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Show 1 -mou liarOM.MIE smomillOW I DESERET-NEW- S THE iv SATURDAY OCTOBER I Brain Tests WILiC4411, raNith ridll ;ow Pui; Tv?' I I ToNicuT. Tabernacle and Ward Services Tomorrow Sans Loyit ' so Minutes to Answer MIL Tomorrow Taal Day bolo" so. So. olive tho regular attornoos services at You hays board of ths wright who tho Tabernacl will ho disoontinucoslii write right and of the circus ed. A spertal esrviok however, for man tho benefit or visitors will bo bold captured a new gnu that marked the first meeting of the sea.' know who - - mor e than his old gnu anew. In R""IOR Miss Claire Pendleton. whooe son at 11 o. m. of Classier Ai P. E. O. Sisterhood, the same nFlandro. E. Arthur to Yost Day meetings will hi hold In manner each of (he 11:30 o'clock. , ;tut Maret.age ' a today at the vartoue wards of the city In the In a tencee following. may be completed by month. this wall take white place and Yellow marguerites :t,-The eundanochool will be umber of affairs have been at- wicker basket centered the table. The fillingarethe thre spaces with words afternoon. bold at the usual hour In tho mornthe same: phoneticall,r - place eards were painted to rnatch. C.r1JaMes IL Mn. lags& Monday. th.,at take when we offerod, ing. and ward Toning servioes ......:..34iatilLantartatnst ,a kensington at Sixteen members were preeent.will ho under the directionof the em ui nta in. a Will S2IIL . 0 fur, Eier Fifth on ar home The only eon and was nutiad' ttertiatImprosortmit----4Aisseoloowill eluded Mrs. Frank P. Sherwood, hire. ay evning'. Mrs. Josseph Wirthlin Miss to get the it weal tions. Rose Storer. Miss Lydia Palmer and out at a dinner party for is hostess too late. C. E. RvtIns. Mrs. , will E. give Mrs. C Plage Isndleton. a Time will the greatast dia Eleventh Ward. shower and kensington for her Wed- . Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bulge announce rice that man can Just as sure. Hymn. 'Zion Stands With Mils . tinier afternoon. Thursday she will of light comes to al of their sister, miss ly Ica the Surrounded" Congregation b the guest of honS)r at a tea given the engagement to Norris oach day. Mime Ounhild Larsen Soprano Bolo I' Miss Anne Statnes at her home on losephina Pearl Staveepn. In one that Mrs. or Mr. son and say A might lighter Hunter. ddreee....Apootis Melvin J. Ballard toond avenue. The club to which Chipman on the teepla suggestgth 1111110 F. Hunter. The wedding will a Axel S. C. Wilson bolo le bride beltinfl will entertain for Oscar la It to that thought of aspire Ortober. tha latter take part tt!, place ll'onnsenth Ward. Friday aftermmn at the home of high. Katherine Driscoll and Saturday Bolo farmer's The ehndren that ..Itaymond Wedneo will chib cleat Cleotan The popular bride will be entertained irMiss may amount for Um fact Routing ........Miao amities Hard with Mrs. ,Annatt Cal- - oil Winlifted McDonough at her day afternoon Emma Ramsey Morris so mum. 2? C street. -- Mn. Burton W. that they mar. artreet. on,C Addmin John 0 Mcfluarfle When the twins askol one to Musser wt11 talk on rb Evolution of a I knew I should haw. to .4 Smmetnenth Ward. Sociallarn." Chi of the . chapter ,The alumna . , propare ona"' for each of the