Show SAVINGS BANK O 100 Main Street < tn t > lertiT emsahoos fons II au5k eoatisoaouisisetss1usmJflajmt i t iw of Utah Title Insurance Trust Co epllnl IIDUiUUU Cull laId K 1 tutu T lreulsWasi I W n Uut5oima v lllil 1 Ill UI acvj u4 p Beauty Purity Go hand in haml The arc line JUlineIA aSian f a-Sian of health and C happinc 3hm Health bcuute of pure blood lUpplneu because of clear akin Thouiand ol uwful lira tare been embittered by rli < trewing human Cvnaiu KkMitv vr he 1 the greatest of ski n pnriflen Ac wclTai blood puriflcn llccaow of lu xculir action OB the port It U I weceaifiil In preventing And conIng all form of skin Scalp mid Hood I humor When the bcit rljniciani fall tatiraly egcublc tale and palatable pala-table It eipecUJIy appeal motherand CdY children Hecame II acts to gently yet slIce timely Upon the tkln and blood u well utbe Jnr 1 kidney and HowcU lbs coo at all timei Immures a clear skIn and pure blood Ai weD u Cadkl bodily health ala heft PO eO Pedco blnis Las ee ale lek Pee Pou aPaec nLass zaJ Is Iusgul ilIoalsue I WIIor kIIt sil uS esihe makes pseuu5d hy LaIseee ksa Nervouc Inesed l elhw4 by 00111 en Slumbehsesas isis Pain I nndsomaetumsi nh ° Wkneu The Crewent IUiaurbt fit Coin inerclnl Htrt pull up tbu IwsI l nual In town s iss I nHWMV New and vleifintly rurnlihixl Honnw Mluatwl onebair lleok noitli of IlHItmiX Xi Isle Woat beheld i iMg ehliiueul uf CilloreU ewe Kttblai ore li Ine riceivd dally at C 11 110111 I 74 l Kait Uml I Houlh I NOTICE rpHK VVfAI iKKTlNH 01 TIIK i lKkliolleror b naluie Hurt i rtr will bi b4 1 III Campaar eaten Nu ill rt lrrtm rm Ui 4l f II lu m rnr in ur I or eleruet re Inn tor upnu IOID 4 fee Ihe inanriiun r sue i so rissle l of 0O x I egosynnsue Bill Uk > Lllr I lib April Tlh ri or Wu Know of NothIng that Can Com para with tho I Graefenfterg Pills As a FAMILY riLL Th yonenalo ihynhil but eiodlDly otrt THE 8m HEADACdE PILL ORAEFEBBERO An Infaiimio remedy for all FEMALE COMPLAINTS Price GO 1 por bottle GURUS WhAKNESS NERVOUSNESS and QENEHAL DEBILITY lhl roniirkajle preparation In thu only ro labIle remuily for ilia dlatreMlnK dieansios of womon Sold by DruggIsts Graltnberg Co Ill Cjambers SKT CATHOLICON iiefh 1 11 u Z i M I mut all wbolnilo desmessiis Graefenberg Co Ill Chambar St N V NEW AYAL PAPERS 1 IATIJST SIMlS tub nnE fin ti Inh M 1J I mI i C W miDGLlEV Vom NE3T t UANK = i Ro fo TloJfas r 20283032 E FIRST SOUTH ST SALT LAKE CITY GREAT CLEARANCE SALE MT H Tc Costo Cost MENS LADIES 4 SHOES a n CLOAKS CLOSING SPRING AND OUT WINTER THIS GOODS TO DEPT CLOSE OUT 4 ENTIRE 5 STOCK Positive Bargains AND 6 Shoes all at R emla9t5 t 3 VEST SMIKTING PRINTS PAIR 5c yard I1EST DRESS PRINTS 5c yard WE ARE BEST NAVY 1RWTI STILL SLAUGHTERING 5c yardS BEST DUCK tc WHITH PRINTS S ILKSn 5c yard AND DRESS HEAVY INDIGO IRirfTS GOODS lOc yard j < INCH INDIGO PRINTS Just Received New 12 c yard 31 INCH FINE SATKENS Spring Laces and Braids Ribbons 12 c yard and Trimmings Just Received Spring Veilings Embroidered B ARGAINS Embroid-ered Ginghams 4 ALF IN Zephyrs Satoons etc LADIES WAISTS BLACK SATRRN WAISTS 50c BARGAINS IN BOYS DARK PERCAI8 WAISTS WAISTS and KNEE PANTS 50c WAISTS 25o POLIA DOT WAISTS BOYS o 65c BOYS PANTS 255 NAVY CAMBRIC WAISTS BOYS WAISTS 3Co 75c BOYS PANTS 3Gc WHITE LAWN WAISTS BOYS WAISTS GOc 75c BOYS PANTS 50o RK f THOMAS i it I 1 I |