Show tI r EDUCATIONAL MATTERS = I j I I Tho Ogden High eohoalMHIkv AoiclamySaoraJ Heart I AcadomyTtjrrltor in H form Sohoj1 1 I T 11 the covrtHf of sup rmlon I ill nr 11 e of the city e t 1 f o n a n pr irrita IIV w t + err cm i n I N I thai K nial l jtcnllcnnn tot to-t s MI r ilc 1 urtinuiK and buildingi b l In 1 1 1 < ear i the yet Th fitai I t i < niuli I tolheh m hnrg rf tart 01 rill fur f T II t of III 1 mini 10 r I v1t h ih > i r nt hooU i t 1 ti i Ih tone was I H i ullml lo In un Ih > i I I lilv II n OlIL room I u II t i I the I nh M h0l l liiildimt I true then er i mtn i d to the d 1 trot < hOlll + Ihruiji it the rlty Hi n t Ihidt of I I 1 i n driiKns ol bi 11 1 ii and the i PCs I or the I tea iu fop wtc I ibteriii and 1 all Imp n i m ten a u I fie pn > tre iv neiit or < Ogdins t pimile id I tho efli < icncy of in publu achool r kill t Odi n not unlike U ah m triipnhi I nirlsacomnioitlout luji duullmild lug in order tu keep pat e to Ih the tooth tt1 the ntt and the Ii rrci of hoes l I pnpulntlun Morn I room M t n did mid I abctUr iilpment < dtminl I illm I to apparatus and a 1 well clr 1 tc4 I liliriry Amuiii the fine echo I dh i r + ol the i it t m iy lir nlloned tin1 rant r hool ijumy + hoof Madlt u Mhuol the trot lure eat live Pont nnd that at Mount I urt Tin arch n turn design n erIt ol the lilllldn i I H Ito I iipl 10101 ntn gores I and ti nxll nit < rl l lie ttI garni 1 ciililatmi 0 m m Ihe he t inn etoli Thane boIl I Im im I a m niimnt I the cnitrn t the I I n id 1 of iluntion 1 1 wll r rrnr rip 1 r nt llm puliiu spirit ol Hi < loIn lo-In 11 hIt ii r of Ih u > ik ilunr In Hi hook I ti I i haracierl M 1 ylli rough i Uhilfilwdiflrn it 11 I Huh 1 are Infill tat i ling 10 ppoo1 mrilimls the wok > m number aut I iiihnutic is 10 iblv tlron erlhn II itoi any other 11 brIn ii In the high n loot Ui imjn and I alln ire being liiixlil tins year lot the fl time lire coo it prrwnt rrijulrrx three jearafar I IN lompleimn L I ut will loulillcts be Mlrnilr I tin rum InK year A rommer < lot l l d > i iitment w created tills year and the laht I nn tho K l used by the b > t biiMiifx 1 nlli f o r ar being satMaclonly IrMrl 1 lira alniOHphrn of Ihe ilenitmutt is that of Ito limimat mail 01 tve I hIp I Thn tint ot the ptalent pollrv is 11 eulp hlr till ruttnit I fur tile Impottant luiai I I of i in ti up I Iy making the cur 11 t uliim ol tlu iy I iroiiKhlv practical Ti work iii i nl nil In the high tchoil N tl heved to I lie ol nn excellent cl 111 car it Ii I that In inntliemalln and the t rctrcet Instill lion it also given tliruunh nit the mite m all grader In muslin and draw In U n parrot condition of Ito tchooln ol Ii n h I a most roni Hit nary ir t tint in d I to the iibllliy anti I n iiy of i untendent I I 1rof K rct Iom 1110 h credit slmul I brgUntur 1 lili plane of efficiency or uiuil the lolloHlni It the biih fclraol tart 10 1I i t aim I fiinnpsl I DewM Instruc I rm ithiiiialin physical oxtaplu ta t L I S Ii story und general lilstoi it I 11 A lam torn putt of conmieK ul ilr I rnn eat 1 Sikiicci and lanKUif G A C I um i nxllih I Mist Illa MrNe It 1 ihM J laM ten lice I In t rihih crude MISH I II I ou ii The high tchuol now rn rot cnhly I pupils and Dietihtliraili toy Min pupils Flo lint i II r I cosine of Huh for tho liyli Uiool lur thoK r haul y r runt i I 1Irt acne I iiklith I I n it I h ttirait 1 1 < I I i trio eiimology j hur tin 1 hunt i It l > a unipuMlion t hlit 1 i < nn ZoU y tumor inllyrar 4 hur hrttnt I MCOiid half pram 4 h I i piuM I n i rn0euyear I lu tilts tstTmphp IIAT cot Aliiliri 4 houi nillhmilic 2 I hone low 1 Mk I in Second year I ngllsi it I n lull class let 1 jhouit chmology I word analysis i hours ihtloii j hours conipotitlmi i boo SdeiKi tIvll government seal lull year j T hour neology second half year 4 bourn lliaiuryGeMrallilslory < J