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Show ...--- , 4 ., THt s. ;VI ., DESERET-NEW- S ,$1,TURDAY Mtar ., - 11, ,n ' myth. 70,, W 1 'OCTOBER in the 'minority I t i n d, of man who Jen nber L the Jargon of the Mreot le ny wnmen. too. are no task,. Dot those or hallos-46T- THREE' SECTION 2 1020 ; of person In all Europe when Barnum.. wtthout having oesti her or board bee. 'persuaded hor to.rnake a Witt ot the United States. No sooner was the contract signed than the now !more. sario his autobiography said. Hboisui the public mind for the to prow reception of the greet eongstreaco The steamer Atlantis that brought her to this country was saluted at Handy Hook and again as ohs plowed up the Narrows. Forty thousand pee. pie membled at the landing and on the surrounding piers to greet her. Triumphal arches marked her pathway. TIcketa Auctioned. Crowds surged around her hotel and clamored for her appearance. Auctions for the sale of tickets , Tour To Be Recalled i n Programs 100th Anniversary - Celebrating understand ,.. largo, and who can fathom the 1 ing nowadays 14 . 'mysterlos of Mane. And myeterlee 41.11.11 Ite N al I 1 Moly certainly ore In these playaesP11 I Gamblers: An sciallY In "Crookod .. : ' 1:planation of many of tho phrases '1 ' : .o .. '.,, ., used should ho publIshod on theatto I -- , ., a P ' A , Thor would be of ineetim- I Proffroms. a I, obi aseletance. I wonder why some M. D. man solo in Klein of haritons Fatq,41 aatuto Wail Strot firm had not triad Music Lovers All by I Reign HEM tho ilcottl Grand Opera P:sy," and a Over the mow published by The Century Co. )Jr, to maks capital by moans of the' two "1", Strang. with violin obligsto; with Mies must F., , ,,1 ,..--- .."104101Nwir company appears la this 1..4011s discovKlein as the describes follows Amott bccompanist. which pow:it:ditties. ..,,,,' 1 .,,, suggest plays. World , to music Oalobar . Tribute was a to nib. of Adelina the ery tit city Pay mily that I Said a wily press sent the other .......,,, r.,,,,..., r e, t loctro will have the ppm'- - I The Schnirtr Symphony orchestra musical marvel: day: "When you want to feel certain "Mho was barely evn. EverY ment- as to a 2 p.m. of tomorrow at Swedish hold rhoarsal Memory wal fate. read the advertise7) Night. tunity of hearing many of O. ; ' ,, '1 ' her of tho family and not a few of ments. plays 111 Odeon hall. If you see that the words of are among theenloOt their friondo knew that Adelina could any critios are Quoted. then remember Who Wis ingale, Brought m 1.....;.131.1,IrtiftgArtItt. at the MetroWlitati Seal. AIAek aLli anks tourist' an returning-frohavcotild without oho that already. burden to tho wants New York. tor nino !kluoical and upon placo --every boat. The "fatal,. like the critics onnodl. I ill411 of the twenty-thr- e I . 4' .,1 Aiwa with a hatter- -- a mad hatter." they caled'r"If the play has brought back Waiter ing had a lesion in her life, sing ' New Bret to the , ! ' 8226 for no , i over. as , the Bootti company are ,membere 01 Damratich and Giovanni MartiIli. an artist. and there doubt lottn himpaid &mutt; in 1850. . tzpop t , . 1 ,) "Ono day they thought they would to that organisatIon. and are among Demroech said that Paris is making York ticket. its success. you will find that, no ..(1 whole piece critical word is ve(' owned. Thst to I those who ,,, . His unheard-o- f have risen to lama during every Wort to attract Amorioan mus- make bar to through extravagance midi .: i )) I ti I the past few seasons. Mid, In order to i.e her (he better.' Inevitable." The chorus and ics student' to tho Fronch capital. him femous. The highest price paid .11V!': 4 table. a stand t orchestra upon . ALAN DM E. ars recruited front the for a single ticket Villa in Providence. they made her 5.... ,, .,- (By nternalional News Service.) ; ' 1 was '71 game organization--- e. -.' where the bit of pasteboard hot which, In A free contort will bo given by One. She began without hesitation. not L '....... l l , ., NEW YORK. Oct. word fk of the and 1.41,1 I the Ross for 2.kfusical the connection to with 4.4' Coldnel knocked down scenery tmeaning stage tav Schuster Co Hose of Music flundY knowing le A ... 