Sinaloa. "Eatb With Mar Ten site entertained this sorority mega Iiiii was ha Joshort because Mies Miss Louise Cline and Thousand Yloweri" (Griggs) Itornoon by Mrs. Daniel Spencer, held no oa his getravaganck Choir. ;re. Wilford T. Cannon. Miss Victoria aephina Flycare will entertain tonight but id "I the followed by Mimi, horn of at the Invocation. iowell and Mime Ilarda Smart, at the lit a dancing party -- - -- -- - son oo hia successor coma to transform Singing, Our Mountain Boots So time of Mies Smart. II Harton Moe. Cans on 0 straet. tnto order. Lilacs i burfot loscheon was served late in (Stephens) In giving hie faithful labor tt la CI;o1r. The Sigma Chi fraternity of the I. afternoon. us he will that natural a only szpect of wiu dancing L. M. give rtah Addrees......dias Qualtrough The decorations wore to autumn University . out to him stithetont mottoY Anthem, . "Lot the Mountains about party tonight at their ham on east io aims and dahlias through the rooms First to of the expenses, street. South tor tataPhillte Jor Choir. Ii the luncheon table wail a clurry coy. rent and clothing for himself and o I over pink and a wicker basket, of family. Miss Mettle Howe. organist. Isere and dahlias Scottish Reunion. ANSWER TO NO. J &MS IL Neilson. chorister. Th hoetesses received and were es. . 2 The Sited in pouring by tnetnbers of the winning oponing lays are 1, Eighteenth Ward-reunion Scotch The or 1. a nt bacomea e thin the It numbered fifty. wt11 object of Conartgational singing. irority. The ru be held Saturday. Oct. 10. at 115 the players to roach the total of 9, amnasment ward . in Pryor. tha p.m.. 23 Ensign 2S 15. are Mien which and the of Zolla The marriage coin. Smoot, D 'Cathryn Spencer street, mending points on the way to the goal Plano Nolo hall, corner Ninth avenue and isughter of Senator and Mrs. Reed and M. 1. A. Slogan for 1120, "We Stand a extend in the committea ebarge Is. if. having cowed 28. your Opp. moot. and Carlyle Nibley. eon of Non-anNon-Ua- o for the and mils', to all returned invitation neat plays 1. then a winning reply is shop Charles W. blibley and Mrs". hearty of Tobacco." A I. Since that number is not then at Ws Nibley, will take place Monday sionaries and friend's tobebe preoent. as rendered op"cial program will to carry to 31. he Is forced From Diacuosion: his hotting in the Salt Lake temple.. the nodal standpoint Fan- to adisposal follows: Piano solo, "Scotch will enable you to . that play Lawrence Clayton A luncheon at the University club tasies." lothella Donaldson; Scottish icon,. From the Athletic Scientific selection, Poreat Dale T. L. Chorus; II, your at if the oppbnent point W. D. Maymond address. "Remintacencee," David L. ahould play 3 to .prevont your reach- Standpoint...Dr. . Murdoch: nolo, Leone Earl: violin solo, trig lg. then you play I. carrying tha From tho Financtal Standpoint. t...a' tarrh Ca nnot Be Cured. A. Colyy Man Ramsay: solo, Geo. G. Campbell: total to IT. The I occuplad he From the Renato Stephen & Doctrintal iith LOCAL APPLICATIONS. as thee address. "Auld Acquaintanee." James cannot go to 22 andbeing a make so must reach the neat of the Signol Robbina Standpoint Brown: Scdttlah 'election. Forest Dale enot is a local diease. greatly 