Show ehlIt31 ILIKil TO OrlKIIKIt 1ruil I ht < lcr float lu by rollrtiuiii lie Donald 1 flat I Ultruoun IMciniau McDaiulJ again dlillli gulihed himself areas aliernoon by ar rritlUK uilullca Justice Keller nl UK co 01 First South aua lat feuipln ireeli f llluii fur llm pilrol witou mil ixmvayiii Im irlioiir tu llm city ball who llm criteria a ol commit Ing I a nuiauce entire Wows wall I iiltu i against him ICnler waiionmwhal under llm In lIullru ul liquor though ha was abli tu inou about area Keep Marietta pretty straight anti its a result the nrreitlng ole wa warmly nored by the Iriendi ul tliH ex justice who aliened lhallm who bluiply Handing on the a lewalk l mild tlial Ihu ruuiilngln ail wall 1 altogether unntcenary On The other hn several ol Ibo member of the Killca force Oi olare that Keler hear leu making nuuumlllKalad nuiMiiie 01 hlm1 A ul late 1 aul thai Im I I mildly In freed ul a lesson that will Semen him that him loriuer connection will taro pollie department will not reveul fill uulihuieul I when a iniugieMur |