4; circles throughout America will paY I : effects that have been built in titre ., ', 4, .1 i : They had no idea what she $550. tribute on October ' to Jenny Lind. I.Atellers and studios of the famous evening at Cs" in .Sugar Musa watd was going to sing. Imagine their won-- I , ,I .., 1,44 The Nightingale gave about 135 1, .4,, on duets. the ' of solos, hundredth anniversary of the consioling 'P.. Broadway,. bouge. warrants the an. Chlt."1. not unmingled with amusement. concerts in this countrymore than dor. t birth number of nsomble the Swedish trios sxtets and , t nouncment who that the Metropolitan on 35 in New York City. Everywhere when she started the long sustained t , e';' t was brought to this Nightingolo P. T. '4 violin. saxophons and cornst.. Mrs1 note and 'turn that form the initial :'. ' 't. country by 1; J Opera copany Itself Is. brought to ', 4, fought to gain entrance to thel peopl Barnum ,'''''''' vocal. in Neill. Haobrouck 1350 on her spectacular Wayoreborg. this city. halls. Everywhere they stormed her phrase of 'Casts diva!' It- was to be .i.: Ar concert tour.Mrs. lat. and Sturtevant. pianChink). In many other coun For many years three names bay. with applause, and everywhere ad- nothing less. If you please, than the i4, , .. :,; d, ,. 0 .,o, , 'It:, t. , tries. too. the oentennry will be comstood with the musical public' as ist. will assist. Participants will be:1 molt meting of ariasthe noblest of ,, ,,; mirers and charity seekers besieged e Leslie M.rsaU Leo Mary Duff.. by Norris. memorated .,.: and suby"Metropolitan"--Cartribute paid the won. 011, O. synonyms for Vii.ncaa Zwicky, Bellinill inspired mtiodieothe her. Extra concerts had to be given r ' derful 4 Joannotte beLangford. Ludwig. Dorothy irom..... score the tiwi singer. and or len of lime prayer uttered by Norma just to satiety tha throngsand Jenny England 40,4,:,.;00,01.700 tho more other Bingen who have attained Whitehead, Clao Thomas. Dorothy fore she sievers: the sacred. mistletoe COUnitiegt where pre. Lind herself added more for charity. FORM AND FISH; ' .',43;t:: ' grams have teen arranged to honor fame lit the opera house In recein Langford. George rttor Lowis Brown. from an cdit with her golden sickle. i ' the Moneyed Everrwhere. ,' Donald Coleman. Mrs. Schustr, Rob. t years. many are actuialy heard more of greatest not to be her sure to Ni...; be want ... time. little t,2,44If you singer singer's "Amusement at the ,, 6....... New York City will pay honor to Joist" Simmons. Both daring quickly disappeared and left a crittcited, follow the custom' of eating , 1 , trequently than any of these three, art Simmons, The ,111:ifill people prominent in public life Eliat Gibson. MIrs. Charles Sturtovant. I and of thes e artists Mr. Stotti has se- For even to fish with a fork but without a knife. Jenny Lind's memory by a historical of amazement. t 2.Zi , dmogMill paid her great honors. Mayors and A Mrs. Neill Weyor. feelingof her flesh and blood who . &bth cured most Whitshouse, so on the the first concert some ,vt the. distinguished; authorities are concertreproducing good There I those t governors presented their complithe operas given by him on tour will berg. Gibson Stators. gave in this country. there was something strange. table manners. however, who assure Jenny Lind ments back bringing l --the a alth pracikally the earns casts as use to and correct marvelous in is stage it us the picture that uncanny. quite