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Show TIIE DESERET NEWS SATURDAY OCTOEKR 2 1920 HARBINS SPEAKS MPPINGLAW BEFORE FARMERS CHANGE URGED ! IN HOME STATE TO AID TRADE L! T $ F Presidential Robert Dollar Maintain U. Nominee Outlines Rural S. Must Support Terms Policy And Aims Under And Laws Similar to Those Republican Jb a l il eJaXen sn Mark- cts. BY mm itfl - QJ GEonr.i: it. iioi.mi.s. t t t u: - ) (I. x. k. Staff ( n' net 2. WILSON'S roll. Kit. FAN FR ANCISt'O, Oct. 1 Thtt Hers at the June U n jo.n! of tliit.e the United States shipping and navlga- ,, ' anil M.iilsun Ohio counties, r.un.hn, t.on laws will have to t extensively Union, Senator M ;irren C Hurd. r to- -, iimrndrd before tn'i country ever ran i mail nf t!n'iif.iml. n u J oiM addl day to wnh foreign trade, hope tV-i1rrmpdi women folk who 5 farmers and dte'.ired todi by Robert Dollar, ,'ls rrom ..ml nines, wagon name by motor ln Kn O'ldress nt the Commonwealth , M f'kh'nnuil around to nleml nn Iiiurhewn.- in the Ialac rhi'is hotel picnic ami flag raieing an id in partHe mo The senator mid Mis Hard, g The Jonen In Is onlv a treatment tored from Mar.on. i.n odd ....tea i.wiv M minor phases of the prob em before iii jothrough clear, cold weather - l,SdUurv'ta was lt tend the cechration. fonriess' want I to place our d Sctmt r Harding) ly rural affaii, ai marl'-on nn equal basis to io'.atHe! on them topics nddretsed of wl'h thone nut Iona, (here are other on h.a ngrl rural rnmmuii.1' life and cultural policies os outl.ned In pro- a great many big things that must be a. ompls.shed. The Jones bill, while vlous speefhos Senator Jl.ud.ng said his agricultura fiellJi tav,es care of a small part Irto dlvtdid al policy w.is broadly D only of what should bo done. three phu-e"Ship owners should bo supported 1 Do all that Is possible to make fanner with similar terms and laws as those prosperous the and onP!e the menace of increasing which enable foreign trade to prosper. tenantry. 2 lmproe Hie means of distribu- For Instance you can buy tonnage In tion of farm products and encourage Great Britain at 161 a ton. but the buying and marketing shipping board here fixes a price for on the part of the farmers. American farm products a similar service at $185. j Protect "Under such conditions. It la lm of cheaper products by Influx against with foreign a properly adjusted piotectlve tariff possible to compete Social Wt oaro. trade. "It Is also the nation's business, Discussing the Japanese problem, the so ho said, to concern itself with Dollar urged that a conciliaCaptain want We ctal welfare of farm life. tory, rather than Irritating Attitude be a prosperity for the American forfarmer nor- shown ln from Caliousting Orientals which will allow him to bid C fornia. mal farm labor. or the sections of relationship is most "The "This year ln many and serious, proh'etn he said, but at all hazards, United States, girls, mothers fields ln the worked must the Japanese go." aged women have and much of the wofk has been too wholesome with consistent hard to bo maternity and American standards. Development of inland waterways not in competition to the railroads in solving trans but as a Senportation problems, was urged by ator Harding. "We must," hs said, turn our back on the system of pork barrel appropriations and under a national budget acsystem make our expenditures comcording to the council of abeproper to develop mission whose aim will (By Universal Service.) a true national system of internation1. Willi Oct. NEW YORK. al and waterways. v He Is married Pogajiy is married. Educational Conditions Educational conditions ln rural com- bard, fast and respectably, as he can munities, too, must be improved, the prove by the door plat on hi Waeh-lngto- n senator said. Square south door, all of which "We must face the fact, he to tell Broadway and any hes willing as is twice that illiteracy common ln the country ae It is ln the one else who care to listen. for counAll this is the principal wall ln the city and that the opportunity obtain a high $200,000 suit for try boys and girlsIs to damages which he all too limited. school education While we have boasted of America filed today against David Belaaco, being a melting pot, he concluded, we Charles Frohman, Ino., and Fanla have eadly neglected the furtherance Marlnoff, all three of whom, he allege, of education, which Is the true bulusing hi name In uch scandalous, wark against extreme radicalism. Senator Harding will motor back to slanderous and defamatory way a to Marion late today. all but