1,.. T. L. chorus. The program will be play that gives that winning position Vocal solo Mrs. 11. N. Parkinson to you. b7 coretitutioral conditions followed by dancing and refreshments. Twentkli Ward. by Sam Loyd.) (Copyright. hd in order to cure it ytou must , an internal remedy. Halls Ca. Ike Special features at Twentieth wsrd Reunion. tcrh Medicine is taken internally and Liverpool fast meeting Sunday afternoon will thru the blood on tho mucous aur- waited for tht ,b a duet "I have Hall's Catarrh Fdta a of the system. WEATHER REPORT was preacribed by one of the romnItttees are actively at work to- 11r I Lord" (Mendelsohn) by the Edmonds rt.Meters, and a baritone eels by 'Wm.1 pat Physicians in this itountry for year make the lAverpool oonference Weather Forecastae H. Russelt s. ta composed of some of the best tonies union the biggest affair of its kind Lo'&1 Sanwith with some Fair combined at the that has been held' in years. It will sown. frost, tonight Twenty-secon. d Ward. Hit blood puritieta. The perfect corn. be in the nature of an old fashioned day. fair and warmer. . State: Fair tonight with frost, Sea- "nation of the Ingredients M Hall's English tea party and dance. and will Welds Pugeleyi .Miss Plano solo warmer. and tarrh ldedicine is what broduces such be held Pt the. Rachards hall. corner day' fair "Service" by Oliver C. Dolby a,0 derful results in catarrhal condi. East Ninth avenue and Garfield Pend for testimonials. free. comparative lama woman, dst to.... Dorothy Ostlori - Iva Oct. S. MO. evening, Oct. 9th. Address J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo. O. street. Saturday Oliver C. Dolby it o'clock. A floc. cordial at All Druggists. commencing C. A. Larson Sam solo Msg. Hairs Family Pills for constipation. Invitation to all interacted is extended.. Temperature Ward. . Ensign 71 Highest yesterday ... . ..... 70 Hymn in this meet last year e Congregation N, 88 Piano solo 1874 SinCe Florence Allen Highest in this month , 43 Lowest this morning Mrs. Eva W. Aird Contralto 'polo r 'Lowest this month last 'Car . . . 13 Addrees Stoke Supt. John D. Giles 11 Lowest this month since 1874 . solo Normal for yesterday, ... 68 Violin 1 Congregation Mean yesterday . 66 Hymn 8 excess Accumulated this month Wells Ward .atieelln1411ated el deficiency 71 Sena, "Onws rd Christian Sold 1;trtr January 1. Congregation , 1Dog Invocation Humidity. .......-.....SaraRecitation Drury 6 43 a.m. Dry bulb temperature at 36 M. I. A. ictivittes Pres. linsel Vorklak Wet bulb temperature at 4 am. 11111011111111111111011111111111 M. L A Scout Work 29 Relative humidity at 6 am. -- .Scout M. Howsrd Barker Dry bulb 'temperature. at yesterday i43 IL I. A. Beehive work Wet bulb temperature at 2 Pan& Pearl Snyder 44 yeaterday Cornet- - Selo P. Buxton a Relative humidly at 6 p.m. yesIL Senior Class Work N. IL Webb' 21 terday Y. L. Senior Clue Work I ..Merle Bautzen Precipitation A full carload of Hyacinth, Tulip, NaltisErus, Conjoint 7. M. and Y. L. Work.. Holland. ....M. O. Funk Wel Daffodil and Crocus, Accumulated deficiency!. solo ....Jane Biggenbotham month .04 illoprano . Total since Jan 1 I24.71 Benodiction As a 'whgle, the finest lot of Bulbs that ever Accumulated sacess since J1.11. 