exciting. Jenny Lind broke her contract with ; when given at the 3.1etropol1tan dur- D. B. Church musio cont. intuition -- that enabled her to go knit. in addition to the fort in eat- atmosphere of that memorable night with 65 concerts yet to Barnum beof famoua childhood and teachers eeason. kteptember II, 1150. The same pro. ing the regular held its initial meeting at the through both verses of 'Caste dive log fish. But they assure tte that this mitt. she and the great showman 1 4 12 In singbut came Interested At her. her on gram 11.4 D.. S. conservatory of must() Fri- wholly by ear and without a, mistake. knits should be sliver. preferably a that night will be given ' friends.. While visiting in Boston parted failed. voice Four in the Oran-!- I later 1 .. rboch and years ool Balentirely the repeated proceeds of the con. morrling. Chairman Melvin Is It surprising that the good Salvatore small knife such as is made especially cert Phe was married to Otto will bs given to the same charit.t. It came back and her remarkable ca. It and West Jordan districts are soo- day lard presided. Mr. Ballard sketched and his wife should have wept tears for the fish course. sehmidt. composer and planipt, and hie reef. t; .' Ins to it th& t. musically inclined pu institution began. to which before the of joy over their darling bambino? broad field opened up Jenny Lind On. reader who seems to be per- gave the I returned to Europa. thereafter shortly was Alice Her role first ': pile are b4ing given instruction in or. the operatic of alcon. made the and proceeds auggestions original committee, father's eyes had not boos plexed about this says: "It seems In Meyerbeer's "Robert le Diable." In 1858 she took tip her residence in cert. t,1 theatrel instruments and encouraged concerning the organisation of the If the before. Ademost impossible when eating halibut where she died in 1887. they war now. to organise school orchestras. There musical forces of .the Church.-- It was opened ,It Haring been acclaimed in her own England, Cat 0 Same Program. wee a Poe Prodigl. and one that or perch. Codfish, of course, can be There is no record of Jenny Linda In Norway. she carried, and country and to spare of violin, agreed to call a meeting of all the line 4 i Sr. "plenty troubles." as them out of their eaten without the use of a knife a Frieda Hempel. wearing an exact her conquests to the continent and volco. But the journels of her time. cornet and saxaphone players and lc musical committees of stakes and might help '' the few living people who heard her they have no bones. of the gown worn by the nine- to England. I copy a fair extent on the clarinet and slide wards. and musical directors and or. and those to whom tAo memory has Many persons ars able perfecelly1 teenth century will trombone: but what is needed more taniets of all the auxiliary organise. Barnum Tour. diva, the Arranged ' sing eatIn been handed down all tell the same same arias and play her own accornI well to dispense with the knit. not only in these, tions of the Church to be held Friday . then anything else, find if but you was wonderful." She was probably the- most talked story--- -It ing any sort of fish, to the group of songs- on but in other schools as well, the Int Oct. 1. at 4:11 paniments p. m.. In Assembly are that chances It very diMcult the same piano Jenny Lind played pile art willing to learn on "unusual ball. Unification of the musical work the use knifed to rtho) better will do you piano autographed instruments," such as the oboe. bee. of the Church, community singing and (Continued from rag four) by the Certainly it is better to use the knife, Swedish Nightingale on the night of were ',tool. flute, viola, string. bass and appointment of Into bones to take than SALT LAKE THEATRE with the fork I debut. The concert