hours MstlitniKllct Oeonielry 4 hour Musk jlutlr i hour Third year English i j English I classics 1 hours rhetoric s Noun grammar j hours composition i hour Sclenct Physics 3 mt hours attionimiy 4 hours I nor tientrtl history 3 hoursUnlltU rohl rl Sates lilsioiy i bouts Mathematics Hookkeeplugiccond half year j hour Miulc Music i hour A commercial department has been added Ihla year us well u a court In Ijtin German h geld uert AadMUy uadt Ttilf Imlltutloii was opened in 1878 The bulldinc Am erected wan soon found too limned loMcoinmotlue the Increasing uuend nie cools > eir and plea wen bald lor a large I and com modloua ilructurr but it 1 win not erKletl until i8y Hie new budding Un4t 01 But ijth blreelU isnj feet with wings on eithir tide each js 14u fMt b Hire ttorlei hlKh and pmeiiti an Ito J taeing appearance A Niw rrprocnlaiive nude a vlilt iu tin aetctany and wan ihowu through the various rooms and ilepanmei findinc cvcryihlni iu excellent order Th ltve are wide uaic tpaclotu and the rowiu light and H ell entllaled The appolntmoiu thruuKhoutair iiiuueltof cwivelllcnce cunilort and elhc enc > The cotton of lady hummi jjvra conltniplal Ihe I wins l taeatlult tar cmlrgo ur unlvvntiy u well u for the t praciutl duties of isle In addition to the pie I pantory and acailemic lounes ol uludy ihoiough inilrucilon I If Riven In mukU anil art An excellent liOrary In placed I ut the disposal of alurtcnu and the laboratories are slacked with chemical I and phllotophlcal I apparatus of Iho uioti fo r approved saline The faculty cralalsa l ol fourteen memo Un and the present allendanc U one hundred and tetenty file the greater part of whom are UK children ol non Catholic parint r olio Ing are the courses ol study PKiUAity LotiKHk 1 hird junior clam Spvluug reutliiig writing oral urithmo tic and shiest luon Seed Junior clout Spelling reading wrung nth stalk primal geogniuli kineuu ol gnmnur muniit onll > FII junior nu Gramin geography So aiding pelllog aelthnreuc a-iding Juniui preparatory class jrnmmnraiitlfmelli geography iNo li i map drawiiiit men lit arithmetic lourlh render speller Bible history und tatcchum YkalAA1uxv cramThird prc 1 pirutoi flu I IIIIIIIr drilhnr1 gogrnpiY No n ortngphv r nlli I Pr in u hi Itn nt an h I in bsLUUI prejj j iiory it t15hhl it a nl p I n il I il grammar to ijmUx RC It i i lied alnten history map lain I mi J nn i nie oftlob practical and in nt il jnlliTlcttc onhitRraptiy dicta I In hfih reader Ilibl history and cats chltin Frt + t prejioralyry cinrt Anatyt leal and practical I rl jiraminar onhograpn IIfmrtlC 11 iiial 1 aruiinulfc higher arithmetic i I ysh llogy physical geography Bihl toty nnd catechism Oio of the < owing language commenced Lalln i I i each or O > rm n I CAW4IO Cot tan Third senior iirNt > Mlont Rhelonc ommcnced luophy comm ncel I nnci nt hllory 1 I comminced slgebra I tJI1 lie red Uililo history Terryt mstrtctona i ivnioliiRy lancuaiCT Ser mid se + lee Krlttofie unlvrrtlty ilRrhii ancient liUtory and i phi phy 1 hnniiil lyimloxy UMt i I rr I I molt conllnu Pinys Infractions I long s Sfciiid senior Hrt aeMlon Rhe gromeirv chemistry com1 I I men mudatn lilstury commenced Ikiln mmenced bbl hl ioryPerry Innti is languages Second era tlon I neigh annlylt of prose and truer imetry mousers history them I Ulry I l i i nd Bible hUlory Perry In i I t I strum n Ian R tae g + Viral senior nmt I SIMI i I ogle gronetry reviewed Ixiln t i iligy liteentore church his trey tint France PerrysIrnlrnc Ilion I I-lion Inuapea 1 Second aaaanltgte I I KiKi t r n botany Illeralure liUtory I of I cl I iiil geology church history i I lrn 11 tionaJanRuage 1 Uradu i atniK d 11 heat MMlmi Atlronomy I mn1 1 1 n rani l phinxophy criticism of atnur I rl I iiiart grneral Illeratur lr chum i I i i rr Perry n PI ln trurllri Ian I gnat Sc id tesflon