wreck hla family life. For euch as are not properly faDistrict Attorney to miliar with Willies Identity, he Is described in Whos Who as artist, Prosecute Father-in-La- w producer, Illustrator of mors than 60 books, aclbnlo painter, liter' (By Universal Service.) BEND, Ore., Oct. 1. Backed by teur and Socialist. In his suit be adds the approval of his wife, A. J. Moore, to the description by asserting that he district attorney of Deschutes coun- is a native of Hungary, 38 year old unturned to ty, will leave no stone Mrs. Moores and recognized by the artistic, litconvict Jack Weston, will be given to charities if it is found we are making one cent profit on this garment father, of a charge of first degree erary and theatrical professions as sn murder. Moore announced his posi- artist of in high ability. g this sale. Our books are open for inspection. tion today when WeBton, a rancher, All the fuss started upon the night was arraigned. Thursday of Aug. 31 last w'hen the thre-ac- t Weston was arrested Manufactured and Sold by Cutler Brothers Company A Call the Doctor opened at charged with slaying Robert H. Krug, comedy hermit farmer whose body the Empire theatre here. In that play Fanla Marlnoff, the heroine, says this: was found ln the ruins of the Krug ' sweetheart, Pogany Willie cabin, four miles from Bisters. ln I have a The first time he see me Pogany. March. 131. Westons preliminary he love m.e at one. look. Dear boy, by hearing has been set for Tuesday It Is un Just now he have no work. Hi picJustice of the Peace Eastes. tures he do not yet sell, but I lend CHOSfETT SHOWS derstood he will plead not guilty.' him a little money. He pay me back presDistrict Attorney Moore-wa- s we marry maybe. ent at the'hrralgnment of his father when rrBTSOBT HATS Now all this is darn bad, declares and declared that the fact that would Willie. The' idea of him being held his wife Is Westons daughter not Interfere with his conducting the up to the ridicule of theatregoers as HOlfTTO HOSE artist, taking money prosecution. He willa leave no stone an Incompetent a But worse woman! from still what secure conviction, unturned to WEIGHT'S nnJEKWEAJS from the is this further outburst said. heroine: Pogany Willie Is not true to me. Money I give all the time and Baker Lauds War ho blow it on American .girU. ia this Jaat which causes the artist Welfare Achievements to Itprotest that h:s name ia being used In a slanderous, scandalous,- - defama(By TTnlverssl Service ) tory way. He' says the lines llevsd Polios Offlesr H. C. Dennis of sealed th watch In an envelop an WASHINGTON, Oct 1, "The .mobshow him to be a'fraud. Financial Writer meSfr trfedto by a me this city, of a gold watch while th sent It back to th officer ilization of cur great army and the cheat, deceiver, wicked person and make-mwas believe J doing some officer was standing at First and Bants eenger. DiesJnSanitarium of . many Immoral. formation foolish. He simultaneous thing argued that he had Clara streets. Ban Jose's busiest crossAnd by the little bobbed-heade- d 'just to show it can ho dona sal.. th right to drink at home, and that a nots Iniido. agencies td "protect Its moral, physi- breezelets that blow over the Washing. News International (By th Berries.) room Willard JAIL-Fte dining happened is going to fit him lf ot- ARE cal and mental welfare was the great- ington monument declares he or Oct. t. Emil Friend, CHICAGO, men' who "friaked - Dennis Apparently thtender-heartebe hlo homo at that minute. But, of alarm. a with that burglar like balm to Dennle were theres to known They financial Secsomething readers because of est achievement ln cur history," coureo, I could not seo It that way. his wounded spirit only in 1200,000; his financial artlclss under hi pen two-- appointments Before hla as cona Informed War Baker of retary half for all that h has suffered from died early to(By Universal Barries.) minister, Mr. Hitt wa third secretary cam of na- the nightly speaking of these lines ference on the to th American embassy in Faria sec day at the Sacred Heart sanitarium In th Oct WASHINGTON, hothe at Millard work tional aoclal L e ond secretary to tho Amsrloan em Milwaukee, according to word relnce the play wu opened and the i tel today. other half for unauthorized use of his j diplomatic and legal talent of here. He had been seriously bassy at Borlln and secretary to the ceived I former ertBtockwell Hitt, "P.efore the war began" said Sec.Reynolds far advertising purposes, and Ho 1 a graduate 111 for several weeks. at Roma ambaoey we had a miniature