will French horn. These discussed, aa well as subjects for avalanche of new plays In' New York, the mouth that then must be removed.' her American I, 11 in 1 I play an important part Ininstruments on Hall given the the corn- - discussion at the approaching confer-oncCarnegie theatrical 'business has not been at Some A0.1141:4001.'1 persons, who are otherwise care6 :),,?;.11 of October 6. Castle Garden were enthusiastic all position or an orchestra, yet few of Ibe Members not do of the The manners, table vitt A7:00.0 ful satisfactory. of their the - scene of Jenny Lind's first tthem are to be found in echttol or- -, about the work before theM, and the Maas Wasateb 8427. - from the, 0--' In this musical "boom". seems to have occurred: in hesitate to take fish bones "The Master at U. . thestrea During last- year it watt not prospect of uplifting ''',nw Ili is really, Itranalormed Into ancountry, but,is now . This ' known that there was more than one with the mouth fingers. case thus of notable the the aquarium. of ideals the productions. community. t removed; be should hood In form. of They the honor of housing anstring bass .player in the, Salt Lake 04 Cc r attendance has been as large as ever, on the fork. Better still you should' ;deprived other memorable audience. and he was in the High schools, i will have two mill- but taking chances has not proved to learn fair state with Th. ',4, -, fish the so to A ( manipulate centennial school The orchestra. flute is an easy exhibit, however. will 1 Hold's and Haw.. be the usual be held In the old building from Oct. I l'i , Inetrument to play, and on which fine tary bands this year. I profitable game, and your fork that you avoid the bones. THE MAN WHO KNOWL" king'. each with 33 men, and at1 to 10. and ( fi can Ask. be is balf-wa- y Readers done. work The handviols What many of Jenny Linda successes have suffered 1 died AND NEW programs. With Held. this is many and relics the earns as a violin, only it is tractive , belongings auoci. fish The slump. I Imp. SHOW or WONDER, "When lemon Is served with hie thirty-eecon- d year at the fair. Ho tremendously. 11 Fated be will tour with her The shown. ,r ; larger, playing In a clef of its own will inevitable. Such slumps how should it be managed? ' play at 1:30 to 4 p. m. at the race pose was old concert grand piano will have the between the violin and cello. There Is it good form to squeeze the lemon .4 to I r m. In the band always are! Then again, the enor-- honor. of :.( are not many cello players In the track. andHawkins place 1 mous amounts of new material. all of. juice out with the fingers?" band will play tN stand. On the afternoon of Oct. 6 the Ladles Only schools at present. but so many young to conthe same to juice to fered at the time. probably 1 p. ni.vat tho band stand. and it Is good form squeeze T. park commissioners of New York City people are studying under local teach.or at fuses the public. It Is an embarras from the piece of lemon by pressing u will SOUVENIR MATINEE in tn. tthe I mainbuildisig p. I , to the aquarium a marble .1 ern that a promising crop is in present le between the thumb and first finger. de riche's'''. and the theatre-goe- r FRIDAYANY bust of Jenny Lind and a portrait of pect later on. The oboe, bassoon and the stand.. he preIn his bewilderment. SEAT putzled. the famous singer, both made for her horn are not so eisy to play; but so , Prof. Amadei Trombial, the Can- fers to see the old established Straw. when With Flivver she was in this country. Feed few comparatively of these instru- 110101t1011 tilldren nodes le sot admit. I or seven six With a program Other American cities where Jenny merits are required that students with adian organist who gave fed tob this portormases has each weekone theatre closing. and some months ago. ot this in Lin to old are celebratt city the make sang and desired can't musi,arranging 'nettsl adaptation If the farmer trameter him mu- another opening, the average mind Is T'l the 20e 1113e TU. $IAS. cal acuteness may be found who can been persuaded to city. , . ical aftCt10116 to Salt Lake. and is perplexed. The decision to wait and horse go on straw and corncobs. perGeseral Mat. Saturday. 