AMionomy botanical ntenmt 111111 tocal philosophy unalyi 111 n o4 sunilarl authors age i il rr v t i lr the Mil lies of the loun I nrn IIIMIID elocution composition compo-sition lmi I 1 1151 rn and OII botanical anali r laiikht thiough the whole e oUtl Mltliey Iadasi stdrt Th uxdrn Military Academy it situ clod I in I pn Ioniis I rrn the north pan of the cliv and it Intended as a school for boya mid yuuni men In addition to stuulii uliuh I are usually taught In Kramin ir 01 I high school an academic court 11 oil tell Ft und thorough i I Instruction Instruc-tion In in mual naming and military sic tics iiv11 flic Inhliiuiloii U I under mllao hclnlir I dull clng l I required one I our ur soy There are two sessions ses-sions 1 haul eh Jay after which the dull tiktt place between the hours nl foul nth i live end 1 then an hour is I set apart lui t recreition An evening vision vi-sion Is I held in which Instruction It i given In lalln German and bpanuh In connection con-nection with the courses ol study a special 1 course In musk It I offered Upon Inquiry I a Niwa representative learned that the character of the work done it I excellent advantages of the school of a superior order and the discipline commendable There are twenty ftve students now In attendance The teaching lore ft I as follows 8utrlnt nd nt Capt C L Howard Irof E I Hayes Irol G A Eaton anti Misses i I bhltll and I Davit I I > rrll rUI IKInrm rifliaol I The Teiritorlal Reform School Og den It tit only iforuulor Institution In Utah It 1 Is situated on a rise of ground overlooking the i Ity and within = railway r guy access to railway and street cars acul yet a sufficient distance rom the buiineaa 1 and retldenre pot Hunt of the city The tract occupied by the schnol comprises nly seven acres bounded on three plates by public avenues Mending I tiortn to Ogden river TWII I structures have been erected known at the new building and Ihe old 1 building Tiny I are Imposing In appearaiiceinbiUutiaUy I built and the Interior appointments are well arranged Hither pudding It I ample for lhe use for which u It Imgned and 1 our the ntalntenanc ° ol a much larger number ol Inmates for several years to tome There arc nt presuu at Inmates thirtyeight boys and sis 1 girls It is kainatl l thai the discipline in the load lullon U excellent hue 1 neon new kept entirely apart and every precaution taken lo maintain wholesome and tlllu earn lllunie over the inmates A cncular Issued by the board of control con-trol tlalea that the averng cost I wr year of maintaining each ol tin f irly two Inmates forth past toil tears It 30765 Of this amounl li IJOUK was I upended for food etc st59 for clothing i cloth-ing IJSa 85 for lalarle and ttg 73 tar general mainienanfe of tie mtiiiniioii I and grounds This amounts lo about eight four cents pier day for CULII Inmate In-mate The above turn would bo do created to sixty to timytiv cents per lbl when Ike number Increased to double the present number ncr at the iMMrd very appropriately title Ml It not the mere maintaining ul f the unfortunate un-fortunate at prisonut that the sate Mould consider but the returning ul leformetl children Into the communlt who will make moral and upright ui liens reA suggestion la I offered as to the I i qualifications of a persoi1 employed asa as-a tetcher In order lo achieve MICCIIS a practical 1 l 1 leather ldwll t u engaged who who in In full f sympathy with the work uf reel liming the young Inmates who have hy environment or unloilunate IAhlrone rl rn nc assorlatloni i entered a career that can end only in duitrace Upon inquii md 1 alto url obwrva thou durniK u visit it was tuccrialned That the management of then Institution under buptimunlcm Allison Is a success suc-cess and that his supervision his the indorsement uf the collie Loard 1 ol control 1 I |