vessels be held today to discuss the plant, lent " Massachusetts man in high es- 9.m., take ten thousand dollars wrap.- in 'favor of the bandits for the evident trade with the United Steles were Five the tugs originated. aiding g, on equal terms. had Crane saeteem. been . ped well in wrapping paper and pro- purpose of be-unusually 1 ---fighting force. Officials who destroying Chinese author.however,, ,prac- fire ceed as directed. I ,.European, lines. . lieved the blase sZarted from sport.' cesaful In averting strikes and die- Escaped Draft . "Go west on Center street to Sixth I' ity." The Japanese have neglected no tics rebate systems," the consul gen- taneous nta News at Dalton the International Service) mills. In (By sail couldagreeme combustion,. they to YieW Sherof West on In Sixth the south and 17.1 occasion the commiesion reported, to eral stated, when he was Governor of oe- West, then Is Reported in New Jersey . SPRINGFIELD, Inc., Oct. 2. ..-property damage it aeoni, : rirst intervene in- the exploitatiom to keep man act the shipping tlostra was un- not estimate South street. ,1 I A contained about 1L000 bales sachusetta he was instrumental In ad- - H. Stubblefield. special agent for the "On the southwest corner oft Firlit 1 watch over the traffic, to interfere in able to agree immediately to follow Election , & serious strike arbitration by cot. of eisal. bundles ;Alining about 30,000 of (By Associated Press.) South and Sixth ,West streets, near the policing of the railroad and to in- foreign- customs. T,he tehipping and freight handlers in Chicago, Peoria, & St. Louis Railroad. . el f ba ,ofóttnant ttesity ' A reNEWTIJN. N. 3.. oat. 2. hereommnod di-a- nr3tostoan17ers thsi railroad tracka, you will find some stall themselves on s, and in board) commitplonsr hopes, it, le said. be suggest- - shot and probably fattily wounded F. j ot and of 4 ' sugar comgpany.. I weigh ocalesbehind which is a wewooden the buildings of the that an agreement will be ties. oil to President Roosevelt the method Bogdan; 25 ,. early today when the lat- port that he had seen 'Grover Clews-- , draft dodear wealttlr land ullettrig. t Bfrgdoll. Commenting on Japans. announce-"Plac- e reached on Mb point and states that the of which strike event' hundred A general alarm followed &linnet' lf,,' to bold Mtn ,up near tor whom the federal authorttlea have said inoneY under. west side ment of her intention of 'evacuation prospetts of harmonlcuo relations be, thousand coal miners in the anthr a ter attempted die..i fire after vas Accostedinimediately 40 trans-Blakaat by been searching for many weekto Wince arm's length. of wooden building the state, fair grounds. of the the tween America and foreign lines ire covered and two hundred and fifty na-- 1 cite field was settled: ' ,. - - "Rememberdate and place and see stated that the tec.bnical interaselliedn excellent."' Bagdon at the point of a gun with the his spectacular eacape In 1'11111'4oi ' were rushed to tional the over guardsmen hie, Scientistmoney, Practical one band ' person appears. curt requein to that only bureau at Harbin was taking measures 4 tphta. was matte todly 'to the sheriff scene. Four steamships were entinn-- , courage, of Soseet county by ..rreeholder Rob- - rare, there is more than one,lookout to hasten the 'withdrawal of tha Jap Stubblefield. as "bowing lieutenant 7hree years I governor ' d gored by Umlames for trouble. three years aa governor of Mae- - whipped. ,out g revolver and fire& int is impoststble," the ert11. Ernith. The names originated In the lalror--:an'the "NV' permit you to piaci said money b,,morarndum continued. bullets penetrating both he had aesel twice. the told Fella; "to forenett is filled witsachusetts preceded Crane's entrance part of section A, which A,. said building for your own safe-- ; ; whistfier the -- Japanese wilLevacuate senate to fill the vacancy, in holdup the lint Fleradoll at 10 o'cite-th,e rriorning 40 ...son 11. was rlind elsa prObah4 e , ., ty, as in handing over said money to l an the teyrttory wit"e sald. rThel1004 caused by the death of George west of Harbin rapidly in art at:tomobile driving teneou s combustioni - we in person some misunderetanding' and will retire to 1.7o.rn...."Andor'' e Hoart toward to T on th ilackstle..own, all senate Appointed the troops , first sign of the fire was noticed- 111111 et 1.2' 11044 he was elected of an action on your part by us may- thus withdrawn orJapan tot-whether they will I explosion blew out windows and lowing January for the term the -- -' lead to your 'injury. without mention- ntaintain a ., orthese ending either troops doors of the structure, followed by in 1107 &A d to you. tit northers part , ...L.... Charges Wife "Held trig the worst that might eome we term for the.. or southern Manchuria. ZISItnell Iiirbdettselredinnksa.11 will "From an uneeen position - is Ca- VIII. in - Oc- tAt .,.. ,... the WASHINGTON1,ending expiration te "It the clear Andisrpensable , Seamen; between. of bin siecont term be declined to seek ChildrenPn Him Watch tho proceeding" , the ' Chinese Eastern millet Romano Averzana, Italian am- removed i renomination. 