60e dt Tbs. Jenny Lind was born In Stockholm tick up on them with desired speed. now tractor his at car. his one. choir director run and bad a not Is can She see, Rena. from organist The horn in particular may be used haps he Ith gas of humble parent& 'IWMMMMI Marrs cathedral. He will giveor-a and his stationary engine 41! lit home with piano accompaniment. St. the problem ones an Wood is That' afternoon them. pipe of origfrom Sunday made Manager cirtainly playing songs in whip It appears to begin- inal person. H. knows what he is do. the department of agriculture is struga , Alt gan recitals at tho cathedral : marked advantage. ion sem , volbeeku.t a ning Sunday. Oct. 10. at bo4 p.m.. to ing. and has a logical reason for gling Ith. Already its experimenters new - admission wilt charged. everything be produces. In his pro- have run an automobile with the The music section of the Ladies' tit.- which no will a be printed in Saturday duction of "Happy Co Lucky" at the combustible and used it for lighting ''' 1. entry club has taken on new life. Programs New.. the pro- Booth Theatrean English Play for- and cooking. with the election of Mrs. Geo. F. Was evening's Deseret Illmor i tests warrant new these each of week, results the to be4entirely of entitled "Tillie If BloomsburY" grams merly and eon as. chairman, BILL Prof. Squire al 041Aataile. numbers may ba repeated, by not. one hitelated by. the further investigation. the experiments 1116 hews. IIIS1111 for the coming sea- - though net ude admirabl-notic- es, will be extended to the problem of (.414 the I son. Prof. Coop will give a series of ap acts. 1request-----71e- y V.. .1 NOW MATING to allowthe . SOS concert music by the best He was .perfectly wellp1ayrecolve4 One aware that I lecture recitals on various musical sacred and from for O le and heat sixteenth to 11Ireettosi the Tillie light Aekorman:Harris supply century every orate in town would rave about farmer . lilied eublects. including four lectures on composer. ' alt THE ai the present day. Prof. Tremblay It. And every &die did. In good his house. power for stationary en , Si 1 , I 411:DE111XE Instrumental music. the piano. the will se el MOTION PICTURES it from tractor his for and own his leg also poasibly compositions. sooth. it Was a very delightful play. gines. play Coati NEWER ponatA form. the orchestra. and string AND sae is I 1 p.m. suita If outfit: Individual small a with a distinct bra ndot humor. goo Imo church nuartet,naloo four lectures on t 'Prof. John J. McClellan returned Woods can be constructed it seems toss ,- BIGGER t himatif loved it. But no soon- able unit ANNOUNCING hymns. the tnase oratorio.- - and- - role--1 ,.U. have-- a may straw ono the gas that from 'Idaho see Fa1T1wh.rs yesterday likely er did every crttic enthuse over "Hapcellanouit church music; also four he in the sections value economic A new certain the Skinner 612,000 opened RETURN resENGAGMENT than Woods grew lectures on the opera the old Italian, In the local First Presbyterian live. Ho inserted large advertisements of the country where the raw ma-is the modern Italian, the music drama organ is made the gas which Three church. from two has 26 It terial and manuals et I of Woolen in end the DaysFirst of WeekOf which be Pa that hi, now considered as waste and burned or the play opera ballot. Then there will be four lectures on the speaking- Stops, and is said to be the himself admired it. and that-th- e crit- i.e. Business. rot.