11 2.13 Forest Dale Ward. . - ie . I - - p lilt , - L.,. ,1 F:E illi , p ...... ------ a) i) - times - today, WWbim S. Hart in "John re4t1- Weet BROADWAY-L- ast 1 Le the 'n'allorMade Man. Mat,. tams Wedneeday and balorday., I Total-yesterd- At ALLNEXT A. Snyder. pastor., Bible a.m.; morning worship. 11 o'clock. Sermon. "A Great .Cornradeship;" Christion tErneenvcrr 'meetings 6:60 and :60 p.m.; evening aervice. 7:45 p.m.. sermon. "A Disappointing lAte:" mid- ., Ralph,Cloninger, Florence Stone, : ' Evelyn gambly prayer meetings Wednosday..d Christian Selectee. object. Sunday cermon. "Unrea S36 Viret Church of Christ, Scientist. suet Broadway.. Sunday services. 11 'clock sm. and I o'clock p.m. Sunday school. :Se a.m. The Wedneadlay osnping services are held at I 'clock.-- 664 Second Church of Christ. Solentlet. South Temple street. Sunday eery-Ice- s, II o'clock a.m. Sunday rbool, 9:43 a.m. Wednesday coning gervicea. o'clock. All are Irlig001110 ' to those church 1112'Walker Free reading roome, Bank building. Math and Second South streets. where Christian Science liter&Lur may be obtAinsd. Lutheran. Tabor Dantsh Lether.an church, corner ritut "Vent', and E street. J. C. Carlson. pastor; residence 61 10 street. Tel- - Was. 4136. Sunday school Sunday moraine at 9; Danish services Sun. day morning' at 11; English oervices Sunday sentry at I. Rev. H. It Renown of Evan. Minn.. will speak at all Sunday services. U R welcome. A.' A 0001. ria ,sre MAME OSSICAVATIONIS Oct-- 2. 1920. at. Tempo's your selection. ''' - Co. , Porter-Walto- n t , t . , , , P'21'" .q....t'. scactscommeezarksumasesonautsemanazza39. i ' 0 - . -- - .0 - - - '- V.''''41--I- g - ,I ' ' ' .. , ' N t I '.' . , 1,..:,.: s' ir , I' '' t, '''''-"t- .1 ' : .1 , ,. -, . , ,,,...,-....4..,,,...- . - , I Rent , - - - . , - - ; :Anna u, ti 041 AU v--L.i , - IICIV . 00 - . - 1.1- , . . , 6 c L - - r , q tlOp State Street 159 . . ' I , ; IIN CITY I CHURCHES - . 11-- , .1 . CIL1 ia 00 31:. t : INATINED TODAY We. ale end SG& lie, and t'Ae . Boort, Topic, , --- , If -- , 11 11111E , , AILOI : , . ' , , ,,,:.1 ' 1 1, ; - , .. , 'f - - , , , - I ;.-- , . . II - ID e- and - - , gpI V - . , ..) , 4 . 1 dt ' r, , , v The lIUIpk Ciontarer Compeur Will appear reirelitriT Rt 00 . litippodereno berimitter ortory stgitt eacept hiwitlaTt with matt-- too Wednesdar tog Saturday. , . 0 it 4 4 ! 4., - Itii,6411 - s , ' PrieeeNliribtst , see, ?Set Boxes, .1.00 ;Beg PR", itlatlamos - Sao. 115o. 11 k - t K I , ) 17-q- ) I , I, - ,,; IMi 4; I it J - , 1 1:c-1ZL- 1 1 , ... ......... 'Why Not II am.: . 11)1VAI4rii It (c1S41;, Ill Ill I 14C'14V11111 e . 01 , . , - ,tiko-lui- ',- " ) . fts4Pt4 ek ,N 1 ," 0. t 0 ' " ,' : , t ,,,, toed WIA4z 70 1 ' i , . ,'0, I 1 ) i i zkviLE'ff(17 . , , , , , , , ' , , I , avf 49.4 IiiiC - f,,,,- !,,,..... I 1 I 1151A:'iP-1(- 4. . t .: tI i - . -- ,Allomnimmtle AlMonliv , . , 11,,';.1 cllArtus 'r. la Ilk : ; vow . ' . 1 - - .4.g 14. . , I, ., 1 rr.rojrrrirp.00A-Teio...,opylp,4,00414A44,10,1"Xtii. 1,06,41,91..4Nemt e.o.m...., ;111:110,4allkomiltatoilbe B'ndlug anJ All 01 Ealing Dcne al - - . t --- 'DESERET NEWS I , .... - , .. - li, ' 1 - , - - I , 1 - t. tt-,- ; - .. yk ,,. - o, , ,ik (1111"110,,,41;. 41kNowlat.:4.41., I "THE VILLAGE SLEUTH" - " : ..