Show I UTAH CREAMERIES A Cminllu of Dairymen Held Toy 1UU AOVltST OILUIAIIVllM IH OrjrealiilrMi II l III Immri hr tOt > Maletiinwi bit IrlfM SotU llelltr iiiHil of lulry IroJcli TlimimAll MUn laito I st the Dairy meui contention lield 1 1 lode In the Waaaleh bulldler tot wlilcli nil Save um of tko Uuii rMMi > I > mierer reaenled duly atlele1 lira lnaoeyo Ihla imuetlMil louuiry and Hit BMW 117 so vlforout f4 ft 11 OK tohoes lo lBOteMllM OUt Ut 1 BdVanO she otueumptlou a horn niieufactuied eheeM ane fculttr Tfru HMi en ttatoi hit I 20IMIO Iba of blejniargarlne li told inoutbiy lo Ihlt city stool li out Ih1 MIM I > In etle the cieimery turn 1 t tinet ar llonj midMlhli Is twe or trine tlm mom thai Hi whole Io Iu produotlon ol butler iniuufacturrd tijr all ol UUIl oreamerfei combined Ibo fluid fit inori uittnJvJ 1ltl oeeralloui li prolific of Hint Nulouly Ihlf but tte average ijunll lyof butler ruaduouUlde fau ereniuer IM In lhso ferrlloty I much Inferior 10 that I rjducvj l > y tIe arnmrrlM tkeiu Is l no 0041151 why Ilia lul nt eueouraic mint eheulil not In I gives to the Uun > luuiptloii of tbu creamery aitlole In view 1 uf the very alight dllTerenee In lh price ° li Ohio opleof Unh ° soil I Chalnnau lltrdy ooulj Mutti > nilhy refute ftoni Inoo milk that Ihe teparator lu lIon crtatmrlti III rowi out Ilivy would hover go look lo their Kraiidiuetherj rIsotto r Tho host tblug ailuled li at HID convention chills pointing if Mr Aaron JIIIiI of Mea lowvliw tern total cliilrmauanl II J F nit Jr of toebsb I teerelary pro tern Aaioiitt ibis icrsootwcr litlcoJ Mewri tloeti shod i I Union of Mount riMtanl ballot of Mralowvllle Aiilou Audeitou and I I L Hirmu uf Amtrlean Perk Mdli Joiie cl Ray Tills llietu place belns thu lucatluii il Iliu uiratnerle lr tHnled The O < de U liiitltutlon no I nut r t reeeutejbut nut word that II Km In lympalhy with the mot taunt Mmir I XV Oorkur and JM ChrMinrieeii retail sod whole cOle produce dealer roiiiecllvely were ali > Itosrul Hm chilrmin announced lint lIon ubjeotior the ooooeeriuooso were lot fleet a permanent ouaniitllon for Ilia cjui miu InlirrtU uf the Juttry dcl > tM ut > colt lo Dxuallolal rt on llr > tcl > H KI tol olimo mid bull > r md lu too I uioU llm mar tilvndud mtuuf iluro sItU ula lit dtlry I iifaduoti It wn slu the I I urpct of thou couTtulloa to uUgiulM tnoitlt uf ol iuiriiriu s butler MrOldJUuuniprHoJ MrmtlUi In Imily ocurJ wIll lIst oljtcli I cut forth Ooy Ills cliilrnun unJ Huxrln > UuUntil Jourrof IIouvItl ilnltd tint Ilia ntivlot too Urrltory iciulri < d Ibo IntollUiJut uoeIcroltoo uf suatlIos 01 IE > ni > tju hold SlIde W55 5 unllad tirmtiiiidloMUlliilif > lr Ilt i for iHillrf I wuuu IM luorl to howl the DiMtntilo KUIIIK run low il o tIcs I uj fur IlllU wa i ventjru oauti M bundrri iind < at lOse ftgloiln TOol < lutde lour 5000sls 01 bullrr lo tin hundred oostloveoupoo od they bad t rtal ne nut In tb > u Iwf ul > nra rent 5 pouu 4 to ka 01 < 01 lit uigroU Ibtt 5 iwriuininl oriiiulutlon