--TNation's g oo 30PEOPLE-.1111 local concerts of the season. These largest church organ in the state. Ice admired it, and now he wanted to left to 30 was an enthusiastic audience of know- - If 111111 See was going to ad- every There , lectures 'will be delivered on 650 visaaa Os. who gave the IN people'prerent t:SO at before other the mirep.m. Tuesday NA it? Modern Stoma S le ' . trection end invited elitej at the iting audience a warm welcome. woo a most humorous appeal. It o e Lgree." Ladies' Literary club house. Two ss s Mrs. Merle Van. formerly of this But Woods knew that although "Rap- Marto Gaspar S ee heve already been given the one on aa ti)! Go Lucky" pulsed "the censors" it restwo but the a for last IP city. years . the rialto. and on the Donate form. World famous tale of the woman who took the trail to wag difficult the with might possibly prove O S. Wilson A Larson nen tho last being on Tuesday Sept. Ie. ident of Denver. is studying vocal mu-et- c public here who look to Wdods for "God Knows Where." sea "'"' there under ceimpotent was stnalysed in detterip. r The eonata e el. something more sensationV than this atoke A Ilea . S tive, followed by illustration -on 01410- - and reported making commendable little be. to Dee' NEW, HIGH CLASS amusing comedy proved no by the speaker, Mitts Eleanor progreasMrsVan "sum, member of e el Poor American Ace SOO: tabernacle choirs in the alto sec--a voetirer and others. The next meet- the O. Night." This Is the pity with the section corites Tuesday. Oct. tion.- Anduring the last few years she Turkish lantacet - toe Of the bath scene. It was not treat. Salt lAket and in Denver has S al modern- Val- wail BILL II. the Theme-being-tchildren admitted to a en been singing in the city churches, ad wttit age --MI - Orpiment ,len opera. with "." Paglicel as illus- - and auditorium g:SCHOOLtha eee a wore defects Int lila out owe Last-Time- s as very as well pointed an . - - taking tcetion. Today r.za , fully. and they were real defects. Tim Complete graded courses for the S Announcement is made of a tour o active part in D. D. 8. vocal work. Possassassourssessetauss MACK-1I Wit8 the whole WILLARD written VALLEY musical "THE SunOF ' thing of last ,The DOUBT." program merely MUSICAL and all FIANO. VOICE. Caruso, the noted tenor. as far west around the Turkish bath acen teary Minht1- a Pricast Mats. es Denver this fall. but no reference day morning in the First CongregaINSTRUMENTS, ..... was elaborated which tional be will very church Matinees, 20c; Kiddies, 10c. Eves., and Holidays, 35c tomor15., 35e. tido. V fee4hec-west..., completely repeated to ,;161tilleePtd made his earning III lessainas 15e For Beginners and Advanced Students. t row Iin or tititrErfremetegráiail,eedateoesr iday Coutos i shoo.; I But the farce is playing to capacity. :, --- -'' Th. Ornbeua club has received eight Music. Theory and Lectures. IMAM. :.- -tin Thursday. : ...., ...aft so. 4 .4401105.un x, .,, new membertt, and hu applications for - That the motion picture Is doing its Impossible to get seats. The houso is In Send for Catalog. share for .case the development of music as simply Jammed. whereas in the assinsansamessionsosese. Gardo Mouse"have four . TO tlSoutil Tompie. adMMEmMEE.e,....lb Lucky"-11-1as well a ot Go field "HAPPY finding forth. eminently I salt Lake City. begiin on now music preparatery to Is in clan. attested. ' Enthuadmission. Vh Washington by cite). to purchase winter seasons recitals. the dates' : the fart that nearly $500,000 was ex. elastic, criticism helps a play treme- -- of Which-willI he annouhred later-T- he r-- N ' JENSEN I, on r--N - I--N ;tended 'refit ndoualf'id its rift.