-..A.41.6- i - e, , EVENING. IIMES-THI- ..t..1."" "DON'T IVEAREN3" . , al: !gle.,,--7at KT" 1001E4 Tit is LLstio 6 IS. AL 714 11,0 oft Ilkpotp.rd.." litips It O MR lid.. - . NOW PLAYING,LAST RAY,. ! '40 1 t ::: JOB, PRINTING . 1 I - , - 1 I ott . . ,. , - . --, c 411t. i I - ;,,,,,,,,,, ,,.. 7 , A 1 ,:'4'''',' t - - - I ,,,i, .:,,:, ..,,,, l'Jli' Wit al.() ...oil . ' 4 . ,4 ,"6.. - t s. . i,,,,, , ., oi t 4" i (diif-- .1. , , t , , g, ,--- 2.. . RIO g Roiono 171t, ;','"' , . i 4 .- . if. 11 , t, ., , , 0, Milttillititiltf tour moenlog prayer 1 -. ;'- , I i ill, , - , , gioot----woo- . ..: ' If I II - "' t ; . : , , , ., ...a.cia t , i i ...vg,, i 1' ,4 i, OEM, s, - Communion. sarimalk , ' of - ., .. ''' aPdre9.8.urPe: 'tall-tion- - 1 , - . 911f1llril - I I . success ' I ' ; , --- t . "The Tailor- - you missed 1 ALFA INW)) kT1 11 WIT 0 1 .. , - . - ALSO , 56.......1. Pltstb root and Third rater, Stark lkilsobsets- eocior., Only If - "as. 4703 - . - I attog , isle 4- I v i thetand'rtInotanFicater ,... , loi( hy 'IC., TAIL -1It. ' i t 1221 en. -- - - (continued srmn page ow fa.art. Beadily retook, 71,4S 1:21) poi. doening of:rriro. 1,tifie' sgricotturc. By th. atopteatime asa.; l'ottutilie. ,Madoloilic $11 otat -- of of th Cathedral be husinoss dovoloped sothogs - t 2.711I Terni$16 strawy:- Suess, 41mallas., keret of neglects. Mad to lie.1,,,80,1101 - ,, ; lo a.m. 0260014 It 11 41; filmier 0, i70a Into a saccsaatal tam, - Ms. Craaa Ii soil bosedictios. 6 pin Work- iPg1 I ' IM 949 rm.. I, builtoo6r many Important oft!rilad000n.11 :Alto; "Its; failinorenellin: - ' home town and care largely to rgatjitaurttoy woo . credited Ito Pablo riot objects. , , 1 . ;thattng saved many individuals .atia , City cagily wetting, --Its the Itorksbires - a - ow,too' of crowfeet warthogs le Is; mail esinpastes - . train bankruptcy when they were away. th !City Caine tootles.fit ' otio-ba- ll ., onme hy bustneos difficulties. Williams "oorrrjtiotkote" alft 9 trilHPL guar. of tho South Temple gate. '41o1lego 'belemeteel 9900 hits the .hott.. , youth ... am... I 11 I Cket k at rrmktellitil fluadar. Iistore degree of touter of &eta is Ill)i 24", Hooter. trf aad In 1,02 Ilaryard made trim, s ass- - rir Pr', J- - 1E07 IA"..i St I 9.1111... hy 110.9, Jata !Ivoctristr tor of lasra- -. A B , oubjert. 'Thaftecorl Com- -, Isolte. - Proorh4eg ot 1:46 e . i lir. crime murtled miry. the 161.. Ctleist.of boil Lsoro, ter of Robert lierteer. of ,Astoria, I:I.: irtt eg Poe. Portes A. Holt ef 7 ID cortNer Of Ms to ISIS. i3oreft by the death ' fa. cat. ptroot graattrit at Somlia. i .trot 2194 ,PITI4till had alMoot lator. lio T9- - if WWII rount wile ftror years 1106 I 44 orbon be Sofro 9 olio 1,18fnaor uctil VIILl Arriyi meetaim 1st 2 P.m, onorrted Joeephino Porter, Cturtatias. 'William J. lisaratatal. 01 likaattiag- 41 tat Csetrat Caresttaa Clitsrell. Tbirl root - .o.o , II , . Matinees Wednesday Saturday. , Preeeaf - , . , R e. a -- ' I - - litiAliga Every night this except Monday. - - l or OUT c 1 0 tar l'. week- ,- 4 - 1&..DLikag4N 4 ec .1:Ln ts -a- , c . ' -- Aroma Of : 443' .- ' , . 11 i: . - . mod bool000n -- CI- - - , - - ...,.: - . .-"- . - Prl000-Alo- Nights-45- , . - - ' char-14,..411- 1. .. vr i filon ' , II : ' : ' oo i One Ine y sciv Like ,,,,, floomootal : due I rann"love New York t . , (14 LE .up ' Onem.