Lt U > ild 0110 Mr Taylor of MHJOW < UW n lUMtvd hlniMlf In a linllur uuuuer mid Mr Clirillinicn Iba whulnilo iroduca dualot l ol IliU I city wan kin Ito I favor al Ilia > irK < ui I > ulli > u It 1 1 foot III I I burJ ba mid ti iill lullvr at M oruti wnoltiilr and Ucaiilt Was bl hut 111 loll tbu rclailer 4 oouli rollt lla wn fallowed by Mr I U 1aiktr urtinlUr who shOed limt bn d Id uol Urilia lo t lbs borIc 01 built r lowcteJ but llta slot boo lufafuruf 11m 11 MllliiK It Mt ware lho Itoh coot Hrcittary I aooo Id Hut thor builutu bid ilmuil IIMOIIIO un irullublc aud II Woo thou duty or thIs convtutlou tu find out thou lauic At this lost ItvijIiUtura thou y bud S010nlIhOOl > In K uO a uraiura tbrnuih In their liiltrxl but tba clouu that woo InltnJrd 1 ruhlblt > thu osle I sf f oiuonuriiarlnt In IbIs tiiaikM wai not illictlvaowlUK 10 the wart I fo 5 11 ° blTlll < troll intl out thu low I tlmtbr ouly rublbllad Ibu inaiiuftctuta of Iha arliolr Ibu fact that thl ttull was u < xluc d lot > lx emit 0 IMHI and Hut VUMH 110111111 of llw ieiod > uryiuoullia > bulterln Hii lotUs t iiyibowwl tOot ooui < iiiun they liau lu uimliiid wild 111 I 1101 unly tboal t IIII alio thou od that inch lull ouuu not bo lIt lor food lie hopoil Ibu ouanltJtloa wuuld ba ir fulu oll lo I reiutdy thU kiuouc OIlier ollA Btronft of American I ork itt filth that u in Ibo ilv IIJh bf boliiK allowtd to Oil all iiUtlni ouniraoli for butltr hi acreat lot wIIII bratly o oiwrallou I 00 Ills Ibu roianlllon rIle Archunsl l ColI K of Iug p 0501 luWII lIlt lyull IJlu Ibuab > uixi cf 1ruftMur hunbolli lu ulliiM Ibo oolitolillon mont 1111110 mode an luir I lloiad < liH > IrollluK thou hmir nu to bu doilvd from unh cruaulit lull ai W05 lorObOSeI hIm elosnstuo uf Ilia well In till builnwn would bu advuuotJ ll ° alo rdol f lu UIH utr I JUHMK tho oslo 01 oliomirailbo In otbfr Slobs oilJ oJIIlotlM slid IbouKht thou uni buuli bHlu tiKio Ito woiiilrrid wIlt olJUiirnarluu ooull bu nmJw of to L Id at U ivnli uiouu1 How much wMinik tl larl l or 1101 solo lorf lie coiii ruon U WM Ihviofoia wuy Oo sow tbsl toll lull out 1001 ba mt for too I Hi QII lou on too J by II Uu se000tfy0 > c ul4 le ialy aniBiiaul soil I II sbaold lot tIle Ibu liMknr did not coo how loony f mid OJalrol jirltia If Hie Orals vin lo be nlniloj lo cutildo I tcrntury ai tlmy would no loove to not I r I toalliorti uf com til lion tIlt II wm a iiuilor for llm too 101 LIIII docld rhurn ilioulJ bu unlfniiilty lu < uallly ai woll in III brOod1 jandaiiiitinauil I of luu rioUt ablnucu of ibIs uutitluu bmlalid thai oo eeconlolfiK butter WM mad ill Denmark Hit It aommnilr the hhflieU pile In llm Kngllib manhole Tile miller ol ceiling and breeJln sews wai tote taken up I nml In coo tluiho Mr ltullili hoped tins move two wOlviovllbecirrlel t a tuortieMtiil twoNoes Neetii lyalleld Pnail and Joun were tben appjlniej f aoHimlttea an leomsoblot oraiu xiilonaud eonilllu Ikiuand bylawoal tr uhleti I tile ooo veutlou auIJ urnultill I LTi pro |