-b- ut elublo headquarters now are in the ai tkolin "Three Shows for the Price of This included instrusalaries. effaced-4year. has been nd their memory , club OF PIANO. TEACHER building. ' ,' Commercial . ments, scores, appintments for musi- It is wonderful how very soon that la I, At Stitt:11o. $13 Templeton Bldg. Now that so many local profession- - cal settings, tc.- Something like SOO the public comes in with Its own ideas Wed. Thurs. Friday and SaturdaY; .. al orchestra-playerhave left town.as musicians were engaged to 'accom- as to the value of the piece. And the and Pictures." FlesIdence Phone, Hy. 4237-State (On to mbarrass the Philharmonia., 'there pany the pictures. Competent direc- 'publii criticism is sometimes quite St) -, renewed - suggestionof ,ftheitig tors are inetAlJediveven handsome or. CLARENCE new local orehestra compotted of genii are now putin the largest thou; FIRST-FOUR-DAYS-- OF , , tent and orchestras ten ranging ,from Here le a list Of Teachor of Cartnet. Cornet, Theory. J: I that Is offermostly amateurs. with the addition of t giving the public ed abroad to thoee plays a, few professionals who may ,remaln to thirty men are who "yearn" for -ORCHE1TRATIONII. music.'excellent MAY FIND A SHOW WHICH COSTS MORE-- ---. here. neceso. You trofeasionals would be higher drama thanthat presented In STUDIO 41 Iv 801.7T11 TEMPLE. . vary for double YOU-CAN'the for and clamor that reeds; French home. I theatre. BUT FIND ABETTER ONE! large Plume Wita6 SCA. Mat Methodiet Church. , and string basses. ' Moneyed audience& It is an intoreetI , Morning. Direct From San FranciscoFit for Broadway ing list: Itsnavente's comedy. 'Bonds ' PROF. GEO. CARELESS. ; ....Raft. ' The move to improve and develop Prelude "Cavatina" , of Msseficida of Interest:" "Tragedy ' I ward .choir work irt the L. D. R. Anthem "Jesus Saviour Plint.Me" Nan: Bernard Shaw's "Tou Never .,,,s ',N., 'Teacher of .4; BEAUTIFUL GIRLS .'.Schrlocket ' Is being widely and favorably "Romeo and Shakspeare's ' Church Miss Ruth Wilitams and choir.. - Can Tell:" i, I commented as something that is much a and of Plarm, Harmony. GORGEOUS COSTUMES Juliet," couple Galsworthy 4 - h , , ,..,,,,...n ,1: ...4 , nude& play& The two first on the liat were Studio and reaalence If rait , IP. c.. , , put Illy Trust" ..Frey I FUNNY COMEDIANS I reboth done with rather diemal bee. ' R. O. Burkhardt I Local minis houses report a call for sults. Im &Staid that the soulful play WM. CLIVE. C. : LATEST DANCES I I i Wagner has but it feeble chance here. and pianos that can not be filled. owing l'oatlude, ,Pilgrims Chorus" 1 I . . of ! Tseber to inability of manufacturers to sup. Evening. 0 who that those for them. Pilo' CATCHY boo MUSIC tHIN Goddard "Beretta ludo. ammo. Pr ! 'Ffs f, dead-heaply- the d on see to for them 110LIV MAIM demand, sad striking tickets.' although -- er and .tv I is past Anthem. Dar wfirk-aft' its clf-tills are North hick at Bute Ettost. none piano makers FIRST RUN PICTURES Pudic) llot If Gilchrlst , a Cs months' "vacation" which used , Oror" 76III-11,.. ..p.,. I Wasatch n" Mrs. "air:. 4amII t Miss Ruth Williams and choir.-, WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? , ) op all their spare cash for mainten.. delightful comedy. at the rizorbee f4t solo, "Rock of Ages ; ant's. Purchabent are calling for high Contralto I Miller Thigare. is' at hint corn ohhaoll ; t S. CARRINGTON. .CALVIN o,a I . medium priced Instra- wass, ntt ! rather than .1t run. Blake of was and Amber's jta long Ing,to um. 0. sievert, . , , , A. ments and it Is noticed, that ths de- -, L. en rd,the Teri' blitgeft winners of the Plena, . eland for ha action hast beenr i In ,. ., lant seastoo it i 4 straight 1 pianos , increased running notehl t.i..,',..,, ,..