'Mr. Crane -- At the appointed time, armed with country ofaloNr a is to pl:re 41 and 40 would he been States. had United himaattar to the which the invest - . brigands railway twternational News liervios la. wrapped package of the proper of a (Ey the member Republic-ersisal it, but I ought to be added that after b tranyferrect to smoth4r post by' Ilia,i safely. national ' - committee from 1142 to lee, tad 1.... ii;EW YORK. Oet t end shape., but filled with tissue , the local author- - government. Instead bt g reevbeska Bishop the evidence givenis by Aonoclated i'reaa.) Patrol Will from 1004 to ltill had been a dole-eo- n WashPer Police Roilttnen of Brooklyn: took g from , y. (Br transfer bound,t0,--dicappeaof Notice big this danger watiolities the'rendelvoust to to five national conven- - CHICAGO, Oct. I.Falling In IV.a tietnind ilvile two mrmthe ego, be ,Nibley went was reeelvet1 by the ambanna- fho JaPittle69 ' 000a vacs., sohas al al itt themselves Eritiri, Waterfront, tions. At the last Republican national efforts to Phoot him father, Snell Mc- thought he rag troirrying e widow detectives posited, dor todsy. It Is underatood that he is the region." -- ..... Bishop- - Nibley ated . , eluded nearby Place one thild. With hie ow four, konvention in Chicago he wan one of 4 A Chine . foreign office etatement to he given a 'MOM Important pilot, bullet Irto i!Ai-il shoved the package under the build ini received Prot-Rio- s AUFT-N'Feiss. Oct am-- , croup 'that consolidated the del. Crea of Roo. Ida.-- fired rbildrit't f matriagia Was Earon Avettana ate appointed st the , by depart.i , Irtvem woe . at arms tength as requested and then trierit fromtoday taken He 13,1 tihartly afierworde of hopelesaty! five -y mate -they appeared to country jusvabout al.Capte in nrooks, in u.1 h I poilregates AMOTiCUR ,.thgt the' baswder Ea at, I,' . Nout for tee and' t wetted s developmental. w3fei oaetorked woo Ordeted brought rrodur-piC ount at Gveie On. ttippp 0,4t,pp todsy by . ho.! 1 ear it$o to siiereed the to twspital. where tor, dird wohoat hi. norond for Peking said that t Conftretv-on a total of eleht. -- Too Nothing earn to poopt, how."!ettb"411.0011 di callere. who died in Wash- - ( oy. Itotoly to furnieh gdeovato P0',notnination of iienator Harding. prinking roneelnuenese. of Maerhi the the ichinirpn represpeatintiveo Earl tho ooro,trotoro of sbe int,t, at al reoorering to markt the irritile4Ceatio was a strong advocate 1 lire prote,-tior- t Miley 'much." plaid Rothman. and went to ' Republic (sibiptia4, and the !ration last 'October 2a.. The'ehoming oocurred ir, the. former fright,poed or .warned io uome way, Eastern evert. in Poch MarinOt am will :Lento of Nations 1 Chineee foreign office, the Chinese ' Ths baron married 'tan A rno.rik''At a watoir fremt ithp tdompetA ta'aitiona fathor. W. 8, blo('rfmt. ' disastrous Crow "if it mhos '. He wan alorlas httorsioted In laden. Of tb Mt not put in an appearance. the Rothman bottle lit Lerula preireut Of tho People's Gas. president The tereetttett et. me tine the threat Covert ment - woutil require eertatn woman. Mies J. Taylor toof Pt tuallan IResult: p. 1 the entire national coard and ever 7 the 77---14snare ntessi.... twist) lyAst Bolshevik while be was Attar,oect -ht. di Coke company. cCortirood Vapours Ina) , a WeS lir:Texas to do oo." .' ,01 embeeei bete In 1117. propaganda In China. 4Concinued on. page two) 4 MINE ABANDONED - ,1"- k- JUDGEIGtIORES...:;. NEVI'ADJUSIfilENI hard-bittin- As -- , ---. I ; Esch-Cummi- ne - CONFER ON U. S. JAPANESE PLAN 41-t- - MARITIME TRADE OF DOMINATION I EXPOSED, CLAIM WITH FAR EAST - m ! : , n- - flAMESA0A111 C II LI1011T - 0DOCKS at o 4 .- CALVESITIII A BA.NDIT LOSES - GAIA-EirrON- - ' GAME Dodr A -- - - 1 -- -- ' ' - -- now-ever- - , , L ' - ,"If - , h. 'man's-stomac- to-th- ENVOY CHANGE, : I - 4... k , Out' ed --.-- -- -- - -- Whom . . - sate-at-lar- te - I - t ' corn-mon- - t -- It. : .- It JL '. . . - - , 4 - r,, |