-rBuy, . 10 -- f Sew and Save - : t'' , ' -- MADE .., e . rh . 0 . ! and I ' , , at I. db 1:;!.:;rd--aFne---;-:--- , , g," , - . 114111 010011.11 woe .11 . ' , le ::I .:: f- I 7 ' x - ,Il '' '''' - . . . ' : I Moms - r p twentiett 7:00000".. evalutry mad sank la ma a ta , abauld ern AIP4Pwsrfull al New Torn. I. Iwitiett aallatton waaeltir fort law parts. pia!, I.,. - , And Assoristo - .' - ' TIM I I I I I It . le I October. 6100 - . .110 --, , , etvi n 0 I M a C nes . ,- - 4., 4 1, , it - . -,- '. s c - . 4 ' 2,1 -. ' V .- , ' - ... . ;,... 2 ', , ... "p V .'' ,, . 10. ,P , I , . 67,7 ' AUCTION. Oregon short title ilstilroadevompanyannual sale of unclaimed baggage will be held at the Balt Lake Tuesday. rtthe.""sale station. commences at le a.m. E. C. Jenkins, Auctioneer.. Adv. - Frostrsterina. 52 Boise ig 4, 'Westminster Presbyterian church;1 50 Cheyanas ... 44 0 Fifth South and First West The Rev. $4 Chicago ... ... 48 0 C. R. ktrown, minister: Eunday school. SO . so Denvog ... I 0:41 cm,. B. histlows, superintend. ..., Hodge City .... Theme, "Token 0 mot Services. it a.dt. .. 40 Flagstaff ,,. Levo.1 of reception of mem. 0 baptisms, $0 Orand Junction 44) C. E. soJunior . .. 0 hers sad ounimusion. , 1.10 p.m.; Senior C. E. owlet', 1111417i : to I ciety p.m.., Evening service, I:46. 'In. : 6:46 stallation 'of officers of C. E. society.; - 4::I 44: 60 "'The Law of Advancement" il Loa .s..... Theme, II 0 Angelo ' Dr. George Ewing Davies, Mister of ts!eowdeTri : ..21 First Presbytorien church has re. . ..:18 46 .. 0 the turned from it meetingof the beard of 481 New York ... city and SO' ..... North Platte !!. $01 I0 Roots will occupy pie pulpit Sunday, Itotit 041 641 ' 72 (Alabora& ..i . and , morning tvMng. 68 1 0 Phoenix .:.. .. 04 - GoogregatioaaL 48' .' 4011. ' 0 Pocatello First Congregational church, comer ' rParpt114131 Ora. 1 First Smith anti Fourth East : 51: :: :141: Morn. ... t L Goshen, 1St- - Louie i 4 0 lug service at II a.m.i. Elmer tho ft. Paul :: si 40 : at- Lel.win presolt: 8!ndar 112 .1 62 Pan l'iego ---!lastest. 161 ,San-.-0 instil Mood I B.t244.steo-t,Pligt 14. lir an .. 0 pastor. 331 501 ... 601' Sunday setestil, 10 a.m.Sayan $pok.. 441 ; TellePah . C. Bawd. superintendent. ,. Startling 21 t41 4.11 :' 1 weren't. LI &As. :021 Iii;10,1o.nabinmsruteon isualti tooprcraummmemez , 361 5 0 ,::. rollsel.alt :01 m;a.m 11;110114r1..4 Ar.7744 Pil .. McClain, 11.13110Irst0ne l '0, D. am Lb, will . Butt rim 1:4-am.; sun nets 011 Thursday at $ p.m. Beoonot tn. S. 1120. Immanuel . church, October Baptist p S. . South and Iretarth Emit streets. . 4 Seaday 'cal :rues. P'; ;.711am. I 1 1 ii gHliIM RAPER HEADS ' Sorvina 11 ans. Topto, "The rtrot Ward et Om Cress." l'aung PeaPle's molting, 1.15 p ma Evening fore- - . ktt n. LANE FilAalieTr . t : . , - - , - Utah City Store, 251 s State, Salt Lake City. . . ' r - A : . : ::- 34 tTATIONS , -- O ,,,, s. - Id di r0 07 g ; a . Write for Free Catalog for FiI1 Details. I Ivy 4 to , 17 WEEEE NP - I Opening selection. "Santo litchis" A. Chorus Cecelia Ladies' M. Soloction. "The 'loitered Gospel." Cecelia. Ladle( IL I. A. Chorus Addross, "Selling 'Mormonism: " Earl J. Glade