mayhap for wasted breath In trying to United States minister to Panama and of Yalo and baa an retary- Baker, Friend was regarded as ons of tho from Har army and It functioned perfectly. explain thing at home, though this Guatemala, failed to oonvlno Mrs. vard. leading authorities on InduMrial and When we'jegan to mobilize by hun- last isnt mentioned. economic conditions. MetropoliMlna C. Vanwinkle, bead of th wo- tanHo ia a mombtr of thoChao dreds of thousand wa began to get cluba University and Chevy man bureau of Washington po- He hao Into each other' way, and I spent a home hi thto city, which la Policeman Robbed of two Winy years subdividing, limiting, lice department, that drinking la pub- now closed, and another home at drawing lines atiere one man's duty Mr Mount Morris, I1L lic l not a statutory offense. Watch by Pickpockets AmerAmong the many necessities yoa contemplate obtainStopped and another's began. case with her the for Hitt argued in (By Un Ire real BerVlos.) ica demands ultimately efficiency in the city, Is a pair of good glasses for use durwhile ing BAX JOBE, Oct. braaen efth "Vamping Way Through It tnlnute In tho dining room ofconeverything to which it give its faith , th the of coming frontery long winter, nights. twentieth ing century Willard hotel and then finally and its money Now Passe School Quite criminal no on ns that, call to bounds. of knows K. we Invite of this to Vincent, apparently submit to errest. - Dr. Gcorte president sented you In anticipation Diet pockets In hyped dsvlleht - re- At police headquarter Kitt posted the Rockefeller Foundation, declared methmost our demonstrate and ehow we may (By Universal Berries.) 316 collateral for himself, and that contributors to charity, whose service best the ' s-- or drained optical for Peocflefl t. been hlo who Oct by for have rendering the and ods SACRAMENTO, gsv companion, equipment pocket name of Mse Helen Miller. .Then he eyebrow a roughed oompextone and flood of appeals, war drives end to be had in the state. faith is somepromptly forfeited the money by con- daring skirts with upward tendency tag days and whose tinuing on hi wsy to Hot Springe. what shaken by tales of inefficiency OUR PRICES SAVE YOU MONEY WHILE Mia Miller, whose real name the age a nder th baa at the Sacramento ln handling Red Croes. T. M. C A. to reveal, returned high school. FOR LIVE YOUNG MAN police decline and other aoclal organization ftmde, to her home In this city. will demand .a strict business acT. Dales Informed John Principal on wee his to Mr. Hot As Partner in way Hitt future. counting fn the female members of th ecbeo, 15 Years in Salt Lake City. Fprlngs from New York. He stepped th During the war. saidmi-a- Mr Vinmake-u- p are of all that degree AUT0310BILE BUSINESS calloff between train and made a dincent, "some organization of the th and tabes disregard strictly ner engagement with Mias Miller. M ra new for ing on the Rockefeller foundation rule may result In forcible scrubIt WU Take , Venwinki Uti seated nearby. It. contribution perhaps, but I doubt I took especial notice of Mr, Klft bings give roust 'The point Is that the Teachers have . been Instructed to because everyone eemed td know be convinced that his contribution Is participate In the war against eoemet- Mm Vanwinkle explained T him, spe and ef Ground Hoot. Walk rr Dank BWg. wisely East 2ND SQ. After Visiting' several tables h ,tc and risque eewome. consol Nation 'cf agen-e1- a Best Selling Caf Madeassure this a oprimiv out to the h alee Order goo end flask a returned, poured DR. D. C. JAMES produced JAMES Tbe cmmunltv "There's Reason DR. a Imperative. F-a drink for himself and his eontpas-Ther- e afreet that local high ochool rhstd New Address Deseret of Cleveland. Inte which from was nothing I ecu id d shall forever forbear vamping : r'w, is an evi wjen contribution their male eompaniooa indsT'anesL but place lent model upon which to 'work." .V , II. u i - , - C . I I .1 k? O - me-ihn- I s. land-owni- Our $3.00 Medium Weight Garments No. 110 will be sold for one week, Oct 4th to Oct. 9th at only Call the Doctor er mill ill Offered f --Might Not be Bad "Idea, Admits Hubby a pair the-atric- al ? NO PROFIT TO $ 000 1 TOE1 ln-la- w "TRUE THIRTY SIX MAIN STREET I FROM LIQUOR TO w'Sr75,4tH? e $10 d. l.--- An State Fair Visitors Itob-nam- Conference-an- d I te When coffee disturbs ' nerve Th up-to-d- ate lit di Section, just your change table drink to OUR SERVICE SAVES YOUR EYES ' ed POSTUM ebt a .$6000' I 7, l-fm GLOBE OPTICAL GO. LA. r , ( f K'n mt a I- f t - SV |