-I 121 eonstitution i so that the excess-iPutleitts favor IH)n-thi&na '''' 6 ,. "Mrs. Elia CUMMint Watzeit, . ,'' "ntillgtntalY fer ,,, ,of thlt f r I", ' touch- and tochnia. Jul Masons' Dr. 4 i was businass. treendous It r t doing playerulonger obtains:, 11r, ,- O. Burkhardt, ,. the themss that roolunction iv;th btathogra tri4.4 . t'i.. ,,,,.,,,, . organist; Wm. liardirnatuTbs vtoH, pupils of Vaughn W. eottroo of oludloo. Hours I to t Inters-Pangbe to and its '''mats.; proved I , k, Clayton will give a Pt Ortaril at The Mal note l';', t It an added seat. It t Prebenting. a New Mirth Quake t, 0 Panda,' evening sorvices In ClinnOb season entire weathered of the tn. , 4 The Tabernacle organ recital pro- thestricat alumm.r 11.L and 11 ant The prorram will consist of '..,: , May any 61r : Asi be follows. will gram, Monday, nolo, aumerabl duets, and numbers. much-rec-as 1 - hu "lad a - ( that do" t 0 Assistant Organist Edward F. erd. Assisting in -- program will be Xlas with i at Oa console. P:dna litiholwon4-reader: .641.1iThts Kimball terniee Hyds, emeatio. Mr& Iffttle National Anthem. apswe w , two Wall Ptroat plaitt. 'Ottpor.1 int . in Sonata A Minor Joe. D. Rheintartar .-t Clayton will play Ote 114vem pan i1. Mit woe ea Timm boadlind b7 tunita" and "Crook 04 n it mbIors o" I An ELtrattganza of Mirth, Melody snd Frolic in tn en I i leh tared for a first metropolitan RELE'S TIR AVERS Durand (Old Alr) Allan Rarnst,T. Dotialas Tanner, ip.:vt,",ril4;-.:1;t- poet: JAN4 RUBIN! baseline. tars milt with us. Exactly Conjunction with HIG;TIRST RUN PilOTOPLAY Primus bselea.it ;on. H it. . ' Euren Morris, Arvilla Demmup. Tin- - , C is the Ineore Popular of the two. fn. ' Ts litaint a" A rt.' b y- (Irsts" im Iwhich .site Anderson. Vivian Doneloott, Made- MettILLOUGEI CARL am onoblo to ear 'rho fact that n OM Melody Arr.., by O rrantat Coral the Matinee and Avoid the Evening Crowde:Shows Staking at 2:30,17:30 9:30 line' Joeephenn. LA Verne Veber. atilt In our trildst ix Inter-- , tommer ill thee areWall ..,...) Blimr 1114.oteb lb tows Dobbs.riandro, and mnar0a Beek.. Prelude In A Minor re tett 11041. nt fereet has let eating. a west (lei & Da re ; Tut fabetodmoog, s. heen cutting pp strange caper& livid . . TONIGHT"SCOICII LASSIES"JACK DEWEY in "DAREDEVIL JACK." . PATTI'S PRE"IcIrTY. - , , , rustasyseopiN an i have advantalcmie effect may that ,,- Tnual"0Pert- of tie evertor . Adelina leaiti Witife.W rt,s ailmwe ?IS I hoelttees isIS, tion6 tyro , , br the the !IiMMIMEI.,MMO extraordinary upon Ina-foeacrice In the Thirty-flra- t tat ovoid. of sew ward to et the are of alov.n. when she playa devoted to Ita oPerlitiOtie rho 1 es morrow will Influde I contralto tool singer Male Pitroot woo shie to so through wit. th. moat I tyre et,m0.4441 rteol eirre. translation lave nosto ... .1.4,401111-1- . Uote:. 'Teach de To exactir,s of operatin ries. stye Iter. for the folte to whom Won Suitet lea SIIIMMEMB - I 11'1.41.4.. 1117 . ---- ti074)., ' a . , ,....,.. , .i.. ,...., --k-- , 1, 4 stogrertrewettat-ther444-lbeer-kaaaLlt- iaa shoWS4ew-isbealea- to tit,s t MITT CouiiWiy . ; I 1 8A 11;4 A '....,-..01- 1 1 The Right Thing i t't : , ' fv ,, km-amo- ! - ' -- , I' -- , , - Y ''. ' , At the Right Time ,. 0, , ,. , . - j - ' be The-liew- ' . - -- ' Alan Dale Says ! - ' I f : e. j , -- - ' -- ila MONDAY . . 't , Vt-td.,41- , ! 1 .,44 ) , LEXANDER HIS-AL- - r 1 j 1, 75c , I . I oneeoloopeues . If:: : . - op AVM 01 III - LOEVIPS NEW 0 TODAY - - ::: ::: - , , , SINGER'S MIDGETS - - ( Directory ) . Pauline Frederick It -- he the-publ- Musicians' IN "IVIADANIE X" a.. - as. i'i VAUDEVILLE ail he OF-MUM- .--.6 'it ; 111 I I : ; . I ---- - -- 1 .a.... , - -- MISS-ESTELL- , 7 "PO 1;71 One, ' rk ri ifttcs.tbs -- aitcith LLD - NEXT wEEK E a . - -- - 1 ' .. 1 1 ...... . . 1( -- , - - ., So.-It- - - , - - ' '"' k J. I .,,, 0:do TIC filETV-GIR- L ht.- as 1 - S . SPRIOGFEUER - 'IplAK:y2MS l'''''-1- .. 3 - -' N ili er ' k .Lto - , . . - - , . , , . . ., . . ... T , , |