Cicalas selection. "Ono Sweetly Solemn Thoughts" -- ... . Cecolis Ladiete SUL A. Chorus, - I . . at Lel&111761P4 . . week pan. ay 6 , ......, .......... reached Salt Lake City'. Now is the time to ,plant. , Call at our city, store and make - ' ) . ,. WASATCH ralpHow Chester hid Fourth South streets. Ytv. :45 school J I. cal 4,vt. . , y AirNI 14051 , . KAM' LAKE TILEATRE--tot- n nornelng Monday nista Alexander mind ids Elam ot Andre HIPPODROME...AU - next - week, m em Monday night, Ralph Cloninger and aseoetate players . .. P. - COMING. - . T 1 4 p, ; 11.4". 4 .. I h directfrom . - dook.i clb 4 - - ARE 'HERE . , p3, 4, . 4 e , ...... - al Tantan has certainly proved to ba ; the 'friend in need' tn my semi-- and I cant talk to.anyone long without tell. rood it has done me." IflIVItfMntthe maid Louis ir enetté., Soutg-7er- ore. sey street, Ft, John, Portland. "Fur several ytters." he explained. "I had suffered from rheumatism and a general run down condition and was in such had shape at times I 'could not get around to do iny wont. The were pains in my back and enuuldira so bad that It almost yen me- distracted to stoop over and alraightta up. I had so appetite, and what little did at seemed to do ono ao goo& as I lost weight and strength all the time. My joint and muschts were es stiff and sore .with theumallims that I Owes Lytell. Seen and Cleo liadloon in "The l'rksi of liadoniptkut." 'MPRFSS PARAMOCKT Charles Ray in his new prodne lion. write Village Sleuth. Allicir bennett comedy "Don't Weaken. KTIMMA -D- orothy; IMIMps "Omni to Every Woma." later. 'Rational News. ComodytHblary's Littis Lobsume STRAND-Cal- ety Girls' Revue, titter "booteh Larmikai also raMsn Dempsey in ,"Dartnictil 44 semi-annu- Years. GEM-- Bert " --- ---- I could hardly turn over In bed, and my Weep was a brokos that I always 1 Int up in the mornings with that ilw NI tirsd feeling. Then pain between my 'boulders that hurt we bad ivory tlino I breathed I sould hardly land M. I had no I ntirr and woo in such s bad tis thst could not Oo justice to a day. work- , best of "rut vow I am is Junt'llio from this times es there's hsith,toneand and tor xnedicine that's ins only TotilasWbs11-4- 1 tygn 14Ntn&" I husoren one Only welshed seven pounds but rinos that I bay eounmo 14 Of gained Moon pounds. tint proud of my gain In weight. bot what I AM most thankful tor is that I novo got rid of the trushlos that kept : me in misery so Ions. I cart est son sleep just like a child. a Veer have polo. and Taniso has pertain7 made ; lit worth living for mo and I Int to pass the goon word a long." Tsnlso is "old in Kelt Like City by 1 Schramm-Johnso- n five goad - atoms Taking Tantac Declares He is Enjoying Better Health Than in Forty Loins . POUND GAIRI !Since tiniest today and tomorrow, vaudeville bill with Singer's Midgets. Slow bill with three feature eta amid Rabe Rath in motiom plocurre opens Wednesday Wen. PANTAGFE.-Vaadovill- o, Jan Ru tiro other big itetu New biU Wednesday. cAsmowmard litnek's 'Lbw) "The 'alley of Dou ' FIFIEN A s ORII'llErMloat .. . - Tuntritz-em- ,nittormado mane. prmnntord Ralph tioninge pWyent , . LAKE BMW 1 . 'OREGON MAN REPOMIS AMUSEMENTS 1 Omen,' lie - le r M. L A. PROGRAMS.' 9. . doom. 11 I 2 1920 ... ., , ,, ,, |